Shiwilu Dictionary

Shiwilu Dictionary

Shiwilu Dictionary


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ner 298<br />

ñenpi' ñi enpi'<br />

ner another. Nerpidekkek<br />

llia'lli. He stayed in another<br />

house.<br />

*nerchapalli (*nerchulli2) vi.<br />

to be(come) different, to be<br />

different. Asi'na nerchulli.<br />

This is different.<br />

*nerchapilalli (*netchulli;<br />

*nerchulli1; *netchapalli)<br />

vi. to worsen (the appearance<br />

of a sick one). Inkatu' uklli<br />

ukalli. Ukan ñi ma'nen<br />

ka'inpu' nerchulli. He had<br />

a fever for four days. Since he<br />

had a fever, he did not eat at<br />

all and worsened in<br />

appearance.<br />

nerchek (netchek; ne'chek)<br />

n. nose.<br />

Padeknetchektullinerku<br />

ukladektapalli. They broke<br />

my nose with a blow and it is<br />

bleeding. Arturo<br />

indeksamelli<br />

nerchekñek<br />

luwanchi'npu'lapi'n.<br />

Arturo hooked himself on the<br />

nose by accident.<br />

nerchekla (netchekla;<br />

ne'chekla) n. clitoris. Asu'<br />

wilalunsha nakusu'<br />

susunetcheklalli. This<br />

young woman has a large<br />

clitoris (said by old women as<br />

a joke). cf: la2. (sem. domains:<br /> - Female organs.)<br />

nerchekpi (ne'chekpi;<br />

netchekpi) n. snout.<br />

¡Llipu'netchekpiter'<br />

nana kusher! Hit that pig's<br />

snout with a pole! clf: pi4.<br />

*nerchulli1 *nerchapilalli<br />

*nerchulli2 *nerchapalli<br />

neridek n. breath, gasp.<br />

Inusinchi nerideknen<br />

lauklek. I have heard<br />

Inocente's breathing. (sem.<br />

domains: 2.2.1 - Breathe,<br />

breath.)<br />

nerilli neripalli<br />

neripalli (nerilli) vi. 1) to<br />

breathe. Nana nerilli. He<br />

breathed. Nana neripi'ñi.<br />

He is not breathing. Nana<br />

neri'ñi. He did not breathe.<br />

(sem. domains: 2.2.1 -<br />

Breathe, breath.) 2) to rest.<br />

Tatawek neripalli. My<br />

father is resting.<br />

nerir' vi. 1) breathe! ¡Nerir'<br />

ikersu'! Breathe hard! (sem.<br />

domains: - Imperative .)<br />

2) rest! ¡Nerir' talak! Rest in<br />

the hammock! (sem. domains:<br /> - Imperative .)<br />

nerisilupi n. pharynx, larynx,<br />

portion of the respiratory tract<br />

between the nose and the<br />

lungs. Nerisilupimapu'wa'<br />

neridek nakupalli. The air<br />

that we breathe goes through<br />

our pharynx and larynx. cf:<br />

lanpi'-silupi. (sem.<br />

domains: 2.2.1 - Breathe,<br />

breath.)<br />

neriwanpitek n. lung, lungs.<br />

Neridekmapu'wa'<br />


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