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10 Saga-Book of the Viking Society we begin to suspect that this chapter of Stb reflects a source which had such characteristically literary interests. The second half of Stb ch. 284 deals with Hr6arr Tungugooi, the son of Uni and I>6runn: Sonr Una ok 1>6runnar var Hr6arr Tungugooi: hann t6k arf Lei06lfs allan ok var et mesta afarmenni. Hann atti d6ttur Hamundar, systur Gunnars fra Hlfoarenda; peira son var Hamundr enn haiti, er var enn mesti vigamaor. Tjorvi enn haosami ok Gunnarr varu (systur)synir Hr6ars. Tjorvi bao Astrioar manvitsbrekku M606lfsd6ttur, en brceor hennar, Ketill ok Hr6lfr, synjuou honum konunnar, en peir gafu hana Pori Ketilssyni. I>a dr6 Tjorvi likneski peira a kamarsvegg, ok hvert kveld, er peir Hr6arr gengu til kamars, pa hrekoi hann i andlit likneski 1>6ris, en kyssti hennar likneski, aor Hr6arr sk6f at. Eptir pat skar Tjorvi pau a knifsskepti sinu ok kvao petta: Ver hofum par sem Pori, pat vas sett via glettu, auoar unga bnioi aor a vegg of faoa. Nu hefk, rastakarns, ristna, reok mart vio Syn bjarta hauka skopts, a hepti Hlin olbcekis minu. Her af gerousk vig beira Hr6ars ok systursona hans. It is difficult to know exactly how much of this account was in Mb, but it is likely that at least the verse was in it, since Pb provides an alternative text for it, probably from Mb. The addition at the end of the corresponding chapter in Pb probably represents most of what was in Mb, as it is a summary of the events described in Stb ch. 284 (lslendingabok, Landnamabok 1968, 302-3): Her af geroisk fjandskapr peira meiri, ok vagu peir synir M606lfs, Ketill ok Hrolfr, ok Brandr fra Gmipum fQourbr6oir peira ok 1>6rir Ketilsson, er atti Astnoi, Hr6ar gooa ok Tjorva ok Kolbein. It is noteworthy that in Pb the three men killed are called Hr6arr gooi, Tjorvi and Kolbeinn. Kolbeinn was probably the correct name of Tjorvi's brother, and the Gunnarr of Stb a mistake arising from the mention of another Gunnarr a few lines earlier. Hr6arr Tungugooi is also mentioned in Stb ch. 325, here in his rightful geographical place, following a description of his grandfather Lei06lfr. There are no helpful additions to Pb at this point to show what Mb might have said. However, on reading Stb ch. 325, it is hard to escape the conclusion that only the first part of it properly belongs to a Ldn text in terms of content and style. The rest of the chapter reads like a summary of a much longer narrative. It is not easy to decide where the summary begins: Hr6arr and his children may properly be mentioned in a Ldn chapter about

Two Lost Sagas 11 Leioolfr and his descendants, but such information would also have been included in a saga about Hr6arr. However, with the preliminaries over, events follow helter-skelter: Lei06lfr kappi het rnaor: hann nam land fyrir austan Skapta til Drffandi ok bj6 at A fyrir austan Skapta ut fra Skal, en annat bu atti hann a Leioolfsstooum undir Lei06lfsfelli, ok var par pa mart byggoa. Lei06lfr var faoir Porunnar, m60ur Hr6ars Tungugooa. Hr6arr atti Arngunni Hamundardottur, systur Gunnars fra HlfOarenda. Peira born varu pau Harnundr haiti ok Ormhildr. Vebrandr bet son Hr6ars ok arnbattar. Hr6arr t6k 1'6runni bnin, d6ttur I'orgils 6r Hvammi I Mydal; Porfinnr het son peira, Hr6arr bj6 fyrst IAsum; sloan t6k hann Lomagmipslond af Eysteini, syni Porsteins tittlings ok Auoar Eyvindard6ttur, systur peira M636lfs ok Branda. Praslaug var d6ttir I'orsteins tittlings, er atti 1'6ror Freysgooi, Qnundr toskubak, freendi I'orsteinsbarna, skoraoi Hr6ari a h61m a Skaptafellspingi ok fell at f6tum Hr6ari. Porsteinn Upplendingr t6k 1'6runni bnin ok flutti utan, Hr6arr f6r ok utan, I'a drap hann I'rQst berserk a h61mi, er nauoga vildi eiga Sigrfai, konu hans, en peir Porsteinn settusk. M6061fssynir varu at vigi Hr6ars ok Porir magr peira, Brandi fra Grnipum ok Stein6lfr bui hans. Hamundr hefndi peira Hr6ars. This sequence of events is clearly connected with those related in ch. 284, as Hr6arr keeps getting entangled with people from the same family, first the sons of M606lfr, then his nephew. It is typical of lslendingasogur that the causes of and motivations for a feud are compounded until the tensions build up to such an extent that a major killing is unavoidable. The dispute with Eysteinn, a simple argument over land, probably set things in motion. The fact that Hr6arr killed a relative of Eysteinn, Qnundr toskubak, who was presumably dragged into the dispute because he was "frrendi Porsteinsbarna", must have increased the frustration of his opponents. Hr6arr's involvement in Tjorvi's affairs would then have given them a good excuse to kill him. In the meantime, however, Hr6arr travelled to Norway. It is not stated why he went. It could have been that he was exiled for the killing of Qnundr, but it was most likely his purpose to chase the I>orsteinn who had kidnapped I>6runn bnin, since it is said they were later reconciled. He also killed a berserkr who had been paying unwelcome court to a lady. This is an adventure typical of saga-heroes, especially when they are abroad in Norway, and it is common enough to be described as a literary motif. It may be noted that such duels often take place "a Upplondurn" (Liestel 1929, 154), and Hr6arr may have got involved in it while chasing Porsteinn Upplendingr. The lady herself, Signor. is a mystery, since we do not know whether Hr6arr married again and she is his wife, or whether she is the wife of someone else, whose name has been omitted in this extract. In either case, she does serve to indicate that this chapter is a summary

10 Saga-Book of the <strong>Viking</strong> <strong>Society</strong><br />

we begin to suspect that this chapter of Stb reflects a source which<br />

had such characteristically literary interests.<br />

The second half of Stb ch. 284 deals with Hr6arr Tungugooi,<br />

the son of Uni and I>6runn:<br />

Sonr Una ok 1>6runnar var Hr6arr Tungugooi: hann t6k arf Lei06lfs allan ok var<br />

et mesta afarmenni. Hann atti d6ttur Hamundar, systur Gunnars fra Hlfoarenda;<br />

peira son var Hamundr enn haiti, er var enn mesti vigamaor. Tjorvi enn haosami<br />

ok Gunnarr varu (systur)synir Hr6ars. Tjorvi bao Astrioar manvitsbrekku<br />

M606lfsd6ttur, en brceor hennar, Ketill ok Hr6lfr, synjuou honum konunnar,<br />

en peir gafu hana Pori Ketilssyni. I>a dr6 Tjorvi likneski peira a kamarsvegg, ok<br />

hvert kveld, er peir Hr6arr gengu til kamars, pa hrekoi hann i andlit likneski<br />

1>6ris, en kyssti hennar likneski, aor Hr6arr sk6f at. Eptir pat skar Tjorvi pau a<br />

knifsskepti sinu ok kvao petta:<br />

Ver hofum par sem Pori,<br />

pat vas sett via glettu,<br />

auoar unga bnioi<br />

aor a vegg of faoa.<br />

Nu hefk, rastakarns, ristna,<br />

reok mart vio Syn bjarta<br />

hauka skopts, a hepti<br />

Hlin olbcekis minu.<br />

Her af gerousk vig beira Hr6ars ok systursona hans.<br />

It is difficult to know exactly how much of this account was in Mb,<br />

but it is likely that at least the verse was in it, since Pb provides<br />

an alternative text for it, probably from Mb. The addition at the<br />

end of the corresponding chapter in Pb probably represents most<br />

of what was in Mb, as it is a summary of the events described in<br />

Stb ch. 284 (lslendingabok, Landnamabok 1968, 302-3):<br />

Her af geroisk fjandskapr peira meiri, ok vagu peir synir M606lfs, Ketill ok<br />

Hrolfr, ok Brandr fra Gmipum fQourbr6oir peira ok 1>6rir Ketilsson, er atti<br />

Astnoi, Hr6ar gooa ok Tjorva ok Kolbein.<br />

It is noteworthy that in Pb the three men killed are called Hr6arr<br />

gooi, Tjorvi and Kolbeinn. Kolbeinn was probably the correct<br />

name of Tjorvi's brother, and the Gunnarr of Stb a mistake arising<br />

from the mention of another Gunnarr a few lines earlier.<br />

Hr6arr Tungugooi is also mentioned in Stb ch. 325, here in his<br />

rightful geographical place, following a description of his grandfather<br />

Lei06lfr. There are no helpful additions to Pb at this point<br />

to show what Mb might have said. However, on reading Stb ch.<br />

325, it is hard to escape the conclusion that only the first part of it<br />

properly belongs to a Ldn text in terms of content and style. The<br />

rest of the chapter reads like a summary of a much longer narrative.<br />

It is not easy to decide where the summary begins: Hr6arr and his<br />

children may properly be mentioned in a Ldn chapter about

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