Prepared Microscope Slides in Systematic Order - lieder.de

Prepared Microscope Slides in Systematic Order - lieder.de

Prepared Microscope Slides in Systematic Order - lieder.de


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<strong>Prepared</strong> <strong>Microscope</strong> <strong>Sli<strong>de</strong>s</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>Systematic</strong> <strong>Or<strong>de</strong>r</strong><br />


Protozoa page 49<br />

Rhizopoda (Sarcod<strong>in</strong>a) 49<br />

Flagellata (Mastigophora) 49<br />

Sporozoa 50<br />

Ciliata (Infusoria) 50<br />

Mesozoa 50<br />

Porifera – Sponges 50<br />

Coelenterata 51<br />

Plathelm<strong>in</strong>thes – Flatworms 51<br />

Turbellaria – Turbellarians 51<br />

Tremato<strong>de</strong>s – Flukes 51<br />

Cesto<strong>de</strong>s – Tapeworms 52<br />

Nemathelm<strong>in</strong>thes – Roundworms 52<br />

Acanthocephala 53<br />

Annelida – Annelids, Diverse 53<br />

Onychophora 54<br />

Rotatoria – Rotifers 54<br />

Bryozoa – Moss Animals 54<br />

Crustacea – Crustaceans 54<br />

Arachnida – Chelicerates 54<br />

Myriapoda – Myriapods 55<br />

Insecta – Insects 55<br />

Microscopic anatomy and histology 55<br />

Head and mouth parts, whole mounts 55<br />

Head and mouth parts, sections 55<br />

Antennae 55<br />

Legs 55<br />

W<strong>in</strong>gs 55<br />

Cytology 56<br />

Organs of metabolism 56<br />

Reproductive system 56<br />

Sense organs and nervous system 56<br />

Miscellaneous 56<br />

Whole mounts of entire <strong>in</strong>sects 56<br />

Apterygota 56<br />

Ephemeroi<strong>de</strong>a 56<br />

Diptera 56<br />

Aphaniptera 57<br />

Blattoi<strong>de</strong>a 57<br />

Hymenoptera 57<br />

Anoplura and Mallophaga 57<br />

Heteroptera 57<br />

Homoptera 57<br />

Diverse or<strong>de</strong>rs 57<br />

Mollusca – Mollusks 57<br />

Ech<strong>in</strong>o<strong>de</strong>rmata 58<br />

Enteropneusta 58<br />

Tunicata – Ascidians 58<br />

Acrania – Cephalochordates 58<br />

Pisces – Fishes 59<br />

Cyclostomata – Yawless fishes 59<br />

Selachii – Cartilag<strong>in</strong>ous fishes 59<br />

Teleostei – Bony fishes 59<br />

Amphibia – Amphibians 59<br />

Reptilia – Reptiles 60<br />

Aves – Birds 60<br />

Histology of Mammalia 61<br />

Cytology 61<br />

Epithelial tissues 61<br />

Connective and support<strong>in</strong>g tissues 61<br />

Muscle tissues 62<br />

Circulatory system 62<br />

Respiratory system 62<br />

Lymphatic system 62<br />

Endocr<strong>in</strong>e glands 62<br />

Digestive system 62<br />

Excretory system 63<br />

Reproductive system page 63<br />

Nervous system 63<br />

Organs of sense 64<br />

Integument (Sk<strong>in</strong>) 64<br />

General view of mammalian histology 65<br />

Normal Human Histology 65<br />

Epithelia and cytology 65<br />

Connective and support<strong>in</strong>g tissues 65<br />

Muscle tissues 65<br />

Circulatory system 65<br />

Respiratory system 65<br />

Lymphatic system 65<br />

Endocr<strong>in</strong>e glands 66<br />

Digestive system 66<br />

Excretory system 66<br />

Reproductive system 66<br />

Nervous system 66<br />

Organs of sense 67<br />

Integument (Sk<strong>in</strong>) 67<br />

Human Pathology 67<br />

Lung and trachea 67<br />

Blood, spleen and lymph system 67<br />

Heart and vessels 67<br />

Glands 67<br />

Intest<strong>in</strong>al tract 67<br />

Liver 67<br />

Kidney and ur<strong>in</strong>ary organs 67<br />

Reproductive organs 68<br />

Nervous system 68<br />

Sk<strong>in</strong>, locomotor system 68<br />

Embryology 68<br />

Embryology of the mussel (Bivalvia) 68<br />

Embryology of <strong>in</strong>secta 68<br />

Embryology of the sea-urch<strong>in</strong><br />

(Psammech<strong>in</strong>us miliaris) 68<br />

Embryology of the starfish<br />

(Asterias rubens) 69<br />

Embryology of the Amphioxus<br />

(Branchiostoma lanceolatum) 69<br />

Embryology of the frog (Rana) 69<br />

Embryology of the chicken (Gallus) 69<br />

Embryology of the mammalia<br />

(Pig, Sus scrofa) 70<br />

Bacteria 70<br />

Spherical bacteria, cocci 70<br />

Rod-shaped bacteria, non spore-form<strong>in</strong>g,<br />

gram-positive 70<br />

Rod-shaped bacteria, non spore-form<strong>in</strong>g,<br />

gram-negative 70<br />

Rod-shaped bacteria, spore-form<strong>in</strong>g (bacilli) 71<br />

Spiral bacteria and spirochaetes 71<br />

Miscellaneous groups 71<br />

Typical bacteria, composite sli<strong>de</strong>s 71<br />

Cytological sli<strong>de</strong>s, special sta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g 71<br />

Algae 71<br />

Cyanophyceae – Blue-green algae 71<br />

Diatomeae – Diatoms 72<br />

Conjugatae 72<br />

Chlorophyceae – Green algae 72<br />

Chrysophyceae – Gol<strong>de</strong>n algae 72<br />

Charophyceae – Stoneworts 72<br />

Phaeophyceae – Brown algae 72<br />

Rhodophyceae – Red algae 73<br />

Fungi 73<br />

Myxomycetes – Slime fungi 73<br />

Phycomycetes – Algalike fungi 73<br />

Ascomycetes – Sac fungi 73<br />

Basidiomycetes – Club fungi page 74<br />

Lichenes – Lichens 74<br />

Bryophyta – Mosses 74<br />

Hepaticae – Liverworts 74<br />

Musci – True Mosses 74<br />

Pteridophyta – Ferns and Fern Allies 75<br />

Psilotales – Psilopsids 75<br />

Lycopodiatae – Clubmosses 75<br />

Equisetatae – Horse-tails 75<br />

Filicatae – Ferns 75<br />

Gymnospermae – Gymnosperms 76<br />

Angiospermae – Angiosperms 77<br />

Cytology and tissues 77<br />

Cell nucleus, cell division, chromosomes 77<br />

Cell organelles 77<br />

Reserve and storage substances 77<br />

Crystals and metabolic products 77<br />

Meristematic tissues 77<br />

Support<strong>in</strong>g tissues 77<br />

Conduct<strong>in</strong>g tissues 77<br />

Epi<strong>de</strong>rmal tissues 78<br />

Special cells and tissues 78<br />

Roots 78<br />

Typical roots <strong>in</strong> comparison 78<br />

Root tips, root <strong>de</strong>velopment 78<br />

Typical monocot roots 78<br />

Typical dicot roots 78<br />

Adaptation to water: Hydrophytes and<br />

hygrophytes 78<br />

Adaptation to dry habitat: Xerophytes 78<br />

Adaptation to unusual mo<strong>de</strong>s of nutrition 78<br />

Stems 79<br />

Typical stems <strong>in</strong> comparison 79<br />

Typical monocot stems 79<br />

Typical dicot stems: Herbaceous plants 79<br />

Typical dicot stems: Shrubs and trees 79<br />

Stems of selected useful plants 79<br />

Adaptation to water: Hydrophytes and<br />

hygrophytes 80<br />

Adaptation to dry habitat: Xerophytes 80<br />

Adaptation to unusual mo<strong>de</strong>s of nutrition 80<br />

Petioles and miscellaneous 80<br />

Leaves 80<br />

Typical leaves <strong>in</strong> comparison 80<br />

Leaf epi<strong>de</strong>rmis and stomata 80<br />

Leaf hairs and emergences 81<br />

Typical monocot leaves 81<br />

Typical dicot leaves 81<br />

Adaptation to water: Hydrophytes and<br />

hygrophytes 81<br />

Adaptation to dry habitat: Xerophytes 81<br />

Adaptation to unusual mo<strong>de</strong>s of nutrition 81<br />

Leaf buds, leaf jo<strong>in</strong>ts, leaf abscission 81<br />

Flowers and Fruits 82<br />

Microspore <strong>de</strong>velopment <strong>in</strong> Lilium 82<br />

Pollen types 82<br />

Fertilization 82<br />

Megaspore <strong>de</strong>velopment <strong>in</strong> Lilium 82<br />

Ovaries, ovules and embryos (monocot) 82<br />

Ovaries, ovules and embryos (dicot) 82<br />

Flowers and floral diagrams (monocot) 82<br />

Flowers and floral diagrams (dicot) 83<br />

Simple fruits 83<br />

Aggregate fruits 83<br />

Seeds 83<br />

Ultrath<strong>in</strong> Sections 83

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