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sidewalk and whenthe sign isin proximity oavehicular access drivea<br />

protective barrier shallbe provitletl aroundthe baseMthe pale signstru ure<br />

10 Real estatesigns One temporarytlouble face freestanding orwallsign<br />

advertising Ne sale leaseorrental ofthe premises orpartof thepremises on<br />

whichthe signs are displayetl notexceedingfivewarefret shall bepermitted<br />

11 Proiedino signs Maybe pennittetl in caseswhereinnovatlvedesign is<br />

demons retetlantl whereno potentialsafety hazaM romotorists orpedestrians iscreated subjectNreview antl approval bythe Boats of BuildingSWntlartls<br />

12 Awning sions One awning sign shall be permitted The total area of one faceof<br />

Nesign shallno exceetlsixsquare feetand theveMwi dimension ofthesign<br />

shall notexceed twelve inches<br />

d Su I b A dLOcatign standards<br />

1 5de and rearentrances In caseswhere the oficeorbusiness building has an<br />

entranm from the side street of a comer lot or has a back entrance mm a<br />

parking lo open to the publicaddfional sign area equal Ntwenty five percent<br />

26 of Nat permitted on thefront of the building may be used over sudr<br />

entrance Ortl52 86 Passed9386<br />

2 Ghooo ngcenter tlenCNafion sions Inaddition Nthe sign facearea permitted<br />

fareaN intlividuales ablishmen4 one shopping center sign Itlen itying the name<br />

and or logo of a unified shopping area in the Cl C2 G3 Districts may be<br />

permitted subjeR Co review and approval by the Board of BuildingSandaMS<br />

Shopping center signs shall not exceed forty square fee in area and may be<br />

either ground orpole signs subject to the regulations governing such sign<br />

OM 26 96 Passed SO 96J<br />

3 Bglboartls One billboard may be permitted per business or development site<br />

pursuant tothe regulatlonsand standards Msubsection t hereof<br />

4 Vacant lots Each vacant lot is permitted amaxmumsign area offifty square<br />

fee Iimifrtl toaground sign which shall beIbcetetl no closerNany street Nan<br />

therequired building setbackline<br />

6 One sign mer buildingface Notwithstanding the provision of Nissection each<br />

business shall be permitted a maximum of one sign onarty single building face<br />

for the building orthe portion of Ne bullring in which thebusiness M located<br />

provided Nat this IimRatlon shall not apply ro directional signs nameplates or<br />

real esbtesigns ortoasecontl noncommercial sign which shall not exceed five<br />

square feet Ord 5285 Passed9385<br />

e Portable6mns and Roof Signs Portablesigrw and roof signs shall not be permitted in<br />

theCl C2 C3 zoning tlishiar unless permitted by spetlfc provisions ofthis chapter<br />

The elements of suchformula being defined as follows<br />

Maximum sign face area means Ne total area of one wrfaceof a permanent<br />

sign asdefined in Section 1329 04a<br />

Wmeans thefrontage ofabuiltling as defined in Bectlon1329 046<br />

d Portable Signs and Roof Signs Portable signs antl roof signs shall no be permitted in<br />

theI Zoning tlistricts unlesspermitted byspecific provisions ofNischapter<br />

e Vacant lots5gnsPermtted Eachvaunt lot is permitted a maximum sign area offifty<br />

square feeq limited to a ground sign which shall be located nocloser o any street thanthe<br />

requiretl builtling setbackline<br />

Regulations POr BillboadS<br />

1 Within Ne maximumsign face areas for permanentsigns established for theI<br />

Zoning Districts asingle billboaM ispermitted ona premise provided Natit is<br />

A Located on a plain wall surtace and notexceeding abovethe rooflibe<br />

orbeyond the endwall Aplain wall isasurtace ofeither brick wootl<br />

masonryorother material ora partHereof wihoM windows cornices<br />

orotherarchitectural ortlemadve features<br />

e Placed Flatagainst andfas enetlonthe buildingwhich has such<br />

eligibleplain wall surface<br />

C ConNining asign area not exceeding forty square feet noren percent<br />

10ofthe eligible wallsurtace whichever isles D Located<br />

1 Aminimum of fiftyfeet from any public right of way<br />

2 TqdireNy face parking lots which areIwa<br />

etl in either side<br />

yaMS or rear yards<br />

3 Soasnot to direNy facepremises intheRSL R3MR1H<br />

R2 M4 MH and LZoning Districts and<br />

4 On awall which isnot otherwise in a requiretl yard<br />

E Amaximum ofsixteen feetabovetheground<br />

F On wean lotsthe sign area antl loadon ofabillboard is governetl<br />

bysubsection e hereof<br />

G The total face area shall notexceed thelimits established in<br />

subsection c hereof<br />

2 BillboadS shallbe processedand ewluated bythe Board of BWlding StandaMSin<br />

accorance wdh the procedures gf Section 1329 12ll29 05 nand all other<br />

applicable regulatlons in Nis chapter OM52 86 Passed9386Ord2596 Passed10 96<br />

ProjeN ngsigns require special approwl byNe Boatsof Building 6fandartls<br />

ROOfsigns and portable signs are notpermitted in any distrlN<br />

OM 62 86 Passed9386 t<br />

fRemuiafions forBIlboartls<br />

1 Within Ne maximum sign face area for permanent signs esiablishetl forthe CS<br />

C2 C3 zoning disNc4 a single billboardis permitted on a premise provided Nat<br />

i is<br />

A Located on a plainwall surtace and not extending above the roofline<br />

ar beyontl the end wall Aplain wall isasurface M either brick wood<br />

masonry orother material orapartthereof wiNOUt windows murices<br />

groNerar hitecWal ordecoative feaNres<br />

D Placed flat against and fastened on the builtling which has such<br />

eligible plain wallsurface<br />

C Conbining a sign area not exceeding forty square feenor moreNan<br />

tenpercent30ofthe eligible wallsurface whicheverisless D LocaRtlat<br />

1 Aminimum offiftyfeet from any public righBOfway<br />

2 To tlireNy ace parking lots which are lootedin either sitle<br />

yaMS orrear yaMs<br />

3 Soas nottodireNy face premises inthe Rio RSM RiH<br />

R2ML MH and L zoningtlis riarantl<br />

4 On<br />

a wallwhich isnot otherwisein arequired yaM<br />

E AmaximumMsi eenfeet abovethe ground<br />

F On want lots Ne sign area and location M a billboardk governed<br />

by subsectiond4hereof<br />

G The total face area shall not exceed Ne IImNS established In<br />

wbseRignc1hereto<br />

2 Billboardsshallbe processed and evaluated bytheBoatsof Building StandaMSin<br />

accordance with the procedures of BeMlgn 1329 121329 06mand all oNer<br />

appliable regulations inNis chapter Ord 52 86 Passed9386Ord 2596<br />

Passetl10 Jqb<br />

1329 10 SIGNS<br />

Accusmry signs in he Industrial I DistriQ shall be designed ereRed altered moved and<br />

mainbined in whole orin part in acmrdance with these regulations The requirements of the<br />

IntlusMal District shall bethe sameas the requirements oftheCl C2 andC3 DishiM spetlfied<br />

inSecion 1329<br />

09except as otherwise statedherein<br />

a Fdnctional Tvues Permtted Development signs of a temporary naNre directional<br />

sigrwidentification signs andreal asNte signs<br />

b btruclual TvoesPertn tted Groundpale andwall signs<br />

c Max mum San face Area The maximum sign face area M all permanent signs<br />

penniRedfor each separate useocapyinq a builtling arunit ofabuilding shall berelated N<br />

thefinnthge ofNe building orunit Hereof asdetermined byNefollowingfrrtnula<br />

Maximum sign face area Wx3 square feet except Nai the total in all asss<br />

shall not exceed 100 square fee<br />


Application far permits to erect place pain4 illuminateor alter a sign shall be made by<br />

Ne owner orowners agent of the property for which a sign is proposetl The<br />

application shall be submiRed on forms famished by the Gty and shall bemade either<br />

separetely orwiththeapplication fora builtling permit The fee fora sign permit shall<br />

be established bysepareteordinance<br />

a In all usedistricts asign permit shallbe requiretl forall permanent signs which<br />

exceetl three square feein area<br />

b A description of Ne applicefion procedure and grephicillus redonofrequiretl<br />

information isoutlined intheCdy Mtakewggtl Sign ftevievPhandbook Each<br />

appliadon shall be accempanted bydawings to scale and photagrephs showingthe<br />

following<br />

1 Thedesign andlayout proposed induding the total area of signs Ne size<br />

heigh4 charactep materials colors andtype of lettering orothersymbols<br />

2 Phorogmphs or drawings ofthebuilding forwhich thesigns are prgposetl antl<br />

pho ogaphsofsurrounding buildings signs antl uses<br />

3 Thenumberand types oflamps antl lens material tobeused in anyillumina etl<br />

signs<br />

4 Theexact loadon of thesign in relation Nthe building and property<br />

5 Details and spenfia ions for construction erection and atNrhment as may be<br />

required bythe Building Code<br />

c Asign permitis appliable gnN to thespecific sign for whichi is gamed Once a<br />

sign permit is grantedno temporary orpermanentsigns shall beattached oradded<br />

ohe given sign Ord 5849 Passed169<br />

tl All signs shall beappmvetl bythe Board of Building Standards However the<br />

Building Commissioner6 apthodzed roissue anopywall windowand awning<br />

signs asdefined in Section1329 03 c1 8antl 9J without atltlifional Boats<br />

approval for anystmcNreNat has been previously reviewed bythe BoardM<br />

Building StandardsArchitectural Board of Review whereabuilding MantlaM for<br />

uniform signage has been established fartwo ormare reNii mercantile oroNer<br />

business ottupanctss andwhereNe newsignage isin confortniry with the generzl<br />

planfor the building and wmplieswith all otherappliable sections ofNischapter<br />

e TheBuiltling Cgmm sionermay issuepermits fortempoary signs as defined in<br />

Section1329 03bID noto exceed fourpermits to anapplian relativeroa spedfic sign per hvelvrmonth period<br />

fTherepainting of existing signs Ne same color size and menageshall be<br />

considered maintenance antl no permit shallbe requiretl<br />

OM 22 92 Passed46 92<br />


t NI signs and sign structuresshall be maintained in asafe and attactivecondition Signs<br />

whiN and longer serve the purpose farwhiN they were intended orwhich have been<br />

abandoned or are not maintainetl in acceNanre with this chapter and otherappliable

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