Chapter I Intro & Objectives - SPREP

Chapter I Intro & Objectives - SPREP

Chapter I Intro & Objectives - SPREP


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<strong>Chapter</strong> III. Background, 3. Terrestrial Resources<br />

Draft 1 March 2007<br />

Pierce et al (2006) reported that two species of birds in the Phoenix Islands were listed in the<br />

2004 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (see www.iucnredlist.org).<br />

1) The Phoenix petrel, Pterodroma alba - endanged.<br />

2) White-throated storm-petrel, Nesofregetta albigularis - vulnerable.<br />


In 1861, as part of guano investigations, J.D. Hague provided notes on the sea birds of<br />

Abariringa (Canton) (Murphy et al 1954; Hague 1862).<br />

Lister was part of the surveying voyage of the H.M.S. Egeria (Murphy et al 1954). Lister<br />

(1891) noted the presences various bird species on Abariringa (Canton), Birnie, Manra<br />

(Sydney), McKean, Nikumaroro (Gardner), and Rawaki (Phoenix) (see Table III-3.16 above).<br />

Eighteen species of birds were identified from Abariringa (Canton) (Murphy et al 1954).<br />

In 1924, the Whitney South Sea Expedition completed a bird collection on Abariringa<br />

(Canton) (Murphy et al 1954). E.H. Bryan, Jr. was on this expedition and reported findings<br />

in a series of articles in the late 1930’s and early 1940’s.<br />

In 1937, several pairs of brown-winged tern, Sterna anaethetus anaethetus, were observed on<br />

Abariringa (Canton) by Bunddle (Child 1960). There were no signs of nesting.<br />

In 1937, G.A. Buddle, a New Zealand ornithologist, was part of the eclipse expedition to<br />

Abariringa (Canton) (Murphy et al 1954; Buddle 1938). Buddle (1939) reported that the<br />

birds of Abariringa (Canton) had been studied in 1889 and in 1937 (Buddle 1938 during the<br />

eclipse expedition; see also Bryan 1941 and 1942). There were few changes between 1889<br />

and 1937 (Buddle 1938 and 1939). Twenty species of birds were recorded in 1937 (Buddle<br />

1938). These included:<br />

1) Puffinus pacificus chlororhyncus<br />

2) Puffinus nativitatis<br />

11) Thalasseus hergii cristatus<br />

12) Sterna fuscata oahuensis<br />


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