Chapter I Intro & Objectives - SPREP

Chapter I Intro & Objectives - SPREP

Chapter I Intro & Objectives - SPREP


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<strong>Chapter</strong> III. Background, 4. Marine Resources<br />

Draft 1 March 2007<br />

Steele (1965 and 1967) collected coastal sand samples from McKean, Nikumaroro (Gardner),<br />

Enderbury, Rawaki (Phoenix), and Birnie. A total of 13 samples were taken from the<br />

Phoenix Islands. Phoenix Islands samples averaged 80 isolates per gm. Saprophytic and<br />

facultative parasitic fungi were identified from samples (for species list see Steele 1965 and<br />

1967). The numbers of isolates from the Phoenix Islands was lower than that found in<br />

Hawaiian sand samples. The Nikumaroro (Gardner) samples had higher numbers of isolated<br />

compared with other Phoenix Islands. This was attributed to previous habitation of this<br />

island.<br />


In 2002, deepwater plankton were collected using a vertical tow net (Obura and Stone 2003).<br />

Sampling was conducted at Nikumaroro (2 sets), Manra, Abariringa (Kanton), and<br />

Enderbury. Depth of sampling was 500 to 1,000 m.<br />


Anon. 1985. Kiribati. Pp. 115-124 in "Report of the Third Pacific National Parks and<br />

Reserves Conference, Apia, Western Samoa. Vol. III. Country reviews.<br />

Anon. 2005. Preliminary findings: a snapshot of the condition of coral reefs in Fiji Islands,<br />

French Polynesia, Kiribati, New Caledonia, Tonga and Vanuatu from 2002-2004. SPC<br />

Fisheries Newsletter No. 112, January - March 2005. pp. 3-5.<br />

Arundel, J.T. 1890. The Phoenix Group and other islands of the Pacific. New Zealand<br />

Herald, Auckland: 5th and 12th July 1890, 12.7.1890 (Read before the Geographic Society of<br />

the Pacific. San Francisco. 3 March 1885. [cited unseen from Wiens 1962.]<br />

Balazs, G.H. 1975. Marine turtles in the Phoenix Islands. Atoll Research Bulletin No. 184.<br />

Baker, G.E. 1968. Fungi from the central Pacific region. Mycologia 60(1): 196-201.<br />

Banner, A.H., and D.M. Banner. 1964. Contributions to the knowledge of the alpheid<br />

shrimp of the Pacific Ocean. IX. Collection from the Phoenix and Line Islands. Pacific<br />

Science 18(1): 83-100.<br />

Bernardi, G., S.J. Holbrook, R.J. Schmitt, and N.L. Crane. 2003. Genetic evidence for two<br />

distinct clades in a French Polynesian population of the coral reef three-spot dameselfish<br />

Dascyllus trimaculatus. Marine Biology 143: 485-490.<br />

Bernardi, G., S.J. Holbrook, R.J. Schmitt, N.L. Crane, and E. Demartini. 2002. Species<br />

boundaries, populations and colour morphs in the coral reef three-spot damselfish (Dascyllus<br />

trimaclatus) species complex. Proceedings of the Royal Society, Part B: Biological Science<br />

269(1491): 599-605.<br />

Bleakley, C. (ed.). 1995. Marine region 14, South Pacific. Pages 13-53 in G. Kelleher, C.<br />

Bleakley, and S. Wells (eds.), A global representative system of marine protectd areas.<br />


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