Shiwilu Dictionary

Shiwilu Dictionary

Shiwilu Dictionary


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449 tu'sunlu'<br />

tu<br />

peksilekker'! Take out the<br />

"isla" plantain bunch from its<br />

stem! Wiruñika tera'lli<br />

trukillu'-tanku. Verónica<br />

planted "de la isla" plantain.<br />

(sem. domains: 1.5.2 - Bush,<br />

shrub.)<br />

tu n. type of palm tree, catirina, to<br />

make the roof or fans. ¡Nana<br />

tusha enchuntama'! Do<br />

not cut the "catirina" palm tree!<br />

(sem. domains: 1.5.1 - Tree.)<br />

-tu1 (-t) v. > v. valency-affecting<br />

suffix; suffix that when added<br />

to a verb can increase or<br />

decrease its valency, and when<br />

added to a noun or adjective<br />

results in a verb.<br />

-tu2 vt. prohibitive suffix, don't do<br />

sth. to me. ¡Aner<br />

yatuyututu! Do not seduce<br />

me! (sem. domains: -<br />

Imperative .)<br />

tu'- v. > v. instrumental prefix,<br />

action performed by kicking.<br />

*tu'ten'apalli.<br />

tu'laka' n. type of meidum-sized,<br />

black toad.<br />

Sennandekshek tu'laka'<br />

peklapalli. In the lake the<br />

toad is croaking. (sem.<br />

domains: - Amphibian.)<br />

tu'laker' vi. polish! ¡Tu'laker'<br />

utunlaladalek! Polish with<br />

"shapajilla" seed! (sem.<br />

domains: - Imperative .)<br />

*tu'lalli *tu'lapalli<br />

tu'lalu' n. manioc flour.<br />

Sha'sha Allisia tu'lalu'<br />

nu'tapalli yauku'latan.<br />

Mrs. Alicia is making porridge<br />

to sell. clf: lu'1; syn: pariña.<br />

(sem. domains: -<br />

Prepared food.)<br />

*tu'lapalli (*tu'lalli) vi. to<br />

polish. Amisha tu'lapalli<br />

utunlaladalek. The old<br />

woman is polishing (sth.) with<br />

shapajilla seed. val.:<br />

*tu'latapalli.<br />

*tu'latapalli (*tu'latulli) vt. to<br />

polish sth. Amisha<br />

tu'latapalli yunpinen.<br />

The old woman is polishing her<br />

jar. Misa'wek sa'ka'lli,<br />

tu'latetchek. The surface of<br />

my table is rough, I will polish<br />

it. val.: *tu'lapalli.<br />

tu'later' vt. polish it! ¡Tu'later'<br />

yunpipen! Polish your jar!<br />

(sem. domains: -<br />

Imperative .)<br />

*tu'latulli *tu'latapalli<br />

tu'ñi n. tar, it is produced by<br />

bees. Makunchek<br />

tanakda' tu'ñi<br />

yalulennek nunwek. I will<br />

go to the forest to get tar to<br />

seal my canoe. [Lo producen<br />

las abejas bravas en sus nidos<br />

en los árboles. Se prepara<br />

hirviéndolo y se usa<br />

mayormente para cerrar las<br />

aberturas entre las tablas al<br />

hacer canoa o bote.]<br />

tu'sunlu' n. dust from the house<br />

or the street. Tu'sunlu'<br />

nakusu' yunsañi

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