Rep o rt of th e tw en - Rotterdam Convention

Rep o rt of th e tw en - Rotterdam Convention

Rep o rt of th e tw en - Rotterdam Convention


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and 15 <strong>of</strong> <strong>th</strong>em have already be<strong>en</strong> adopted. In order to give a boost to <strong>th</strong>e expo<strong>rt</strong> and impo<strong>rt</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

agricultural commodities, five laboratories wi<strong>th</strong> modern facilities have be<strong>en</strong> established at four regional<br />

plant quarantine stations, namely, Mumbai, Kolkata, Amritsar, Ch<strong>en</strong>nai and one at <strong>th</strong>e national plant<br />

quarantine station, New Delhi. Similar facilities were proposed at more stations.<br />

3.8 Indonesia<br />

Pest infestation is still an ess<strong>en</strong>tial limiting factor for crop production in Indonesia. Al<strong>th</strong>ough<br />

a number <strong>of</strong> effo<strong>rt</strong>s have be<strong>en</strong> made to solve <strong>th</strong>is problem, serious damages caused by pest attacks<br />

are still repo<strong>rt</strong>ed from some crop production areas.<br />

During <strong>th</strong>e past <strong>tw</strong>o years (2003 and 2004), rat, stem borer, brown plant hopper, tungro and<br />

blast disease were repo<strong>rt</strong>ed to cause damage on rice farms. Areas damaged by <strong>th</strong>ose pests were<br />

189 193 ha in 2003 and 180 804 ha in 2004. Estimated yield losses caused by <strong>th</strong>ose pests were<br />

139 875 tons in 2003 and 140 570 tons in 2004.<br />

Bacterial leaf blight, gold<strong>en</strong> snail, and locust were also repo<strong>rt</strong>ed to cause damage on rice<br />

farms. Areas damaged by bacterial leaf blight reached 25 403 ha in 2003 and 37 229 ha in 2004.<br />

Gold<strong>en</strong> snail damaged young rice plants in many provinces. The area damaged was 13 227 ha in<br />

2003 and 16 737 ha in 2004, whereas <strong>th</strong>e area <strong>of</strong> locust infestation was 318 ha in 2003 and 5 383 in<br />

2004.<br />

Some o<strong>th</strong>er impo<strong>rt</strong>ant crops which were also repo<strong>rt</strong>ed to suffer from serious pest attacks<br />

during <strong>th</strong>e past <strong>tw</strong>o years were corn (damages were mainly caused by rat, powdery mildew, stem<br />

borer, army worm, pod borer, leaf blight, locust and rice seedling flies), soybean (damages were<br />

mainly caused by army worm, pod borer, rat leaf roller, bean fly and gre<strong>en</strong> semi-loopers), peanut<br />

(major pests repo<strong>rt</strong>ed were army worm, leaf roller, brown spot, wild pig, rat and leaf rust), mung<br />

bean (major pests repo<strong>rt</strong>ed include, bean fly, rat and army worm), cassava (major pests repo<strong>rt</strong>ed<br />

were red spider mite, rat, and brown spot), potato (major pests repo<strong>rt</strong>ed were red spider mite, rat,<br />

and brown spot), potato (major pests repo<strong>rt</strong>ed was gold<strong>en</strong> cyst nematode), sweet potato (major pests<br />

repo<strong>rt</strong>ed were tuber borer, rat, and wild pig), banana (major pests repo<strong>rt</strong>ed was wilt disease), citrus<br />

(major pest repo<strong>rt</strong>ed was fruit flies), rambutan (major pest repo<strong>rt</strong>ed was leaf caterpillar), cocoa (major<br />

pest repo<strong>rt</strong>ed was cocoa pod borer) and pepper (major pest repo<strong>rt</strong>ed was basal rot disease).<br />

To cope wi<strong>th</strong> <strong>th</strong>e pest problem, crop protection was practiced <strong>th</strong>rough <strong>th</strong>e application <strong>of</strong> IPM<br />

at <strong>th</strong>e farm level. This IPM system included periodic and int<strong>en</strong>sive monitoring <strong>of</strong> <strong>th</strong>e pest population,<br />

<strong>th</strong>e use <strong>of</strong> resistant varieties, <strong>th</strong>e implem<strong>en</strong>tation <strong>of</strong> <strong>th</strong>e cropping system, <strong>th</strong>e use <strong>of</strong> biological control<br />

ag<strong>en</strong>ts, and o<strong>th</strong>er <strong>en</strong>vironm<strong>en</strong>tally fri<strong>en</strong>dly control me<strong>th</strong>ods. Pesticides would only be used wh<strong>en</strong><br />

o<strong>th</strong>er control measures were considered no longer effective. In line wi<strong>th</strong> <strong>th</strong>e IPM policy, <strong>th</strong>e<br />

Governm<strong>en</strong>t <strong>of</strong> Indonesia banned <strong>th</strong>e use <strong>of</strong> 36 pesticide chemicals and restricted <strong>th</strong>e use <strong>of</strong> four<br />

o<strong>th</strong>ers.<br />

Changes were made to <strong>th</strong>e Plant Quarantine Organization rec<strong>en</strong>tly. Under <strong>th</strong>e new setup,<br />

<strong>th</strong>e Agricultural Quarantine Ag<strong>en</strong>cy (AQA) was mandated to perform <strong>th</strong>e <strong>en</strong>forcem<strong>en</strong>t <strong>of</strong> food safety<br />

and biosafety regulations at <strong>th</strong>e <strong>en</strong>try and exit points. At <strong>th</strong>e national level, <strong>th</strong>is work would be<br />

managed by <strong>th</strong>e Information and Biosecurity C<strong>en</strong>tre, a new unit under <strong>th</strong>e AQA. The C<strong>en</strong>tre for<br />

Animal and Plant Quarantine Techniques and Me<strong>th</strong>ods, a former unit under <strong>th</strong>e AQA, was dissolved<br />

and its functions transferred to <strong>th</strong>e Animal Quarantine C<strong>en</strong>tre and Plant Quarantine C<strong>en</strong>tre, respectively.<br />

Wi<strong>th</strong> <strong>th</strong>ese new structural changes, AQA now consists <strong>of</strong> <strong>th</strong>ree c<strong>en</strong>tres, namely <strong>th</strong>e Animal Quarantine<br />

C<strong>en</strong>tre, <strong>th</strong>e Plant Quarantine C<strong>en</strong>tre, and <strong>th</strong>e Information and Biosecurity C<strong>en</strong>tre, and a Secretariat.<br />


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