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5 Theapplicant shall meet Ne requirement to submit technical dap m FEMA in<br />

Section1308 20a1D wheyahydrologic and hydraulic mmlysis ie completed Nat<br />

genamtes baseflood elevationsas requuedby Secfion1308 23 c4<br />

d Residential Structures<br />

1 New covstrucdoaand subspn5at improvemenm shall be anchored to prevent<br />

flofa5om collapse orlatent movement ofthestmcnae restating from hydrodynamic<br />

arul hydrosp5cIvadsincludingthe effects ofbuoyancy Whereastructure incltding<br />

ifs foundation members is elevated on511 m or aboveNe base floodelevation the<br />

requirements for anchoring and corutructivv materials resistant to flood damage me<br />

sa5s5ed<br />

2 New cavsnuction and substanSW improvemenp shall be wnstcumed with<br />

methods and materialsresisant toflooddamage<br />

3 New ceastrvction and substantial impcovemmss shall be cevstrvcted with<br />

eteddcal heating venNaSon plumbing and air covditioving equipment and other<br />

service facilities Nat are designed and or elevated so sa to prevent water from<br />

enterNg oraccmnWaSngwithinthe components during conditlovs offlooding<br />

4 New construction and subsmnSW improvement of any residential strvctme<br />

including manuGcmred homes shall have Ne lowest flour including basement<br />

elevated o or above Ne flood protecfion elevation In Zove AO ar with no<br />

elevations specified Ne stmtture shall have the lowest Floor including basement<br />

elevated mleas two feet aboveNe highest adjacent vatuml grade<br />

5 New construction and subspvtiW<br />

vnprovemenh including mavufcmmdhomes<br />

that do not have basements and Nat are elevated to Ne flood protection elevation<br />

using pilings columns posss or solid fouvdmion perimeter walls with openings<br />

sut6cievt m allow unimpeded movement of flood water may have an enclosure<br />

belowthe lowest floorpcovided the enclosure meetsthe followingstavdmds<br />

A Beusedonly forthe parkingofveldcles building access ocstorage and<br />

B bedesigred and cerd5ed by aregisteredprofessional engiheee orarchitem m<br />

aWOmatically equalize hydrosp5c flood forces onexterior walls by allowing for<br />

Ne entry andexit offloodwazem or<br />

C have tvmimvtn oftwoopenings indifferentwalls havingaNtalne area not<br />

Less thanone square inchfor every squaze footof enclosed azea andthe bottom of<br />

aU such openings being mhigher thanone footabove grade The openingsmay<br />

be equippedwith screens louvers orother coverings ordevices provided Nat<br />

Neypermit the automaticentry and exitoffloodwatecs<br />

6 Manufactured homes shall be afSxedNapennanm foundation andauthored<br />

m prevent floptiov collapse oropen m ant ofNe snucvne resulting from<br />

hydrodynamic and hyNusfatic loads including Ne effectsofbuoyancy Methods of<br />

anchoring may include ben are notuniteto useofover the topor frame lies N<br />

growd anchors<br />

Repau or rehabilitation of ltismdc svvctwes a upon determwaUOn that the<br />

proposed repair or rehabilitation will not pmdude ffie structure scoMinped<br />

designation as a hismdc structure and is Ne minimum necessary to preserve the<br />

2 They mustbetally Ecevsed andready forhighway use or<br />

3 Ihry mustmeetall standardsofSaxon 1308 23d<br />

26<br />

h Above Gromd Gas orLiavid SmmeeTatars<br />

All above Bound gas or liquid storage rooks shall be authored m prevent flotaton or<br />

lateen movementresulting from hydrodynamic and hydrostatic loads<br />

i AssuranceofFlood Gamine Cavacity<br />

Pursuant m Ne propose and methods of reducing Flood damage stazed in these<br />

regulations the followingadditional srsvdardsare adopted to assure thatthe reduction of<br />

Ne floodtarrying capacity ofwmeccoursesisminimized<br />

1 Developtnev inflocdways<br />

bthflovdwayareas development shallcause noincrease ivfloodlevels during<br />

Ne occurrence bfthe base flood discharge Rior to issuanceof a floodplain<br />

developmm permit the applicant must submit a hydrologic and hydmWic<br />

ariWysis cevtlucted by aregistered professional engincer demousfmtivg Shm Ne<br />

proposed development would not resat iv any increase m the baseflood<br />

elevation or<br />

B Developmentinfloodwayareas causing increases in the haze flood elevation<br />

maybe pecmilfedprovided allofthe following azecompletedbytheapplicant i Mee Ne requrtemmts tosubmit technical dataiv Sectlon1308 20a<br />

i Anevaluation of altana5ves which would rotresult in Nereased base<br />

floodelevation andmexplanationwhytheseWpmatives azenotfeasible iii CeniScafiov thatmostructures are locatediv areasbatwould beimpacted<br />

byNe increased baseflood elevation<br />

v Documentationofindividual Iegel noticem all impacted property owners<br />

within and outside Ne commtudty explaivivg the impaq of theproposed<br />

actlonovNevproperty and<br />

v Concurrence of Ne Mayor of the City of Lakewood and the Chief<br />

ExecuSve Officer of any othu commwities impacted by Ne proposed<br />

actiore<br />

2 Developmentth Riverive Areas with Base FloodElevations but NoFloodways<br />

A In marine special floodhazard areas identified by FEMA wherebase flood<br />

elevation data are provided but no floodways have been desigrtated the<br />

umWative effectof<br />

any proposed development when wmbived with all othu<br />

existing andanticipated development shall notincrease the hazeFlood elevation<br />

more Nov 10 one foot at any point Prior m issuance of a floodplain<br />

developmun pemd Ne applicant must submit a hydrologic and hydmufic<br />

anatyss covducmd by aregistered professional evginexdemovslmting batNis<br />

sfmldazd has beenmet ar<br />

B Developmen inriverinespecialfloodLazard areasidentified byFEMA where<br />

base flood elevator dap azeprovided benm floodways have hemdmigmpd 28<br />

historic character and design ofthe svvcture shall be exempt from the development<br />

sfavdazds of8ecdon4<br />

8 IvAOZos new covshvcdonanti subsmntial impmvemmt shallhave adequate<br />

drainage paths around sWCtures on slopes to guide floodwaters around and away<br />

from the structure<br />

e Nomesidedtial trnctnreS<br />

1 New covswction and substantial improvementofany commercial industrial or<br />

othm nomesidm5sl strudme shall meetthe requiemenp of Secfion 1308 23 13<br />

and58 2 New covstcuc5on and substamial improvement ofany wmmereial industrial or<br />

oNanon residevtatsvvcane shall eiNer havethe lowestfloor including basemen<br />

elevated to or above the level of the flood protection elevatiom or together wiN<br />

attentionutility andsanitary facilities shallmeetallofNe fo5owdng stavdazds<br />

A Be dry floodproofed so NatNe swmure is warertightwith walls substantially<br />

impevneable to Ne passageofwmup the levelofthe floodprotedtion elevating<br />

B Have struc9val componevp capable of resisting hydcosfazic and<br />

hydrodynamic toadsand effecpofbueyancy and<br />

C He cmifiedby aregistered professional engivcer orazcliltect luough theuse<br />

ofaFederalEmergeneyMagememAgemcyFoodproofmg Cernfieate Nor the<br />

design and methods of wnsmtedon are in awocdance wiN Saxon<br />

U08 23e2AandB<br />

3Iv ZoneAO areas wiNno elevations specified Ne stmcture shallhave the lowest<br />

floor includingbasemen elevated m leasttwofeet above thehigJtest adjacent vatwal<br />

Benda<br />


Reliefo the elevation or dry fleodproofing standards may be granted far accessory<br />

smsctures contawng no more Nan 600 square feet Such swctures must meet Ne<br />

fallowing standards<br />

1 They shallvo beusedfor human habitation<br />

2 They shaEbewvstrudedofflood resisrant materials<br />

3 they shallbeconstructed andplacedovNe lotto offs theminimum resistancem<br />

theflowoffloodwaters<br />

4 They shall beSmdyanchoredtoprevm flotation<br />

5 Service facilities such as electrical and heating equipment shall be elevated or<br />

tleodproofed to orabove the levelofthe flood protection elevating and<br />

6 They shallmeet theopevir grequirements ofSectionl308 235c<br />

g Aceceatienal Vehicles<br />

RecrmtiovaCvehiclesroust meetatleast oneofthe following standards<br />

1 They shall not belocated on sites iv special flood hazard areasfor more than<strong>18</strong>0<br />

days<br />

27<br />

causing moreflan one foot NaeasewNe base floodelevatov may be permimd<br />

provided all ofthe following azecompleted bytheapplicant<br />

Anevaluatlon ofaltematives whichwoWdtestain an ncease ofonefoot<br />

m less ofthe base Floodelevation and an explanationwhy these altema5ves are<br />

notfeasible ii Section1308 2312 itemsiand tit v<br />

3 AlterationsofaWa erceurse<br />

Fox the purpose ofNose cegula5vas a watercourse isaltered wbev any change<br />

witliiv its banks The extort ofNe banks shall be established by afield<br />

detmnirm5on ofthe baNcfWl stage The field determiva5ov of bardtfull stage<br />

shell be based on methods pcesetrted in Chapter of the USDA Forest Service<br />

Gerard Technics Report RM 245 Sveam Chnrinel Reference Sites An Illusrrared<br />

Guide ro Field Technique orother applicable publication available from eFederal<br />

State or other authorita5ve source Fer all proposed developments that alter a<br />

wa ereourse NefaROwing standazdsapply<br />

i ThebaddWlflood carrying capacityofNe altered oc relocated portion ofthe<br />

watercourse shall not be diminished Prior N the is ce of a floodplain<br />

developmm pemri the applicant must submit adescription ofNe extent m<br />

whichany wataroourse will be altered orrelocated as atesta ofthe proposed<br />

Nat Ne<br />

developmenand certification by a registered profatonal engineer<br />

beoldWl floodcarryingcapacity afthe watereeutsewillrotbeduvivisbed<br />

ii Adjacent communities NeUS Army Corps of Engineers antl the Ohio<br />

Deparhnent of Natural Resources Division ofWazer must be notified prior to<br />

any alvration orrelocation ofawatercourse Evidence ofsuch mdfication must<br />

besubminedro the Federal EmergencyMarmgemevt Agency<br />

iiiThe applicant shall beresponsiblefoxproviding the necessarymaintenancefor Ne altered orre7ocazed portion of said waterovurse so thaz Ne flood carsying<br />

capacity willrotbedmudshed The Floodplain<br />

Administmmrmay require the<br />

permit holdermmtcr into an agrcemmt with City ofLakewood specifying the<br />

maintenance responsibilities If an agreement is required it shall be made a<br />

wrWitionof Wefloodplain developmempermit<br />

ivThe applirant shall meetNe requvanevt to submit mchvical data inSection<br />

1308 20a1Cwhenanalteration ofawatercourse resWts m Ne relocationor elindttation ofthe special flood hazard azeaincluding the placementofculverts 1308 24 Appeah and Variances<br />

a Avveals Bomd Esmblished<br />

TheCity ofLakewood BoardofBuilding Standards and Appeals is hereby appointed<br />

toserveastheAppeals BOardfortheseregulations as established byCity Code<br />

Records ofthe Appals Boad shall bekept and filed in City Hall m 12650 Detroit<br />

AvenueLakewood Ohio<br />

b Powersand Duties<br />


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