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thereonla the eventoftherevocadonofa pemdR an appeamaybe takenmfhe Appeals<br />

Boardinaccordancewith Section 5 ofNese reguladovs<br />

1306 19 Exemption from Filings DevelopmentPermit<br />

Anapplicafionforafloodplain developmentpermit shall vat bemgnimdfor a Maivtenavce work such es roofing painting and basemem sealing or for small<br />

vonswcvual development activities except forfillwg and grading valued at las<br />

than 5000<br />

b Developmem activities m an existing orproposed manufacturedhome park that are<br />

underthe anthority oftheOhioDeparmremofHealth and subject tothe flood damage<br />

reductiongovisions ofthe OhioAdminisvative Code Benton3Ol c Mjorutilityfazfliaespemdtted bydteOiio Power Siting Boardunder Section4906<br />

ofthe OhioRevised Code<br />

d Hazazdous waste disposal facilities permitted by the Hazardous Waste SitngBoard<br />

under Section3Ti4 ofNeOdoRevised Cade<br />

e Development activities undertaken by afederal agency and which are subject to<br />

Federal Executive Order 11988 FleodplaivMavegemem<br />

Any proposed action exempt from filing fora fleodplain developmentpemdt isalso<br />

exemptfrom the standardsoftheseregulations<br />

1308 20 MapMaintenance Activities<br />

TomeetNadorml Flood hvsmance Program mihunvm requirementr to have flood data<br />

reviewed and approved by FEMA and m ensure thaz City of Lakewood flood maps<br />

studies and otherdata identified m Sation16 accurately represent flooding conditions<br />

so appropriate floodplain management criteria aze based on current data the following<br />

map maLrtenavice anivida are idenfified<br />

a RevuirementtoSubmit New TechnicalData<br />

I For all development proposals that impact floodway delineatioes orbase flood<br />

elevatiors the community shat ensure thaz technical datareflecting suchchanges be subminedto FEMA within su months ofthe date suchibrmazionbecomes available Thesedevelopment proposals include<br />

A Floodway evereachments that increase ordecrease base flood elevations oc<br />

alterfloodway bouMaria<br />

B Fill sites o be used for the placement of proposed smmtures where the<br />

appGcavodes vesto remove the sitefrom the specialflood hazard area<br />

C Alteration ofwazereoucsa that resultw arelocation or elimination ofthe special floodhazmd area including the placement ofculveris and<br />

DSubdivision or large scaledevelopmev proposals requiring the atabEshment<br />

ofbasefloodelevations niaccordance withSection43<br />

22<br />

any other source that reflect areduced floodway width an orlower base flood<br />

elevations ONer sources ofdata showing increased base flood elevations and or<br />

Iazeer floodway areas than are shown on FEMA flood maps and smdies shall be<br />

ovablyused bytheFloodptain Admivisaator<br />

c When Yrelimivary Flood Insurance Rate Maps and or Fleed Insurance Smdy have<br />

bcen providedby FEMA<br />

1 Upov the issuance ofa Loner of Final Determination by the FEMA the<br />

pmliminary flood Lazard data shall be used and replace aU previously existing<br />

flood hazed dataprovided from FEMAfor the purposes ofadministering these<br />

regulatiorvs<br />

2 Priorm the issuance of a Letter ofFhmLDetemdnafiov by FEMA the use of<br />

preliminary flood hazard data s6s11 only be required where no base flood<br />

elevadorvs and oc floodway areas exist or where thepre imhmry base flood<br />

elevations or floodway area exceed the base flood elevariocurand orFloodway widths inexistingfloodhazaM data provided from FEMA Such preliminarydata<br />

rriaybe sWjenochange and orappeal to FEMA<br />

d The Ftoodplain Admhdstrator shall make intecpremtions where needed as m the<br />

exact Ioatiov ofthe flood bomdaries and areas of special flood hazard A person<br />

contesting the determinariov of the location of the bouMzry shall be given a<br />

reasonable opportunity to appeal the interpretazion as provided in Section 50<br />

Appeals andVariances<br />

e Wherea map bouMazy showing avarea of special Flood hazard and field elevations<br />

disagree the base flood evations orflood protecCen elevations as fond on an<br />

elevation profde floodway data table established high water marks etc stall<br />

prevail<br />

1308 22 Substantial Damage Determinations<br />

Damages to swptures may resultfromavariety of causes including flood tornadowind<br />

heavy snow ffie etc Aftersuch adamageeventtheFleadplaiv Administratorshall<br />

a Determine whetherdamaged sirucvazs arelocated inspecial floodhazard seas<br />

b Conduct substantial damage determinadons for damaged structureslocated in special<br />

flood haaardarena anti<br />

c Make reasormbte attempt m notifyovmem ofsubstantially damaged structures ofthe<br />

need to obtain afloodplain development permit prior to repaiq rehabrimfioq or<br />

reconwctiom<br />

Additionallythe Floodplain Administrator may implement othermeasures toassistwith<br />

the substantial damage detemnnation end subsequent epah process These measures<br />

ludo is uing press mlena public s cements and other public<br />

ir fonnation materials related to the floodplm developmev pmmi s and repair of<br />

damaged structures comdinativg wiNother federal state acrd local agencies to assist<br />

with substantial damagede<br />

ermivadons pcovid mg owners of damaged structures<br />

materials and other irrformaflon related m the proper repair of damaged snucnues in<br />

24<br />

2 It is the responsibility of the apphcant to have technical data requited m<br />

azcordancewithecGov310 A prepared inafotmat required forhConditional<br />

Letterof Map Revision or Letterof Map Revision and submitted to FEMA<br />

Submittal and processing fees forthese maprevisiom shall be the responsibility<br />

ofthe applicant<br />

3 TheFloodplain Admirtistmmr shall requirea Conditional LetterofMap Revision<br />

prior mNe issuanceofafloodplaiadevelopment penvit for<br />

A PoposNfloodway encroaclunrntr that increase Ne baseflood elevation<br />

and<br />

B Proposeddevelopment which increasesthe baseflood elevation by mace<br />

than one footivmeas whereFEMA has provided base floodelevationsbut<br />

no floodway<br />

4 Floodplain development permits toned by the Flocdphaiv Adndnisnatorshall be<br />

wndifloned upon the applicant obtainingaLetterofMapRevision from FEMA<br />

for any developmentproposal subjeU oSertion3 10 AJ 1<br />

b Rieht to SubmitNew Technical Data<br />

The FloodplainAdmivistmter may requestchanges to any ofthe informadonshown<br />

ov an effecfive map thatdoes no impact fleodplain or floodway delineations orbase<br />

flood elevations such as labeling orplawmenic details Such a submission shall<br />

include appropriate supporting documentationmade inwriting by the Mayor of City<br />

ofLakewood and maybe submitteda any these<br />

c Armaxetion Demelvnent<br />

Upon occurrence the Fleodplain Adminis ramr stall notify FEMA in writing<br />

wheneverNe boundades ofthe CityofLakewood ravebcen modified byarmexadon<br />

orNe conununity Las assmned andmrity overan area orno longer has authority m<br />

adopt andenforce floodplainmanagement regniations fora area particulaz th order<br />

that the City ofLakewoodFlood Sruuance Rate Map aecuratelyrepresentthe Cityof<br />

Lakewood boundariesinclude within suchnotification acopy of amap ofthe City of<br />

Lakewood suitable forrepcodue ion clemly showing the newcorporate limits orthe<br />

new area for wNch the City ofLakewood Las assumed oc relinquished floodplaiv<br />

management regulatoryauthority<br />

1308 21 Da Use andFlaad Map Intarpretafion<br />

Thefol owmg guidelma shall applyto the useavd mterpretadov of maps end oNerdata<br />

showing measofspecial floodhazard<br />

a In areas where FEMA has not identified special Hood hazed areas oriv FNMA<br />

identified special Flood hazard areas where base Flood elevation and Floodway dais<br />

haverat beenidevvfied the Ftoodplain Admirdsirator shall review and ceaormbty<br />

utilize any oNer floodhazard dataavailable from a federal sate orothersource bBaseflood elevations and floodwaybouMazia produced on FEMAfleod maps and<br />

stadia shall takeprecedence overbase flood elevations andfloodway boundariesby<br />

23<br />

special floodhazaM areas and assist owmes of mbstantlally darvaged smmtures with<br />

IncreasedCost ofComplianceiasmanceclaims<br />

1308 23 Use and Developmnt Standards farFloodEIaartlReduction The followinguse and developmentndmds apply m developmev wholly within partially<br />

witldn oriv contact with any special flood hazard area as establishN iv Secdev 1308 06or 1308 21<br />

a Use Reeulafiorts<br />

1 Permitted Usa<br />

AE uses no otherwise prohibiter m this section oranY other applicab elaud use<br />

regulation adapted by City of Lakewood aze a8owed provided they meet the<br />

provisions ofthesemgniadorxs<br />

2 Prokbi edUsa A Private watersuppt systems inalspecial flood hazazd areas identified by<br />

FEMA permitted under Section301oftheOhioRevised Code<br />

B Infectiouswaste treatment facilities m all special flood hazardareas pmmitted<br />

underSection3 34ofthe OhioRevised Code<br />

b WaterandWastewater Systems<br />

The following sravdaNs apply to all water supply sanitary sewerageand waste disposal<br />

systemsnototherwise regulated by the Ohio Revisd Code<br />

1 All new andreplacement water mpptysystems shall be deigned mminimize or<br />

eliminaceiN rvatiovofflovdwataminto the systems<br />

2 New andreplacement sanitary sewerage systemsshall bedesigned to minimize or<br />

eliminate mfilnafion offlood watem into the systemsand dischazge fiom the systems<br />

into flood wazem and<br />

3 Ov site waste disposal systems shall be located m avoid impairment m or<br />

contamination from them duringflooding<br />

a Subdivisions and Iarve Develovmevtr<br />

I All subdivision proposals shall be ennsutent with the need o mmhnize Flood<br />

damage and are subject toall applicable standards intheseregulation<br />

2 All subdivision proposals s6slt have public utilities and facilities such as sewer<br />

gas elecMcal and watersystems located andcono uctedmminimize flooddamage 3 All subdivision proposals shalt have adequate drainage provided to reduce<br />

expdsuretv flooddamage and<br />

4 in all areas of special flood hazard where base flood elevation dues are not<br />

available the hPPlican shall a Provide hydrologic and hydraulic erringanalysis<br />

ihaz generates hazeflood elevationsfor aU subdivision proposals andother proposed<br />

ffjy developments conlaiving at least50lels ors acres whichever isless<br />


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