Shiwilu Dictionary

Shiwilu Dictionary

Shiwilu Dictionary


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343 *pektanchiterapalli<br />

pektawaker'<br />

pektala n. caebro, poles that go<br />

on top of the highest point of<br />

the roof to which you tie ropes<br />

to. Pektalaki dunketllek<br />

cheksha'su'. To make the<br />

caebro one looks for very<br />

straight logs. syn: palli'nala.<br />

(sem. domains: -<br />

Roof.)<br />

*pektanchitelli<br />

*pektanchiterapalli<br />

*pektanchiterapalli<br />

(*pektanchitelli) vi. apply<br />

leche caspi to ceramics with<br />

cotton so that it seals its pores.<br />

Wilawek ku'aperwawa<br />

ipa' pektanchitelli. My<br />

daughter already applied leche<br />

caspi to the ceramic so that it<br />

seals its pores. (sem. domains:<br />

6.1.6 - Made by hand.)<br />

pektanchiterker' vi. apply leche<br />

caspi to the ceramic so that it<br />

seals its pores! seal the<br />

ceramic with lechecaspi!<br />

¡Ma'atasu' ekka'dek,<br />

pektanchiterker', sadin!<br />

Here is the resin, apply it to the<br />

ceramic so that it seals its<br />

pores, daughter (the father is<br />

speaking)! (sem. domains:<br /> - Imperative .)<br />

*pektañi *pektanpalli<br />

pektanker' vt. extract the sap of<br />

it! (sem. domains: -<br />

Imperative .)<br />

*pektanpalli (*pektañi) vt. to<br />

extract the sap. Ekkadek<br />

pektañina',<br />

a'ukluka'llina',<br />

watenñina'. They extracted<br />

the sap of the cow tree, boiled<br />

it, and waited.<br />

*pektantapalli (*pektantulli)<br />

vt. to apply leche caspi resin to<br />

ceramics with cotton. Puiñú',<br />

ipa' pektantullen.<br />

¡Pekdetcher'! I already<br />

applied lechecaspi to you (jar).<br />

Seal your pores! (sem.<br />

domains: 6.1.6 - Made by<br />

hand.)<br />

pektanter' vt. seal the ceramic!<br />

apply leche caspi to the jar so<br />

that it seals its pores! ¡Puiñu<br />

pektanter'! Apply leche<br />

caspi to the jar so that it seals<br />

its pores! (sem. domains:<br /> - Imperative .)<br />

*pektantulli *pektantapalli<br />

pektawa n. animal that one<br />

raises. "Iñer pektawawek<br />

ekpantetchek<br />

Ukayerlupa'" tan ima<br />

Arakayu, nu'wanta'lli. "I<br />

will take all the animals that I<br />

raise to the Ucayali river" said<br />

Arákayu and went down the<br />

river. (sem. domains: 6.3.1 -<br />

Domesticated animal.)<br />

pektawa'su' nom. sb. who raises<br />

animals. Arakayu<br />

samersa' pektawa'su'<br />

nuka'a. Arákayu only raised<br />

fish.<br />

pektawaker' (pektawer') vt.<br />

raise it! ¡Pektawaker'<br />

wa'dantek! Raise chickens!

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