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The Appeals Boazd sha1L hear and decide appeals where it is alleged there is anerror<br />

n any order regwiemen decision or detenWnaaon made by the Ftoodplaiv<br />

AdmiWstmtox ivthe administmaon orenforeemem ofNose regWaaons tits authorize<br />

variancesmmcordancewith Section308 24 doftheseregWaaons<br />

c Avoe es<br />

Any permvaffected byany mace and order orothu official actionofthe Ftoodplaiv<br />

Admmistmtor may request and shalt be granted a hearing on the matter before the<br />

Appeals Board provided that such person shall file within 30 days ofthe dateof such<br />

nonceand orderoroNerofficial action abxiefstetemem ofNegrounds forsuchheazing orf the ndagatioa of any item appearing o any order of the Ftoodplaiv<br />

Administrntofs decision Such appeal shall be iv watlng signed bythe applicant andbe<br />

filed with the Floedplain AdmiWrnamr Upon receipt of the appeal the Ftoodplaiv<br />

Administrator shall transmit said nonce and Wl pertinent ivformaton ov which the<br />

FloodplWn Admudsirntor sdecisionwas mademthe AppealsBoazd<br />

Uponreceipt ofthemaceof appeal the Appeals Boazdshall fix areasonable time for<br />

the appeal give voice in writing to parties in interest and decide the appeal within a<br />

reasonable fimeafter itissubmitted<br />

d Vari<br />

Avy pascn believing that the use and development standazds of these regulations<br />

wouldesut in ummessery hmdsidpmay fileanapplication foravariance The Appeals<br />

Board shall have the<br />

powerto auihouze in specific cases<br />

such vaziances from the<br />

smndards ofthese regulations rat incomirtevt wiN Federal regulations as will vm be<br />

wvtrary tothe public interest where owning to special mndiaons ofthe lot or parcel a<br />

literal evforeemevt of the provisiom ofthese regWaaons woWd resW inumecessary<br />

hazdslap<br />

1 Application foraVariance<br />

A<br />

Anyowneqoragent drereofof property forwNCha variance issough shall<br />

make an applicafiovforavaliance by fllivg it with the Floodplav Adminimatoq<br />

who upon receipt ofthe varianceshall transadt it tothe Appeals Boats<br />

B Stichapplcaton ataminimWV Shall contain thefollowing information Name<br />

address andtelephone numbs ofNe applicant legal description ofthe property<br />

parcel map description of the existing use description ofthe proposed use<br />

location ofthe floodplWn description ofthe variance sought and reason for the<br />

variance request<br />

C All appaceaovs foavaziance shall be accompanied by a varianceapplication<br />

fee setinthe schedWeoffsadopted by the CiTy ofLakewood<br />

2 PubECHeazivg<br />

Atsuch hearing the applicant shall present such sutements and evidence as the<br />

APPeals BoaNrequires to considering such valance applications the Appeals Board<br />

shall wnsider and make findings of fact on all evaluations WIrelevant facmm<br />

standazds specified in other secaoms of these regWations andthe followingfactors<br />

30<br />

level providing itemsm Secaov 1308 24d2A to K have been fully<br />

considered As the lot size in es beyond one IrWf acre the tec7micW<br />

justificationrequired for issWvg Ne vvariance inmeases<br />

C Anyapplicant towhom avariance is grantedshall be givenwritten voicedent the<br />

structure willbe permitted tobebuiltwithalowestfiom elevation below thebase<br />

flood elevation and thecost offlood insurance will be cemmenswa ewith are<br />

rveceased risk resWang from the reduced lowestfloorelevatlon<br />

5 Procedure az Hearings<br />

AAlltestimonyshall be given under oath<br />

B A complete record of the proceedings shall be kept except mrdidcvasl<br />

deliberaaovs ofuse Board butimludingall documents presented and averbatim<br />

record ofthetestimevyotall wiWesses<br />

C The applicant shall proceed Sentto present evidence andtesdmony in support of<br />

the appealor varihvice<br />

DThe administrator may present evidenceortestimony inopposition tothe appeal<br />

orvaziance<br />

E All witnesses shall be subject m mosscxamination by the adverse partyortheir COWSeI<br />

F Evidence that is not admitted may be proffered and shall become of the<br />

part<br />

recordfor appeal<br />

G The Board shall issue subpoenas upon written request for the attendance of<br />

wiinesses Areasonable deposit to cover the cost of issuance andservice shW be<br />

collectedmadvance<br />

HThe Boardshall preparecov Iusionsoffact supporting its decision The decision<br />

may be amoumed a the conclusion of the hearing and thereafter issued in<br />

beissuedinwriting withinareasonabletime after the<br />

writing orthe decisionmay<br />

hearing<br />

b AppealbtheCourt<br />

Those aggrieved by the decisionof the Appeals Boazd may appeal such decision tothe<br />

CuyaMga County Courtof Common Pleas as provided inChapter 2506 ofthe Obio<br />

Revised Code<br />

A The dangertWtmaterials may tie swept onto other lauds tothe injury of othus<br />

B The danger tolife and property due toflooding orerosion damage<br />

C The susceptibility ofthe proposed facility and its contents to flood damage and<br />

the effectofsuch damageon theindividual owmc<br />

D The importance of the servrces provided by the proposed facility to the<br />

wmmunity<br />

E TheavailabilityofWtemativelocationsfor the proposedusethat are notsubjectto<br />

flooding orerosion damage<br />

F 1be necessity tothe facility ofawaterfrovt torafiom whereapplicable<br />

G The compaabJityofthe proposed usewith existingand avacipated development<br />

H Ilrerelationslap of doe use proposed o the comprebevsive plan and floodplain<br />

managementprogmm Porthatarea<br />

I The safety ofaccess mthe property in timesoffloodfor ordinary andemergency<br />

vehiWa<br />

I 11m expectedheights velocity dmaaon rateofrisq tits sediment travspart ofthe<br />

floodwatersand the effectsofwave action ifapplicable expected at the site<br />

K The matsof provid mggovemmevml servicesduring and aaer floodconditions<br />

includingmaiv etunce andrepa v ofpublic utilities and facilities such as sewer<br />

gas electricalandwater systemsand streets andbudges<br />

3 Variances shallodybeissued upon<br />

AAstowingofgoodand sufficiehmause<br />

B Adeterminazidn that failure to gent the valiance would result in exceptiorul<br />

hdrdslap due e the physical Wrarmteristia ofthe property Increased cast or<br />

Pevice of meeting the requirements of Nose regulations does not<br />

mvstimte anexceptlonW hardship toNe applicant<br />

C Adetermvtaaovthat the granting ofavaliance willnot resultinincreased flood<br />

heighss beyond drat whichis allowedinthese regWatiovs additional Ifireazs to<br />

public safeTy extraordinary publicexpense misancce fraud on orvicamvaaov<br />

ofthepubEc orconflictwithexistinglocallaws D A determinationthat Ne strmnne orotlra development isprotected by methods<br />

tominimizeflood damages<br />

E A detemdvaaon that ibe variance is the minimumnecessary considering the<br />

flood haiazd toaffordrelief<br />

Upon mnsidemaonof are above factors and the purposes ofthese regWaaons the<br />

Appeals Hoard may attach suchrenditions to the gamingof as variances i deems<br />

necessaryto further thepurposes ofthese reguations<br />

4 ONerCondiaom far Variances<br />

A Variances shall not be issued within any desigmted Floodwayifany increasein<br />

floodLevelsduringthebase flooddischazge woWdresut<br />

B v Generally may be issued for new construction tits substantial<br />

improvemems to beerected on alot ofone halftiaraorless insize contiguous to<br />

and sumomded by lots withexvning structures corutructed below the base flood<br />

1308 25 ComplianceRequired<br />

aNo swcnveorland shall hereafter be lmated erected constmcted reconswcted<br />

repWred extended covvecred enlarged orWlered without fall wmplisoce with the<br />

terms ofthese regWsaom andall other applicable regulations which apply to uses<br />

within are jurisdicfien of these reguUtions unless specifically exempted from filing<br />

fora developmentperrnit assatWivSection 1308 19<br />

b Failure to obtain a floodplain development permit shall be a violation of these<br />

regWatiom and shallbe punishable inaccordancewith Section 1308 2<br />

c Floodplaln development pematr issued on the basis of plans and applications<br />

approved by the Ftoodplaiv Administrator mthouze oNythe use andamangemen<br />

set forth in such approved plays and applicaaorvs or amevdmevu thereto Use<br />

aaangemev orconswctlon wntrary o that authorized shallbe deemed aviolation<br />

ofthcee regulationsand puWSiuble in accordancewithSection3082<br />

330816 Notice ofViolation<br />

Whenever theFtoodplaiv Adndnistramr determines that therehas bcen aviolationof any<br />

provision of Ghee regulations he shall give notice of such violeaonto Ne person<br />

responsible therefore and order compliance with these regulation as herzinafter<br />

provided Such entice and ordershall<br />

a Beputinwritingon anappropriate form<br />

b Includealistofviolaaom referdvg to the sectionorsectionsof theseregulations that<br />

have been violated and orderremedial acting which iftaken will effect mmpliancc<br />

with the provisions ofthese regWatlore<br />

o Specify areasonable lima forpe8omance<br />

d Advise theowner opem oqorohupen ofthe dgJvb appeal<br />

e Be served on the owmeq occupmv oragent inperson Howevevibis maceand order<br />

shall be demmedto beproperly served uponthe owneq occupanq oragent ifacopy thueof is sent by registered orcemfied mail to the pemon s last known mailing<br />

address residence or plaza ofbusiness and oracopy is posted in a conspicuous<br />

place inorovthe dwelling affected<br />

1306 29 Violations and Pevaltics<br />

Violation ofthe provisions of these regulations or failure to comply withany of its<br />

requirements shallbe deemed m be asMc liability offense and shall censamte afirst<br />

decce misdemeanor Any person who violates these cegWatiavs orfails to comply with<br />

any ofits requirements shall upon conviction thereofbe finedorimprisoned as provided<br />

by the laws of the Ciry of Lakewood Each day such violeaon continues shall be<br />

midered a sepazate offense Nothing huein coataived shall prevent the City of<br />

Lakewood from faking suchother IawfWactionas is necessary to prevent orremedyany<br />

violation The City ofLakewood shalt prosecute any violeaon ofthese regWaaons iv<br />

accordancewith the pevlties statedherein<br />

32 33

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