Shiwilu Dictionary

Shiwilu Dictionary

Shiwilu Dictionary


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yuyu'wa 764<br />

When we are going to<br />

Moyobamba, upon two days<br />

(of walking), one sees a hill in<br />

the distance (that is not<br />

distinguished easily). (sem.<br />

domains: - Mountain.)<br />

himself, herself<br />

himself/herself nanenchi pro.<br />

himself, herself. Pideru<br />

iinlañi nanenchi<br />

apisadatan. Pedro shot<br />

himself because he was<br />

jealous.<br />

hip katana, katanan n. hip.<br />

Ischiwan katananen<br />

iketchulli. Esteban's hip is<br />

hurting. syn: katanantek.<br />

(sem. domains: 2.1 - Body,<br />

2.1.6 - Bone, joint.);<br />

katanantek n. hip. Ischiwan<br />

katananteknen<br />

ikerchulli taserpitan.<br />

Esteban's hip hurts because<br />

he is old. syn: katana,<br />

katanan. (sem. domains:<br />

2.1.6 - Bone, joint.)<br />

Hipólita Ipullita nprop. Hipólita,<br />

woman's proper name.<br />

Ipullita katu'ta'<br />

ipulliwañi. Ala'sa'<br />

sudinler mapi'ta'su',<br />

ali'la aminenler<br />

apunanta'su'. Hipólita has<br />

two "ipullis" (machetes). One<br />

that her husband bought her<br />

and one that her grandmother<br />

gave her.<br />

Hipólito Ipullitu nprop. Hipólito,<br />

man's proper name. Ipullitu<br />

laman di'tulli. Hipólito<br />

killed a white-lipped peccary.<br />

his brother-in-law meksin n.<br />

brother-in-law of a man.<br />

Rolando meksin dei'tulli<br />

ser'ku. Rolando's brother-inlaw<br />

killed an anteater. cf:<br />

mekshi 2.<br />

his wife<br />

his, her -nen nom. his, her.<br />

David auranpalli<br />

yalli'washanen. David fed<br />

his little brother.<br />

his/her ... ma'inen pro-form.<br />

his/her ... (doubt). Sadawek<br />

manta'lli ma'inen...<br />

lantekpinen. My wife went<br />

to bring her ... basket.<br />

his/her child willin n. his/her<br />

child. Carlos willin(en)<br />

asu'. This is Carlos's son.<br />

Maria piserlli willin<br />

dutateklek. Maria whipped<br />

her son with the "dutatek"<br />

nettle. Asu' willinenna'<br />

wilaweklusa'ki. These are<br />

my childrens' children. cf:<br />

erkun; cf: wila 2. (sem.<br />

domains: 4.1.9 - Kinship.)<br />

his/her father papin n. his father,<br />

her father. Nana nadi'nek<br />

kunsek'encheklli,<br />

papinpu'la'lli. That young<br />

man has curly hair, he looks<br />

like his father. cf: papa. (sem.<br />

domains: - Father,<br />

mother.)<br />

his/her mother ashin 1 n. his/her<br />

mother. Nana Manila<br />

willin chimentulli.<br />

Ashinler i'na lli'la'lli.

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