Shiwilu Dictionary

Shiwilu Dictionary

Shiwilu Dictionary


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353 *pi'mur'apalli<br />

-pi'<br />

Sankuanpi' kuañi ka'lek.<br />

On Saint John's day they eat<br />

juane. cf: Paskuapi'. (sem.<br />

domains: - Celebrate.)<br />

-pi'2 although, even though.<br />

Madu lli'ankupi'nta'<br />

tekkapi'ñi. Although the<br />

tortoise sees me, it does not<br />

run. Ipa'la nerpi'la llillin<br />

aku'llina'<br />

ñinchiluinpu'a'pi'na'.<br />

Nowadays , they give their<br />

children foreign names,<br />

without even knowing the<br />

language. cf: -la'pi'.<br />

*pi'chiwa'lli *pi'chiwa'palli<br />

*pi'chiwa'palli (*pi'chiwa'lli)<br />

vt. to rape. Puñañin<br />

mapa'tapa'su' ñi<br />

pi'chiwi'ñun. The barbasco<br />

merchant did not rape me.<br />

(sem. domains: - Do<br />

evil to.)<br />

=pi'la self. Kuenchipi'la<br />

piperchulek kutunwek. I<br />

sewed my dress myself.<br />

Kudeinchipi'la terallidek<br />

senpa. We ourselves grew<br />

the pinepapples.<br />

*pi'le'chapalli *pi'ler'chapalli<br />

pi'le'cher' pi'lercher'<br />

*pi'le'chulli *pi'ler'chapalli<br />

*pi'ler'apalli (*pi'ler'lli) vt. to<br />

play the drum, to play the little<br />

drum, to ring the bell.<br />

Rodolfo pi'ler'apalli<br />

tuntunpisha. Rodolfo is<br />

playing the little drum.<br />

*pi'ler'chapalli<br />

(*pi'le'chapalli;<br />

*pi'letchapalli;<br />

*pi'letchulli;<br />

*pi'ler'chulli;<br />

*pi'le'chulli) vi. to play the<br />

little drum, to play the drum, to<br />

ring the bell. Rodolfo<br />

pi'letchulli mitanpi.<br />

Rodolfo played the little drum<br />

during carnival. (sem.<br />

domains: 4.2.3 - Music.)<br />

*pi'ler'chulli *pi'ler'chapalli<br />

pi'ler'ker' vt. play it! ring it!<br />

¡Pi'ler'ker' kanpana'!<br />

Ring the bell! (sem. domains:<br /> - Imperative .)<br />

*pi'ler'lli *pi'ler'apalli<br />

pi'lercher' (pi'letcher';<br />

pi'le'cher') vi. play the little<br />

drum! ¡Ipa' pi'letcher',<br />

yalansa'llina'. Play your<br />

little drum now, they want to<br />

dance! (sem. domains:<br />

- Imperative .)<br />

*pi'letchapalli *pi'ler'chapalli<br />

pi'letcher' pi'lercher'<br />

*pi'letchulli *pi'ler'chapalli<br />

pi'muer'ker pi'mur'ker'<br />

*pi'mur'apalli (*pi'mur'lli) vt.<br />

to fill sth. in a recipient, to fill a<br />

recipient with sth. Asu'<br />

yalli'wa pekwanpik<br />

uklulu'pi pi'mur'apalli.<br />

This young man is filling the<br />

bowl (made from squash) with<br />

manioc beer.<br />

Lantekpiwekkek ker'

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