Introduction to: JTIDS/MIDS Link 16 - NICTA

Introduction to: JTIDS/MIDS Link 16 - NICTA

Introduction to: JTIDS/MIDS Link 16 - NICTA


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www.nicta.com.au/short_courses<br />

• 23-24 May 2011<br />

• Graham Priestnall, SyntheSys<br />

• Adelaide<br />

Course Description<br />

Although widely used for some time throughout<br />

the US and NATO, this TDL is still seen as the<br />

future for Air Defence Command and Control<br />

Operations for the foreseeable future. This user/<br />

opera<strong>to</strong>r orientated course covers the basics such<br />

as TDMA, Architecture and <strong>Link</strong> <strong>16</strong> messages as<br />

well as the more operational aspects such as<br />

employment methods and network management.<br />

Interoperability and Weapons Management are<br />

also covered.<br />

Target Audience<br />

<strong>Introduction</strong> <strong>to</strong>:<br />

<strong>JTIDS</strong>/<strong>MIDS</strong> <strong>Link</strong> <strong>16</strong><br />

• AU$1430 (includes GST)<br />

This course has been developed for military,<br />

government and defence industry representatives<br />

who are involved in the definition, operation,<br />

support, management and provision of <strong>Link</strong> <strong>16</strong><br />

systems. The course includes both an opera<strong>to</strong>r<br />

and engineering perspective <strong>to</strong> the establishment<br />

and management of effective <strong>Link</strong> <strong>16</strong> networks..<br />

Teaching Arrangements:<br />

The course will be conducted from 9.00 am <strong>to</strong> 5.00 pm.<br />

Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea will be provided.<br />

For further info please contact<br />

Anne-Marie Eliseo +61 8 8343 8710<br />

or email industryeducation@nicta.com.au<br />

Brief Course Outline<br />

• <strong>Introduction</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>JTIDS</strong>/<strong>MIDS</strong> <strong>Link</strong> <strong>16</strong>: Data <strong>Link</strong> Transmission Types; Comparison of other Data<br />

<strong>Link</strong>s; The Requirement.<br />

• <strong>JTIDS</strong>/<strong>MIDS</strong> Architecture: Time Division Multiple Access; Time Slots; Recurrence Rate; Time<br />

Slot Allocation.<br />

• Time Slot Structure: Time Slot Structure; <strong>JTIDS</strong> / <strong>MIDS</strong> Frequencies; Message Packing;<br />

Message Structure; Access Modes.<br />

• <strong>JTIDS</strong>/<strong>MIDS</strong> Networks: Nets and Networks; Network Participation Groups (NPGs); Network<br />

Structures; Demonstration of <strong>Link</strong> <strong>16</strong> Net.<br />

• Signal Processing: Encryption; Secure Data Unit; Error Correction; Cyclic Code Shift Keying;<br />

Continuous Phase Shift Modulation<br />

• Relay: Types of Relay; Relay Status.<br />

• Relative Navigation (RelNav): Geodetic and Relative Grid; Positional Quality; The RelNav;<br />

Process.<br />

• <strong>JTIDS</strong>/<strong>MIDS</strong> Hardware: Class 1 Terminal; Class 2 Terminals; <strong>MIDS</strong> Low Volume Terminal (LVT);<br />

Fighter Data <strong>Link</strong> (FDL); AN / URC-138; Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS).<br />

• <strong>JTIDS</strong>/<strong>MIDS</strong> Synchronisation: External Time Reference Network (ETRN) and System; Time<br />

Reference Network (STRN); Time Quality; Joining a Network; Active and Passive Synchronisation<br />

• <strong>JTIDS</strong>/<strong>MIDS</strong> Surveillance Data Exchange and Track Management: Data Environments and<br />

Elements; Data Exchange Functions; Data Management Pro<strong>to</strong>cols.<br />

• <strong>JTIDS</strong>/<strong>MIDS</strong> Interoperability: Levels of Interoperability; Advancing Interoperability; Multi-<strong>Link</strong><br />

Operations.<br />

• Weapons Management: Weapons Coordination and Management; Control; NPG Usage; C2/<br />

Non-C2 exchange; Uplink and Backlink; Receipt Compliance; Non-C2 use of the Surveillance<br />

picture.<br />

• Frequency Clearance Agreements: Time Slot Duty Fac<strong>to</strong>r; Electro Magnetic Compatibility;<br />

Contents of Agreements.<br />

• Network Design: Covers the 11 stages of producing a network; Time Slot Map Creation;<br />

Demonstration of <strong>Link</strong> <strong>16</strong> Network.<br />

• Network Management: Network Planning; Network Design; Pre-Mission Planning; Initialisation<br />

and Operations; Operational Network Management; Data Recording and Analysis.<br />

How <strong>to</strong> Register:<br />

* Register Online: www.nicta.com.au/short_courses<br />

* Register using the form on the back of this page<br />

from imagination <strong>to</strong> impact

About SyntheSys Systems Engineers<br />

Registration Form & Tax Invoice*<br />

ABN 62 102 206 173<br />

*Upon completion, this form will become a Tax Invoice.<br />

Title: Given Name: Family Name<br />

Position: Organization/Division:<br />

Postal Address: Postcode:<br />

Telephone № Mobile № Fax №<br />

Dietary preference: Email:<br />

Cheque Payable <strong>to</strong> National ICT Australia Ltd<br />

Please forward the cheque and this registration form <strong>to</strong>:<br />

Credit Card<br />

Visa<br />

Master Card<br />

Amex<br />

Electronic Funds Transfer<br />

www.nicta.com.au/short_courses<br />

SyntheSys is a specialist training and consultancy company working<br />

in the field of military tactical data links (TDLs). With over 20 years<br />

of TDL experience, SyntheSys provides independent, up <strong>to</strong> date and<br />

operationally relevant TDL training. SyntheSys consultants are either<br />

highly qualified systems engineers, or former military operational experts<br />

with many years of TDL experience. SyntheSys is recognised as a leader<br />

in the field of <strong>Link</strong> <strong>16</strong> training and consultancy both in the UK and<br />

Europe.<br />

How <strong>to</strong> register: • Fax this form <strong>to</strong> +61 8 8343 8711 or<br />

• Scan and email this form <strong>to</strong> industryeducation@nicta.com.au or<br />

• Online registration: www.nicta.com.au/short_courses<br />

<strong>Introduction</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>JTIDS</strong> / <strong>MIDS</strong> <strong>Link</strong> <strong>16</strong><br />

23-24 May 2011 Fee: AU$1430<br />

Technology Park Conference Centre, Inovation House, First Avenue, Mawson Lakes, SA<br />

Method of Payment (please tick below):<br />

Credit Card №<br />

Annette Van Bramer, <strong>NICTA</strong>,<br />

Innovation House, First Avenue,<br />

Mawson Lakes SA 5095, Australia.<br />

Cancellation Policy: At least 4 weeks notice is required for full reimbursement. If cancellation is later than 4 weeks then the place can either be transferred <strong>to</strong> another person or the<br />

registrant can be provided with a credit <strong>to</strong>wards other <strong>NICTA</strong> training.<br />

FAX the completed form <strong>to</strong> +61 8 8343 8711 or EMAIL it <strong>to</strong> industryeducation@nicta.com.au<br />

Privacy Clause: The information on this form is being collected by <strong>NICTA</strong> and will be added <strong>to</strong><br />

our contact database and will be used primarily <strong>to</strong> provide you with further information about<br />

<strong>NICTA</strong> events and services. All information is collected, used or disclosed subject <strong>to</strong> <strong>NICTA</strong>’s<br />

Privacy Policy which can be accessed at http://nicta.com.au/about/nicta_website/privacy.<br />

Please tick the box below if you do NOT wish <strong>to</strong> receive any further mailings from <strong>NICTA</strong>.<br />

Expiry Date Tick for receipt<br />

Name on Card<br />

Amount AU$ Signature<br />

Card holder email address<br />

Please advise by email <strong>to</strong> Annette Van Bramer<br />

annette.vanbramer@nicta.com.au when payment is made.<br />

I do not wish <strong>to</strong> receive any further mailings from <strong>NICTA</strong><br />

You can use the following options <strong>to</strong> access or remove your personal information from<br />

<strong>NICTA</strong>’s databases, make a complaint about a breach of privacy or if you have a query<br />

relating <strong>to</strong> <strong>NICTA</strong>’s privacy practices and policies:<br />

• Send an email <strong>to</strong> comments@nicta.com.au or<br />

• Phone <strong>NICTA</strong>’s Industry Education Manager on +61 8 8343 8710.<br />

□<br />

Bank: Commonwealth Bank of Australia<br />

Account Name: National ICT Australia Limited<br />

BSB: 062 900<br />

Account №: 1032 4576<br />

Course Ref. № 181010

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