Shiwilu Dictionary

Shiwilu Dictionary

Shiwilu Dictionary


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yuyu'wa 700<br />

called the Fire Spirit and told<br />

him: "Burn those who are bad!"<br />

clf: pen2.<br />

fire the ceramic *ekchiterapalli (<br />

ekchiterlli) vi. fire the ceramic.<br />

Diwiteklek<br />

ekchiterllina'. With the<br />

dried bark they fire ceramic.<br />

(sem. domains: 6.1.6 - Made<br />

by hand, 6.1 - Work.)<br />

fire the ceramic! ekchiterker' (<br />

ekchiter') vi. fire the ceramic!<br />

¡Diwitek kencha'n,<br />

ekchiterker'! Bring dry bark<br />

and fire the ceramic! (sem.<br />

domains: - Imperative .)<br />

fire to cook sunka n. fire to cook.<br />

Ñiñi'wawek pi'llekllina',<br />

nanamalek sunkaksa'<br />

pekkua'lli. They put a spell<br />

on my dog, because of this he<br />

lies only in the ash (around the<br />

campfire). (sem. domains:<br />

5.2.1 - Food preparation.)<br />

firefly pintulu'-lada n. firefly.<br />

Pintulu'lada iñer<br />

dekpilli' inapu'su' pa'lli,<br />

uklliwanpilersik<br />

insekkitulli. The firefly goes<br />

wherever it wants all night,<br />

when dawn breaks it hides.<br />

(sem. domains: -<br />

Insect.)<br />

firewood diwek n. firewood.<br />

¡Ker'itencha'u diwek,<br />

yauklulu'tulek! Bring me<br />

firewood, I want to make<br />

manioc beer!<br />

first =mentu, =entu first. ¡Mañir<br />

lamapu'ter'! Nanamentu<br />

yutullen. Shout at Manuel!<br />

He shouted at you first.<br />

Eksu'ker' nana ker'<br />

nanentu<br />

kencha'a'masu'. Peel the<br />

manioc that you brought first. ;<br />

nanentu adv. first, in the first<br />

place. Eksu'ker' nana ker'<br />

nanentu<br />

kencha'a'masu'. Peel the<br />

manioc that you brought first.<br />

first born chikinen n. first born,<br />

main one, largest one.<br />

Kusherpen yamapa'llen.<br />

¡Nana chikinen uku'lau!<br />

I want to buy a pig from you.<br />

Give me the first born! (sem.<br />

domains: 8.2 - Big.)<br />

first, in the first place<br />

first, main, largest<br />

fish samer n. fish. Unma'<br />

samer, sapani'na<br />

ma'sha. The paiche is a fish,<br />

but the river dolphin is not.<br />

spec:. (sem. domains: -<br />

Fish.)<br />

fish (in) the river! pur'cher' vt.<br />

fish (in) the river! ¡Pur'cher'<br />

Penler! Fish (in) the<br />

Ninayacu river! (sem. domains:<br /> - Imperative .)<br />

fish at night! pindekker' vi. fish<br />

at night! ¡Ma'atasu'<br />

pinnan, pindekker'! Here<br />

is the flashlight, fish at night!<br />

(sem. domains: -<br />

Imperative .)<br />

fish eater bird<br />

fish for sth. *pur'chapalli (<br />

pur'chulli; *puer'chapalli) vt.

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