Shiwilu Dictionary

Shiwilu Dictionary

Shiwilu Dictionary


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547 yuyu'wa<br />

arrow wa'nalu' n. arrow.<br />

Akushupi a'lanan<br />

wa'nalu'lek ekkuañi.<br />

Augusto speared a "fasaco"<br />

fish with an arrow. cf:<br />

pektenña, pektenñan; cf:<br />

wawasapa. (sem. domains:<br />

6.7 - Tool.)<br />

arrow, spear wawasapa n.<br />

arrow, spear. Apetchawek<br />

ekkuañi da'wanser<br />

wawasapalek. My uncle<br />

speared "doncella" fish with<br />

the "huahuasapa" arrow. cf:<br />

wa'nalu'. (sem. domains: 6.7<br />

- Tool.)<br />

Artemio Achimu nprop. Artemio.<br />

Napi' Achimu<br />

siwenñanenkek<br />

mucha'palli pitellu<br />

senñilek, nanekla<br />

pektunanen, shunpula<br />

ilak. Before Artemio's<br />

"siwenña" container was filled<br />

with cotton, darts and a<br />

blowgun so that he could kill<br />

small birds.<br />

as =ki, =kin1 4 post. as, to be<br />

used as. Amantek sudula<br />

u'chimu ilulenanki. The<br />

peccary's tree works very well<br />

as medicine.<br />

as opposed to a'ka prt. indeed,<br />

as opposed to. Ipa'la'ka<br />

ka'echin. Now, (as opposed<br />

to before), I really will eat you.<br />

ash pendalu' n. ash. Musui'ma<br />

ukllishin uksuketchulli,<br />

pendalu'sa' llia'lli. It<br />

burned well until dawn, only<br />

ashes remained. clf: lu'1.<br />

A-shaped planks for the roof<br />

pasala n. A-shaped planks that<br />

form the base of the roof.<br />

¡Kencher' leikekla<br />

pasalakin! Go get<br />

"chullachaki" caspi wood to<br />

make planks for the roof! (sem.<br />

domains: - Roof.)<br />

ash-heron yaweklu' ( yauklu')<br />

n. type of bird, ash-heron.<br />

Yaweklu' ka'lli ala'sa'<br />

a'lanan. The garzaceniza<br />

heron ate a fasaco fish. (sem.<br />

domains: - Bird.)<br />

ask *lek'apalli ( *leklli) vd. to<br />

ask. Chirisu kaper'an<br />

Lukariu leklli:"Enkasek<br />

a'cha Pidir pideknen?"<br />

Finding himself with Leucadio,<br />

Tereso asked:"Where is Fidel's<br />

house?" Wiwiana lekllun<br />

nanadaper. Viviana asked<br />

me those things. val.:<br />

*lektapalli; val.:<br />

*a'lektapalli, a'lek'apalli.<br />

(sem. domains: 3 - Language<br />

and thought.)<br />

ask about sb. *luwanpalli (<br />

*luwañi) vt. to ask about sb.,<br />

to miss sb. Luwanpallen. I<br />

am missing you.<br />

A'lekta'asu' Pulu luwañi<br />

uk'inpu'a'su' malek. The<br />

teacher asked about Pablo<br />

because he did not come. val.:<br />

*luwantapalli 5.<br />

ask about sb., miss sb.

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