Shiwilu Dictionary

Shiwilu Dictionary

Shiwilu Dictionary


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yuyu'wa 980<br />

<strong>Shiwilu</strong> women how to spin the<br />

thread, arm the fabric, and<br />

weave. They leaned from her.<br />

spidermonkey tuda n.<br />

spidermonkey. Tuda i'na<br />

iñer ileknanluseklan<br />

a'llupita'su'. The<br />

spidermonkey is the largest of<br />

all monkeys. cf: sha'pi'latutuda;<br />

gen: ilekna,<br />

ileknan1. (Ateles) (sem.<br />

domains: - Primate.)<br />

spill *indinlukapalli (<br />

*indinluklli) vi. to spill, to<br />

overflow. ¡Indinlukapalli,<br />

uchiter'! Take out the<br />

firewood because the pot is<br />

overflowing! cf:<br />

*nuper'apalli 1.;<br />

*inpaser'apalli 1 (<br />

*inpaser'lli) vi. to scatter, to<br />

spill. Chiter sinak<br />

akua'kasu' inpaser'lli.<br />

The corn that I put in the large<br />

plate spilled.<br />

spill, overflow<br />

spin *ananpalli ( *anañi) vt. to<br />

spin the thread or fiber, to twist<br />

the thread or fiber. Shawilun<br />

pitellu ananpalli<br />

kalantekshapen<br />

yanu'tan. The Shawi woman<br />

is spinning the cotton thread in<br />

order to make her little skirt.<br />

Wirñanchu anañi ilallin<br />

sha'ya yanu'tak. Fernando<br />

twisted the fiber to make a<br />

shicra (bag). (sem. domains:<br />

6.1.6 - Made by hand.)<br />

spin cotton or twist fiber<br />

spin it! a'tamanerker' vt. spin it!<br />

¡Trunpupen<br />

a'tamanerker'! Spin your<br />

top! (sem. domains: -<br />

Imperative .); ananker' vt. spin<br />

it! ¡Ananker' pitellu! Spin<br />

the cotton! ¡Ananker<br />

ilallin! Spin the fiber! (sem.<br />

domains: - Imperative .)<br />

spin it! twist it! (to form thread)<br />

spin sth. *a'tamanerapalli (<br />

*a'tamanelli) vt. to spin sth.,<br />

to turn sb. Pidekserllek<br />

wila trunpunen<br />

a'tamanerapalli. The boy<br />

is spinning his top on the<br />

sidewalk of the house.<br />

Lansa'pan Miñiku<br />

a'tamanelli<br />

eklansa'pa'su'. Dancing,<br />

Meneleo made his partner<br />

turn. (sem. domains: -<br />

Move in a circle.)<br />

spin the thread *anantapalli (<br />

*anantulli) vi. to spin the<br />

thread, to twist the thread or<br />

fiber, to wind the thread.<br />

Uwi'lunsha a'lektulli<br />

pitetcherkek,<br />

ananterkek, kala'terkek<br />

<strong>Shiwilu</strong>lunlusa'.<br />

Nanekla ñinchitullina'.<br />

The Spiderwoman taught the<br />

<strong>Shiwilu</strong> women how to make<br />

the skein, spin the thread and<br />

weave. They learnt from her.<br />

-Piterpi anantapalek,<br />

awá. -Ma'ki'na, awá?<br />

-Anantapalek<br />

kalantekshawek<br />

yanu'tamu. -I am spinning

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