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d Baze 100 yeaz Flood Elevation BFE means the wazer smFace elevazionof the base<br />

flood mrelafion m aspecified damns usuallyNe Natiomt Geodetic Vertical Damn of 1929 or<br />

he Nash American Vertical Dazmv of 1988 and usually expressed in FenMean Sea Level<br />

MSL In Zove AO azeaz the base flood elevaiov is Ne natural grade elevation plus the depth<br />

numberfrom t m3 feet<br />

eBasement means any area ofthe buildurg having its Moor subgmdebelow ground level ao<br />

all side<br />

fDevelopment means any marwade chmge to improved or udmproved real estate<br />

including branot limited m bWldivgs or other structures mbdvg dredging filFvg grading<br />

paving excavwov m drilNrg operntlovs orstorage ofequipment ormaterials<br />

gEnctosme Belowthe Lowert Fluor see CowartFlom<br />

mExecutive Order 11988 Fleedplain Management means the executive order issued by<br />

President Carterin19Nis order requires that vo federally assisted activities be covducmd in<br />

urbane Ne potential m affect identified spww flood hoard areaswless HereU nopmctiwble<br />

alternative<br />

i Federal Emergency Marragemevt Agency FEMAY means the agency with the overall<br />

msponsibiliryforadminismdvg the NatlonW Flood insuranceProgram<br />

j Fill means a depositofearthmaterialplaced byartiflcial means<br />

k Floyd o Flooding m ens a general and temporary condition of paztiW or complete<br />

inandatiyv ofvotmally dry laud azeaz from<br />

1 he overflowofinland ortidW watersand or<br />

2 ILewusuW and rapid accumWationormvoffofsurfacewaters from my source<br />

1 Flood Haaard Boundary Map FHBM means the weal map produced by the Fedemt<br />

Emergency MavagemmnAgency orUSDepasment ofHOUSmg and Urban Developmentfora<br />

wmmunity depictingapproximate special floodhazard areaz<br />

m Flood Ivsumnce Bate Map FIRM means an official map on which the Federal<br />

Emergency Marmgement Agency ortheUS DepartmentofHousing UrbanDevelopment has delineated the azeaz ofspeciWfloodhazard<br />

n Flyod Insurance RiskZones means zonedesignaziyvs onFHBMsand FIRMS that indicate<br />

the magrdwde ofNe flood hazard in specific areas of a wmmurdty Fallowing are the zone<br />

definitions<br />

Zone A<br />

Special flood hazard azeas inundatedby Ne IOO ryeaz flood baseflood elevatioms azenot<br />

deermived<br />

sHism iC Nmcimo means any snvcturethatis<br />

14<br />

1 Listedindividually inthe NationalRegister ofHistoricPlaces alistingmaivmvred by<br />

Ne US DepamvenofInterior ox preliminarily detemdned by Ne Secretary ofNe<br />

Interior as meetwg the regWrements forindividual linings ov Ne NationalRegister<br />

msinarily determned by the Secretary ofNelnvsior az wntributing<br />

to the historical significanceofaregistered hirtodc districtoradistrictpreliminarily detemuvedby the Secretary m qualifyas aregismredhirtoric districtor sinventory ofhinoric placesmaiv aivedby the Ohio HistoricPreservatiev Office<br />

2 Certified or prel<br />

3 IvdividuWly listed on the Stara ofOhio<br />

tHydrologic and hydraulic evgiveerivg analysis meets an analysis performed by a<br />

professional engineer registered inNe State ofOhio in accordancewith standardengineering practices as acceptedby FEMAusedode ecrWveflyodelevations and orfloodway bomdaries<br />

u Letter ofNap Change LOMC means a Letterof Map Change is an official FEMA<br />

determination by Inteq to amend or revise effective Flood Insurance Raze Maps Floed<br />

BomWazy and Floodway Maps and Flood Imurance Studies LOMCs are broken down into Ne<br />

follywivgcnegodes<br />

LetterofMav Amendment fl0MA1<br />

Arevisionbased on tecludcal datashowing Nataproperty was incymcfly includedin a<br />

designated spatial flood hazard area A COMA amends Ne resent effective Flood<br />

Insurance Rate Map and establishes that aspecific proPOrtY W not located inaspecial nyyd havr3area<br />

LinerofMaoRevis onfLOMRI<br />

Atevisionhazed ontechnical data Flm4usuallydue m manmade changes shows changes<br />

to flood zones<br />

flood elevafions floodplWv and floodwaydelineations and plavwetric<br />

fea mes One common type of LOMB aLOMR Fis a determination concerning<br />

wheher sstructure or parcel bas been elevated by 511 abovethe baseflood elevation end<br />

is therefore excluded from the special floodhazazd area<br />

Conditional LetterofManRev Sion lCLOMRI<br />

AforvW review andcomment by FEMA azto whether aproposed project complies with<br />

the minimum National Flood Ivsumnce Program floodplain management criteria A<br />

CLDMR does notamend mrevise effectiveFlood InsuranceAnte Maps FloydByandary andFlyydway MapsorFlood Lrsmance Swdies<br />

v Lowestflout means the lowest floorofthelowest enclosed area includingbasement ofa stmcnve 15s deflviflonexcludes anenclosure below the lowest floorwhichis anuvffished<br />

orfloodresismn enclosureusdble solelyforparking of access vehiclesbuilding ornmmgein m<br />

area other thanabasement area provided that such cvclosme is built in wrdavw wiN the<br />

applicable deign requ vemevss spwffied m these regWations for enclosures below Ne lowest<br />

floor<br />

w Manufacured home meareaswcbuetransposable in one ormore sections which is<br />

built ov apermaven chassis and H designed far usewith orwithouta permanent foundation<br />

ZonesA430andZone AE<br />

Special flood hazazd azeaz inundated by the 100 yeazflood base flood elevazior sace determined<br />

ZoneAO<br />

Special flood hazed areas ivwdamdby the 100 yearflood with Flood depths of 1 to 3<br />

feetusuallysheetflowonsloping tevaiv average depths are determined<br />

Zone AH<br />

Special flood hazaN areas inundatedby the100 yeazflood flood depths of 1 m 3 feet<br />

usually areasofponding base flood etevmiyns are determined<br />

Zone A99<br />

Special floodhazard areas inmdazedbythe 100 yearfloodmbe protectedfrom the 100<br />

yeaz flood a by Federal flood protection system under wmstructioq no base flood<br />

elevafions are determined<br />

Zone Band Zone Xshaded<br />

Areaz of500 yam Flood areas subject mthe 100 yearfloodwiN average depNS ofless<br />

than I foot yrwith contributing drainage area less than1 square mileand azeas protected<br />

byleveesfrom Ne base Flood<br />

ZoneC and ZoneXlunshadedY<br />

Areas determined tobeoutside Ne500 yearflyodpwv<br />

d Floodhmimvice SwdyFIS means Ne official report in which the Federal Emergency<br />

Management Agency ortheUS Deparmtent ofHousing and Urban Development haz provided<br />

flood profiles floodway bouridazies sometimes shovm on Flood Bymdary and Fooodway<br />

Maps andthe water smfaa elevationsof thebase flood<br />

pElood Protection Elevation means the Fleod ProtectiveElevatioq orFPE isthe haze flood<br />

elevation in areas whenno base floodelevatiovs minfrom any authoritative source the Flood<br />

pmmc6on efevaiovcan be hinoricW flood elevations or base flood elevafiyas deermined<br />

and orappmvedby Wefloodplainadrvinistraryc<br />

qFloodway meareafloodway isthe cfiaanel ofa marerother wamrwmse and the adjacent<br />

land areas Nat Gave been reserved in order to pass the haze flood discharge Afloodway is<br />

typically determined a fluovgh hydrauic and hydrologic engineering analysis such that the<br />

cumWative inereazem theweer surface elevaionofNe base Flood dsscharge is nomorethana designaed height In no case shall the desigva edheightbe more than one foot az any point<br />

within Ne community<br />

The floodway is en extremely havardous area and is usually characterized by any ofthe<br />

following Moderate to high velocity Flood waters high pmentiW for debrisand projectile<br />

impacts andmoderatem higherosion forces<br />

rFeebyad means afactyr ofsafety usually expressed m feet above a flood level for Ne<br />

pucpyses offloodplaimmavagement Freeboard endsto compensate for the many uWmown<br />

faztors tlmt coWdcovtribum m flood heights greamr than theheight calcWatedforaselected size<br />

fleod and floodwayco ditioas suchuwave actioq ybrtmdted badgeopenings debris andice<br />

jams andNe hydrologic eflbn yfmbaWzationinawatershed<br />

whey comremea m the requved utilities The teem manufactured home deer not include a<br />

recreaziovW vehicle For Ne proposes of these reguatons amanufacmred home includes<br />

manufactured homes andmobilehomes as definedinChaptm 3733 oftheOhio Revised Code<br />

z Manufactured Mme park has Ne same as meaning specified in the Ohio Administrative<br />

Code301 2Z 01amanufacturedhome park means any tractofland upon which tlvee ormare manufbcnned homes used frrhabitation are parked either fee of chazge or for revenue<br />

purpyses and includes any roadway bWldivg simcturevehiclq orenclosure used yrwended<br />

foruseazpert ofNe facilities of Ne pazk A tract yflaud that is subdivided andNe individual<br />

lots are not for rent or rented but are for sale or sold for the propose of inslallmion of<br />

manufictmed homes on Ne lots is not amanufacured home park evea Nough three yrmore<br />

manufacbved homes azeparked Nereoq ifthe roadways azededicatedmNe local government<br />

authority<br />

y National FleodInsumnw Program NFIPmeans Ne NFIP isaFederal program enabling<br />

property owners inparticipa ivgcommunities m pmchaze wsmance protection agawt losses<br />

from Flooding This insurance is desigoed to provide an insurance alternative ty disazter<br />

azsislmcetomeetthe escalating costsofrepairing damageto buildingsandtheir wntensscaused<br />

byfloyds Pasicipatlon in She NFIP is basedon anagreementbetween local wnimuvitiesandthe<br />

Fedew govemmert that statesifa community wiE adopt and enforce floodplain management<br />

regulations m reduce future floodrisks to all development ivspecial flood hazazd areas Ne<br />

Federal government will make flood insurance available within the community az a firiancw<br />

pmmction 9gainstfloodloss<br />

z New wuswetiov means struetmesforwhich Ne startofconsv reHonwmmencedon oc<br />

after thewtiW effective dateof the CityofLakewood Flood Insmance Ram Map Febmary 1<br />

198and includesanysubsequent improvementsm etchstructures sa Personmeans any individual orgroup ofindividuals corpymdoqpartnership associatioq<br />

any other entity including state and oral governments and agencies Ao agency is further<br />

defined inthe Ohio Revised Code Section 111 15az any govemmeviW entity ofthe state and<br />

includes but is not limited to any board depazmrent division comwssioq bmeaq society<br />

uvcil ivsdmtion state college oruniversity wmmvnity wllege district mclmicW college<br />

district or state wmmuvity wllege Agency does not include Ne general assembly Ne<br />

wnvollivgboard Ne adjutantgeneral s departmentoranywort bbRecreational vehicle meansavehiclewhiohisIbail ev asinglechassis 2400 square<br />

feetorlesswhey meazured nNe lazgest horizomW projection 3desgved tobeself propelled<br />

or permanently mwa6le a by light duty track and 4 designed primarily not for use az a<br />

permanent dwelling but as temporary living quaners for recreatiyml camping travel or<br />

seasyvWuse<br />

wRegistered Prof sienW Amhitatmeans aperson registeredto engage in the practice of<br />

architecture undertheprovisiovs ofsectiovs403 01m403 19ofthe RevisedCode<br />

dd Registered Professional Engineer means a person registered az a professional engineer<br />

1 enderChapter433of We Revised Code<br />


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