Shiwilu Dictionary

Shiwilu Dictionary

Shiwilu Dictionary


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129 ikerchek ikersu'<br />

hurts. I cannot bend. Kua<br />

deksula wellun.<br />

Iketchapalek, kuasa'.<br />

The "isula" ant bit me. I am the<br />

only one feeling pain. val.:<br />

*ikerapalli 1) .<br />

ikerchek (iketchek; ike'chek)<br />

n. sorcery. Asu' Maria'<br />

iketcheklek chimiñi.<br />

Maria died from sorcery.<br />

Ukchapi ñinchitapalli<br />

iketchek. Octavio knows<br />

about sorcery. cf:<br />

*a'iketchek'apalli. (sem.<br />

domains: 2.5.5 - Cause of<br />

disease.)<br />

*ikerchitek'apalli<br />

(*ike'chitek'apalli;<br />

*iketchitek'apalli;<br />

ikerchiteklli) vi. to hurt<br />

one's chest, to have chest<br />

pain. Mañir tanku a'lerpi<br />

ka'apan paki'lli,<br />

naneklan ikerchiteklli.<br />

Manuel ate roasted plantains<br />

and choked, that is why his<br />

chest hurt. (sem. domains:<br /> - Pain.)<br />

ikerchiteklli *ikerchitek'apalli<br />

*ikerchulli *ikerchapalli<br />

ikerinya' n. pain associated with<br />

urinating. Dawer itek<br />

ikerinya'ki u'chimu. The<br />

root of the chonta palm tree is<br />

good for alleviating pain when<br />

urinating. (sem. domains:<br /> - Pain, -<br />

Medicinal plants.)<br />

ikerkankañi ikerkankanpalli<br />

ikerkankanpalli<br />

(ikerkankañi) vi. to have a<br />

stomach ache. Ikineklli'<br />

ikerkankanek. At midnight I<br />

had a stomach ache (lit. liver<br />

ache). (sem. domains: -<br />

Pain.)<br />

ikerkulupilli ikerkulupipalli<br />

ikerkulupipalli (ikerkulupilli)<br />

vi. to have a sore throat.<br />

Ikerkulupilli ilun<br />

nuka'a'. He has a sore<br />

throat because he's catching a<br />

cold. (sem. domains: 2.5.2 -<br />

Disease.)<br />

ikermutu' n. headache. Dakala<br />

u'chimu ilulennanki,<br />

ukakin ikermutu'ki. The<br />

"dakala" is good as a<br />

medicine, to heal fever and<br />

headaches. (sem. domains:<br /> - Pain.)<br />

ikermutu'lli ikermutu'palli<br />

ikermutu'palli (ikermutu'lli)<br />

vi. to have a headache. Kua<br />

ikermutu'lek ilumu. I<br />

have a headache because I<br />

am catching a cold. (sem.<br />

domains: - Pain.)<br />

ikersu' 1) adv. painfully. Lu'lek<br />

kitekllenmu' ikersu'. The<br />

"ishchimi" ant bites us very<br />

badly. 2) adj. strong. Ikersu'<br />

asu' nuka'. This chilli<br />

pepper is very strong. 3) adv.<br />

fast. Pideru pa'lli ikersu'<br />

inchilalalupa'. Pedro<br />

walked fast through the<br />

pathway. ¡Ikersu'

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