Rep o rt of th e tw en - Rotterdam Convention

Rep o rt of th e tw en - Rotterdam Convention

Rep o rt of th e tw en - Rotterdam Convention


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Large international cooperation programmes were implem<strong>en</strong>ted on rice, cotton and vegetable<br />

IPM. So far, more <strong>th</strong>an 20 TOTs and 30 000 FFSs in rice have be<strong>en</strong> carried out, and a total <strong>of</strong> more<br />

<strong>th</strong>an 600 facilitators and 100 000 farmers were trained in rice in Sichuan, Hubei, Hunan, H<strong>en</strong>an,<br />

Anhui, Zhejiang, Guangdong Provinces. Eight ToFs and 1 061 FFSs in cotton were held in Shandong,<br />

Anhui, Hubei, Sichuan and H<strong>en</strong>an Provinces in 2000 and 2004, also 245 governm<strong>en</strong>t, 197 farmer<br />

facilitators and over 30 000 cotton farmers were trained. In addition, <strong>th</strong>ere were four more projects<br />

related to IPM: evaluation <strong>of</strong> Bt cotton suppo<strong>rt</strong>ed by China, UK and CAB International, <strong>th</strong>e cotton<br />

bollworm control in small scale farming system by EC and ICAC, monitoring migratory rice pest<br />

by Sino-Sou<strong>th</strong> Korea, and control <strong>of</strong> migratory locusts by Sino-Kazakhstan.<br />

3.5 The Democratic People’s <strong>Rep</strong>ublic <strong>of</strong> Korea<br />

The state policy requirem<strong>en</strong>ts <strong>of</strong> <strong>th</strong>e plant protection organization <strong>of</strong> DPR Korea has be<strong>en</strong> to<br />

establish regular systems, rules and order in boundary inspection, quarantine, to overcome<br />

depa<strong>rt</strong>m<strong>en</strong>talism, to <strong>en</strong>sure unity in activities <strong>of</strong> <strong>th</strong>e interrelated bodies and to streamline <strong>th</strong>e frontier<br />

regulations to <strong>en</strong>able rapid clearance at border points.<br />

There have be<strong>en</strong> some advantages from <strong>th</strong>e merging <strong>of</strong> boundary inspection. Considerable<br />

material, financial and personnel reserves have be<strong>en</strong> obtained <strong>th</strong>rough managem<strong>en</strong>t <strong>of</strong> <strong>th</strong>e newly<br />

merged service. In addition, <strong>th</strong>ere is coordination <strong>of</strong> plans and activities secured to overcome and<br />

correct abnormalities by depa<strong>rt</strong>m<strong>en</strong>talism and irresponsibility.<br />

One <strong>of</strong> <strong>th</strong>e problems <strong>en</strong>countered has be<strong>en</strong> <strong>th</strong>e difficulties in sustaining administrative and<br />

technical activity as required by international standards and recomm<strong>en</strong>dations. Meanwhile, <strong>th</strong>ere is<br />

also a sho<strong>rt</strong>age <strong>of</strong> expe<strong>rt</strong>ise in maintaining regular systems and rules for command, and control<br />

over <strong>th</strong>e implem<strong>en</strong>tation <strong>of</strong> supplem<strong>en</strong>tary measures.<br />

DPR Korea cultivates selected high-yielding crops every year. The outbreaks <strong>of</strong> major pests<br />

differ in int<strong>en</strong>sity and time.<br />

A series <strong>of</strong> measures to improve and str<strong>en</strong>g<strong>th</strong><strong>en</strong> IPM have be<strong>en</strong> implem<strong>en</strong>ted:<br />

i. Training and technology education have be<strong>en</strong> set up for integrated managem<strong>en</strong>t <strong>of</strong> pests.<br />

ii. Preliminary surveys and early warning systems have be<strong>en</strong> established as a pa<strong>rt</strong> <strong>of</strong> pest<br />

control strategy.<br />

iii. An IPM biological control me<strong>th</strong>od has be<strong>en</strong> applied, but has not be<strong>en</strong> increased.<br />

iv. The introduction <strong>of</strong> “right crop on right soil” and “right crop on right period” has produced<br />

useful yield increases.<br />

There have be<strong>en</strong> no changes in <strong>th</strong>e National Plant Protection Organization or its laws. However,<br />

an additional proposal on <strong>th</strong>e international and regional standards was submitted. Basic data for<br />

drawing a distribution map <strong>of</strong> non-phytosanitary pest free areas will be published in one to <strong>tw</strong>o<br />

years. There were also suggestions to supply information collected for one to <strong>tw</strong>o years copied on<br />

CD to member countries. There was a lack <strong>of</strong> urg<strong>en</strong>cy to increase <strong>th</strong>e phytosanitary capacity, and<br />

lack <strong>of</strong> oppo<strong>rt</strong>unities for training.<br />

The standards pesticide applied in DPR Korea promulgated in regulations on pesticide control<br />

issued as Administration Council Directive No. 78 on 12 May 1992. Over rec<strong>en</strong>t years, <strong>th</strong>ere has<br />

be<strong>en</strong> increased att<strong>en</strong>tion on <strong>th</strong>e production and introduction <strong>of</strong> biological and botanical pesticides.<br />

DPR Korea proposes to adopt detailed procedures and me<strong>th</strong>ods <strong>th</strong>rough <strong>th</strong>e “International<br />

Code <strong>of</strong> Conduct” in supplying and using pesticides, standardize <strong>th</strong>e specifications <strong>of</strong> trade marks<br />


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