Shiwilu Dictionary

Shiwilu Dictionary

Shiwilu Dictionary


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363 *pillia'pincha'lli *pilu'tapalli<br />

unkunak. The handles are<br />

attached to the door (of the<br />

shelf). cf: ernpuna,<br />

ernpunan.<br />

*pillia'pincha'lli vi. to start<br />

again. Ipa' ekkilala<br />

pilli'ncha'lli. ¡Enchuku'<br />

pur'awa' nadi'neklusa',<br />

wilalunlusa'! The dry<br />

season has already started.<br />

Let's go fishing young men<br />

and young women! Ipa'<br />

mitan duker<br />

pillia'pincha'lli. The month<br />

of carnival is already<br />

approaching.<br />

pillilli-duwin n. large toucan.<br />

Pillilli-duwin ka'apalli<br />

panpekla. The large toucan<br />

is eating the fruit of the "irapai"<br />

palm. (sem. domains: -<br />

Bird.)<br />

pillillun n. toucanet, type of small<br />

toucan a little bit larger than<br />

tabaquero, with a yellow chest.<br />

Pillillun i'na sha'pi'<br />

chiteklli. The "pinshilla" has<br />

a yellow chest. cf: su'wer'.<br />

(sem. domains: - Bird.)<br />

Pillipi nprop. Felipe.<br />

Muyunpak pa'an Pillipi<br />

Inka'la'la'<br />

ñinchilunkuñi. Nana<br />

lawetlli. When Felipe went<br />

to Moyabamba he learned to<br />

speak quechua. He was the<br />

interpretor. Ukilaler ima<br />

di'setchulli Pillipi<br />

kawallunen. The lightning<br />

burned Felipe's horse.<br />

Pillisha (Pidar) nprop. Pilar,<br />

Pilarcita. Ichur teklapinen<br />

Pillisha. Hector's daughter is<br />

Pilar. Dudinpu'la'la'yañinchita'su'<br />

llillinen<br />

Pillisha. The linguist's name<br />

is Pilar.<br />

pilu'ker' (pilu'r) vt. clear off<br />

weed! ¡Menminpen pilu'r!<br />

Clear your field! (sem.<br />

domains: - Imperative .)<br />

*pilu'lli *pilu'palli<br />

*pilu'palli (*pilu'lli) vt. to clear<br />

of weed, to cut out the weed.<br />

Wa'an kamashitulli kalli<br />

pilu'erkek. The chief<br />

ordered (the people) to clear<br />

the streets of weed.<br />

Menmiwek pilu'palek. I<br />

am clearing my field of weeds.<br />

val.: *pilu'tapalli. (sem.<br />

domains: - Clear a<br />

field.)<br />

pilu'pi nom. cleared. U'chimu<br />

mushasu' pilu'pi<br />

witekwanpi. Beautiful, well<br />

cleared of weed and swept<br />

(was the patio of Arákayu). clf:<br />

pi3 1) .<br />

pilu'r pilu'ker'<br />

*pilu'tapalli (*pilu'tulli) vi. to<br />

clear of weed, to cut out the<br />

weed. Menmiwekkek<br />

pilu'tapalek pumuwañi. I<br />

am clearing my field because<br />

there are weeds. Kupin<br />

pilu'tula. You have cleared a<br />

large (piece of land). val.:

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