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ee Registered PmfessiovW Surveyor meets a person cegismsed as a professinvW surveyor<br />

tinder Chapter4133 ofthe Revised Code<br />

ff SpecialFlood HazardAreaWso Imowm azAreas ofSpecial FloodHazazd means the land<br />

inthe fleedplainsubject to aone percentmgreater chmce offlooding inany given yearSpecial<br />

flood hazard areas aze designated by the FedmW Emergenry Management on Agency Flood<br />

Imumnce Rate Maps FloodinsuranceSNdies Flood Boundary andFloodway Maps aMFlood<br />

HavM Boundary Mapsaz ZonesAAEAH AOAl 3Q andA99Special floodhazard azeaz<br />

may alsorefer Narras Wet are flood prone and designated from other federal state orlocal<br />

sources ofdaincluding butnot limited to hisNrical floodinformation reflecting ldgh water<br />

marks previous flood ivwdation messandflood pronesails azsociamd withawaterwume<br />

gg Stmt ofcovshuition means the dare the bupding permit was issued provided We actual<br />

staz of wnsvuctioq repair r wrtstmctioq rehabilitatioq addition placervenS o other<br />

improvement was within <strong>18</strong>0 days ofthe permit date The actual start mesas either the lust<br />

pLtcemevt ofpermanent wruwc5on ofastructure on a stet such as the pouring of slab or<br />

footings the immWlation ofpiles the wnstructiov ofwlumns ormy work beyovd esingeof<br />

ovation orthe placement ofa manufacNred home onafoundation Penuavevt ortstmctlon<br />

doesnoinclude land prepamtiov suchas clearing grading and filling tardoes it include the<br />

insta5ation ofsheetsand orwalkways nordoes itindude exmvation forabazemev5 footings<br />

piers mfoundationsorthe erection oftemporary farms nor doesi include the irmNllatiovev he property of<br />

acceswrybuildings suchas garages orsheds notoccupied asdwelling units or<br />

not part ofthemain structure For a subsanntat impmvemen5 the actual startofcomtmction<br />

means the first alremtionofmy waEceiling floororothershuctuml part ofabuildingwhe hu<br />

ornot thatWmmtioh affectsthe extmWdimehsiovs hfabalding hh Structwe means a walled and roofed building manufactured home or gas or liquid<br />

somge linkthaz isprincipally above ouM<br />

iiSUbrtmtial Damage means damage ofany originsustained by asvvcpne wherebythetort<br />

of restoring the strucure to its before damagedwitiort would equal orexceed 50 percent of<br />

We mazket value ofthe svucnvebefore the damage owurcN<br />

jj SubsssvtiW Improvement means my reconstruc5ov rehabiFtaSoq addition or other<br />

improvement ofa shucNre the cosofwhich equals orexcceds 50 percent ofthe mazket value<br />

of the structure before the start of construction of the improvement Tlds teen includes<br />

structures which rave incurred subsfmtiW damage regardless ofthe actual repah work<br />

performed The term doesnoS howeverinclude<br />

1 Anyimprovementm ashucnneihazisconsidered newwnstmction<br />

2 Aayproject forimprovemmofastrucNre m cortect existing violations ofstate or<br />

localhealth sanitary orsafety code specifications which havebeen identified prior to<br />

the application faradevelopmrnt permit by the IocW code enforcement official and<br />

whichare the minimum assure necessaryto satSuing coMitiovs or<br />

3 AvyaI uatiov of a hismric smrctwe provided that the Wtuatiov would tat<br />

preclude thestruv ure scontinueddesignationasahismricshvcnve 1308 14 Application Required<br />

Anapplication faraflwdplWndevelopment permitshall berequ vedforall development<br />

activities located who5y within partially withiq orWcontactwithav idevtlfiedsperiW<br />

floodLazard area Such application shallbe madeby theowneroftheproperty orhisther<br />

auWorized agenShereinrefevedNazthe applicmSprior tothe actual commencement of<br />

such wrsstruction ov afarm famished for fhazpurpose Wherei is unclear whethu e<br />

developmm site is inaspecial flood hazard areq the Floodplaiv Administrator may<br />

requ ve an app5ca5on for a floodplaiv development pemilt to deterrne the<br />

development s location Such appiicatiovs shallinclude butvet belimited m<br />

a Bite plans drawnm scale showing the nature Iocatieq dvnensiorta andNpography of<br />

the azeais question the Iewtionofexisting orproposed strucnves 511 storage of<br />

materialsdrainage facilitiesandthe locationofthe foregoing<br />

b Elevationofthe exisdng nazmat groundwhere strucnves areproposed c Elevationofthelowest flooq includingbasemenS ofWIproposed svucnues<br />

d Such other material and ivformafion az may be requested by the Floodplaiv<br />

Advwdsvator e determine mvformance with and provide evforeemmt ofthese<br />

regWatlorm<br />

e Technical analysesconducted bythe appropriatedesign professional registered inWe State ofOhio and submi edwithmapplica5on for aflwdplain development<br />

when pemilt<br />

applicable<br />

1 Flwdproo5ng certification for vomresidentiW floodprcotd strucave az requ ved<br />

thSection45 2 Certification thazfully enclosed azeas below the lowest Floor of astrudwe not<br />

meeting thedesi regwremenss of Secfion4E are designed Nautomatlcally<br />

equalize hydrostatic floodforces<br />

3 Description of any uatereowseaI emfion or relocation tLat the flood canying<br />

capacity of the watercoursewillnot be diminished and mWvtevance asswavices<br />

as required inSection49C 4 Ahydrologic and hydraulic analysis demorts mtingthat the cumWative effectof<br />

proposed developmenS when combined with all other existing and mticipated<br />

development willnot ivcreaze the watersurface elevation ofthe base flood<br />

mthan<br />

by<br />

one foot inspecial flood harerd areas where the Federal Emergency<br />

Marmgemem Agency has provided base flood elevations but vo floodway as<br />

required bySecfion49B<br />

S A hydrologic and hydmudc mgineerivg analysis showing impact of my<br />

developmm on flood heigh4 in an identifies az floodway requved by Secfion<br />

49A<br />

b Generation of base flood elevation s for subdivision and largescale<br />

developinevtas xequved by Sectlon43 fA floodplain development permitapp5catiov feese bythe schedWe offees adopted<br />

bythe Cityoflakewaod<br />

1308 15 Reviewand ApprovalofaFloodplaiv DevelopmentPermi<br />

AppSCation<br />

20<br />

a<br />

kk Variancemeets thegentofrelief from the standardsofthese regulavogs consinentwith<br />

the variance conditions herein<br />

N Violafien means the failure of astructure orother development tobe tally comp5mtwith<br />

theseregulations<br />

1305 11 Designa5ov ofthcFloodplaiv Admivistntor<br />

The BuSdivg Commissioner is hmeby appointed Nadmwster and implement Nose<br />

regulations andErefdNhereinas theFlwdplaiv AdmiWstramr<br />

1308 12 Duties andRaponsib0ifies ofthe Floodplaiv AdmivisBa or<br />

The duties and responsibilities ofthe Floodplaiv Admirushamr shallinclude but aze not<br />

limitedto<br />

a EvWuam applicationsforpermi s to develop in specialflood heardareas<br />

bImerpret floodplain boundaries and provide flood hazard and flood protce5ov<br />

elevation wformation<br />

c Issue permits totlevelopin specialflood hazard areas whenthe provisions ofthese<br />

regWationshave beenmet ocrefuseN issuethesame mtheevenofnovcompliance d Impact buildings and laudsto determine whether my violations ofthese regWatiovs<br />

havebeen committed<br />

eMake and pecmmently keep all records for public inspection necessary for the<br />

admivishation ofthese regWations including Flood htswanceRateMaps letters of<br />

Map Amendmm and Revisioq records of issuance and denialofpermits to develop<br />

in special flood hazard areas determinations ofwhetter developmm is in out of<br />

special floodhazard azeas for the purposeof issuing floodplain developmeartpermits<br />

elevation certi5cams vazimces and records of evforrzmm actiom taken for<br />

violations oftheseregWatiovs tEntnrcethe provisions ofthese regulations<br />

g Provide informatioq testimony or othm evidence as needed during variance<br />

hearings<br />

h Coordinatemap maintnahceactivities and FEMAfollow up<br />

i Conduct substantial damagede<br />

errWnaSCnsto deremdnewhethu existing structwes<br />

damaged hour any source and in speiial floodhazard areaz identffied byFEMA must<br />

meetthedevelopmen stavdvdsoftheseregWaSons<br />

1305 13 Floodplaiv DevelopmmtPermifs<br />

It shallbe unlawCW far my personb begin corsswc5on or othudevelopmm activity<br />

including but not limited to filling grading construction Wtemtion rwodeling err<br />

alranding mY structure orWtmatien ofmY waterwmse wholly within Partially witlvn<br />

orin wnmct withany idemified spceiW flood hazard area az estab5shedinSectionlb<br />

anti afloodplam development permit is obiawed from the Floodplaiv Admwsira or<br />

Suchfloodplain developmentpavilt shallshowthatheproposed developmentactivity H<br />

ivmnforrWty withthe provisions ofthese regWatiovs No such permitshall betamed by<br />

theFloodplaiv AdnunistraNr untll the requirements ofthese regulationshave beenmet 19<br />

a Review<br />

1 After receipt ofa wmplete applicatioq theFloodplaiv Adminisrator shallreview<br />

the app5catwn to ensurethat the standards ofthese regWaSOUhave been metNo<br />

floodplaiv developmentpermitapplication shall bereviewed untilaU inbrmaton<br />

required N Section34has been receivW by WeFloodplaivAdministraor<br />

2 The Floodplaiv Administrator shall review aU floodpLdn develcpmmt permit<br />

applications to asswe maz WIvecessazy permits Lave been received from those<br />

federal state or local govermnenml agencies from which prior approval is<br />

required Theapplicntshallbe responsibleforobtaiWngsuch permitsazrequ ved<br />

includingpertniss issued bytheUS Army Corps ofEngineers wrier8ecfibn 10<br />

of5re Rivers and Hazbors Act and Section 404 ofthe CleanWater AcS and tM<br />

Ohio EnvirovmmW PmtwdonAgency under Sectlon 401 ofthe Clean Water<br />

Ac<br />

ro<br />

Within thirty 30 days after the receipt ofacomplete applicatioq the Floodplaiv<br />

AdmiWrtmtm shalleither approve ordisapprove the applicationIfan application is<br />

approved a floodplain development permit shall be issued All flwdplain<br />

developmem permits stall be conditional upon the commencement ofwork within<br />

ne1 yearA floodplaivdevelopmmtpermit shall one ezp ve 1 yearafter issuance<br />

unlessthepermitted activityhas been substmtially begunand isthereafter pwsuedo completion<br />

1308 36 Svspectiona<br />

ITe Floodplaiv AdmLilstra orshall make periodic Lupections at appropriate times<br />

tlvoughou the period of coasmtction th order m monitor compliance with permit<br />

wnditions<br />

1308 19Pos<br />

Covstruetiori Certifications Required<br />

The following asbWl certi5mtions are required after afloodplain developmm perrWt<br />

has been issued<br />

a Far newor svbstmtially improvedresidential strucNres ornomesidentiW swbtwes<br />

that havebeet elevated Ne applicant shalt haveaFederalEmergenry M agemenr<br />

Agersry Elevation Ceriifrcare completed by aregistered surveyor to record as built<br />

elevation data Forelevated swctiues inZone AaM ZAne AOareas withoutabase<br />

Flood elevatoq the elevation cecti5ca emay be completed bythe property owner or<br />

ouner<br />

saepresevmtive<br />

6 For WIdevelopmm activifies subject m the stmdazds ofSection310 AaLetterof MapRevis on<br />

1308 <strong>18</strong> RevoidngaFlaodplain Development Perini<br />

Afloedplaln development pemd shaft be revocable if among outer things the actual<br />

developmentactivity does not wnformto the terms ofthe applicaton andpermitgranted

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