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8. Ashtami - Bold and reckless. 9. Navami - Troubled by sorrows and anxieties. 10. Dasami - Happy and a leader. 11. Ekadasi - Pure and clean. 12. Dwadasi - Fond of spreading scandals about others. 13. Trayodasi - Joyful and happy. 14. Chaturdasi - Fond of sinful acts. 15. Poornima - Well-developed and strong body. 30. Amavasya - Poor enjoyment, little comforts. 13.2 Inauspicious times for the appearance of the First Menses 1. Amavasya or the New-Moon day. 2. Rikta Tithies. 3. The 1st, 6th, 8th and 12th lunar days in both halves of the lunar months. 4. The first half of the Parigha yoga. 5. Vyathipatha and Vyadhriti. 6. The two twilights. All these considered to be unfavourable for the appearance of the first Menses in a girl. 13.3 Results of Weekdays Sunday - She will suffer from many diseases. Monday - Virtuous and good. Tuesday - Suffering from sorrows. Wednesday - Good married life and enjoyment. Thursday - Virtuous and polite. Friday - Obedient and loving life. Saturday - Vicious and bad-tempered. 13.4 Auspicious Constellations Hasta, Chitta, Swati, Visakha, Anooradha, Uttara , Uttarashadha, Uttarabhadra, Sravana, Moola, Revati, Dhanishta, Satabhisha, Aswini, Pushyami, Rohini and Mrigasira. These 17 stars are considered good for the appearance of the first Menses. 13.5 Evil Constellations

Pubba, Poorvashadha, Poorvabhadra, Bharani, Aslesha. If the first Menses appears in these stars the girl should not chew betel leaves, should have no oil baths, wear no flowers, use no yellow or red powders, Haridra and Kunkuma, and should not see the face of the husband for the special periods mentioned for each of those stars. Proper remedies ordained by Sastras to avert these evil influences should at once be adopted in interest of the girl's future. If she attains age in Aridra and Makha she becomes sorrowful. She becomes adulterous, it she attains puberty in Punarvasu and Jyeshta. If the girl attains puberty in Bharani, 10 months; if in Krittika, Aslesha and Jyeshta, 4 months; if in Pubba, Poorvashadha, Poorvabhadra, 8 months; if in Aridra, 6 months; if in Makha, 12 months; and if in Punarvasu, 5 months should be allowed to pass before nuptials could be celebrated and she must not see during these months the face of her husband and should avoid using leaves, flowers and other luxuries. 13.5 Remarks for Serious Reflection The safety of human society entirely depends upon the sexual purity, the times of enjoyment, and the health of the parties concerned. Among many of the animals, there are instinctive impulses in masculine and feminine creatures which restrict the sexual enjoyments and they preserve good health, because they have a gift of nature, the great and unerring instinct which guides the animals in all these operations. Nature is not partial to them. As a compensative gift to mankind, nature has been graciously pleased to implant in man a wonderful power, the great intelligence and for its protection, reasoning powers and practical knowledge. Great as man is, with his intellectual powers and lofty comprehension, he often degrades and debases himself, lower than the lowest of brutes. The colossal and appallin venereal complaints prevailing in the most enlightened and civilised centres are unmistakable monuments, showing the amount of moral filth which surrounds the lofty intellects of human beings and drags them to the level of brutes and sometimes even to lower levels than brutes in their social and sexual transactions. Their horrible sexual ideas can

8. Ashtami - Bold and reckless.<br />

9. Navami - Troubled by sorrows and anxieties.<br />

10. Dasami - Happy and a leader.<br />

11. Ekadasi - Pure and clean.<br />

12. Dwadasi - Fond of spreading scandals about others.<br />

13. Trayodasi - Joyful and happy.<br />

14. Chaturdasi - Fond of sinful acts.<br />

15. Poornima - Well-developed and strong body.<br />

30. Amavasya - Poor enjoyment, little comforts.<br />

13.2 Inauspicious times for the appearance of the First Menses<br />

1. Amavasya or the New-Moon day.<br />

2. Rikta Tithies.<br />

3. The 1st, 6th, 8th and 12th lunar days in both halves of the lunar<br />

months.<br />

4. The first half of the Parigha yoga.<br />

5. Vyathipatha and Vyadhriti.<br />

6. The two twilights.<br />

All these considered to be unfavourable for the appearance of the<br />

first Menses in a girl.<br />

13.3 Results of Weekdays<br />

Sunday - She will suffer from many diseases.<br />

Monday - Virtuous and good.<br />

Tuesday - Suffering from sorrows.<br />

Wednesday - Good married life and enjoyment.<br />

Thursday - Virtuous and polite.<br />

Friday - Obedient and loving life.<br />

Saturday - Vicious and bad-tempered.<br />

13.4 Auspicious Constellations<br />

Hasta, Chitta, Swati, Visakha, Anooradha, Uttara , Uttarashadha,<br />

Uttarabhadra, Sravana, Moola, Revati, Dhanishta, Satabhisha,<br />

Aswini, Pushyami, Rohini and Mrigasira. These 17 stars are<br />

considered good for the appearance of the first Menses.<br />

13.5 Evil Constellations

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