Shiwilu Dictionary

Shiwilu Dictionary

Shiwilu Dictionary


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yuyu'wa 666<br />

wilaweksha isa'ker',<br />

mentulek! Julita, rub my<br />

child's belly with menthol!<br />

Alla'shasa' samer<br />

kencha'lek,<br />

yalli'washawek'unta'<br />

alla'shasa'pi'la. I have only<br />

brought back just one little fish.<br />

My brother also has just one.<br />

Kusher menminwekkek<br />

ektu'n enmunkuñi,<br />

ketchawek pakuwa'pakuwa'atulli.<br />

When the<br />

pig reached my field, it went to<br />

bury its snout, and dug out my<br />

manioc.<br />

diminutive, affective =cha (<br />

=sha) variant of the<br />

diminutive/affective morpheme<br />

-sha. samercha,<br />

sametcha little fish<br />

Suwilapencha<br />

mushashuwek. This little<br />

orphan is my servant/step<br />

child.<br />

dingy uchu'a'su' nom. dingy.<br />

Chipetchekwek<br />

uchu'a'su' apu'tulli. My<br />

mosquito net that was dingy is<br />

now clean.<br />

Diómer Llu'mi' nprop. Diómer,<br />

man's proper name. Llu'mi'<br />

a'lekta'su'. Diómer is a<br />

teacher.<br />

Dionisio Dunisiu1 nprop.<br />

Dionisio, man's proper name.<br />

Dunisiu ima<br />

serker'chulli lenpipen.<br />

Yamapa'mu pa'apilalek.<br />

Dionisio harvested peanut. I<br />

am going to buy some from<br />

him.<br />

Dionisio (nickname) Duñi1<br />

nprop. Dionisio (nickname).<br />

dirty werchu'a'su' nom. dirty.<br />

¡Kencha'ker nana<br />

kutunpen wetchu'a'su'!<br />

Bring your dirty clothes!<br />

disembark *yunchinpalli 2 (<br />

*yunchiñi) vi. to disembark,<br />

get out of a canoe or boat.<br />

Kaluku nunkeklan<br />

yunchiñi. Carlos got out of<br />

the canoe.<br />

disobedient latekchinpu' adj.<br />

disobedient. Wilawek<br />

willin latekchinpu'.<br />

Nu'amu kenchi'nek<br />

pidekwekkek.<br />

Pankanetchi'npu'. My<br />

grandson is disobedient.<br />

Therefore, I don't bring him to<br />

my house. He is mischievous.<br />

ant: latektutek. (sem.<br />

domains: - Disobey.)<br />

disolve *sekmu'palli (<br />

*sekmu'lli) vt. disolve a paste<br />

in water to make a drink.<br />

Ala'sa' taserpiler ima<br />

pinter sekmu'n<br />

a'u'deklli. It is said that an<br />

old man disolved tobacco in<br />

water and had them drink it (so<br />

they would not sleep). Libia<br />

ya'un sekmu'palli<br />

uklulu'. Libia, wanting to<br />

share, is disolving the paste of<br />

manioc beer in water. (sem.<br />

domains: - Steps in<br />

food preparation.)

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