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Pritchard, James; From Shipwright To Naval Constructor - Iowa State ...

Pritchard, James; From Shipwright To Naval Constructor - Iowa State ...


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<strong>From</strong> <strong>Shipwright</strong> to <strong>Naval</strong> <strong>Constructor</strong>: The Professionalization of 18th-Century French <strong>Naval</strong><br />

Shipbuilders<br />

Author(s): <strong>James</strong> <strong>Pritchard</strong><br />

Source: Technology and Culture, Vol. 28, No. 1 (Jan., 1987), pp. 1-25<br />

Published by: The Johns Hopkins University Press on behalf of the Society for the History<br />

of Technology<br />

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<strong>From</strong> <strong>Shipwright</strong> to <strong>Naval</strong> <strong>Constructor</strong>:<br />

The Professionalization of 18th-Century<br />

French <strong>Naval</strong> Shipbuilders<br />

JAMES<br />


Eighteenth-century naval officers thought that French warships<br />

were the finest in the world. Perceptive observers remarked on their<br />

attributes as early as the War of the Spanish Succession, when inferior<br />

French forces proved almost impossible to intercept. At the end of the<br />

century, French warships continued to display innovations that revealed<br />

their builders to be still in the forefront of naval ship design and<br />

construction.' A British admiral's comment, written in 1745, bears<br />

repeating: "I have never seen or heard ... that one of our ships alone,<br />

singly opposed to one of the enemy's of equal force, has taken her,<br />

and I have been in almost every action and skirmish since the year<br />

1718...."2 A recent scholar goes so far as to claim that French warships<br />

were not only the best on the seas then, but "probably as good as any<br />

produced before the advent of steam."3 But the surest proof of the<br />

high quality of French ships lay in the British practice of sometimes<br />

converting prizes into flagships and designating particular vessels as<br />

models on drafts of English ships.4 The reasons for the superiority of<br />

18th-century French warships, however, have not been well treated.<br />

DR. PRITCHARD is associate professor in the Department of History at Queen's University.<br />

The research for the article was supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities<br />

Research Council of Canada, whose assistance the author gratefully acknowledges. He<br />

also thanks Mario Creet, George Richardson, John Sherwood, and three Technology and<br />

Culture referees for their criticism of earlier drafts.<br />

'Frederick Lane Robertson, The Evolution of <strong>Naval</strong> Armament (London, 1921), pp.<br />

40-41; Brian Lavery, The Ship of the Line, vol. 1, The Development of the Battlefleet, 1650-<br />

1850 (Annapolis, Md., 1983), pp. 84-85.<br />

2In Select <strong>Naval</strong> Documents, ed. H. W. Hodges and E. R. Hughes (Cambridge, 1936),<br />

p. 121; quoted in M. S. Anderson, Europe in the Eighteenth Century, 1713-1783 (London,<br />

1961), p. 148.<br />

3See J. B. Wolf, "Commentary," in Science, Technology and Warfare (Proceedings of the<br />

Third Military History Symposium, U. S. Air Force Academy, 1969), ed. M. D. Wright<br />

and L. J. Paszek (Washington, D.C., 1970), p. 39.<br />

4Christopher Lloyd, "Armed Forces and the Art of War," in The New Cambridge Modern<br />

History, vol. 8, The American and French Revolutions, 1763-1793, ed. A. Goodwin (Cam-<br />

C 1987 by the Society for the History of Technology. All rights reserved.<br />

0040-165X/87/2801-0002$01.00<br />


2 <strong>James</strong> <strong>Pritchard</strong><br />

First, historians have not generally acknowledged the highly subjec-<br />

tive nature of the notion of superiority, and, second, they have offered<br />

unsatisfactory explanations for the development of excellence in<br />

French-warship construction. Recently, Robert Gardiner attempted to<br />

dispel "the myth of French design superiority in the age of sail," but he<br />

concluded only "that different needs produce different designs."5 Gar-<br />

diner reminds us that warship qualities-speed, stability, lightness,<br />

durability, seaworthiness, and firepower-can be had only at the ex-<br />

pense of one another and that the superiority of any of these qualities<br />

lies in the eye of the beholder. While British seagoing naval officers<br />

generally praised French prizes, dockyard officials and the Navy Board<br />

usually criticized the ships for possessing different qualities.6<br />

The admired characteristics of French ships were speed and fire-<br />

power. A 1764 comparison of length-to-breadth and breadth-to-depth<br />

ratios of French and British ships having twenty-six to eighty guns<br />

reveals that, in every case, the former were larger and the latter smaller<br />

in French warships.7 French warships were generally faster, at least in<br />

light winds, and also probably less stable, particularly in heavy seas,<br />

than their British counterparts. But they also deployed greater firepower.<br />

Commodore Charles Knowles once complained that "our 70gun<br />

ships are little superior to their ships of 52 guns."8 Another British<br />

officer noted about 1745 that, whereas British sixty-, seventy-, and<br />

eighty-gun ships fired general discharges weighing 918, 1,044, and<br />

1,312 pounds, respectively, similar discharges from French sixty-fours<br />

and seventy-fours weighed 1,103 and 1,705 pounds.9 Twenty years<br />

later, a French comparison showed that the same British warships<br />

yielded weights of 878, 1,312, and 1,438 livres, while the same French<br />

warships fired discharges weighing 1,020 and 1,676 livres.10 Yet, even<br />

bridge, 1965), p. 186; <strong>James</strong> Henderson, The Frigates: An Account of the Lesser Warships of<br />

the Warsfrom 1793-1815 (London, 1970), p. 17. Henderson asserts that several classes of<br />

late-18th-century British frigates followed from French originals; Robertson (n. 1<br />

above), p. 44, claims that captured French battleships served as models for British<br />

eighty-four- and seventy-four-gun ships and ended construction of any more sixty- and<br />

seventy-gun ships.<br />

5Robert Gardiner, "Frigate Design in the 18th Century," Warship: A QuarterlyJournal of<br />

Warship History, no. 12 (1979): 275.<br />

6Ibid., no. 10 (1979): 85.<br />

7Archives Nationales, Archives de la Marine (hereinafter Marine), B5, 11, "Comparai-<br />

son des vaisseaux francais avec les vaisseaux anglois en dimentions principales, en<br />

artillerie et en equipage, en 1764."<br />

8Lavery (n. 1 above), 1:90.<br />

9Ibid.<br />

'?Marine, B5, 11, "Comparaison des vaisseaux ...." In contrast to the English pound<br />

weighing 454 grams the French livre weighs 489 grams.

The Professionalization of French <strong>Naval</strong> Shipbuilders<br />

though the whole question of superiority is highly subjective, we may<br />

still ask how French warships acquired the qualities so admired by<br />

contemporaries.<br />

Earlier positivist historians claimed that the superiority of French<br />

warships followed government initiatives to import technology and<br />

sponsor scientific research into shipbuilding problems during the latter<br />

part of the 17th century.1 But cause and effect were assumed. Just<br />

how these enterprises led to superior ship construction has never been<br />

made clear. Military and naval requirements<br />

in the 16th and 17th<br />

centuries demanded growing scientific awareness and technical ability<br />

among executive and administrative personnel in the armies and<br />

navies of European powers.'2 But there can be no assumption that the<br />

demand was met or that utilitarian concerns necessarily improved the<br />

application of science to war making and to the impedimenta of war.<br />

According to John U. Nef, war does not stimulate progress in the<br />

sciences or technology but rather retards it.13 William H. McNeill,<br />

however, claims quite the reverse; military demands on the British<br />

economy, especially for iron production, did much to shape later<br />

phases of the Industrial Revolution.14 But McNeill refers to technology,<br />

and, when science was applied to gunnery, navigation, and even to<br />

naval education, little improvement occurred.15 On the other hand, the<br />

French met with such success in the matter of ship design and warship<br />

construction that they can be said to have established the profession of<br />

naval architecture. How and why the French achieved such envied and<br />

often-imitated quality in their warships during the first half of the 18th<br />

century demands explanation.<br />

Several historians have emphasized the absence of connections be-<br />

"John Fincham, A History of <strong>Naval</strong> Architecture to which Is Prefixed an Introductory<br />

Dissertation on the Application of Mathematical Science to the Art of <strong>Naval</strong> Construction (London:<br />

Whittaker and Co., 1851), pp. vii-xxviii, provides a classic illustration.<br />

'2Frederick B. Artz, The Development of Technical Education in France, 1500-1850 (Cambridge,<br />

Mass., 1966), pp. 40-55, provides a useful introduction to the topic and to the<br />

early literature.<br />

'3J. U. Nef, Western Civilization since the Renaissance: Peace, War, Industry and the Arts<br />

(New York [1950] 1963), pp. 220-21.<br />

'4William H. McNeill, The Pursuit of Power: Technology, Armed Force, and Society since A.D.<br />

1000 (Chicago, 1982), pp. 211-12.<br />

'5A. R. Hall, Ballistics in the Seventeenth Century (Cambridge, 1952), pp. 158-59, concludes<br />

that, far from an example of early science being directed by utilitarian considerations,<br />

ballistics served only as a mirror reflecting much of the most advanced scientific<br />

thought; its application to the art of war awaited the engineering revolution. On naval<br />

education, see Roger Hahn, "L'Enseignement scientifique des gardes de la marine au<br />

XVIIIe siecle," in Enseignement et diffusion des sciences en France au XVIII' siecle, ed. Rene<br />

Taton (Paris, 1964), pp. 547-58.<br />


4 <strong>James</strong> <strong>Pritchard</strong><br />

tween science and technological change.'6 Others specifically concerned<br />

with the history of shipbuilding have identified nontechnical<br />

determinants as obstacles to technical progress. Richard Unger disputes<br />

the common opinion that shipwrights' lack of scientific knowledge<br />

was the primary cause of similarity between warships and cargo<br />

vessels before the 17th century. He shows clearly that differentiation<br />

existed throughout most of the Middle Ages and that it was international<br />

chaos at sea and increasing incidence of piracy in the 16th and<br />

early 17th centuries, rather than shipwrights' ignorance, that constrained<br />

specialization.'7 Two recent accounts of naval shipbuilding<br />

suggest, however, that superior French-warship construction was due<br />

to the early development of scientific education for naval constructors.<br />

But the authors employ an unsatisfactory, traditional, three-stage view<br />

of the technical development of naval architecture: first, shipwrights<br />

built with neither plans nor mathematical calculations; second, builders<br />

drew plans but, as yet, made no use of calculations; and, third,<br />

engineers both designed and computed on the basis of theoretical<br />

principles and mathematics.18 Such an interpretation<br />

both continues to<br />

assume that progress followed the application of science to war making<br />

and ignores the fact that superior construction occurred while ship-<br />

wrights remained in the first and second stages of development.<br />

This article rejects the standard view that French excellence and<br />

perceived superiority in naval shipbuilding during the 18th century<br />

were due to governmental efforts to import technology and foster the<br />

16See A. R. Hall, "Science, Technology and Warfare, 1400-1700" in Science, Technology<br />

and Warfare (n. 3 above), pp. 3-24. Also J. R. Hale's "Commentary," ibid., pp. 25-32,<br />

which supports Hall's argument; also T. S. Reynolds, "Scientific Influences on Technology:<br />

The Case of the Overshot Waterwheel, 1752-1754," Technology and Culture 20 (April<br />

1979): 270-95. For a strong statement on the connection between science and technology,<br />

see A. E. Musson and E. Robinson, Science and Technology in the Industrial Revolution<br />

(Manchester, 1969), esp. pp. 10-59.<br />

'7R. W. Unger, "Warships and Cargo Ships in Medieval Europe," Technology and<br />

Culture 22 (April 1981): 233-52. See also G. M. Walton, "Obstacles to Technical Diffusion<br />

in Ocean Shipping, 1675-1775," Explorations in Economic History 8 (Winter 1970/71):<br />

123-46; and F. C. Lane, "Progres technologiques et productivite dans les transports<br />

maritimes de la fin du Moyen-Age au debut des temps modernes," Revue historique, no.<br />

510 (1974), pp. 277-302. Both point to economic rather than international political<br />

factors.<br />

'8L. Denoix, "Charpentiers, constructeurs, ing6nieurs de vaisseaux," Academie de<br />

Marine, 1954-1955, 1: 5-18; and Paul Gille, "Les lcoles des constructeurs," in Le Navire<br />

et l'economie maritime du Moyen-Age au XVII' sicle, ed. M. Mollat (Paris, 1958), pp. 161-76.<br />

The article by Martine Acerra, "Les Constructeurs de la marine, XVIIe-XVIIIe siecles,"<br />

Revue historique 273 (1985): 283-304, appeared after this essay was accepted for publication<br />

and hints at something more than the traditional emphasis of scientific training on<br />

constructors in its conclusion.

The Professionalization of French <strong>Naval</strong> Shipbuilders<br />

application of theoretical inquiry into practical problems of ship de-<br />

sign. While acknowledging the importance of naval shipbuilders'<br />

education, it asks whether their improved training focused on something<br />

other than the development of mathematical treatments of<br />

mechanical problems and whether administrative and social changes<br />

affecting naval constructors themselves were not essential precursors<br />

to educational improvement. These changes-really processes best<br />

thought of as institutionalization and professionalization-appear to<br />

account more satisfactorily for the superior quality and innovation of<br />

French-warship construction during the early and middle parts of the<br />

18th century than does government-sponsored research or the mathematical<br />

treatment of ship design. Indeed, the formal establishment of a<br />

school of naval architecure and a corps of naval constructors in 1765<br />

arose less from a perceived need to train naval shipbuilders than from<br />

a need to acknowledge that they already existed in a new, special<br />

occupation requiring official recognition and enhanced social status.<br />

Their organization into a corps was the capstone of a process of<br />

professionalization that had been developing for at least half a century.<br />

The modern French navy was not clearly superior in the 1660s and<br />

1670s when Jean-Baptiste Colbert began his efforts to acquire highquality<br />

warships for his new navy.'9 The French did meet with a<br />

measure of success. In 1672, Charles II so admired Le Superbe during a<br />

visit to Portsmouth that he ordered Anthony Deane to build a ship as<br />

nearly like it as he could. The resulting seventy-gun warship, Harwich,<br />

proved to be the fastest vessel in the British fleet, and nine more sister<br />

ships were built.20 But such success owed much to luck; it by no means<br />

convinced Colbert of the superiority of French ship construction,<br />

knowledge of design, or building techniques. He continually urged his<br />

agents overseas to seek out, persuade, and even seduce talented foreign<br />

shipwrights to come and work in France.21<br />

Despite difficulties attracting workers, foreign influence on French<br />

practice was strong. It was on the basis of English tradition and example<br />

that Colbert ordered the length-to-breadth ratios of French<br />

warships increased.22 By the end of the 1670s, he knew that Deane,<br />

Charles II's chief naval shipbuilder, had developed a theory of shipbuilding.<br />

Deane is reputed to have been the first naval architect who<br />

'Charles de la Ronciere, Histoire de la marine francaise, 6 vols. (Paris, 1899-1932),<br />

5:373-79. A. Anthiaume, Le Navire, sa construction en France et principalement chez les<br />

Normands (Paris, 1922), pp. 225-50.<br />

20Sir Westcott Abell, The <strong>Shipwright</strong>'s Trade (Cambridge, 1948), p. 54.<br />

2'Pierre Clement, ed., Lettres, instructions et memoires de Colbert publies d'apres les ordres de<br />

l'empereur, 8 vols. (Paris, 1864), 3, 1:100, 133, 153.<br />

22La Ronciere, Histoire de la marinefrancaise (n. 19 above), 5:376-77.<br />


6 <strong>James</strong> <strong>Pritchard</strong><br />

could compute in advance the exact depth of water required to float a<br />

new vessel.23 Colbert urged Admiral Duquesne, his own grand maitre des<br />

constructions, to develop a similar theory for France, informing him that<br />

the matter was "the most important business of the navy."24 In brief, the<br />

acknowledged superiority of French-warship construction does not,<br />

despite successes, date from the period of Colbert's tenure as naval<br />

minister. Nevertheless, the professional foundations of the naval constructor<br />

do.<br />

<strong>From</strong> its inception, the Academie royale des sciences served two masters-science<br />

and the crown. Scientific inquiry quickly focused on<br />

problems indigenous to the navy, which, like the academy, was a<br />

product of the social and political forces generated during the 1660s.<br />

Roger Hahn has shown that Colbert very quickly employed members<br />

of the academy.25 In 1673, Father Ignace-Gaston Pardies, S.J., carried<br />

out highly theoretical work on the behavior of bodies moving in fluids<br />

with varying velocities.26 Colbert personally encouraged the discovery<br />

of "a theory on the subject of ship construction."27 <strong>From</strong> 1681 onward,<br />

conferences were held at Paris and in the dockyards in an attempt to<br />

place shipbuilding on a theoretical basis-but to no avail.28 At least one<br />

naval officer, Captain Bernard Renau d'Elissagaray, an engineer<br />

known for his design of the first bomb ketch, participated in these<br />

discussions and published the results of his efforts to discover the<br />

mechanical principles of ship handling.29 He also engaged Christian<br />

Huygens in a debate on Pardies's laws that drew in Jacques and Jean<br />

Bernoulli.30<br />

In 1697, the omnipresent Father Paul Hoste, S.J., published the<br />

results of his investigations into the relation between velocity and<br />

23G. P. B. Naish, "Ships and Shipbuilding," in A History of Technology, vol. 3, <strong>From</strong> the<br />

Renaissance to the Industrial Revolution c.1500-c.1750, ed. Charles Singer et al. (Oxford,<br />

1957), p. 488.<br />

24Clement, ed., Lettres de Colbert (n. 21 above), 3, 1:177ff.<br />

25Roger Hahn, The Anatomy of a Scientific Institution: The Paris Academy of Sciences,<br />

1663-1803 (Berkeley, 1971), pp. 68-69.<br />

26I.-G. Pardies, Statique, ou la science des forces mouvantes (Paris, 1673); also in Oeuvres<br />

completes, published at Lyon, 1696, 1709, and 1725.<br />

27Clement, ed., Lettres de Colbert (n. 21 above), 3, 1:125-26ff.<br />

28Rene Memain, La Marine de guerre sous Louis XIV, le materiel, Rochefort, arsenal modele de<br />

Colbert (Paris, 1937), pp. 641-731, contains the most detailed discussion of the French<br />

struggle and failure to draw a theory of naval construction out of practice.<br />

29See ibid., pp. 709-12; and B. Renau d'Elissagaray, De la Theorie de la manueuvre des<br />

vaisseaux (Paris, 1689).<br />

30La Ronciere, Histoire de la marinefrancaise (n. 19 above), 6:87-88. See A. Anthiaume,<br />

Le Navire, sa propulsion en France et principalement chez les Normands (Paris, 1924),<br />

pp. 170-73, for an analysis of Renau's work; also Fincham (n. 11 above), pp. xiii-xv.

The Professionalization of French <strong>Naval</strong> Shipbuilders<br />

resistance in fluids, the effect of form on resistance, stability, and<br />

stowage, the properties affecting pitching, and the best form of a ship's<br />

bow.3' Hoste's explanation of why ships do not capsize even though<br />

their center of gravity is above their center of hydrostatic thrust was<br />

wrong.32 But his work and that of his contemporaries amply demon-<br />

strate the strong presence of institution-sponsored scientific research<br />

and the government's desire to establish shipbuilding on a theoretical<br />

basis during the last quarter of the 17th century. Hoste's work also<br />

shows, however, that success did not reward their efforts.<br />

Moreover, any benefits achieved were enjoyed by academicians<br />

rather than by the navy. The needs of the French state and the French<br />

intellectual milieu contributed increasingly to the academicians' rapid<br />

rise to eminence. The mechanical principles of ship handling con-<br />

tinued to attract their attention. Discussions of Renau's errors gave rise<br />

to Jean Bernoulli's new theory of ship handling, which, too sophisti-<br />

cated for sailors and shipbuilders, resulted in yet another work, by<br />

Henri Pitot.33 By the 1730s, individual academicians rather than naval<br />

officers or shipbuilders provided the expert advice that the navy de-<br />

partment sought. "The distinguishing feature," according to Roger<br />

Hahn, "seems not to have been their particular position in the government<br />

hierarchy but their professional skills and the government's faith<br />

in their impartiality."34 Yet, mathematical description of the theoretical<br />

principles of la manceuvre, the disposition of sails, and the positioning of<br />

rudders made not the slightest contribution to the improvement of<br />

warships.<br />

The actual construction of warships continued to be carried out after<br />

age-old practices by shipwrights who received their training by apprenticeship<br />

and remained wedded to the ancient mystery of their craft.<br />

The introduction of foreign shipwrights into French arsenals and the<br />

recall of French carpenters from abroad in order to meet Colbert's new<br />

demands undoubtedly contributed a high degree of skill to the production<br />

of warships. Nevertheless, any argument in favor of the efficacious<br />

role of technological diffusion must remain modest. The introduction<br />

3'Paul Hoste, Theorie de la construction des vaisseaux, published with L'Art des armees<br />

navales ou traite des evolutions navales (Lyon, 1697).<br />

32Paul Gille, "Sea and River Transportation," in A History of Technology and Invention;<br />

Progress through the Ages, vol. 2, The First Stages of Mechanization, ed. Maurice Daumas (New<br />

York, 1969), p. 380.<br />

33Jean Bernoulli, Essai d'une nouvelle theorie de la manceuvre des vaisseaux avec quelques<br />

lettres sur le mesme sujet (Basle, 1714), which gave rise to Pitot's La Thtorie de la manueuvre des<br />

vaisseaux reduit en pratique ou les principes et les regles pour naviguer le plus avantageusement<br />

qu'il est possible (Paris, 1731). See Anthiaume (n. 30 above), pp. 174-77.<br />

34Hahn (n. 25 above), pp. 68-69.<br />


8 <strong>James</strong> <strong>Pritchard</strong><br />

of foreign techniques and technicians into new environments was only<br />

as effective as the receptiveness of the new locations, which, as Carlo<br />

Cipolla points out, depends on human and social considerations that<br />

are most difficult to determine. Moreover, Cipolla excludes 17thcentury<br />

France when emphasizing the relation between tolerance and<br />

receptiveness.35 Although foreign techniques were introduced into<br />

French arsenals from Malta, the Barbary Coast, Barcelona, Holland,<br />

and England, and by foreign craftsmen, ships' carpenters, anchor<br />

forgers, ropemakers, and even a salvage operator and his gear, the<br />

mere presence of technological transfer provides little explanation of<br />

later French success.<br />

On the other hand, the navy benefited from the lack of strong<br />

traditions of large-ship building in France and the introduction of<br />

foreigners from both northern and southern Europe. Possessing only<br />

local customs and practices, French shipwrights had no strong tradition<br />

of building large transoceanic vessels.36 Perhaps the chief endowment<br />

of foreign craftsmen was an appreciation for innovation that led<br />

to fruitful eclecticism. By contrast, the presence of strong craft traditions<br />

in English shipyards, as well as pressing demands for increased<br />

production, are important reasons adduced for the absence of innovation<br />

in British naval construction.37 Yet, while newly inspired French<br />

naval shipwrights were ideally situated to receive an impulse from a<br />

vigorous government-directed science, no such thing occurred.<br />

During the 1680s, schools of construction were established in the<br />

three major naval arsenals with the avowed purpose of teaching<br />

officers the rules of shipbuilding. But instructors appeared to devote<br />

themselves to debates over the proportions of ships and to theoretical<br />

inquiries into the movement of solids at sea.38 In 1684, the Marquis de<br />

Langeron was appointed inspecteur des constructions navales both to instruct<br />

shipwrights in the correct way to draft plans and profiles and in<br />

the rules for determining ship proportions and to receive new ideas on<br />

construction.39 The <strong>Naval</strong> Ordinance of 1689 established inspecteurs of<br />

35Carlo M. Cipolla, Before the Industrial Revolution: European Society and Economy, 1000-<br />

1700 (New York, 1976), pp. 174-81<br />

3La Ronciiere (n. 30 above), 5:373-75.<br />

37Abell (n. 20 above), p. 102; and Daniel A. Baugh, British <strong>Naval</strong>Administration in the Age<br />

of Walpole (Princeton, N.J., 1965), pp. 252-53. Alexander McKee, "The Influence of<br />

British <strong>Naval</strong> Strategy on Ship Design: 1400-1850," in A History of Seafaring Based on<br />

Underwater Archaeology, ed. George F. Bass (New York, 1972), p. 226, claims that "except<br />

for the Tudor period England lagged rather than led in ship design, first behind the<br />

Dutch and then behind the French."<br />

38Memain (n. 28 above), pp. 702-704.<br />

39Didier Neuville, Etat sommaire des archives de la marine anterieurs a la Revolution (Paris,<br />

1898; Kraus Reprint, 1977), pp. 579-80.

The Professionalization of French <strong>Naval</strong> Shipbuilders<br />

constructions on a more formal basis, but the end results were minimal.<br />

These officials verified and directed the training of shipwrights in the<br />

dockyards. But their duties included too much else for shipbuilders to<br />

receive much of their time. Their chief task seems to have been to<br />

clarify to young aspiring naval officers (gardes de la marine) what they<br />

were supposed to learn about warship construction from socially in-<br />

ferior shipwrights.40 Gardes can only have been dilettantes at best. Any<br />

instruction provided to, or absorbed by, gardes made no contribution to<br />

ship design or to construction. Unfortunately, most histories attribute<br />

material progress to the development of scientific education, assuming<br />

(after the Marquis de Condorcet) that teaching programs and curriculum<br />

development lead directly to improved technology.41 Such may be<br />

the case, but it needs demonstration. The path to improved construction<br />

was entirely different.<br />

Early in the 17th century, an effort was begun to obtain shipbuilders'<br />

secrets. Books like Father Fournier's Hydrographie (published in 1643),<br />

however, only printed recipes for tracing ship patterns.42 This work<br />

continued under Colbert. In 1677, Sieur Dassie published L'Architecture<br />

navale, but "there was not a single principle, deduced from<br />

science, employed to determine any of the conditions stated in that<br />

work."43 In 1702, however, there appeared Nicolas Aubin's Dictionnaire<br />

de la marine, which placed greater emphasis on definitions and<br />

descriptions.44 Aubin's work and even that of his predecessors represent<br />

the collective effort of many to pry loose shipwrights' skills and<br />

transform their secrets to rationally apprehensible knowledge. This<br />

effort to collect, organize, and rationalize current shipbuilding knowl-<br />

edge and to disseminate it via the printed page rather than by mathe-<br />

matical investigation of mechanical principles was a crucial first step<br />

toward improved ship construction and a more significant contribu-<br />

tion than the theoretical work of Father Hoste and his contemporaries.<br />

Hoste himself summed up his frustration after nearly twenty years of<br />

effort: "It is by luck that a good ship is built," he wrote, "for those who<br />

still make them are no better than those who build without knowing<br />

how to read or write."45<br />

40Memain (n. 28 above), p. 713; and Neuville, p. 395, n. 3.<br />

41E.g., Gille, "Les Ecoles des constructeurs" (n. 18 above), passim.<br />

42Ibid., p. 161.<br />

43Sr. [F.] Dassie, L'Architecture navale, contenant la maniere de construire les navires, galeres et<br />

chaloupes et la definition de plusieurs autres especes de vaisseau (Paris [1677] 1695); see<br />

Fincham (n. 11 above), pp. xi-xii.<br />

44Nicolas Aubin, Dictionnaire de la marine contenant les termes de la navigation et de<br />

l'architecture navale (Amsterdam, 1702); second and third editions appeared at Amsterdam<br />

in 1736 and The Hague in 1742, respectively.<br />

45Paul Hoste, "Introduction," Theorie de la construction des vaisseaux," quoted in Memain<br />


10 <strong>James</strong> <strong>Pritchard</strong><br />

A second important step followed in 1717, when master shipwrights<br />

began to climb the dockyard hierarchy. Designated mattres charpentiers<br />

in the 1689 naval ordinance, shipwrights originally held the same social<br />

status as petty officers, boatswains, and master caulkers and drillers.<br />

But soon after Louis XIV's death the <strong>Naval</strong> Council, seeking to encourage<br />

fils de famille (sons from respectable families) to enter the trade,<br />

ordered master shipwrights to be known henceforth as master constructors<br />

(mattres-constructeurs). The council also authorized the first<br />

shipwright in each of the three great arsenals to carry the title, "Chief<br />

of Construction and Repair," and to style himself as sieur, or "mister."46<br />

These administrative developments represented a conscious effort to<br />

place the most senior shipwrights in the service in the lowest ranks of<br />

polite society.<br />

The designation maitre harkened back to the earlier, subordinate<br />

social position of craftsman within the naval hierarchy, but the appellation<br />

constructeur foreshadowed the future professional. The double<br />

term illustrates a recognition by the shipwright's "betters" that something<br />

had altered: shipbuilders were no longer mere craftsmen. But, if<br />

naval shipwrights were no longer craftsmen, what were they? They<br />

were not engineers for engineers were already members in good<br />

standing in polite society. With more than 50 percent of their number<br />

in the nobility, there could be no doubt of their standing.47<br />

Moreover, engineers had never built ships and did not know how to.<br />

Colbert had appointed engineers for hydrographic surveys, chart<br />

making, maritime fortifications, hydraulic works, and building construction<br />

in the arsenals. The first naval engineers possessed no common<br />

or uniform title, nor did a corps of naval engineers exist.<br />

Ingenieurs-geographes and architectes ingenieurs coexisted with simple<br />

ingenieurs de la marine. The same person employed on hydrographic<br />

surveys might be found working on the construction of maritime<br />

fortifications. Some engineers had been army officers, teachers of<br />

hydrography, and even naval scriveners, and, in at least one instance, a<br />

former military engineer, Renau d'Elissagaray, obtained senior naval<br />

rank as capitaine de vaisseau.48 But, engineers had nothing to do with<br />

shipbuilding.<br />

Soon after the beginning of the 18th century, however, the naval<br />

shipwright no longer fitted traditional categories of ideological think-<br />

(n. 28 above), p. 731.<br />

46Neuville, Etat sommaire (n. 39 above), p. 396; Anthiaume (n. 19 above), p. 310.<br />

47Anne Blanchard, Les Ingenieurs du "Roy" de Louis XIV a Louis XVI (Montpellier, 1979),<br />

p. 237.<br />

48Neuville, Etat sommaire, pp. 390-92.

The Professionalization of French <strong>Naval</strong> Shipbuilders<br />

ing. The boundaries of his social status were becoming both fluid and<br />

distinct-the first stage of any occupation's route to professionalization.49<br />

The appellation constructeur recognized senior naval<br />

shipbuilders as more than skilled craftsmen and reflected the inability<br />

of a socially conservative naval department to accord the social recognition<br />

implied in the appellation ingenieur. The double term maitreconstructeur<br />

reflected the ambiguity between social inferiority and technical<br />

expertise.<br />

While we may puzzle over such carefully graded distinctions, the<br />

gradations were real. By 1727, following the death of each of the<br />

titleholders, Secretary of <strong>State</strong> for the Navy Comte de-Maurepas suppressed<br />

the title of chief of construction and repairs.50 Elevated status<br />

clearly remained more personal than occupational, and Maurepas had<br />

second thoughts about continuing the practice. No provisions for<br />

special education and training of master shipbuilders in the navy<br />

occurred during the next decade. But, early in the 1740s, Maurepas, by<br />

now a minister of state as well as secretary of state for the department,<br />

reversed his earlier position and went a step beyond the <strong>Naval</strong> Council<br />

to increase shipwrights' social status. In 1741, he suppressed the designation<br />

maitre and allowed the term constructeur to stand alone to<br />

denote occupation, rank, and elevated social position within the navy's<br />

hierarchy. The same year also saw the chief constructor at Brest become<br />

a chevalier of Saint Louis.51<br />

Maurepas's intention, like the <strong>Naval</strong> Council's a quarter of a century<br />

before, was quite explicit: "I have obtained distinguished titles for<br />

those who appeared the most worthy in order to excite the emulation<br />

of others and to engage young men of wit and talent to embrace this<br />

profession, so important and worthy of consideration. But as they<br />

might be pained to see themselves confused with ordinary masters, I<br />

have had them listed as constructors while suppressing the word,<br />

'master,' which in future will be omitted from their warrants."52 <strong>Naval</strong><br />

constructors were clearly employed doing something officially deemed<br />

suitable for members of polite society. In Maurepas's opinion, the most<br />

worthy shipbuilders had left the mysterious world of arts et metiers and<br />

entered the world of the professions. By 1740, naval shipwrights met<br />

several core criteria for their occupation to be described as a profession;<br />

the remainder followed during the next quarter-century. Profes-<br />

49Talcott Parsons, "Professions," International Encyclopedia of Social Sciences, ed. David<br />

L. Sills (New York, 1968), 12:536.<br />

50Neuville, Etat sommaire (n. 39 above), pp. 396-97; and Anthiaume (n. 19 above),<br />

p. 310.<br />

35Anthiaume (n. 19 above), p. 331.<br />

52Neuville, Ltat sommaire (n. 39 above), p. 397.<br />


12 <strong>James</strong> <strong>Pritchard</strong><br />

sional knowledge is cumulative, and junior grades of sous-constructeur<br />

and eleve-constructeur accompanied Maurepas's important reform. Formal<br />

technical training, however, still remained a matter of apprenticeship.<br />

No strong intellectual component, generally acknowledged to<br />

be a crucial criterion of professionalism, yet existed.3 Nevertheless,<br />

naval shipwrights were entering the world of the professions based on<br />

the application to daily life of organized, taught, rationally apprehended<br />

knowledge.54<br />

Coincidentally, the most important innovations in warship construc-<br />

tion during the 18th century appeared at about the same time. The<br />

first of the famous French seventy-fours had been laid down in 1719,<br />

but Le Terrible, the first to mount twenty-eight 36-pounders on her<br />

lower gun deck, appeared in 1737.55 Four years later, "the first modern<br />

frigate," La Medee, the first single-decked vessel to mount twenty-six<br />

guns of a single caliber (8-pounders), came off the ways at Brest.?6 And,<br />

in 1744, Le <strong>To</strong>nnant, the first eighty-gun ship to mount guns of a single<br />

heavy caliber on each of two continuous decks, was launched at<br />

<strong>To</strong>ulon.57 No direct causal relation is claimed between shipwrights'<br />

improved social status and innovative shipbuilding. For one thing, the<br />

latter had been going on for a long time. The French discontinued<br />

building their old fifth-rates, two-decked frigates having up to thirtysix<br />

guns, as early as 1695 and introduced new demi-batterie frigates of<br />

thirty to thirty-six guns early in the new century before finally developing<br />

La Medee.58 <strong>Naval</strong> shipbuilding was clearly no hit-or-miss affair or<br />

even a question of simply finding best practice among known recipes<br />

for tracing ship plans or routines for determining proportions and<br />

dimensions.<br />

During the second quarter of the 18th century, when major innova-<br />

tions in ship design appeared, French naval shipwrights began to<br />

escape the ambiguity of being viewed as both professional experts and<br />

social inferiors. Despite complaints that some were rude and unfit for<br />

polite society, the presence of shipwrights seated among senior naval<br />

officers at councils of construction in the dockyards-and their ability<br />

53A. M. Carr-Saunders and P. A. Wilson, "Professions," in Encyclopedia of the Social<br />

Sciences, ed. E. R. A. Seligman (New York [1933] 1967), 11:476.<br />

54Parsons, "Professions" (n. 49 above), 12:536.<br />

55Lavery (n. 1 above), 1:81.<br />

56Jean Boudriot, "L'Evolution de la fr6gate dans la marine francaise 1660-1850," in<br />

Five Hundred Years of Nautical Science 1400-1900, ed. Derek House (Greenwich: National<br />

Maritime Museum, 1981), pp. 231-33.<br />

57E. Taillemite, "The Golden Age," in The Great Age of Sail, ed. J. Jobe, trans. M. Kelly<br />

(New York, 1967), p. 149.<br />

58Boudriot, "Evolution," pp. 230-31.

The Professionalization of French <strong>Naval</strong> Shipbuilders<br />

to argue and win their case for innovative designs-testified to the<br />

social change.<br />

The conseils de construction probably deserve greater consideration in<br />

the process of professionalization of naval constructors than has<br />

hitherto been allowed. It had to be here that noble officers became<br />

aware that their social inferiors were doing something quite different<br />

from ordinary master craftsmen. Moreover, these councils, established<br />

by royal decree, were embedded in the institutional processes of a<br />

steadily expanding naval administration.<br />

The germ of the idea for conseils de construction, as much else, was<br />

planted in Colbert's correspondence, this time in letters dated 1670<br />

and 1671 and addressed to naval intendants at each arsenal. Colbert<br />

ordered that a council "on the actual situation [sur lefait] of constructions"<br />

be established in each dockyard. Its only members were to be<br />

"those naval officers and carpenters who have the most experience and<br />

who can best speak about it."59 A reglement of March 1671 established<br />

the councils on a permanent footing in each arsenal, thereby institu-<br />

tionalizing a system that forced members of two groups, normally at a<br />

great social distance, to deal with one another.60 Institutional arrangement<br />

and administrative procedure bridged a social abyss of such<br />

dimensions that it is inconceivable that professional connections could<br />

ever have been made without them.<br />

Not that relations among senior, aristocratic naval officers and naval<br />

constructors went smoothly. During the 1680s, the councils of construction<br />

competed for attention with newly established schools of<br />

construction, and registers of their deliberations contain little of a<br />

precise nature.61 Scientific inquiry appeared to dominate discussions,<br />

as witnessed by the appearance of Renau d'Elissagaray's book. The<br />

social distance between senior aristocratic officers and senior master<br />

shipwrights was enormous. As late at 1746, the behavior of constructors<br />

at Brest left Lieutenant-general des armees navales Duc d'Anville torn<br />

between praise and criticism. On the one hand, they alone of the men<br />

in charge did anything useful, but, on the other hand, they did as they<br />

pleased and listened to no one. They had nothing to do with the<br />

harbormaster, shifted workers from job to job without permission or<br />

informing anyone, and addressed even general-grade officers with<br />

impertinence. "The title of engineer," he complained, "turns their<br />

heads."62 Nor was innovation always appreciated. <strong>To</strong>ward the end of<br />

'"Clement, Lettres de Colbert (n. 21 above), 3: 300, 308, 309, n. 1.<br />

9"Anthiaume (n. 19 above), pp. 261-62.<br />

i'Memain (n. 28 above), p. 703.<br />

62Public Archives of Canada, M. G. 18, N. 11, "D'Anville Papers," no. 14, "observa-<br />

tions" (on preparations in the spring of 1746), f. 3.<br />


14 <strong>James</strong> <strong>Pritchard</strong><br />

the Seven Years' War, Chefd'escadre Maximin de Bompar displayed "a<br />

violent prejudice" against the design of the newly proposed Le Languedoc<br />

of eighty guns. Bompar insisted that the prime characteristic of<br />

any flagship was strength to protect its squadron rather than speed. In<br />

comparison to Le Foudroyant, laid down fourteen years before, the new<br />

ship, though of the same class, was 8 feet longer at the keel and 2 feet<br />

broader amidships. Whereas, in the past, first-rates, mounting 100-<br />

116 guns, possessed keel-lengths of no more than 176 feet, Le Languedoc's<br />

builder proposed one of 180 feet.63<br />

Innovations also upset conservative elements among naval administrative<br />

officers. Some did not understand what was happening. They<br />

viewed changes from the terms and clauses of 1689 with apprehension<br />

and sometimes interpreted constructors' innovations as insubordination.<br />

The intendant at Rochefort during the early 1750s, Sebastien<br />

Lenormant de Mezy, mirrored such fears and attitudes. In his opinion,<br />

the search for speed led builders to give warships the proportions and<br />

characteristics of frigates. Ships of the line, he claimed, were losing<br />

their tightness and their ability to carry heavy ordnance and large sail<br />

areas, and their keels displayed a tendency to hog or arch. Height of<br />

lower gun decks above the waterline and heaviness of scantlings were<br />

sacrificed to speed and grace. New ships could not carry their lower<br />

batteries on second and third voyages; they had to be constantly rebuilt<br />

in order to last. By seeking to increase firepower, constructors lost for<br />

new frigates their qualities of fineness, lightness, and speed, and they<br />

assumed the characteristics of ships of the line.64 Similar complaints<br />

came from the intendant of <strong>To</strong>ulon. Charles-Marin Hurson criticized<br />

constructors who ignored the experience of seagoing officers by charging<br />

that they paid too much attention to their own preoccupation with<br />

"gracefulness and speed, without insisting enough on robustness and<br />

ease of different manoeuvres which they know only by theory."65<br />

Nevertheless, because naval constructors and senior administrators<br />

and naval officers met in the arsenals and clashed in councils of construction,<br />

they gained an appreciation of each other and of the benefits<br />

to be obtained from professionalization, and thereby the former began<br />

to move into the fringes of polite, educated society to the relatively new<br />

position of engineer. These social and administrative developments,<br />

rather than the theoretical inquiries of academicians, were crucial<br />

63<strong>To</strong>ulon, Archives de la Marine (hereafter <strong>To</strong>ulon), Serie 1A', 214, ff. 29-9', 48<br />

Comm" Gen' Dasque to Duc de Choiseul, March 28 and May 2, 1762.<br />

6Bibliotheque nationale, n.a.f., no. 126, "Memoire sur le service, et l'administration du<br />

Port, et arcenal de la marine a Rochefort," pp. 132-35.<br />

65<strong>To</strong>ulon, S6rie 1A', 214, Hurson to Choiseul, March 28, 1762.

The Professionalization of French <strong>Naval</strong> Shipbuilders<br />

prerequisites for any contact between science and ship design. In brief,<br />

scientists did not become shipbuilders; shipbuilders became engineers.<br />

<strong>To</strong> say this is not to suggest that a direct application of science to<br />

technology occurred but rather that only after the appearance of<br />

nontechnical developments of an institutional and social nature could<br />

science have any impact at all-even indirectly, through<br />

the establish-<br />

ment of schools in which the principles of basic science were taught.<br />

Academician Henri-Louis Duhamel du Monceau's work became<br />

particularly significant in the new environment. During the 1730s, he<br />

had inquired into several topics at Maurepas's direction: the causes and<br />

means of preventing dry rot in ships, the quality and utilization of<br />

steamers to curve wooden timbers employed in frames, the preservation<br />

of ships' masts, the manufacture of rope, and the conservation of<br />

water at sea. His inquiries led him to England and to Holland as well as<br />

to French arsenals and the dockyards of the India Company at Lorient.<br />

He observed and also gave demonstrations to persuade shipbuilders to<br />

adopt more rational construction procedures.9 But Duhamel's inspec-<br />

tions also revealed the extent of the lack of training among the navy's<br />

builders. The Duc d'Anville's complaint about Blaise Olivier, the chief<br />

constructor at Brest, was probably true: "he does everything in his<br />

head, [and] has much talent, it is true, but [he] doesn't want to listen to<br />

any representation from anyone." He added, "his seconds are quite<br />

incompetent in their craft and very impudent...."67<br />

Unlike other academicians, Duhamel did not investigate the me-<br />

chanical principles of ship handling or seek to develop a theoretical<br />

description of shipbuilding. Instead, he recommended to Maurepas<br />

the establishment of a petit ecole, or elementary school. The first was set<br />

up at <strong>To</strong>ulon in 1741, and a second quickly followed at Paris, where<br />

Duhamel taught specially selected apprentice shipwrights the elements<br />

of mathematics, physics, and design and introduced them to a general<br />

mathematical culture. The chief constructors of the three major naval<br />

dockyards during the 1750s were all former students.68<br />

Although the search for the mechanical principles of la manceuvre<br />

had been under way since the mid-1670s, the results remained quite<br />

limited. Yet several important theoretical discoveries in ship design<br />

rapidly appeared after Pierre Bouguer's Traite de la mature des vaisseaux<br />

"Michel Allard, Henri-Louis Duhamel du Monceau et le ministere de la marine (Montreal,<br />

1970), pp. 34-48. For a more extended appreciation of Duhamel's multi-faceted career<br />

see also C. C. Gillispie, Science and Polity in France at the End of the Old Regime (Princeton,<br />

N.J., 1980), pp. 339-48.<br />

67See note 62 above.<br />

68Neuville, Etat sommaire (n. 39 above), p. 398.<br />


16 <strong>James</strong> <strong>Pritchard</strong><br />

in 1727.69 Interest in hydrostatics-the science of fluid equilibriumand<br />

hydraulics-the science of fluid motion-continued to attract<br />

some of the greatest minds of the era. Jean and Daniel Bernoulli's<br />

Hydrodynamica appeared in 1738, and their Hydraulics four years later.<br />

D'Alembert published his Traite de l'equilibre et du mouvement desfluides<br />

in 1744 and followed it eight years later with Essai d'une nouvelle theorie<br />

de la resistance desfluides. Leonhard Euler's Scientia navalis appeared in<br />

1749. Most important of all, in 1746, Bouguer published his Traite du<br />

navire, de sa construction et des ses mouvements, which presented an accurate<br />

method for calculating displacement, and announced his discovery<br />

of the metacenter of ships-that point in space whose position in a<br />

ship relative to its center of gravity governs its stability.70 Still, the<br />

presence of all this mathematical knowledge cannot explain the success<br />

of French application.<br />

Duhamel considered Bouguer's work and that of Euler, who published<br />

in Latin, to be far beyond the capacity of his students to absorb.<br />

Indeed, he referred to these authors as "transcendent geometers"<br />

engaged in "sublime speculations."71 In keeping with his program,<br />

Duhamel collected ship models from the ports and, in 1748, housed<br />

them with his school in the Louvre. Six years later, he published his first<br />

textbook, Elements d'architecture navale, ou traite pratique de la construction<br />

des vaisseaux. The Elements is the first training manual for aspiring naval<br />

constructors ever produced. It is quite different from the numerous<br />

theoretical investigations into hydrodynamics and hydrostatics that<br />

had appeared during the previous three-quarters of a century. Indeed,<br />

as much as possible, Duhamel avoided recourse to mathematical principles<br />

chiefly because Bouguer and Euler had treated the theoretical<br />

part of naval architecture so elegantly and completely that there was no<br />

immediate need to follow up their work but also because he sought to<br />

make his textbook useful to his students.72 Duhamel relied instead on<br />

the organization of basic concepts and stressed respect for rational<br />

inquiry into limits of everyday building techniques. He sought to<br />

replace routine with best practice. He seemed to reject the Cartesian<br />

dream that improved shipbuilding could be developed by "applying"<br />

science.<br />

69See Roland Lamontagne, La Vie et l'aeuvre de Pierre Bouguer (Montreal, 1962); also by<br />

the same author, L'Atlantiquejusqu'au temps deMaurepas (Montreal, 1968), pp. 95-126 for<br />

an extract from Bouguer's Traite du navire.<br />

70Rene Taton, ed., The Beginnings of Modern Science from 1450 to 1800, trans. A. J.<br />

Pomerans (New York [1958] 1964), pp. 429-33.<br />

7'Henri-Louis Duhamel du Monceau, Elements d'architecture navale, ou traite pratique de<br />

la construction des vaisseaux ([Paris, 1754]; 2d ed., Paris, 1758; [reprint Grenoble, 19701),<br />

p. vi.<br />


The Professionalization of French <strong>Naval</strong> Shipbuilders<br />

Traditional views of the history of engineering, like the ones presented<br />

earlier in this article, emphasize that only after mechanics and<br />

inventors abandoned habitual practices and trial and error in favor of<br />

searching for theoretical principles and employing mathematical calculations<br />

can they be said to be engineers. Eighteenth-century nonen-<br />

gineers are said to operate "much as the artisans of the Middle Ages, by<br />

trial and error." These are the words of <strong>James</strong> B. Conant, who finds<br />

this reprehensible because such people often possessed "the possibility<br />

of applying theoretical principles and using mathematical calculations."<br />

Instead, they were mere "tinkerers."73 Recently, historians of<br />

technology have dispelled the myth of the "tinkerer" and drawn attention<br />

to the theoretical knowledge and widespread scientific attitudes<br />

among many skilled craftsmen and brilliant artisans of the 18th<br />

century.74 Yet the older view persists, while the notion of applied<br />

science often remains distressingly vague.75<br />

The central idea in the notion of applied science is that the trial-anderror<br />

process is clear and distinct from applying theoretical principles<br />

and mathematical calculations and that the former is abandoned after<br />

the adoption of the latter. While historians acknowledge that no direct<br />

application of science to technology occurred during the 18th century,<br />

they claim that science was used to describe industry theoretically.76 But<br />

classical mechanics moved physics beyond description, eschewed experiment,<br />

and increasingly relied wholly on mathematics.77 Classical<br />

mechanics theory had less and less to do with the everyday world of<br />

ordinary experience-the world that the shipbuilder, or any engineer<br />

for that matter, can never leave. At least one participant in the current<br />

debate about the relation of science to engineering, Michael Fores,<br />

claims that engineers do something other than "apply" science to the<br />

production of goods for daily use; they never abandon trial and error<br />

73<strong>James</strong> B. Conant, Science and Common Sense (New Haven, Conn. [1954] 1964), p. 61.<br />

74See David S. Landes, The Unbound Prometheus: Technological Change and Industrial<br />

Development in Western Europefrom 1750 to the Present (Cambridge, 1969), pp. 61-63; and<br />

Peter Mathias, The First Industrial Nation: An Economic History of Britain 1700-1914 (New<br />

York, 1969), pp. 137-38.<br />

75E.g., J. W. Doerffer, "Impact of the Application of Iron and Steel as a Structural<br />

Material upon the Development of Science and Technology in Shipbuilding in the XIX<br />

Century," in House, ed., Five Hundred Years (n. 56 above), pp. 322-23; also C. S. Gillmor,<br />

Coulomb and the Evolution of Physics and Engineering in Eighteenth-Century France (Princeton,<br />

N.J., 1971), p. 9.<br />

76E.g., C. C. Gillispie, "The Natural History of Industry," in Science, Technology and<br />

Economic Growth in the Eighteenth Century, ed. A. E. Musson (London, 1972), pp. 6, 8,<br />

127-29.<br />

77C. C. Gillispie, The Edge of Objectivity, an Essay in the History of Scientific Ideas (Princeton,<br />

N.J., 1960), p. 54; and Thomas L. Hankins,Jean d'Alembert: Science and the Enlightenment<br />

(Oxford, 1970), pp. 6, 8.<br />


18 <strong>James</strong> <strong>Pritchard</strong><br />

even though they may apply principles and use mathematics.78 Because<br />

Duhamel, in seeking best practice, seems to have captured a similar<br />

notion, it is worth elaborating on his ideas.<br />

Introducing his students to the profession of naval architecture,<br />

Duhamel, like countless engineers after him, pointed to the constraints<br />

of the material and economic world. Necessary requirements must be<br />

kept in mind-to find the shape of a ship's bottom, the height of the<br />

primary gun deck above water, and the ship's speed, steering, sail<br />

carrying, drift, and handling-all impose constraints. The "transcendent<br />

geometers" treated some of these conditions. Some sought the<br />

best curve to divide a fluid, but, though quite elegant, their methods<br />

produced shapes that cannot be applied to ships because they fit only a<br />

single condition. Others treated drift, but, since they supposed, in<br />

order to facilitate the solution, shapes that ships do not have, the<br />

exercise brought few benefits. Simple geometry, Duhamel wrote, is<br />

insufficient to resolve these problems with exactitude, and a "transcendent<br />

geometer" will do nothing useful if he is not a sailor. <strong>Constructor</strong>s,<br />

he concluded, have to abandon this route for the most part and confine<br />

themselves to observation and experiment.79<br />

Is this abandoning science? The short answer is, no. But as Duhamel<br />

proceeds, he describes a mode of conduct that is less than applying<br />

science and more in keeping with what engineers do. Observation and<br />

experiment must supplement the way of the geometer, but this path<br />

has as many difficulties. If a major defect is observed in a new ship, for<br />

example, it is difficult to know whether it comes from stowage. And, if<br />

not from stowage, it is difficult to learn the source of the defect. If ships<br />

were not so costly, one could multiply tests and try out shapes, but<br />

Duhamel adds that these approaches are impossible. One must be<br />

content with the ships at hand. Engineers work in a world of economic<br />

constraints.<br />

<strong>Constructor</strong>s have been both timid in their attempts and forced to be<br />

content to observe ships already built. Until recently, a constructor<br />

principally aimed to find a method to copy accurately the best ships in<br />

existence. Some established all dimensions on keel length; others em-<br />

ployed the midship beam. But, adds Duhamel, it is absurd to imagine<br />

that constructors actually observed any relation between one part of a<br />

ship and another. They could just as easily take the sternpost, wing<br />

transom, or depth of the hold. Thus appeared the secrets and mys-<br />

78Michael Fores, "The History of Technology: An Alternative View," Technology and<br />

Culture 20 (October 1979): 853-60. Fores claims that engineering is not a system of<br />

thought but "a process which makes useful artifacts and is most distinctive through the<br />

type of output which it produces" (p. 856).<br />

79Duhamel du Monceau (n. 71 above), pp. 52-54.

The Professionalization of French <strong>Naval</strong> Shipbuilders<br />

teries of the shipbuilding craft. Each master finds his own secrets,<br />

claims them to be the best, guards them, and passes them to his sons.<br />

Duhamel viewed such methods, inopportunely called the rules and<br />

principles of construction, as mechanical and base. They were habitual,<br />

gave too much confidence, and were a major obstacle to the advancement<br />

of ship construction. Duhamel's textbook deliberately rejects an<br />

affirmative tone. "I have always thought," he wrote,<br />

that young people must be spurred on to use their mind and<br />

incited to acquire sagacity or at least increase what they naturally<br />

have: now nothing is so useful for that than the salutary doubt that<br />

Descartes advises, discussions that end in indecision and force<br />

young people to examine thoroughly the object on which they are<br />

working. In a word, I deemed it would be advantageous to put<br />

them in a fix from which they can only extricate themselves by<br />

reflections that give birth to ideas, ruminations that cause false<br />

ideas to be distinguished from true ones, [and] schemes that allow<br />

a decision on the choice to be made; ... a fixed fashion makes<br />

routine people.80<br />

Duhamel intended to teach his students something different from<br />

theoretical inquiry or observation or experiment and certainly not the<br />

so-called rules and principles of the shipwrights of old. Duhamel<br />

termed his teaching "the theory of [the constructor's] art," which<br />

combined trial and error with a search for mechanical principles and<br />

employment of mathematical calculations but rejected theory with no<br />

firmer foundation than hypothesis.81 <strong>To</strong> the degree that constructors<br />

followed his precepts, they would do honor to their profession and<br />

become exempt from the reproaches<br />

made to others.<br />

The structure of Duhamel's text supported his approach to learning.<br />

Each section deals with the several parts of constructing a ship. But<br />

nowhere does the author provide an ideal solution to the problems<br />

posed in each part. Instead, he presents several solutions. <strong>To</strong>day's<br />

engineers may claim that such a procedure<br />

does not differ from<br />

modern approaches to engineering. However, such a view ignores the<br />

trend toward the mathematization of science that occurred with<br />

accelerating rapidity during the 18th century. "Transcendent geometers"<br />

continually reduced mechanics to pure equations.<br />

The content of science moved ever farther away from the descriptive,<br />

ambiguous world of the shipbuilder, filled with limitations and<br />

constraints, toward a more extensive use of abstract concepts that<br />

80Ibid., p. viii.<br />

8'Ibid., pp. 322-25.<br />


20 <strong>James</strong> <strong>Pritchard</strong><br />

mathematics defined in an ever more precise, unambiguous, and universal<br />

language of its own.82 Duhamel du Monceau could not move in<br />

that direction. His attitude toward shipbuilding is best captured by the<br />

term "engineering." Like him, we should refer to naval engineering or<br />

the profession of naval architecture, not to the science of naval<br />

architecture. For, like engineers, Duhamel knew that there is no perfect<br />

ship-only a better one. <strong>To</strong> quote Fores, "[The engineer's] choices<br />

are never wholly rational nor are they backed by all the demonstrative<br />

powers of science."83 Duhamel du Monceau might have written the<br />

same, but he wrote as follows: "The art consists ... in knowing how to<br />

lose a little on the one hand, to gain on the other, or how not to gain as<br />

much as possible in one respect, in order not to lose completely other<br />

advantages: thus, we must preserve a certain balance; but for that we<br />

must know at least approximately what shape a vessel would have to<br />

have to give it this or that advantage apart from all the others."84 The<br />

successful absorption of mechanics by mathematics rolled over men<br />

like Duhamel. Well before the end of the century his ideas had become<br />

thoroughly discredited. Yet Duhamel made the key contribution to the<br />

professionalization of naval shipwrights.<br />

By the mid-18th century, French naval constructors had already<br />

ceased to fit traditional categories as craftsmen or workers. The boundaries<br />

of their category of social status were both distinct and fluid and<br />

becoming more so. But it was Duhamel who fulfilled the core criteria<br />

for their occupational role, by providing both formal technical training<br />

in which an intellectual component predominated and mastery of a<br />

generalized cultural training that included skill (trial and error) as well<br />

as understanding. All that remained was to add the institutional means<br />

to enforce socially responsible use of such skills.85<br />

The stature of naval constructors also continued to grow despite<br />

their limited education and want of manners. Although acknowledging<br />

that constructors were very well acquainted with their art and<br />

skilled in execution, the intendant of Brest, Gilles Hocquart, thought<br />

that none was capable of aiding in the compilation of a planned marine<br />

82See Morris Kline, Mathematics in Western Culture (Oxford [1953] 1980), pp. 240-42.<br />

Also, Rene Taton, L'Oeuvre scientifique de Gaspard Monge (Paris, 1951), pp. 146-47,<br />

239-40. For the reaction to this development see C. C. Gillispie, "The Encyclopedie and<br />

the Jacobin Philosophy of Science: A Study in Ideas and Consequences," in Critical<br />

Problems in the History of Science, ed. Marshall Clagett (Madison, Wisc. [1959] 1962), pp.<br />

255-89.<br />

83Fores (n. 78 above), p. 858.<br />

'8Duhamel du Monceau (n. 71 above), p. 313.<br />

85Parsons, "Professions" (n. 49 above), p. 536; see also M. P. Crosland, "The Develop-<br />

ment of a Professional Career in Science in France," in The Emergence of Science in Western<br />

Europe, ed. Maurice Crosland (London, 1975), p. 139.

The Professionalization of French <strong>Naval</strong> Shipbuilders<br />

dictionary; he did not believe they could give exact and satisfactory<br />

definitions to the public. "They can nevertheless give good advice and<br />

reveal the secrets of their method which up to the present has varied<br />

immeasurably."86 The increased stature of constructors worried the<br />

intendant of Rochefort. Viewing them as master carpenters by another<br />

name, he claimed that their elevated status separated them too readily<br />

from other master carpenters employed on ships' hulls, and he objected<br />

to the exclusion of the latter from constructor rank. Lenormant<br />

de Mezy was also confused, for he recommended appointing deputy<br />

constructors from among master carpenters without seeing that such<br />

practice would block advancement for the pupils of Duhamel's school.<br />

On the other hand, he may have seen the contradiction, for he warmly<br />

supported applications from the son of the writing and arithmetic<br />

master and from the sous-ingenieur at Rochefort for admission to the<br />

Paris school.87<br />

During the 1750s Duhamel gained the confidence of Louis-Antoine<br />

Rouille, Maurepas's successor as secretary of state for the navy, who<br />

encouraged efforts to find new construction techniques. Following<br />

reports of a lack of naturally curved timbers at Brest, Rouille ordered<br />

constructors to build frames from several timbers carefully scarfed and<br />

pinned with treenails.88 He approved construction of the frigate La<br />

Thetis to test the experiment.89 He also ordered all constructors to be<br />

entrusted with repairs. Wherever possible each was to work on ships of<br />

his own design and construction in order to increase self-knowledge<br />

and a sense of responsibility during construction.9 <strong>Constructor</strong>s sailed<br />

on board their own ships during campaigns to study the effects of wind<br />

and sea on new methods of building and to examine the security of<br />

masts in ships with perpendicular stern posts and other innovations.<br />

By the eve of the Seven Years' War, candidates for the grade of<br />

eleve-constructeur had to meet severe qualifications. One from <strong>To</strong>ulon<br />

provided certificates that he had worked under a constructor for a<br />

year, demonstrated his mechanical aptitude, and studied Duhamel's<br />

textbook daily. Additional certificates submitted on his behalf by the<br />

arsenal's chief painter and by the professor of mathematics testified<br />

6Brest, Archives de la Marine (hereafter Brest), Serie 1 E, 504, ff. 251-52, Hocquart to<br />

Rouille, October 24, 1749.<br />

87Bibliotheque nationale (n. 64 above), pp. 286-87. Also Rochefort, Archives de la<br />

Marine, Serie 1E, 382, nos. 167,299, Lenormant de Mezy to Rouille, March 29 andJune<br />

14, 1754.<br />

s8Brest, 1E, 505, f. 96, Hocquart to Rouille, March 15, 1751.<br />

89Brest, IE, 505, ff. 174-78, Hocquart to Rouille,June 7, 1751; ibid., p. 203, approval<br />

granted June 28, 1751.<br />

9"V. F. Brun, Guerres maritimes de la France: Port de <strong>To</strong>ulon, ses armements, son administration<br />

depuis son origine jusqu'a nos jours, 2 vols. (Paris, 1861), 1:363-64.<br />


22 <strong>James</strong> <strong>Pritchard</strong><br />

that the candidate drew "quite perfectly the forms of the academy" and<br />

knew arithmetic and the theoretical and practical geometry of Camus.9'<br />

Clearly Duhamel's school had been transformed from one that taught<br />

elementary lessons during the early 1740s to one teaching naval engineering<br />

less than two decades later. Apprentices were becoming<br />

students; another criterion of professionalization was appearing.92<br />

The vicissitudes of the school and official recognition of professional<br />

naval constructors during the 1760s are anticlimactic. Economic constraints<br />

and military pressures forced the school to close in 1759. A sort<br />

of bankruptcy together with two major defeats at sea reduced construction<br />

almost to nil for more than two years. In 1765, however, a royal<br />

ordinance, dated March 27, established a corps of naval engineers,<br />

henceforth to be known as ingenieurs-constructeurs de la marine, and<br />

established a new school, called by the Duc de Choiseul L'cole des eleves<br />

ingenieurs-constructeurs, with Duhamel du Monceau as its director. The<br />

ordinance also established a hierarchy at each of the three major<br />

arsenals and made constructors responsible to intendants and councils<br />

of construction.93 Each dockyard was to be headed by an ingenieurconstructeur-en-chef,<br />

two or three ingenieurs-constructeurs ordinaires, four<br />

to six sous-ingenieurs-constructeurs, and a few eleves. Eleves seeking<br />

admission to the corps had to spend two years employed in the ports,<br />

after which the best were sent to Paris to a school whose director and<br />

masters were to be royal appointees. Sous-ingenieurs were to be<br />

appointed only after formal examination, while ingenieurs were named<br />

only after submitting to a competitive examination or concours.94 Increased<br />

social elevation accompanied the new professional titles after<br />

several senior constructors received letters of nobility.95<br />

Choiseul's dismissal as naval minister in 1770 interrupted the renaissance<br />

experienced by the service, and the succeeding regime compromised<br />

the achievements since the the peace.96 However, several<br />

"9<strong>To</strong>ulon (n. 65 above), B3, 529, ff. 386-89, Michel to Machault, August 12, 1756 with<br />

three certificates attached. The reference is to Charles Camus, Elements d'arithmetique<br />

(Paris, 1749), and Elements de geometrie theorique et pratique (Paris, 1750), two parts of a<br />

"Cours de mathematiques" that Camus developed for engineering students at the Ecole<br />

du genie at Mezieres.<br />

"2See J. W. Reader, Professional Men: The Rise of the Professional Classes in Nineteenth-<br />

Century England (London, 1966), chap. 9, pp. 127-45.<br />

93Neuville, Etat sommaire (n. 39 above), pp. 399-400.<br />

9G. Lacour-Gayet, La Marine militaire de la France sous le regne de Louis XV (Paris, 1902),<br />

p. 399.<br />

`9Anthiaume (n. 19 above), p. 312.<br />

6G. Lacour-Gayet, La Marine militaire de la France sous le regne de Louis XVI (Paris, 1905),<br />

pp. 27-28.

The Professionalization of French <strong>Naval</strong> Shipbuilders<br />

significant alterations to naval organization only slightly affected constructors.<br />

On January 1, 1774, an ordinance establishing a general<br />

category of naval pupils to be known as eleves de port suppressed all<br />

other categories including those in naval construction. The new<br />

arrangement failed to take hold, however, and a second ordinance of<br />

November 8 authorized a return to the arrangements of 1765. A major<br />

reforming ordinance of September 27, 1776, replaced civil administrators<br />

by naval officers at the head of the arsenals and the major bureaus<br />

but did not touch the constitution of the corps of naval constructors.97<br />

A major change occurred, however, in the conseil de marine. Authorized<br />

to replace councils established by the ordinances of November 8, 1774,<br />

and March 25, 1765, when the former appellation, conseil de construction,<br />

had been dropped, its function and competence were defined only<br />

in 1776. <strong>Naval</strong> constructors no longer sat as members, for the new<br />

council's duties and responsibilities were far-reaching.98 But the loss of<br />

membership was not serious, for the important socializing function,<br />

providing a regular naval forum for both aristocratic officers and<br />

humble master-craftsmen, had been completed. Finally, on May 6,<br />

1787, the school established competitive positions for a new category of<br />

pupil, eleves-constructeurs marchands.99 The expansion of professionalization<br />

to include commercial shipbuilding had arrived.<br />

At about the same time, however, Duhamel's own concept of education,<br />

which aimed to introduce engineering students to a general<br />

mathematical culture, came under attack for its lack of mathematical<br />

precision. Notwithstanding Condorcet's eulogy of 1783, which stated<br />

that Duhamel du Monceau had contributed more than anyone to<br />

direct the sciences toward public utility, he criticized Duhamel's failure<br />

to place greater reliance on theoretical inquiry.'?? A few years later a<br />

young teacher of naval pupils, Honore-Sebastien Vial de Clairbois,<br />

denounced Duhamel's theoretical knowledge as too weak, his practical<br />

knowledge of details as too shallow, and his age as too great to permit<br />

him to study shipbuilding on a theoretical basis.10' Vial's idea that<br />

mathematics was the unique way to resolve all problems in the "useful"<br />

arts represented the wave of the future. It was under the aegis of men<br />

like Vial that the idea of engineering as applied science, quite distinct<br />

97Neuville, Etat sommaire (n. 39 above), pp. 399-400; and Lacour-Gayet, La Marine<br />

militaire (n. 96 above), pp. 31-37.<br />

98Neuville, Etat sommaire (n. 39 above), p. 128, n. 4.<br />

99Ibid., p. 400; Anthiaume (n. 19 above), p. 313.<br />

'0?See Hahn (n. 25 above), p. 125, for Condorcet's eulogy, and Gillispie (n. 66 above),<br />

p. 338, for Condorcet's qualification of Duhamel's contribution.<br />

'?'See Gille, "Les Ecoles des constructeurs" (n. 18 above), p. 170, for Vial de Clairbois's<br />

denunciation, with which the author agrees.<br />


24 <strong>James</strong> <strong>Pritchard</strong><br />

from trial and error, emerged from the French Revolution and its<br />

great offspring, the Ecole polytechnique.102<br />

* * *<br />

A fortuitous combination of unusual factors and varied circumstances<br />

rather than any single cause ensured the superior quality of<br />

French warships during the 18th century. Though a case might be<br />

made for government-inspired scientific inquiry into naval problems<br />

and for technological transfer, these were probably the least important<br />

considerations. Such factors are certainly insufficient in themselves.<br />

The absence of any strong, hidebound, craft tradition of warship<br />

construction was probably more important, as, too, was more than half<br />

a century of rational collection, organization, and diffusion of preexisting<br />

craft skills.<br />

But, while significant, these factors, too, are inadequate either individually<br />

or in combination to account for the excellence achieved. The<br />

most important factors were administrative and social: first, the conscious<br />

desire, arising from the recognition by naval administrators of<br />

the need, to increase the social status of shipwrights and their ability to<br />

do so through ministerial order; second, the unknown but profound<br />

workings of administrative institutions to change social attitudes and<br />

values. For, out of the human and organizational chemistry of the<br />

councils of construction emerged the professionalization of the shipbuilders<br />

themselves. A final factor was Duhamel's introduction of<br />

constructors to a general mathematical culture, his rejection of theories<br />

that had no firmer foundation than hypothesis, and his insistence that<br />

constructors continue to contemplate the old rules for building ships to<br />

find the best practice-in other words, to combine mathematics and<br />

intuition.<br />

French warships owed their excellence to their builders, and it was<br />

during the 18th century that the latter became institutionalized and<br />

professionalized.'03 These elements, nontechnical and technical, led<br />

not so much to the successful application of the results of scientific<br />

inquiry to the challenge of good ship design as to the development of<br />

something newer and different, namely, the profession of naval engineering.<br />

Ironically, as the end of the Old Regime approached, the<br />

'02See Hahn (n. 25 above), pp. 282-85, for discussion of the changes in the educational<br />

norms for the engineering profession.<br />

'03Roger Hahn, "Scientific Careers in Eighteenth Century France," in The Emergence of<br />

Science in Western Europe (n. 85 above), pp. 127-28. Hahn emphasizes the role of these two<br />

social variables-institutionalization and professionalization-behind French scientific<br />

creativity and productivity during the 18th century.

The Professionalization of French <strong>Naval</strong> Shipbuilders<br />

notion of applying mathematical theory to the construction of things<br />

superseded Duhamel du Monceau's earlier ideas at the school of naval<br />

constructors. With the appearance of the Ecole polytechnique, the idea<br />

that engineers did something other than apply science became lost in<br />

France and wherever the French conception of science spread its<br />

influence.<br />


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