Shiwilu Dictionary

Shiwilu Dictionary

Shiwilu Dictionary


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1061 yuyu'wa<br />

type of tree, "shiringuillo"<br />

sha'lula n. type of tree whose<br />

name in Spanish is unknown.<br />

Sha'lula tunla ka'lli<br />

ilanserllusa'ler. Some<br />

birds eat the worms from the<br />

"shiringuilla" tree.<br />

Sha'lulai'na samellusa'<br />

ka'a'su'. The fish eat the fruit<br />

of the "shiringuilla." (sem.<br />

domains: 1.5.1 - Tree.)<br />

type of tree, "uvos" tree<br />

type of tree, "viento caspi"<br />

mellun n. type of tree, "viento<br />

caspi." Nalalu'nanlusa'<br />

kuku'yu'wanan, pasen,<br />

tananwanan, tanchilun,<br />

melllun, pekwaser,<br />

llinan. The thick trees are<br />

"cola de paucar" caspi, "palo<br />

aletudo," "tananwanan,"<br />

"tornillo" caspi, "viento" caspi,<br />

"ana" caspi and "lupuna."<br />

(sem. domains: 1.5.1 - Tree.)<br />

type of tree, anacaspi<br />

pekwaser' n. type of tree, type<br />

of thick tree, "anacaspi,"<br />

garapa. Pekwaser' i'na<br />

enpu'ni shinan ipa',<br />

nanek kuku'<br />

pidekwanpalli. The<br />

"anacaspi" is very tall, there<br />

they have the house of the<br />

"paucar bocholocho."<br />

Nalalu'nanlusa'<br />

kuku'yu'wanan, pasen,<br />

tananwanan, tanchilun,<br />

mellun, pekwaser,<br />

llinan. The thick trees are<br />

tails of paucar caspi, palo<br />

aletudo, tananwanan, tornillo<br />

caspi, viento caspi, ana caspi,<br />

and lupuna. (Apuleia leiocarpa)<br />

(sem. domains: 1.5.1 - Tree.)<br />

type of tree, antara caspi<br />

type of tree, árbol llorón<br />

inkaweran ( inkauran) n. type<br />

of tree, árbol llorón. ¡Yalli'ta<br />

inkaweran,<br />

ikerunkeretchu! Do not<br />

look at the "inkaweran" tree,<br />

your neck will hurt! cf:<br />

welleknan. (sem. domains:<br />

1.5.1 - Tree, 2.5.5 - Cause of<br />

disease.)<br />

type of tree, black manwood<br />

walenña n. type of tree,<br />

"huambula,"black manwood,<br />

huacapu. Walenña i'na<br />

nala waten'a'su'.<br />

U'chimu pian pidekki.<br />

The black manwood is a<br />

resistent tree. It is good for<br />

making the supporting pole of<br />

the house. (Minquartia<br />

guianensis) (sem. domains:<br />

1.5.1 - Tree.)<br />

type of tree, bloodwood<br />

ukladek-nala (comp. of<br />

ukladek, nala) n. type of<br />

tree, bloodwood.<br />

Ukladeknalai'na<br />

usu'llina' pidek pian<br />

yaku'nna'. They gathered<br />

bloodwood to make the<br />

supporting column (of the<br />

house). cf: unkuenña,<br />

unkuenñan.<br />

type of tree, caimito

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