Shiwilu Dictionary

Shiwilu Dictionary

Shiwilu Dictionary


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819 yuyu'wa<br /> - Imperative .)<br />

listen secretively for it!<br />

lellalapir' vt. listen secretively<br />

for it! ¡Amantek<br />

lellalapir'! Listen secretively<br />

for collared peccary! (sem.<br />

domains: - Imperative .)<br />

listen secretively to hunt<br />

lellatapalli ( lellatulli) vi. to<br />

listen secretively to hunt<br />

animals. Antuñu<br />

lellatapalli. Antonio is<br />

listening secretively for<br />

animals to hunt. (sem.<br />

domains: 6.4.1 - Hunt.)<br />

listen! lawekter' vi. listen! hear!<br />

¡Yalunta a'pinta',<br />

lawekter'! Now don't speak<br />

more, listen! (sem. domains:<br /> - Imperative .)<br />

little a'mer adj. small. Iñer<br />

ilanserlluseklan<br />

wenki'na a'mer.<br />

Compared to other birds, the<br />

"yanayutu" is small.<br />

a'mercha a'merpi1 ;<br />

u'dunsha quant. little. Kulla<br />

si'yektukuñi setchala<br />

u'dunsha. Julia went to<br />

gather a little of estoraque fruit.<br />

little brother (of woman)<br />

little brother of a girl<br />

little brother of a woman iinsha<br />

( iyinsha) n. little brother of a<br />

woman. Winshu'tanpu'su'<br />

wawatapalli iinshanen.<br />

As she is swinging (something,<br />

someone), she is making her<br />

little brother sing. syn: duden.<br />

little bullet ant<br />

little bump pidala 2 n. little bump<br />

on the body.<br />

little by little a'merchala (<br />

a'metchala; a'me'chala) adv.<br />

little by little. A'metchala<br />

llinsetchapalekwa'<br />

kirka' lawer'lla'la' ñak.<br />

Little by little we are writing the<br />

dictionary.<br />

little daughter (of a woman)<br />

ku'tinsha n. little daughter (of<br />

a woman). Mashika<br />

ku'tinsha dekkuntapalli.<br />

Marcelina's little daughter<br />

walks already. (sem. domains:<br /> - Son, daughter.)<br />

little drum, used with the<br />

panpipe. tuntun n. little drum<br />

used with the panpipe.<br />

¡Keritencha'u<br />

tuntunwek, siluwek.<br />

A'chu'kendektetchek!<br />

Bring me my little drum and my<br />

panpipe. I am going to make<br />

you (pl.) dance the pandilla!<br />

(sem. domains: -<br />

Musical instrument.)<br />

little drum, used with the<br />

yupana pipe.<br />

little manioc ker'cha ( ketcha;<br />

ke'cha) n. little manioc.<br />

Kusher menminwekkek<br />

ektu'n enmunkuñi,<br />

ketchawek pakuwa'<br />

pakuwa'atulli. When the<br />

pig came to my field it went<br />

and burried its snout (into the<br />

ground) and dug up my

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