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d Description oftheextentto whichanywatercoursewillbe altered ortelocazedas a<br />

resWofproposed development<br />



AnappGcation foraDevelopmentPermit shallno berequired for maintenanceworkmch<br />

as rooflvg painting andbasementsealing orfor small developmert activities except forilling<br />

and gmdivgvalued az less thanone Nousmddollars51 000<br />

1308 14BUILDINGCOMMDSSIONERDESIGNATED TheBuilding Commissioner ishemby appoimedto administer andimplement Nis Codeby<br />

grantingordenying developmentpermitapp4ca iovsinaccordance withits provisions<br />


The dutiesand resportsibilidu oftheBuilding Commissioner shallinclude but am net<br />

limited m<br />

e Permit Review<br />

I Revlewall developmentpecmi4mdete meNatthe pemilt mquiremmts oPtlds<br />

Codehavebeen satisfied<br />

2 Review ail developmentpermitsto assure thaz all necessary permitshave been<br />

eivMfrom Nosefederal state orlocal govemmmtalagenau from whichprior approval is<br />

required Theapplicant shall berespo ible farobiawivg suchpermits asrequired including<br />

permits issuedby theDepartment oftheArmy underSection0ofthe Rivers avdHazbors Act<br />

and Sxtion 404oftheClean WatuAct 3 Review all developmentpenniss tode ecmineif theproposed developmentfr<br />

lomtedwithin adesigtated floodway Floodways me deWeatedmNeFlood Boundaryand<br />

FloodwayMap ortieFlood Insurance RateMapofthe Flood Irsurance StudyFloodways may<br />

also bedelinmted mother souroesofflood information IfNe proposed developmentislocated<br />

wiNwadesignated floodwaXassure Nat the enmoachmmt provision ofSecfiov 1308 20eis<br />

met<br />

b hrformatiov tobe Obtainedand Maintained Wherebase flood elevation data aze<br />

s Flood Iasumnce Rate<br />

utilized witlnvareas ofspecial flood hoard onthe CityofLakewood Mapregardless ofthe source ofsuchdata Ne followdng provuivvsapply<br />

1 Obtain andrewrdNc acmmtelevatiov inrelatiovmmeansealevel of theIowa<br />

flooq including basement ofall neworsubstantially improvedstructures andwheNmornot such swcnueswntainabasement<br />

2 For alt newormbstavdally improvedfloodpmofed savcmres<br />

A Verifyandrecordthe actualelevation inrelation to mean sealevel towhichthe structure was floodpmofed and<br />

B Maintain the floodproofing certificaGous requredinSectionI308 12 c<br />

3 Maintain forpublicimpection all recordspermiviug totie provsiovs ofthis<br />

chapcer<br />

c AlceranovofWatercourses<br />

1 Notifyadjacent communities andNe Ohio DepartmentofNatumlRuomces<br />

DivisenoWater prior oany alterationorrelocation ofawacerevurse and submit evidenceof<br />

mch notificationmthe Fedmal Emergency Management Agency Awatrcoutse isconsidered m<br />

be alteredifany damageoccws withiniss banks<br />


a Generally vaziancesmay beissued fornewcovsavctionand substantial<br />

vnprovements m beerectedon atot ofone halfacreorLess insizecontiguous toand surrounded<br />

by lots wiNexistingstructures croswetedbelow the base floodlevelproviding items1 tluoughI1 of Section 1308 16dhavebeen fWly wvsidemd Asthelot sae wcrmses beyond<br />

the one halfacre thetechnicaljustificanov raga vedforisswng Ne variancesivcrxases<br />

b Variancesmay beissuedfortherepa v orrehabilitationofMsroric structures upona<br />

demmilmfion thatNeproposed repairorrepabditatiov will not preclude the snucture s continued<br />

designation as ahistoricswcnueandthen ceis Ne minimumvecessarympmservethe bismriccharacter and an<br />

deignofthe structure<br />

c Variances shallvo beissuedwithin mydeigvated Floodwayifany increase mflood<br />

levels duringbase flooddischazge would result<br />

d Variances shall oNy beissued uponadeteminationthatthe varianwis the minimum<br />

n wssmywasideringthe flood hazazdm e<br />

affordrelief<br />

e Variance shalloNybe issuedupon I Ashawing ofgoodmdeufficimt cause<br />

2 AdeterminatlonNazfailuretograntthe variance woWdresult inexceptional<br />

hardship totheapplicant and<br />

3 Adeterruivationthatthe grantingofavariancewillnotresultinincreased flood<br />

Nights beyondNot whichaallowed m Nis Codeadditlonalthreats to publicsafetg<br />

exnaoNivary publicexpense creaze nuisance cause fraudon orvictisnmGonoFNepublic as<br />

identified inSwtlon 1308 16d orwrtflic withexisting locallawnorocdivavices tJ Anyapplicantm whomavanavicejgranted stallbegivenwritten notice Natthe<br />

structure wiflbe permittedm be6WltwithaLowestflood elevation below Ne base flood<br />

elevation andduthe cost offlood insurancewillbewmmevsummwith Ne wereasedrisk<br />

resultingfrom the reducedlowertfloor elevation<br />


thall areas ofspecialfloodhazards the fo8owivg standards are required<br />

a Anchoring<br />

I All newwnstructiov andsubstantial improvements shall beanchoredto prevent<br />

flotation collapse orIamralmovernmtofthe mvcmre resetting 5om hydrodynamic and<br />

hydrostatic loadsincludingNeeffectsofbuoymcy<br />

2 Allmanufacvuedhomesne oNerwiseregulated bythe OhioRevised Code<br />

permirdvg mmanufav ured hpmepazks shall beanchoredm prevwflotation collapse orlateral<br />

movemev ofthe structweremtting from tie hydrodynamic and hydrostatic loadsivdudivg Ne<br />

eBecss ofbuoyancy Methods ofanclmring mayinclude butazenot tobelimited m useofovm Ne raporfi mvetiumgrouM anchors<br />

b Constructien NmterialsazWMethods<br />

p All new consmretiov and mbstantiatimprovemmis shallMwnsfructedwith<br />

materialsresistant toEooddamage<br />

2 Allnew construcMnand mbsmvtiW improvementsalsallbewvstructed using<br />

methods andpractices Nat mmimim flooddamage 3 AEnew conswcMn andsubsmntial improvementsshallbewnshvcted with<br />

elctricalheatingventilation plmnbivg and airconditiordng equipment and other service<br />

f1<br />

2 Maintin engineering documenrazion required inSection1308 12 c Nat theflood<br />

canyivg capacity ofthe altered tic relocatedportion ofsaid watemomsewillnot bediminished<br />

3 Require Natvecessarymaintmanwwill beprovided forthe alteredorrelocated portion ofsaidwatercourse so Natthe floodcazrying capacity willnot be dimwshed<br />

d lnterpreta ion oFFlcod BcurWaziu Makeinterpretavovswhereneeded as to Ne<br />

exact locationofthe bowdaaesoftheareasofspeial floodhazazd for examplewhere there<br />

appemstd beacovflim betweenamappedbomdary and actualfield conditions Wherea map<br />

boundary andelevations disagree Ne elevatlorvsdelineated inthe flood elevation profile shall<br />

prevail The personwntestivg the locationofthe bouvdmy shallbeglom areasovable<br />

oppormoitymappeal Ne irterpretatiev asprovidedinSectim 1308 16<br />


a TheBoazd ofBuildivg Standards and BWldivg Appealsshall hearand decide<br />

appeals and requests forvaziances from Ne requvemmts ofthisCode<br />

b The Boazd shall hear and decide appeals whenillsallegedNere isanerrorin any<br />

requirement decisionordecemrwation madebythe Buildmg Commissioneriv theenforcemev<br />

oradmiwstrafion ofhisCode c Those aggieved bythe decisionoftheBOartl oranytazpayeq may appeal such<br />

decision mthe Couh ofCommonPleas ofCUyehoga County asprovided ivChapter 2506 ofthe<br />

Ohio Revised Code<br />

d thpasswg upon mchapplimnonc Ne Board shallmvsiderall technical evWuanovs<br />

all relevmtfactors standazdsspecified inothersections ofOds Cade and<br />

1 Thedanger Nat materielsmaybeswept ortvoNeriands toNeijury ofothem<br />

2 TMdmgmmlSe and propertydue toFlooding orerosion damage<br />

3 ThesuscepfibiliTy oftheproposedfatilt y andits wmentsmflooddamage andNe<br />

effectofmchdamage on theindividuatovmer<br />

4 Theimportmce oftheservicesprovided bytheproposed facilitymNe<br />

community<br />

5 The availabilityofalternative locations forthe proposed usewhichare not subject<br />

to floodingorerosiondamage 6 Thenwessityto Nefacility ofawaterfrovtlocanm where applicable<br />

ThewmpatibiliTy oftheproposed usewith existing and anticipated developmevq<br />

8 Thexelanowhip ofthe proposed usetothe comprehensive plan and floodplain<br />

mavagemmtprogram forthaz area<br />

9 The safety ofmcess toNe property intimesofflood forordinazy andemergency vehicle<br />

10 Theexpected heighh velocity durationrateofrise and sedimentaao 4portof<br />

Ne Floodwaters mdthe effects ofwaveaction ifapplicable ezpecced attie aimand 1l The costsofpcovidivg govemmevW satiresriming andafter flood conditiorvs<br />

includingruWncevanceand xepanofpubtic uWitiu andfacilities such assewer gas electrical<br />

and warm systemsand streets andbridgu<br />

e Upon considerationofthefactomofsubsecriondMmof andNe purpose ofthe<br />

Code the Boardmay attachsuchwnditions mtie gmntivg ofvarimces asit deems necessaryto<br />

Earthen Ne purposes ofthis Code<br />

f The Building Commissonmshall maintainthe records of all appeal actions andreport<br />

any variances m theFederal Emergency Mmagement Agency upmrequest<br />

facilitiesNat azedesigned and orlocated so as toprevent weer from enteringoraccumWating wiflilnthewmpovenssduringwnditionsofflooding<br />

c Utilities<br />

t All newand replacavmt watermpply systemsshallbe designedmmrvimize or<br />

eliminate infilitatiovoffloodwaers into the systems<br />

2 New and xeptecemmt sanitary sewerage syacemsshall bedeigned m minimizeor eliminate iv5ltcation offloodwaters trim the systemsanddischarge fiom Ne systems irtothe<br />

flood watersand<br />

3 Individual waste watertreatmentsystems shallbeIota edmavoid impairmm<br />

them orcovtamivatiov fiomthem during flooding<br />

d SubdivisionProposals I All subdivisionproposals including mmufacnuedhome mbdivisibvs shall be<br />

wasistm withthe need mmirwnae flooddamage<br />

2 Ailsubdivision proposals includmgmmufmmredhome subdivisions shallhave<br />

public unEMsandfacilities mchassewn gas electricaland water systems located and<br />

constructedto mwimae flooddamage 3 Allmbdivisibvproposals<br />

tortudivgmanufattenedMme mbdivisions shallhave<br />

adequam dmivage provided toreduce exposuretdflooddamage and<br />

4 Base Flood elevation data shallbeprovidedfor subdivisionproposals hmluding<br />

manufacmredhome mbdivisions and othmproposed developmentswhichwvmin azeast50<br />

loss err 5 acres whichever is less<br />


th all mess of special floodhaaNs wherebase floodelevaMv datahave beenpcovided as<br />

setfoxthm Secdon1308<br />

0 the foPowivgprovisions are requhed<br />

a ResidentialConstrucfloa Nevi constructlon andmbstantiW improvementofany<br />

residential strucnve shall havethe lowest floorincluding basemmS elevated roorabove the<br />

baseflood elevaiou<br />

b NomesidevtiW Covstructiov New mvsnvction andsubsimtial Mprovemmt ofany<br />

commercial wdustriW or othmnonresidential structure shall either haveNe lowestfloor<br />

including basemmS elevated tothelevel ofthe baseflood elevaMnortogether with attendam<br />

utilityand santaryfaciliriushall 1 Be floodpmofedso Na below thebase floodlevelthe structure iswatmtightwith walls substantially impermeable to thepassage ofwecer<br />

2 Haveshuduml components capable ofresisting hydrostatic and hydrodynamic<br />

leadsand eRecssofbuoyancy and<br />

3 He certifiedbyaregis ered professional engineer tic azchimctNat the design and<br />

methods ofcovstructiovare inaccordance wiNaccepted standads ofpmctice formeeting the<br />

stavdads ofhis subsection Stirchcertification shall beprovided m theofficial as setforth m<br />

Section 1308 12 c<br />

c AccessoryStructures<br />

1 An ezempfion toNe elevaflov ordry ficodproofingstandards may begrantedfor<br />

M accesmry struvhveegsheds detached gazagescontairdng5fisquare feet orless thgross<br />

floorarea Suchswerves must meet the encroachmentprovisions ofSmnov1308 20aandtie<br />

foEowingadditlonalstandards A They shall notbeusedfor humanhabitation

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