Chapter I Intro & Objectives - SPREP

Chapter I Intro & Objectives - SPREP

Chapter I Intro & Objectives - SPREP


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<strong>Chapter</strong> III. Background, 4. Marine Resources<br />

Draft 1 March 2007<br />


In 2002, fish dive surveys were conducted in the Phoenix Islands (Obura and Stone 2003). In<br />

addition, and ROV and Dropcam were used to record species of fish. Abariringa, Birnie,<br />

Enderbury, Manra, Nikumaroro, Orona, and Rawaki were surveyed.<br />

Between 2000 and 2003, shark density had dropped significantly and were absent in many<br />

sites in Rawaki (Phoenix), Manra, Abariringa (Kanton), and Orona (Obura and Stone 2003).<br />

Randall et al (2003) described a new soldierfish, Myripristis earlei, from the Marquesas and<br />

Phoenix Islands. Specimens examined include fish from Abariringa (Canton), Enderbury,<br />

and Rawaki (Phoenix). It was speculated that the Phoenix Islands population was probably<br />

the result of downcurrent dispersal of larvae from the Marquesas.<br />

In 2006, Kerr and Wragg (2006) conducted large indicator fish abundance; abundance of key<br />

fish families, and coral health rapid assessment surveys on Manra, Rawaki, Enderbury,<br />

Birnie, McKean, Orona, and Nikumaroro.<br />

I. TURTLES<br />

Turtle were found in fair numbers in the Phoenix Islands (Foreign Office 1920).<br />

Dahl (1980) presented a matrix of marine biomes. The Phoenix Islands were lumped with the<br />

Line and Northern Cook Islands. Sea turtle nesting was identified as one marine biome in<br />

this group of islands.<br />

Integrated Marine Management Ltd. (1993) reported that the hawksbill turtle, Eretmochelys<br />

imbricate, and green turtle, Chelonia mydas, had been reported from most of the Phoenix<br />

Islands. They did not elaborate on which Phoenix Islands these turtles were found.<br />

In 2002, turtle surveys were conducted on Abariringa (Kanton), Birnie, Enderbury, Manra,<br />

Nikumaroro, Orona, and Rawaki (Obura and Stone 2003). Turtle mating was observed on<br />

three occasions. Results of these turtle surveys are presented in Table III-4.14 below.<br />

Table III-4.14. Number of turtles observed on dives and number of nests<br />

observed in 2002. (source: Obura and Stone 2003).<br />

island Turtles observed Nests observed<br />

green hawksbill old new<br />

Birnie 5 2 3<br />

Enderbury 7 160<br />

Abariringa (Kanton) 28 30 5<br />

Manra 10 1 2<br />

Nikumaroro 7 2 41 18<br />

Orona 6 1 8<br />

Rawaki (Phoenix) 3 1 6<br />


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