Shiwilu Dictionary

Shiwilu Dictionary

Shiwilu Dictionary


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yuyu'wa 530<br />

wisunanpi'ñi. A large piece<br />

of land did not flood.<br />

a lot of meat kupilu'2 nom. a lot<br />

of meat, too much meat. Asu'<br />

yakalu'a'masu'<br />

kupilu'inchi uktak<br />

nañi'nchu. What you are<br />

going to boil is too much meat,<br />

the pots will not be enough. clf:<br />

lu'2.<br />

a lot of paste, dough kupilu'1 1<br />

nom. a lot of paste or dough,<br />

too much paste or dough.<br />

Kupilu'inchi<br />

uklulu'tulan. You have<br />

prepared too much manioc<br />

beer paste. clf: lu'1.<br />

a person red in the face, rosy<br />

a small fruit or object<br />

a, one (roundish object) ala'pi<br />

one, a (roundish object).<br />

¡Enka'u kuanta' ala'pi<br />

mama'! Give me a<br />

(roundish) yam too!<br />

¡Ala'pisa' pelota<br />

mapa'tetchek wilalusa'<br />

tutener'kasu'! I am going<br />

to buy a ball, so that the<br />

children will kick it. clf: pi4.<br />

Abelardo Awishu nprop.<br />

Abelardo. Awishuku'<br />

pilenñantulli<br />

shinpilenña. The late<br />

Abelardo played the flute.<br />

abhor *luyutapalli ( *luyutulli)<br />

vi. to feel bitter, to abhor, to<br />

despise Ipa' Malallina<br />

chimiñi. Nana asu'<br />

luyuta'su'. Malallina is now<br />

dead. She was the one who<br />

ABL<br />

felt bitter. Nana yalli'<br />

luyutulli, mukankeinpu'.<br />

That man hates. He has a bad<br />

heart. val.: *inluyupallina';<br />

val.: *luyupalli. (sem.<br />

domains: - Hate, ill<br />

will.)<br />

abort *a'anu'tapalli, a'anutapalli<br />

2 ( *a'anu'tulli, a'anutulli)<br />

vt. to abort. Luyan ka'inpu'<br />

a'anutulli ku'aperwawa.<br />

Since she did not eat what she<br />

was craving, she aborted a<br />

female fetus.<br />

about =ki, =kin1 3 post. about.<br />

Ipa'la lunchek iñer<br />

Panpadekkin. Now I will tell<br />

everything about Pampayacu.<br />

above musenkek 2 post. above.<br />

Lanparin ukunpalli<br />

misa' musenkek. The<br />

lamp is hanging above the<br />

table. (sem. domains: -<br />

Up.)<br />

abscess, swelling,<br />

inflammation waka'a'su'<br />

nom. abscess, swelling,<br />

inflammation. Kaserwa'la<br />

u'chimu lulen'ek<br />

waka'a'su' The cumala<br />

"kaserwa'la" is good for curing<br />

abscesses. (sem. domains:<br /> - Swell.)<br />

absorb *pisha'palli 2 ( *pisha'lli)<br />

vt. to absorb, to soak.<br />

Binjachu kutunen<br />

nunlalak aku'la'lli, dek<br />

pisha'lli. Benjamín,<br />

carelessly, put his shirt on the

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