Landforms of British Columbia 1976 - Department of Geography

Landforms of British Columbia 1976 - Department of Geography

Landforms of British Columbia 1976 - Department of Geography


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XVIII. (33) Stikine Plateau, Klastline Plateau. Looking southward<br />

across the Klastline Plateau to Eddontenajon Lake------<br />

.-------------..--------------------------------------------------- Following 97<br />

XIXA. (34) Stikine Plateau, Tanzilla Plateau. Looking eastward across<br />

the Tanzilla Plateau past Snow Peak --..-..----. ------.Following 97<br />

XIXB. (35) Stikine Plateau. Looking southeast from Kinaskan Lake<br />

. ..-...- -- . . ..- --. Following 97<br />

XIXc. (36) Skeena Mountains and Spatsizi Plateau. Looking eastward<br />

over the north end <strong>of</strong> the Eaglenest Range to the<br />

Spatsizi Plateau north <strong>of</strong> Cold Fish Lake---,-------Follow~g 97<br />

XXA. (37) Skeena Mountains. Looking southwestward across the<br />

Skeena Mountains to the head <strong>of</strong> the Nass River -...---------<br />

---..-. Following<br />

XXB. (38) Nass Basin. Looking southwestward across the Nass Basin<br />

97<br />

toward Meziadin Lake .--- ---...--.~---- ---- --- -...---. -- ---- Following 97<br />

XXIA. (39) Nass Basin and Hazelton Mountains. Looking northeastward<br />

across the northern end <strong>of</strong> the Nass Ranges ...----------<br />

-----~-Following 97<br />

XXIB. (40) Hazelton Mountains, Tahtsa Ranges. Looking southward<br />

across the Tahtsa Ranges toward Nanika and Tahtsa<br />

Lakes .-..-- -------.---- ----- ----.~-----~- -.--- -----------.----------.Following 97<br />

XXII. (41) Rocky Mountain Trench. Looking south across the Rocky<br />

Mountain Trench at the junction <strong>of</strong> the Fraser and Torpy<br />

Rivers .....----------.---.-...- - . ..- ---- .-....- --- -... ~~---~~--..~~~~.Following 97<br />

XXIIIA. (42) Cassiar Mountains, Stikine Ranges. Looking south toward<br />

Simpson Peak in the Stikine Rages---,.---.----------Following 97<br />

XXIIIB. (43) Cassiar Mountains, Stikine Ranges. Looking northeastward<br />

across the Stikine River toward Glacial Mountain in<br />

the Three Sisters Range -- --... ------ -..-- --- -.-----..---.-. Following 97<br />

XXIVA. (44) Rocky Mountain Trench. Looking southeastward across<br />

the Rocky Mountain Trench toward the Rocky Mountams<br />

--- --.- ---- ----...--.-.-. -- -.-- ---~ --....- ---...----~~~---.----~. Following 97<br />

XXIVB. (45) Interior Plateau, Nechako Plateau. Looking northward<br />

across the Nechako Plateau to Owen Lake and Nadina<br />

Mountain .--- ~~ ------------------------- ~--------~---- --..----. -----w.Following 97<br />

XXV. (46) Interior Plateau, McGregor Plateau. Looking eastward<br />

over the drumlinized surface <strong>of</strong> the McGregor Plateau.----.<br />

------- --.. ---------- -.-------- ------- ----.--- --- --.-- --- ---.---.. - ---.- -.Following 97<br />

XXVIA. (47) Interior Plateau, Fraser Plateau. Looking northward<br />

across the Fraser Plateau to the Itcha Range.-. Following 97<br />

XXVIB. (48) Interior Plateau, Camelsfoot Range. Looking northeastward<br />

across the Camelsfoot Range to the valley <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Fraser River---.---- ..-- ---------- --.-..- ------------ -.-----. ------.Following 97<br />

XXVIIA. (49) Interior Plateau, Thompson Plateau. Looking northeastward<br />

up the Nicola River toward Nicola Lake .Following 97<br />

XXVIIB. (50) Interior Plateau, Quesnel Highland. Looking northwestward<br />

in the Quesnel Highland across QuesneI Lake to<br />

Mount Watt .-- -.-- - -.-- ----------- -..--.-- --- ---- -- --.. - ---. ---.--.Following 97<br />

XXVIIIA. (51) Interior Plateau, Shuswap Highland. L.ooking east over<br />

Trophy Mountain and across the Shuswap Highland to<br />

the Monashee Mountains- ---.---- ---- ----- ----.----..------.Following 97<br />


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