Shiwilu Dictionary

Shiwilu Dictionary

Shiwilu Dictionary


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247 *lliweitapalli -llun<br /> - Imperative .)<br />

*llituntulli *llituntapalli<br />

lliwaitapalli *lliweitapalli<br />

*lliwe'chapalli *lliwer'chapalli<br />

lliwe'cher lliwer'cher'<br />

*lliweitapalli (lliweitulli;<br />

lliwaitapalli) vt. to scare<br />

away, to shoo far away, to<br />

frighten. Kua lliweitulli<br />

kusher, ker'wek<br />

menniwekekda'<br />

ka'inpu'ak. I shooed the pig<br />

far away, so that it does not<br />

eat the manioc in my field.<br />

lliweiter' vt. shoo it far away!<br />

¡Lliweiter' kusher! Shoo<br />

the pig far away! (sem.<br />

domains: - Imperative .)<br />

lliweitulli *lliweitapalli<br />

*lliwer'chapalli<br />

(*lliwetchapalli;<br />

*lliwe'chapalli) vt. to kill a<br />

plant with machete or ax. Asu'<br />

Idu nunala lliwer'chulli<br />

nunlusa' nu'tan. Eleuterio<br />

killed the cedars using his<br />

machete while making canoes.<br />

(sem. domains: 7.8.3 - Cut,<br /> - Kill.)<br />

lliwer'cher' (lliwe'cher;<br />

lliwetcher) vt. kill the plant<br />

with a machete or an ax!<br />

¡Sankallin lliwetcher'!<br />

Kill the "garabato" tree with<br />

machete! cf: pawer'cher'.<br />

(sem. domains: -<br />

Imperative .)<br />

llíweru (Spn. libro) n. book.<br />

Nana llíwerupen wawá,<br />

pata'palli yuyu'washa,<br />

ushei'tetchen. Daughter,<br />

your little brother is touching<br />

your book, he is going to tear<br />

it.<br />

*lliwetchapalli *lliwer'chapalli<br />

lliwetcher lliwer'cher'<br />

-lliyen -lliden<br />

lliyer' llia'ker'<br />

Llu'mi' nprop. Diómer, man's<br />

proper name. Llu'mi'<br />

a'lekta'su'. Diómer is a<br />

teacher.<br />

Lluchika nprop. Lourdes. (The<br />

letter "ch" is pronunced like the<br />

letter "ll" in Amazonian<br />

Spanish). Lluchika<br />

yenchentulli. Lourdes<br />

stretched.<br />

Llumallun nprop. character in a<br />

story corresponding to an old<br />

woman who was wise and<br />

lived alone on a hill. Nana<br />

ali'lima tulli "Kui’na<br />

ñinchitulek nana<br />

mutupik nanpipalli<br />

Llumallun". Another one<br />

said "I know that Llumallun<br />

lives in the mountain."<br />

-llun v. suffix that added to a<br />

transitive verb indicates nonfuture<br />

tense, third person<br />

singular subject acting on a<br />

first person singular object.<br />

Wa'dantekwek apellun<br />

nana apetchutek. That<br />

thief stole my chicken. (sem.

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