Rohinaa.com » Arudha Lagna - www.rohinaa.com by Rafal Gendarz

Rohinaa.com » Arudha Lagna - www.rohinaa.com by Rafal Gendarz

Rohinaa.com » Arudha Lagna - www.rohinaa.com by Rafal Gendarz


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<strong>Arudha</strong> <strong>Lagna</strong><br />

<strong>Rohinaa</strong>.<strong>com</strong><br />

A Vedic Astrology Haven<br />

FAQ September 2nd, 2007<br />


Prashant: I have Venus in 2nd from AL in Jaimini Sutras it is said it ll make person rich ?<br />

Whether it is true But i have Venus with sun and ketu in 2nd from AL will it will reduce<br />

The Potential of Yoga?Navamsa dignity of this grahas is important. debilitatin is very bad if is<br />

connected to 2H from AL, it can cause health issues and blockage to rajayogas. venus and ketu<br />

will show blood problems. Shoola dasa of malefics in 2H from AL is bad.<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

priya Says:<br />

January 22nd, 2008 at 4:50 pm<br />

Dear <strong>Rafal</strong>-ji, Namaskar.<br />

Strong benefics in the 7th from AL is said to unlock the door to the world. I have<br />

Jupiter & Venus in Libra as the 7th from Aries AL;(& 5th from Gemini lagna). Sounds<br />

good to me,BUT Jupiter is bhadakesh & cursed <strong>by</strong> Saturn(with AL in Aries) and Rahu(in<br />

Aquarius). Also Venus is retrogade.[In D9 Jupiter(2nd) and Venus(12th) are in<br />

parivarthana.]<br />

Will strengthening Jupiter/Venus have a beneficial or detrimental effect on my <strong>Arudha</strong><br />

<strong>Lagna</strong>?<br />

Date of Birth: November 23 1970<br />

Time of Birth: 21:30 PM<br />

TimeZone: +7:30 GMT<br />

Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia<br />

With many thanks,<br />

Priya<br />

<strong>Rafal</strong> <strong>Gendarz</strong> Says:<br />

January 23rd, 2008 at 1:44 am<br />

hare rama krsna<br />

Dear Priya, Namaskar<br />

Priya<br />

Normally for Hindu, we advise Kali worship as on 1/7 axis from AL this is the biggest<br />

obstacle. Only Mangal give neechabhanga to Shani, but being with Chandra it will<br />

cause stress and short temper, but it can also give money.<br />

Regards<br />

<strong>Rafal</strong> <strong>Gendarz</strong><br />

Rajesh Says:<br />

January 23rd, 2008 at 9:37 am<br />

Hi <strong>Rafal</strong>,<br />

I was followingf the previous thread. I could not clearly understand the condition in<br />

which Kali worship is adviced. If the 7th from AL has a host of malefics and very strong<br />

curses then in that case should Kali worship be adviced? Please clarify.<br />

-Regards<br />

Rajesh<br />

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4.<br />

5.<br />

6.<br />

7.<br />

<strong>Rafal</strong> <strong>Gendarz</strong> Says:<br />

January 23rd, 2008 at 12:35 pm<br />

hare rama krsna<br />

Dear Rajesh, Namaskar<br />

In this chart it was Shani debilitation.<br />

Malefics in first bhava from AL we cure <strong>by</strong> Agni worship, in seventh - <strong>by</strong> Surya<br />

worship.<br />

Regards<br />

<strong>Rafal</strong> <strong>Gendarz</strong><br />

Rajesh Says:<br />

January 24th, 2008 at 7:51 am<br />

Hi <strong>Rafal</strong>,<br />

Got it, thanks for explaining -:)<br />

-Regards<br />

Rajesh<br />

aRNAB Says:<br />

January 30th, 2008 at 8:37 am<br />

||hare ramakrishna||<br />

dear <strong>Rafal</strong>,<br />

1] Benefics in 3rd and 6th from AL gives rise in spirtuality.Is it because of<br />

3rd[parakrama] benefics give a non-violent approach and in 6th[shadripus]helps in<br />

getting rid of it.please give your point of view.<br />

2]what does 8th from al signifies?<br />

Thanking you.<br />

Your eternal wellwisher,<br />

arnab<br />

Rajesh Says:<br />

January 30th, 2008 at 10:08 am<br />

Hi Arnab,<br />

8th AL in general should signify the health or more importantly how the health of the<br />

native is percieved <strong>by</strong> the world at large. Also what kind of inheretence will or will not<br />

be acquired. Agin this is a very generic thing which gets modified based on the exact<br />

rasi and planets involved.<br />

Again being the 8th house, it also indictes 8th house related matters including unkown<br />

and even the kundalini shakti. But that of course depends on teh planets, yogas and<br />

rasi of the 8th. Moon is bad in the 8th from AL. Benefic here indicate robust health.<br />

Also 8th from AL helps in transofrmatin of the native, depending on the various<br />

planets/rasis involved. Say for example someone with scorpio in 8th from AL having<br />

mars-guru <strong>com</strong>bination and also other supporting spiritual <strong>com</strong>bination will at some<br />

point delve deep into aghor/tantra sadhanas. I have seen a chart like this. So basically<br />

it depends.<br />

I’m sure <strong>Rafal</strong> can clarify this better.<br />

-Regards<br />

Rajesh<br />

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8.<br />

9.<br />

10.<br />

aRNAB Says:<br />

January 30th, 2008 at 11:23 am<br />

hare ramakrishna,<br />

dear rajesh,<br />

my 2nd question is very much related to the 1st one where<strong>by</strong> benefics in 3rd and 6th<br />

produces a spirtual person.But what does 8th from AL signifies with respect to<br />

spirtuality.What you have given is very much the fundamentals of arudha.Thank you<br />

very much.<br />

however since my understanding says the 3rd and 6th from AL deals with the tamasic<br />

karakas where<strong>by</strong> 8th from AL deals with the sustenence of the arudha.<br />

so can exalted benefics here given any sort of direction to spirtuality like in 3rd or 6th<br />

from AL.<br />

As said in your post.moon is bad being the karak for arudhas.<br />

i hope rafal will add to this.Thanks Rajesh,really appreciate your efforts.<br />

Awaiting your thoughts on this(<strong>Rafal</strong>)<br />

your eternal wellwisher,<br />

arnab.<br />

Rajesh Says:<br />

January 30th, 2008 at 12:43 pm<br />

HI Arnab,<br />

I believe just <strong>by</strong> itself an exhalted benefic would not do much spiritual growth, for that<br />

other connections need to be build. For example if jupiter happens to be in the 8th<br />

from AL then it aspects the 12th from AL as well, and that is the house which can draw<br />

energy from the nil shaktis. However all this will happen only if the chart itself and the<br />

native himself is doign spiritual efforts, hence this is not the first primary yoga for<br />

spirituality. By itself it may not be of much help but this planet connected with otehr<br />

arudhas and/or aspects can make a whole world of difference. Unlike in the A3 and A6,<br />

A8 placement of benefic wont directly just <strong>by</strong> itself make any significant difference to<br />

the natives spiritual growth.<br />

My knowledge of jyotish is very limited and what I said may not be correct. <strong>Rafal</strong> I<br />

suppose would be teh best person to answer this. Its a very good question <strong>by</strong> the way.<br />

Also which planet are you talking about specifically? Kindly provide some more details.<br />

-Regards<br />

Rajesh<br />

<strong>Rafal</strong> <strong>Gendarz</strong> Says:<br />

January 30th, 2008 at 7:33 pm<br />

hare rama krsna<br />

Dear aRNAB, Rajesh, Namaskar<br />

I’m glad to see this important topic being discussed.<br />

First I would like to clear out one thing: pravraja yoga doenst neccessarly grant<br />

spirituality. It hits negatively material aspect of life, which can inspire for<br />

spirituality or other aspect of rejection the world.<br />

For this we should see guna of nakshatras involved. Satvic nakshatras shows the<br />

mind which is ready to easily give up and engaged in satvic way of living ie.<br />

spiritualism. This also demands other spiritual yogas in chart. Normally such people<br />

suffer in some area of life and slowly turn into some kind of internal life. That yoga<br />

(pravraja) will attract situation which inspire to move into that direction.<br />

Now addressing your query: benefics in 1,2,4,5,8,10 from <strong>Arudha</strong>pada are<br />

benefitting the native with material goods, opposite for malefics. So in that<br />

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11.<br />

12.<br />

scenario malefics in eight bhava from <strong>Arudha</strong>pada are in category of Pravraja yoga.<br />

Finally I can provide few charts with Me and Ve strong in 3/6 from <strong>Arudha</strong>pada and<br />

those kind of people can be quite atheistic or not interested in uplifting the<br />

conciosness. Its also important, there<strong>by</strong> I want to repeat myself - these benefics<br />

must be strong either in Rasi or Navamsa. Otherwise they are capable of bringing<br />

material goods also. So its not advisable to rely solely on <strong>Arudha</strong>pada to judge<br />

one’s spiritual level or direction.<br />

8 from AL is called swa-arudha, and it shows how we transform. Benefics in that<br />

position shows <strong>com</strong>fortable and easily transformation, while malefics will show<br />

some kind of shocking or extreme change. This placement also shows how others<br />

will see our death (3 from AL show real cause). It also controls fatal accidents<br />

(when dusthamarana yoga are influencing), health and wealthwise setbacks.<br />

Usually malefics in eight from AL makes one indebted, the same is for eigth bhava<br />

from Dasa Rasi.<br />

There are few more things but I think that explains the doubts arisen.<br />

Regards<br />

<strong>Rafal</strong> Genda<br />

aRNAB Says:<br />

January 30th, 2008 at 9:53 pm<br />

||Hare ramakrishna||<br />

Dear <strong>Rafal</strong>,rajesh,<br />

Thanks a lot.Well rafal,i am fortunate to learn a lot from <strong>rohinaa</strong>.<strong>com</strong>.Yes,what you<br />

have said is very true that pravrajya yoga doesnt necessarly gives spirtuality and other<br />

yogas should be there to support it.<br />

you have wonderfully explained the above querries.<br />

A chart analysis includes the judging of planets from lagna ,from AL and the GRAHA<br />

ARUDHA with respect to lagna.<br />

Please correct me here if i am wrong –{ the AL shows how the perception of people<br />

wheras GRAHA ARUDHA shows the perception of native about himself or situation of his<br />

personal life.}<br />

my question is if during the mahadasha of the planet which is well placed from arudha<br />

lagna and its graha arudha is in dusthan from lagna or vice versa — what will be the<br />

results .<br />

Is it like the world feels the native is very sucesfull wheras the native is unhappy.<br />

Please explain??<br />

your eternal wellwisher,<br />

arnab<br />

<strong>Rafal</strong> <strong>Gendarz</strong> Says:<br />

January 30th, 2008 at 10:34 pm<br />

hare rama krsna<br />

Dear aRNAB, Namaskar<br />

Thank You for Your appreciation. Im happy if You will make some progress due to<br />

this site.<br />

You can experiment with graha arudha, but definitely this tool is not on the top of<br />

my list, while analyzing a chart. Instead I would replace this with analyzing Karaka<br />

<strong>Lagna</strong>. Now we define three shaktis for <strong>Lagna</strong> (kriya), <strong>Arudha</strong> (jnana) and<br />

Atmakaraka (iccha). If You add here Argala principle, then You can judge impact of<br />

Yogas and their timings.<br />

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13.<br />

14.<br />

15.<br />

16.<br />

Nevertheless, I was taught instead that Graha arudhas show i) impact of other<br />

people on us b) our image which we are not fully concious of.<br />

If You want to analyze world/circumstance vs. own feelings/desires then I<br />

re<strong>com</strong>mend working on Narayana Dasa vs. Udu dasa respectively.<br />

Regards<br />

<strong>Rafal</strong> <strong>Gendarz</strong><br />

kevin Says:<br />

January 30th, 2008 at 11:27 pm<br />

Namaskar <strong>Rafal</strong> Ji,<br />

I have Pisces <strong>Arudha</strong> and Sun is 3 rd house from <strong>Arudha</strong> lagna and Sat+Jup+Mars in 6<br />

house and Ketu in 11 House .<br />

Could u please elaborate does this malefic planets in upchayas house indicates<br />

somethng.<br />

Does merc and venus in gemini in 4 house from arudha indicates some aspects.<br />

looking forward from u<br />

may god bless u<br />

regards<br />

kevin<br />

Rajesh Says:<br />

January 31st, 2008 at 7:24 am<br />

Hi <strong>Rafal</strong>,<br />

Just read you replied. Really wonderful. You have actually hit the nail on the head. To<br />

find a clear direction of spiritual progress one must many supporting yogas/strength in<br />

the main lagna/rasi chart itself. Otherwise it can be suspect case.<br />

You have mentioned that the lagna arudha and AK are the three levels of shaktis. So<br />

what happens when the lagnesh, lord of arudha lagna and AK <strong>com</strong>bine or aspect each<br />

other? Does this indicate depending on the signs and bhava, the specific area of life<br />

where the focus will be and achievement will <strong>com</strong>e?<br />

Also what does this indicate about spirituality?<br />

-Regards<br />

Rajesh<br />


January 31st, 2008 at 8:24 am<br />

Respected Sir,<br />

Sir, the above topic of spiritualisam from AL was really interesting. I am just in the<br />

process of learning this noble science.<br />

Sir, suppose Lord Saturn is in the 8th from AL and if he is debiliated and also if he is the<br />

Atmakaraka for the Jathakha, how it should be interpreted. How this positioning would<br />

affect the spiritual growth.<br />

Thanks and Regards,<br />

K.Lakshman<br />

priya Says:<br />

February 1st, 2008 at 12:31 pm<br />

Dear <strong>Rafal</strong>-ji,<br />

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17.<br />

18.<br />

On the topic of the 8th from AL, what if a benefic therin is in parivarthana with a<br />

malefic in the 6th from AL? Will that give the results of a malefic/benefic 8th?? Also is<br />

the Sun considered a malefic from the AL point of view?<br />

You have mentioned 8th bhava from Dasa Rasi also makes one indebted. Is that Narayan<br />

Dasa? And how will the 8th therefrom be stimulated….malefic transits ???<br />

Thank YOu,<br />

Priya<br />

<strong>Rafal</strong> <strong>Gendarz</strong> Says:<br />

February 2nd, 2008 at 7:57 pm<br />

hare rama krsna<br />

Dear Kevin, Rajesh, K.Lakshman, Priya, Namaskar<br />

Kevin<br />

Yes, usually malefics in sixth bhava will tempt You to use bad means to get the<br />

things done.<br />

There is curse of Guru in sixth from <strong>Arudha</strong>pada and You are at risk to ignite the<br />

struggle which will activate the curse. After that You will find Yourself in bad<br />

circumstances as the curse will overwhelm You. It is advised to correct this<br />

situation through Upayas (Vedic Remedies).<br />

Every malefic in 3/6 from <strong>Arudha</strong>pada shows some strategy. Surya and Mangal<br />

shows Danda, Shani, bad Budha, Rahu shows manipulations. Involvement in all this<br />

will make You lost the proper guidance of intellect, as karaka of Guru will suffer. I<br />

feel that this should answer Your question.<br />

Rajesh<br />

Lord of <strong>Lagna</strong>/AL shows Your attitude and action. Knowledge of these three<br />

shakti’s are used with argala principle. If yoga has argala on <strong>Lagna</strong>, <strong>Arudha</strong>pada<br />

and Atmakaraka its fully potent to influence Your name and reputation giving<br />

unobstructed rajayoga related to particular Yoga.<br />

K.Lakshman<br />

If strong malefic is situated in 4 or 10 from <strong>Arudha</strong>pada is granting pravrajayoga<br />

then also debilitated malefic in eight from <strong>Arudha</strong>pada must give Rajayoga. But<br />

there is no guarantee that this yoga will not give health or financial ups and downs<br />

during its Dasa. I have chart with Mangal in Gemini (close to Cancer - so very close<br />

to neecha) in eigth from <strong>Arudha</strong>pada. In dasa of this planet native had very serious<br />

buisness problems/transformation associated with debts. This mangal was involved<br />

in curse of Budha-Ak, so the Jyotirlinga Malikarjuna Mantra rescued the native<br />

from serious damage.<br />

Priya<br />

If You deal with Parivartana, just think about transformation. This can involve<br />

Yourself (when L,LL,AL are involved) or relevant areas of life. Here we see that<br />

both positions are auspicious from <strong>Arudha</strong>pada, so courageous stance will take You<br />

out of debts provided there are no other doshas involved.<br />

Regards,<br />

<strong>Rafal</strong> <strong>Gendarz</strong><br />

chandra Says:<br />

April 21st, 2008 at 12:21 am<br />

Hi <strong>Rafal</strong> Ji,<br />

Malefics in AL really show image , example saturn in AL does it show a person<br />

financially poor or adamant or very strict? If Rahu is in AL how will be the image like<br />

cheater? foreigner?<br />

What is the remeady to break such a bad image? Thanks<br />

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19.<br />

20.<br />

21.<br />

Dharminder Arora Says:<br />

April 22nd, 2008 at 12:24 pm<br />

Hi <strong>Rafal</strong> Ji,<br />

I have both Saturn & Mars as 6th and 8th lord in AL in gemini. What does malefic in AL<br />

shows..<br />

Regards,<br />

Dharminder<br />

manasi Says:<br />

July 5th, 2008 at 2:43 pm<br />

Dear <strong>Rafal</strong>ji,<br />

namaskar,<br />

i have capricorn ascendant and saturn is in 11th house. so the arudha lagna is in 9th<br />

house. sun and ketu are in 9th house and rahu is in 3rd house. lord of 3rd house jupiter<br />

is in second house. what kind of obstacles it cause to the arudhalagna.<br />

regards,<br />

manasi<br />

CHANDAN Says:<br />

February 13th, 2009 at 10:28 am<br />

guruji namaskar<br />

hope you are fine secondly i desir to learn astrology presently iam reading books and<br />

studing your site so pl<br />

help<br />

regards<br />

chandan<br />

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