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f Help maintainastable basebypxoviding forNe properuseanddevelopment of<br />

areas ofspecial flooduud so astominimize futurefloodblightareas<br />

g EnsureHat pomnvat buyers azeaware dratproperty isinanareaofspwialflood<br />

hazazd and<br />

h Emme thatNou who occupy the areas ofspwialfloodhazardassumeresponsibility forthen acfio4s<br />


in orderto aaomplishisspurposethis Codeincludes methods and provisionsfor<br />

a Restrictingorprohibiting uses whichacedangerous to healthsafety and property due<br />

owaterharile orwhich resultindamaging increasesinfloodheightsorvelocifice b Requiringtha useswlnernble to floods includingfacilities which servesuchuses be<br />

protwied againstflood damage atthetimeofinitialconstruction c ControllingHealterationofnatumlflood plainsstream charmers andnmuml<br />

protective barriem whichhelp accommodate orcharnel floodwaters<br />

d Controlling filling gadivg dredgingand otherdevelopmemwhich may increase<br />

flood damageand e Prevwtivg orregulating theconstructionofflodbaaiem whichwill uumnrrally<br />

divertfloodwaters orwhichmaywcreasefloodhoards wother areas<br />

1308 05DEFINITIONS<br />

Unless specifically definedbelow words or phrases usedinthis Code shall beinterpreted so<br />

asm give them themeaningtheyhave in common usageandm give Iris Codeits most<br />

reasonable application<br />

a Accessorystuctuemeans astructure onthe same lotwith andofamnne eus omarilY idevWand subordinazet4theprincipal structure<br />

b Appeal meam arequesrcforaxeview ofthe Bending Commissioner sinterpcetadov<br />

ofanyprovision ofthisCodeora request foravariame<br />

c Area ofspecial floodhamN means Ne laudintheflodplainsubjectmaove<br />

percent orgreater chance offloodinginmygiven yeaz Areas ofspecielfloodhazazd are<br />

dceigmtd bythe Federal Emergency ManagementAgency ce Zone AAE AHA0AI 30 and<br />

A99<br />

d Baseflood meansthe flood one havinga percen chanceofbeing aquald or<br />

exceeded Hany givenyeaz The basefloodmay also bereferred oas the one hundred100<br />

yearFlood<br />

e Bazemevt means any azea ofthebuilding having its floor subgrade below glomd<br />

on level aEsides<br />

O Development means mymay made change to improved orunimproved real estate<br />

including butnotlimitedmbuildings orother structures mining dredgingfilling grading<br />

paving excavationordrilling operations orstorage ofequipmevtormaterials located withinthe<br />

area ofspecislflood heard<br />

g Federal Emergency ManagementAgency PEMA meavsdm agencywiNthe<br />

overall responsibilityforadministaivg theNatlonalFlood InsuranceProgram<br />

m Flood orflooding means ageneral andtemporary condition ofpactial orcomplete inundation ofnomtally dry landareas from<br />

t Theoverflow ofiNandortidalwatersand or<br />

r Startofwnswclion means thedatethe baldingpermitwas issued provided the<br />

actual startofconstruction repair rewvstruefio4rehabilitation addition placementorother improvementwas within <strong>18</strong>0 days ofthe permitdate Thearena settmeans eitherthefirs<br />

placemen ofperm ant consnvc6on ofastructureonasite such asthe pouringof slab or<br />

footings the installation ofpilesthe wnstruction ofwlumnsorany workbeyoM the stage of<br />

cavatioq orOre placementofa mount tendhome onafounda4on Permanent conshrrcfion<br />

does tutinclude laudpeepazabo4 suchas clearing grading and nor filling does it indvdethe<br />

irisfalla ionpfstreeh and orwalkways nor doesitincludeexcavmiov forabasemevt<br />

footings piersorfoandations orthe erectionoftemporary forms nordoesiincludethe<br />

ivStallation onthe property of suchas accessorybuildings gazages orshedsnot occupied as<br />

dwelling uwtaornotpmtofthe wain shactme Fox asubstantial improvementthe acndstarof<br />

conswction means the first alterntionofanywall ceiling floor orouter structuralpartofa<br />

banding whetherorno that alienation affects the exmmal dimensiors ofabunding<br />

s Stmcture<br />

meansawalld aMroofedbuilding<br />

manrrfmwredhome orgas orliquid<br />

smrage tankNat isprincipally aboveground<br />

t SObstrntialda means damage ofany originsustaind byasducvvewhereby<br />

tlm wet ofrestocivg the snvcauemits before damaged condition would equalm exceed SO<br />

pemen ofthe mazke valueofthe structurebefoxethedamageoccurred<br />

u 5ubstantial<br />

vnpcovemenC means my rewnstructio4 rehabiEtatio4 addifioq or<br />

other improvementofastructme the can ofwbich oc equals excwds50percent ofthe mazket<br />

value ofthe stmcavebefore the startofwnstruction ofthe improvement This term includes<br />

swctweswhich haveivcumd substantialdamage regardless oftheactual repairwork<br />

performd Theterm duesnot howeven inetude<br />

1 Myproject forimprovemevtofaamucave tocorremeeisdng violationsofstateor local healtt sanitary orsafety codespecifications wbichhavebeen idemified bythe local wile<br />

enforcement official and whichareHe minimumnecessary to assure safe livingconditions<br />

2 Any alterationofa historicstructure pmvidd NatHeal<br />

eratiomwillno<br />

preclude the smrcmre scontinueddesigmtionasshis micstructure or<br />

3 Any improvementmastructure wbichis considerednewwnstmcriom v Nazi wmeansagmvt ofrelief@omthe standazds ofthisCOde consistent wiNHe<br />

vanavicewrulitiovs herein<br />


This Code shall applym all areas ofspecial flodhazaN within NejurisdictionoftheCity ofLakewood<br />


The areas ofspecialHoedhavM have bran identifidbythe FederalEmergency<br />

Management Agency inascievtifio andengineeringrepoRen itled Ploodasuravice Btudy thr<br />

He City ofhakewood<br />

Thisstudy with accompanying Flood Bomdary and FloodwayMapsand orFlood InsuranceRate Maps dated February19 8and nayrevisionstherto ishuebyadaptedby reference and declaredto beapart offhisCode TheFloodInsurance Studyis on fifeat I26S0<br />

DetroitAvwuq Lakewood Ohio4410 2 The musualaM rapid accumulation orrunoffofsurface waters from any source<br />

i flood Insurance RateMap FIRMmeans anofficio mapon whichthe Federal<br />

ErergencyMamgemem Agency bas delineated theareas of special floodbeard<br />

j Flood lvsuranw Smdy means Ne officialreportinwhichthe Federal Emergency<br />

Martagcment Agency has provided floodprofiles floodwayboundariesand the watu surface<br />

elevationsofthebaseflood<br />

k Flvodway means the charnelofariverorother watereomseand the adjacent land<br />

areasthat must bereservedinordertodischarge the basefloodwithout cumulatively imceasing<br />

the watersurface elevadov morethen ovrhatffoot<br />

I HistoricStmcnve means any structureHa is<br />

1 Lismd individually inthe National Regis uoFHistode Places a listug<br />

aivmindbytheUS Departrnwtoflntdor orpreliminarily demrmined bytheSecretary of<br />

the Interioras meeting therequicemenss farindividual listings on the NadovalRegister 2 Certified orpretimirmrilydetermined by He Secretary ofthe Interior as<br />

contributing to the historicalsigvifiwme ofaregisteredhistoric districtoradistrict prelmrimrily<br />

determined by the Secrerecy to as qualify aregistereAhistoric district<br />

3 Individually listedon estateinventoryofhiaocicplacesivsmtes withhistoric<br />

preservation programswhichrave been approved by the Secretaryofthe Ivmrior or<br />

4 Individually listedon alocat nvenmryofNs oric placesincornmmdtice with<br />

historicpreservationprogamsthathavebeencertified either<br />

A By av approved stateprogrmnasdetemrined bythe Secretaryofthe Interioror B Directlybythe Secretaryofthe HteriorinstateswiNCU approved programs<br />

m Lowes flooc means the lowestflooroftbelowes enclosd areaCclnding<br />

basement Anunfinished orfloodresinant enclosure usable solelyforpacking ofvehicles<br />

building access ocsmmgs ivan area otlrerNanabazemem area istut wnsidered abuilding s<br />

lowestfloor providedthat suchenclosureisbuilt inaccordame with theapplicable design<br />

requhemevh specifiedinNis chapterfor enclosures below the lowestfloor<br />

n Manufacturedhome tins oneormore astructue<br />

transportable in swtions which<br />

is builton apermanent chassis and is designed forusewiHorwithout apermanent foundation<br />

when correctedm the required utilities Tneterm manufactured homedoes not includea<br />

4ecreatiomlvehicle<br />

o Manufammed bnmepazk orsubdivision means apazcelor contiguouspazcels of<br />

land dividedinto two ormore<br />

manufmvved homelotsforrentorsale This definitlon shell<br />

ezclude any manufacturedhome pack azdefinedin Section33 01ofthe Ohio Revised Code<br />

forwhichthe Public HealthCouncilhas eidusive rule making power<br />

p New onsavctiev means stmcnuesforwhichthestartofwnstmctiav<br />

commenced<br />

onorafter the wtial effective dateoftheCity ofLakewood sFlood Ivsumme Ram Mapand<br />

mcludes anysubsequrntimprovemenss tosuch structures<br />

q Recreationalvehicle means avehiclewbichis<br />

1 Builtonasingle chassis<br />

2 400squarefee orlesswhen measuredatthe tazgesthor<br />

ovtalprojectio4<br />

3 Designedm beself propelledox pemmvently towable byalight dutytruck and<br />

4 Designedprimarily notfor useasapeomanen dwellingben as empomry living<br />

quarters for recreational camping asvel ox seasonal use<br />

1309 08COMPLIANCE<br />

Unless specifically exempted from filing foradevelopmentpermitustatedinSection 1308 13mstrucureorlandshall hereatierbe located erected wmtruc drepahed extended<br />

nverted Wazged oralteredwithout fiWcompliancewith Ne terms ofthis chapter and all othu<br />

applicable regulations wbich applyto useswiflsinthejmisdiction oftlilsCade<br />


thisCodeisnot intmdd mrepeal abrogateoimpair any exinivg easements covemuss<br />

ordeed resMcfiovsHowever wheretltis Codeand other Codeordinance easement covenant<br />

ordeed restriction wvflictoroverlap whicheverimposes He morestringent resHctiorss shell<br />

prevail<br />

1308 10 INTERPRETAT3ON<br />

inHcinterprefationand applicationofthisCode all provisions shall be<br />

a Considered asminimumregnicemmts<br />

ro Liberally consvuedinfavor ofthe govemivgbody and<br />

c Deemed veiHuto irvtnorrepeal any other powers grmted understatestanrces<br />

VJhece aprovisiovofthis Codemaybe inwNEnwith astate law such statelaw shall take<br />

precedence overtheCode<br />


Thedegreeafflodprotecdon cequved byNis Cade iscoreidemdreasomblefor<br />

regulatorypurposes and isbasedonscientific and engineering considerations Largerfloods can<br />

andwill occuronrme occasions Flood heightsmaybeincreasd bymm rmdeorvaNml seaThisCodedoes notimplythatlavd outside He areas ofspecialfloodhazedoruses permitted withNsuchareaswiR befree from floodingorflood damages IbisCode shallnot<br />

createliability on Helurt of He L7ryofLakewood anyofficer oremployee Hereof orthe<br />

Federal Emergency Mamgemem Agency foranyfleoddamage thazresultfrom relimce onHis<br />

Codeoranyadministrative decisionIawfWlymade therewder<br />


ADevelopmentPertvitshall beobtaivdfrom the Building Commissioner before<br />

wmwctionordevetopmevtbegins widtinany azeaofspeciel floodhazard establishd in<br />

Section 1308 0Applicatlon foraDevelopment Penni shall bematleon formsfmvishd bythe<br />

BuildingCommissioner and mayinclude but notbelimited tosite specific topographic plans<br />

dmwnm scaleshowing Ne miens Ibcation dimensions andelevations ofthearea in question<br />

existing orproposd structuresfill storage ofmaterials drainage facititles and Ne Iomtion of<br />

He foregoing ThefoOowivg informetionisrequhed<br />

e Elevationinrelation tomeansealevel ofthelowestflooq ivduding basementofall proposed strucvres wherebase floodelevation dataare utilized<br />

b Elevationinrelatlon tomeansea evelmwbich inrypmposd stmeture wnlbe<br />

floodpcoofed wherebasegood elevadov damareutn ed<br />

1 c Certification byaregisterd professional engineer oraxctiten tbat He floodproofing<br />

methods forany nomesidendal structuremeet He floodproofingcriteria inSecKov 1308 196<br />

wherebase flwd elevation datameutilized and

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