Shiwilu Dictionary

Shiwilu Dictionary

Shiwilu Dictionary


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521 yuspainek'etchen yuyu'sha<br />

ekpi'tuu, wilawek<br />

enker! For God's sake, take<br />

this and give it to my son!<br />

yuspainek'e'chen<br />

yuspainek'etchen<br />

yuspainek'echen<br />

yuspainek'etchen<br />

yuspainek'echun<br />

yuspainek'etchun1<br />

yuspainek'etchen<br />

(yuspainek'echen;<br />

yuspainek'e'chen) interj.<br />

thank you. Kenma<br />

pilui'tulun menmiwek.<br />

¡Yuspanek'etchen! You<br />

cleared my field. Thank you!<br />

Kenma <strong>Shiwilu</strong> la'la'<br />

a'lek'etchen.<br />

¡Yuspainek'etchen! You<br />

have taught me the <strong>Shiwilu</strong><br />

language. Thank you!<br />

yuspainek'etchun2 interj. thank<br />

you. Yuspainek'etchun<br />

samercha enka'a'musu'<br />

malek. Thank you for the<br />

little fish that you gave me.<br />

yuspainek'etchun1<br />

(yuspainek'echun;<br />

yupainek'e'chun)<br />

*yutapalli (*yutulli) vt. to<br />

scold sb. Kunchasha<br />

yutullun padekita'kasu'<br />

malek kupin-uktanen.<br />

Conchita scolded me because<br />

I broke her large pot to prepare<br />

chicha. val.: *inyutapalli.<br />

yutek (-tek) nom. angry, badtempered.<br />

Kuaki'na<br />

sudawek yutek. My<br />

husband is bad-tempered.<br />

Ilter ñiñi'wanen<br />

mukankeinpu', yutek,<br />

kitektutek. Ilter's dog is a<br />

bad, mean, and likes to bite.<br />

(sem. domains: -<br />

Angry.)<br />

yuter' yutuker'<br />

yutuker' (yuter') vt. scold<br />

him/her! ¡Yutuker'<br />

wilapen ma'ki'na pa'i'ñi<br />

kirka' yañinchitan! Scold<br />

your son because he missed<br />

class! (sem. domains: -<br />

Imperative .)<br />

*yutulli *yutapalli<br />

Yuwer nprop. area around the<br />

Yanayacu river. Rakir<br />

pektawatapalli<br />

Yuwerkek. Raquel is raising<br />

(animals) close to the<br />

Yanayacu river.<br />

Yuwerdek nprop. Yanayacu river.<br />

Tuminkuk ima Hugo<br />

yapuetchulli Yuwerdek.<br />

On Sunday Hugo will fish in<br />

the Yanayacu river. clf: dek2.<br />

(sem. domains: -<br />

River.)<br />

yuyu' n. man (woman speaking).<br />

yuyu'sha n. older brother of a<br />

woman (with love).<br />

Yuyu'shawek i'na<br />

peklulek llillinen Desio<br />

(habla Emérita). My older<br />

brother's name is Desio. cf:<br />

yuyu'wa; cf: yu'sha. (sem.

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