Shiwilu Dictionary

Shiwilu Dictionary

Shiwilu Dictionary


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255 lutanen'apalli<br />

*luser'apalli<br />

kenma'ku'lusa'<br />

a'chi'yektuteklusa'.<br />

Nawa' idenmallina'<br />

Ishpaña muda'lusa'lek.<br />

Long time ago, the Indians<br />

now deceased were liberators.<br />

They fought against the<br />

Spaniards.<br />

luse'chapalli luserchapalli<br />

*luser'apalli vi. to look down<br />

from high up. Etchu'<br />

luser'apalli. The black<br />

monkey is looking from high<br />

up. cf: kutenker'; cf:<br />

*kuten'apalli; val.:<br />

luserchapalli. (sem.<br />

domains: 2.3.1 - See.)<br />

luser'cher' vt. look at it from high<br />

up! ¡Musenkeklan<br />

luser'cher kalli! Look at<br />

the street from high up! (sem.<br />

domains: - Imperative .)<br />

luser'ker' vi. look below!<br />

¡Kutenker, dawik<br />

luser'ker'! Look up and then<br />

look below! (sem. domains:<br /> - Imperative .)<br />

luserchapalli (luse'chapalli;<br />

lusetchapalli; luserchulli)<br />

vt. to look down at sb. or sth.<br />

from high up.<br />

Kanpana'pi'ler'a'su'<br />

musenkekla<br />

lusetchullun. The man who<br />

rings the bell looked at me<br />

from high up. Etchu'<br />

luserchullen. The black<br />

monkey looked down at you<br />

from high up. ant:<br />

kutentapalli; val.:<br />

*luser'apalli. (sem.<br />

domains: - Look.)<br />

luserchulli luserchapalli<br />

lusetchapalli luserchapalli<br />

lusu n. fallow, stage of crop<br />

rotation in which the field is<br />

abandoned and it turns into<br />

forest. Nana lusu u'chimu<br />

menmin nu'tununta'<br />

a'mak. This empty field is<br />

now good to use again (as a<br />

field). (sem. domains: 6.2 -<br />

Agriculture.)<br />

lusun n. type of moth. Lusun<br />

i'na chiter anu'tan<br />

peklusuntulli, ña'pinta'<br />

ma'kin pa'chi'ñi. When the<br />

polilla moth falls on the corn, it<br />

eats it and the corn becomes<br />

dust, and (the corn) is no<br />

longer useful for anything.<br />

(sem. domains: -<br />

Insect.)<br />

lutalun n. mother-in-law of a<br />

man. Lutalunwek chimiñi<br />

nana malek sawek<br />

wellek'apalli. My motherin-law<br />

died, for that reason my<br />

wife is weeping. clf: lun; cf:<br />

ashatu'. (sem. domains:<br /> - In-law.)<br />

lutan n. garbage. ¡Witekter'<br />

nana lutan apek'a'mak!<br />

Sweep the garbage so that<br />

you can burn it!<br />

lutanen'apalli (lutantenñi) vt.<br />

to have mercy on somebody.<br />

Wa'an lutantenñun.

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