Shiwilu Dictionary

Shiwilu Dictionary

Shiwilu Dictionary


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107 *ekkuipalli ekmupalli<br />

ka'lli. Nupusik<br />

dekkananler ka'lli. When<br />

the "ñaccha caspi" bears fruit,<br />

the "uchpa" parrot eats it.<br />

When the fruit falls the paca<br />

agouti eats it. (sem. domains:<br />

1.5.1 - Tree.)<br />

*ekkuipalli (*ekkuilli) vt. 1) to<br />

scrape. Nana pape'llu'<br />

pidek ekkuilli mushasu'<br />

lli'tek. He scraped the wall of<br />

the house to make it look<br />

pretty. (sem. domains: 6.5 -<br />

Working with buildings.) 2) to<br />

polish. Amiwek ekkuilli<br />

sinanpachi<br />

ekkuitutetcheklek. My<br />

grandmother used to polish<br />

bowls with a instrument (used<br />

to polish ceramic).<br />

ekkuitapalli (ekkuitulli) vt. to<br />

polish or scrape ceramic with a<br />

polisher made of "pate"<br />

squash. Kua ekkuitulek<br />

sinanpachi<br />

ekkuitutetcheklek. I have<br />

polished (ceramic) with a<br />

polisher made of squash.<br />

ekkuiter' vt. polish it! scrape it!<br />

¡Ekkuiter'<br />

sinanpachipen, awá!<br />

Polish your ceramic bowl,<br />

sister! (sem. domains: -<br />

Imperative .)<br />

ekkuitulli ekkuitapalli<br />

ekkuitute'chek ekkuitutetchek<br />

ekkuitutetchek<br />

(ekkuitute'chek) n.<br />

polisher, scraper, instrument<br />

made from "pate" squash to<br />

polish ceramic. Amiwek<br />

ekkuilli<br />

ekkuitutetcheklek. My<br />

grandmother used to polish<br />

with an instrument (used to<br />

polish ceramic). (sem.<br />

domains: 6.7 - Tool.)<br />

eklansa'pa'su' n. dance partner.<br />

Eklansa'pa'su'ler<br />

ekllalantektulli. His<br />

dancing partner stepped on his<br />

foot.<br />

eklli2 adv. tomorrow. Puñañin<br />

llisanna' "eklli<br />

pur'awa'" tullini'ma.<br />

After grinding up barbasco<br />

poison they said "let's fish<br />

tomorrow". Aullu ipa'la<br />

wayusa'la inyalalatulli,<br />

eklli'na peksenchu. Today<br />

Aurora has roasted the coffee<br />

grains, tomorrow she will grind<br />

them. cf: eklli supinan.<br />

*eklli1 *ek'apalli<br />

eklli supinan adv. the day after<br />

tomorrow. Eklli supinan<br />

Tarapukuk pa'a. We two<br />

will go to Tarapoto the day<br />

after tomorrow. cf: eklli2; cf:<br />

ali'la eklli supinan.<br />

ekmulli ekmupalli<br />

ekmupalli (ekmulli) vt. to<br />

improve. Kaikshawek<br />

ekmulli asu' kalantek<br />

kala'tapa'kasu'. My older<br />

sister improved this skirt that I<br />

was weaving.

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