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H Theyshallbe dceigned to havetow flood damage potential<br />

C They shallbe covswcted and placed anthebuilding site w az woffs the<br />

minimum resismncc mNeflowofflood waters<br />

D They shallbefirmly amhoredto preventflotation and<br />

E Service fecditice suchaz elecvicaland heating equipment shall beelevatedor<br />

flcodproofed<br />

d Mavufacaued Homes andRecreatloval Vehicles Thefollowing standards shall<br />

applyto all newand substantially improvedmanufactwedhomes notsubject tothe manufactured<br />

home regWremevis ofSection33 01Ohiv AevisedCode<br />

I Mavufcwedhomesshall beancheredinaccordavce withSection1308 <strong>18</strong>a2<br />

2 Manuticmredhomes shall beelevatedonapermanentfomdationsuchthat the<br />

owcetflmrof hemanufacnued homeis atWe base flood elevation<br />

Thesesfavdazdsalso applytorecreational vehicles Natare either located onsites for <strong>18</strong>0days ermore orazenotfullylicensed andready forhigfiwayuse<br />

e Enclosures Belowthe Lowest Floor The fallowing standards applym all newand<br />

substantially improvedrceidrntiW avdmmceidential stmcmreswhichme elevaedto the base<br />

flmd elevation usingpilings columm orporn Fullyenclosed areas belowthe lowest flomthat<br />

are usablesolelyforparking access or ofvehiclesbuilding smmge inan azeaoNer thana<br />

basemem andwhich are subject m flooding shall bedesignetl bautomatically equalize<br />

hydrostatic floodforcesonexteriorwallsbyallowing foethe entry and exitoffloodwatem<br />

Designs Cor meetingthis requirement mart<br />

1 Be certiRedby aregismredprofessional engineer ocarchitect a<br />

2 Must meetorexceedthe followingcriteria<br />

A Aminimumof wo openings having atotal netareaofnot less than one square<br />

inchfor everysquaze foot ofendosed area subjectb flooding shallbeprovided<br />

B Thebottomofalloperdngs shall hemhigher than one footabovegrade Openingsmaybeequippedwith screens lowers valves mother openings provided thatthey permitthe automatic entry and exit offloedwaters<br />

1309 20 AREASWITHFLOODWAYS Ile Flood InsuranceStudy referenced inSection 1308 0identifiesasegment wihinazeas<br />

ofspecialflood hazaN known aza floodway Floodwaysmay alsobedelineated motherseurces<br />

offlood informationThe floodwayis anextremely hvaMous mendue bNe velocityofflood<br />

waterswldch carrydebrispotentialprojectiles and erosion potential Thefollowing provisions<br />

applywi0sin WI delumazedflmdway areaz<br />

a ProhibitencroacFunentq includingfill new coriswctioqsubstantial improvements<br />

and other development unlessahydrologic andhydcaWic analysisperformed m accordance with<br />

shmdazdrngineering pcaeticesdemonstrates thatthe proposed encroachmentwould notrecutin<br />

any increasem floodlevelsduringthe oceunenceofthebase flooddischmge b Ifsabsection ahereoftrsatisfied all newwmtructionandsubslaritial<br />

improvements shall comply with WI applicable floodhazardxedmtionprovisiom ofSection<br />

1308 19<br />

c Any enccoachmmtwithin thefloodway thazwoWdresultinav inereazein baseflood<br />

elevations canoNy begranted upontheprior approval byNe Fedemt EmergencyManagement<br />

Agency Such requests mustbe submitted6t Ne BufldingCommissienerto the Federal<br />

10<br />

i Ensure hat the flood smrage and conveyance fimc6om of the flvodplaln are<br />

maintained<br />

j Minimize the impact of development ov the mtural beneficial values of the<br />

flmdplaln<br />

k Prevent fleodplWn uses that are either hazmdous or envhormtontally incompatible<br />

and<br />

1 Meet coumudty participation requvemems of the Natioml Flood huuravice<br />

Program<br />

1308 04 McWOds ofReducivg FloodLoss<br />

In ordertoazcomphsh its purposes Neu regWatiovs include me0mds andpmvisiossfor<br />

s Aes rictivg orprohibiting uses which azedangerous b health safety and property<br />

due m weerluzazds or which result iv damaging iveceases m flood heights or<br />

velocuies<br />

b Aegwring lest uses vWnembleto floods including fmilitles which serve such uses<br />

beprotected againstRoaddamage atthe tuneofinitial comwctiov<br />

c Comrollivg the alteration of vawal floodplaims stream Wumels and nahval<br />

protective barriers whichhelpaccommodate orchanrvl floodwaters<br />

d Conholling 511ing grading drNging excavating and other developmentwhich may<br />

increaseflooddamage and<br />

e Prevcvvhg or regulating the coruauction of flood barriers which will urmanually<br />

divert Roodwatersorwhichmayivcreaze flood hazards wothermeal 1308 05 Lavtls toWhich These Regulations Apply<br />

These regWations shalt applytoall areasof special floodhazard withinNejurisdictiov of<br />

the CityoLakewood az identified in Section 1308 06including anyaddifional azeas of<br />

specialflood hazardamexedby CityofLakewood<br />

1309 06Basefor EsNbOShing theAreas ofSpecial FloodHaard<br />

Forthepurposes ofthese reguations the following studiesand or maps azeadopted<br />

a Floodruwamce Study Cuyahoga Count Ohio and ncorporared Areas and Flood<br />

nsanance RareMq Cuyahoga Counry Ohio and ncarporared Arens batheffective<br />

December 3 <strong>2010</strong><br />

b Otherstudies and or maps which may berelied uponfor establishmentofihe Rood<br />

protection elevazioR delimaGonofthe 100 yearfloodplaiq floodways ordalineatim<br />

ofoNaareas ofspecial flood hazard<br />

c Anyhydrologic and hydraulic engineering analysis authored byaregistered<br />

Professional Engineer mthe StateofOluowhich has been approved by theCity of<br />

Lakewood azrequiretlby Saxon43Subdivisions aMLarge Scale Developments<br />

12<br />

Emergency ManagementAgency and moomeet therequ uements ofthe NationalFlood<br />

insuranceProgram<br />

1308 99PENALTY<br />

Whoevmviolates any provision ofthisCode oSany tale orregmationpromWgated<br />

heceundeq Orfailsto comply huewith orwith any writtennoticeaorderissued heremderis witty ofamisdememor ofthe first degree Each dayarchviolation Occursmcontinues woccur shall constltuteasepara eoffense<br />

Shalt beand is hereby amended toread az follows<br />

1308 01 Titles<br />

Theprovisions ofthischapter hereinafter refereedto asthtr Codeshall beknownaz the Flood DamagePrevention Cadeofthe City ofLakewood<br />

1308 02 Findings ofFdct<br />

The City of Lakewood haz special flood hazard az as lira aze subject W periodic<br />

inundation whichmayrecutiv loss oflife andproperty healthand safety hazardsdismption of<br />

commerce and govemmenial services exhaoNwary publicexpeWitures forflood protectionaffi<br />

relief andimpainnerd ofthe tax haze Additiomlly structures that are inadequately elevated<br />

floodproofed or otherwise protected firm flood damage Wse contribute m the Flood loss fr<br />

order NvdWmize the threat ofsuch damages andto achieve the purposes hereinaRer setforth<br />

these xegutatioos are adopted<br />

1308 03 Statement ofPurpwe<br />

It isthe<br />

purpose of these regulations to promote the public health safety and gemml<br />

welfe andto<br />

a Protect humanlife and hea1N<br />

b Minimize expeMimce ofpublic money for costly flood eonvol projecta<br />

c Mudmize the need fm rescue and reliefefforts azsociatdwith flooding and<br />

generally undertakenathe expense efNe general public<br />

d Minimize prolongedbusinessinterruptions<br />

e Minimize damage wpublic facilities and utilities such az water and gas mains<br />

electric telephone and sewer lines swats and bridge located inareas of special<br />

flood hazard<br />

O Help maintainastable tax base byproviding for the proper use and development of<br />

meazof special flood hazed so az m protect propecry and minimize future flood<br />

blight areas<br />

g Ensure that densewho occupy Ne areas ofspecial floeduazmd azsume responsibility<br />

forNev actions<br />

h Minirtdze the impact of development oa adjacent properties within and near flood<br />

prone azeas<br />

Avy revisions tothe aforemevdonedmapsand orstudies aze hereby adoptedby<br />

refce anddeclared robe apartoftheseregulations SUCK maps and or<br />

on file atthe CityHWIat12650 Dewit AvenueLakewood Ohio<br />

studice me<br />

1308 0Abrogation and GreaterResMctions TheseregWatiovs amnotintendNto repeal any existing ordinances including<br />

subdivisionregulations zurdng orbWlding modes Inthe eventofawdlict between these<br />

regalatiom and any<br />

oNu ordinance themorerestrictive shallbe followedThese<br />

reguations shelluetimpav any deed restrictioncovemrrt oreasemrnt butthe laud<br />

subject to suchinterests shall alsobe governed by theregWeaons<br />

1308 08 Ivterpre atiov<br />

In the intecpremtionandapplication oftheseregulatiors all provisions shallbe<br />

a Considered as minimum regwrements<br />

bLiberally cvustrued infavor ofthe governing body and<br />

c Deeruedneithertolimitmrrepeal any otheepowemgrantedorder statestatutes<br />

Whereaprovision ofNese regulations maybe ivwnflictwithastate orFederal law<br />

such state orFWemllaw shalltake precedence overthese regulazions<br />

1306 09 Warning andDkdaimerof Liability<br />

Thedegree offloodprotec ionrequired by these regulatlons is wrvsidered reazonablefor<br />

regWatorypmposceand ishazedonscientific anderi neecing covsideratiovs Larger<br />

Roods canandwilloccur onrareoccasions Flood heights maybeincreased by<br />

madeornatural causes TheseregWatiorvs donotimply thatland outside theazeasof<br />

special flood hazaWorusespemvdedwithin such areaswill beflee flomflooding or<br />

Rood damage TheseregWafiovs shallnotneate IiabiEty on thepmt ofNe Cityof<br />

Lakewood any ofTiceroremployee thereof ortheFederalEmergency Management<br />

Agency forany flooddamage thatresultr from relianceon thesereguations or any<br />

administrative decision lawfullymade thereunder<br />

1308 10 Definitions<br />

UWess specifically defined below wordsorphrasesused in Huse regWations sha0be interpreted<br />

asto give them the meaning Nay havein common usage andto give these regulationsthe<br />

mostreasonable application<br />

aAccessory Stmcture means aswcture on Ne same lot with and ofammre customaNy<br />

incidentaland subordinamto theprincipalswcwe<br />

bAppeal means arequemm review ofNe floodplain admivisnatoi sivterpretatiov of any<br />

provision ofthese reguatiens orarequenforavariance<br />

n cJ Base Flood meam the floodhaving aone percent chance ofbeing equaled orexceededin<br />

any given year The base flood may Wso be referzed to az Ne 1 chance amuW floodor<br />

one hundred 100 yeaz flood

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