Chapter I Intro & Objectives - SPREP

Chapter I Intro & Objectives - SPREP

Chapter I Intro & Objectives - SPREP


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<strong>Chapter</strong> III. Background, 4. Marine Resources<br />

Draft 1 March 2007<br />

MCKEAN<br />

Dana (1975) collected coral species on McKean (see also Maragos and Jokiel 1978).<br />

Maragos and Jokiel (1978) noted that there was lower diversity of coral on McKean. This<br />

was probably due to the geographic isolation and limitations in amount and diversity of<br />

habitat. Sampling effort by Dana (1975) was about half that for Abariringa (Canton) (see<br />

Maragos and Jokiel 1978). This may have also contributed to the low numbers of coral<br />

species found on McKean.<br />

Dana (1979) examined the species number relationship in McKean reef building coral. A<br />

comparison was made of complex depth gradient and wave exposure gradients. A total of 49<br />

species in 21 genera of hermatypic scleractinian and 2 species of hermatypic hydrozoans<br />

were identified. The greatest numbers of species were on shallow terraces. Species numbers<br />

were reduced as the reef slope increased at about 18 m depth. Heterogeneity of coral<br />

assemblages was observed along both depth and exposure gradients. Wave and surge action<br />

was suggested as the principal organizing factor.<br />

Dana (1975) observed the following coral species on McKean outside of gradient survey<br />

areas.<br />

1) Pocillopora eydouxi 8) Leptoseris mycetoseroides<br />

2) Acropra cymbicyathus 9) Fungia (Pleuractis) scutaria Lamarck<br />

3) A. hyacinthus<br />

10) F. (Verrillofungia) concinna<br />

4) A. sp. cf. A. abrotanoides 11) Favites abdita<br />

5) Pavona minuta<br />

12) Lobophyllia costata<br />

6) P. clavus<br />

13) Turbinaria irregularis<br />

7) P. (Polyastra) sp.<br />

14) Millepora murrayi<br />

Dana (1979) reported the following species of coral for McKean as part of the gradient study.<br />

1) Pocillopora setchelli<br />

2) P. verrucosa<br />

3) P. elegans<br />

4) P. damicornis<br />

5) Acropora variablis<br />

6) A. humilis<br />

7) Montipora verrilli<br />

8) M. sp. cf.<br />

9) M. aequi-tuberculata<br />

10) M. granulata<br />

11) M. informis<br />

12) M. socialis<br />

13) M. venosa<br />

14) Pavona varians<br />

15) P. clivosa<br />

16) Psammocora nierstraszi<br />

17) Halomitra phillippinensis<br />

18) Parahalomi trarobusta<br />

19) Porites lobata<br />

20) P. solida<br />

21) P. lutea<br />

22) P. australiensis<br />

23) P. fragosa<br />

24) P. superfusa<br />

25) P. lichen<br />

26) P. (Synaraea) hawaiiensis<br />

27) Favia stelligera<br />

28) F. pallida<br />

29) Favites pentagona<br />

30) Plesiastrea versipora<br />

31) Platygyra daedalea<br />

32) Hydnophora rigida<br />

33) H . microconos<br />

34) Leptastrea purpurea<br />

35) L. transversa<br />

36) Cyphastrea microphthalrna<br />

37) Echinopra lamellosa<br />

38) Millepraplaty phylla<br />


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