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CHAPTER 9. MEANS AND ENDS wants to get out, it is not open for anything that is incoming. It is closed, it is a one-way traffic – double traffic is not possible. When you are aggressive through words going out, nothing can penetrate you, neither love, nor meditation, nor God. And all that is beautiful happens as an ingoing process. When you are silent, no words knocking within to get out, when you are waiting – in that moment of waiting beauty happens, love happens, prayer happens, God happens. But if a man is too addicted to words, he will miss it all. In the end he will have a long collection of words and theories, logic, everything – but nothing is worthwhile because the content is missing. You have the net, the trap, but no fish are there. If you had really caught the fish you would have thrown away the net immediately. Who bothers? If you have really used the ladder, you forget it. Who thinks about it? You have transcended it, it has been used. So whenever a man really comes to know, knowledge is forgotten. That is what we call wisdom. A wise man is one who has been able to unlearn the knowledge. He simply drops all that is nonessential. Says Chuang Tzu: WHERE CAN I FIND A MAN WHO HAS FORGOTTEN WORDS? HE IS THE ONE I WOULD LIKE TO TALK TO. He is worth talking to. It may not be so easy to persuade him to talk, but just to be near him, just to sit by his side will be a communion, will be a communication, the deepest that is possible. Two hearts will melt into each other. But why this addiction to words? – because the symbol appears to be the real. And if it is repeated again and again, through repetition you become autohypnotized. Repeat anything, and by and by you will forget that you don’t know. The repetition will give you the feeling that you know. If you go to the temple for the first time, you go in ignorance. It is hypothetical whether this temple really contains anything, whether God is there or not. But go every day, again and again, and go on repeating the ritual, the prayers; and whatsoever the priest says, go on doing it day after day, year after year. You will forget the hypothetical state of mind that was there in the beginning. With continuous repetitions the thing goes into the mind and you start feeling that this is the temple, God lives here, this is the abode of God. Now you have moved into the world of appearance. That is why every religion insists on teaching children as young as possible, because once you miss childhood it is very difficult to convert people to foolish things, very difficult. Psychologists say that everybody should be caught before the age of seven. The child can be conditioned to be a Hindu, a Mohammedan, a Christian or anything, a communist, theist or atheist, it doesn’t make any difference – but grab the child before seven. Up to the age of seven the child learns almost fifty percent of all he will ever learn in his whole life. The Empty Boat 156 Osho

CHAPTER 9. MEANS AND ENDS And this fifty percent is very meaningful because it becomes the base. He will learn many things, he will create a great structure of knowledge, but all that structure will be based on the knowledge that he received when he was a child. And at this time, before the age of seven, the child has got no logic, no argumentativeness. He is trusting, exploring; he is believing. He cannot disbelieve, because he does not know what belief, what disbelief, is. When the child is born, he has no mind to argue. He does not know what argument is. Whatsoever you say appears true to him, and if you repeat it the child is hypnotized. That is how all the religions have exploited humanity. The child has to be forced to conform to a pattern, and once the pattern is deeply rooted, nothing can be done. Even if later on the child changes his religion, nothing much will change. On the contrary, his Christianity will be just like Hinduism, because of the base. It happened, there was once a tribe of cannibals near the Amazon. By and by, they killed most of their own members until only two hundred or so remained. They had killed and eaten each other. A missionary went there to work. The chief of the tribe spoke to him in perfect English. The missionary was surprised and said, ”What! You speak such perfect English, and with a perfect Oxford accent, but you are still a cannibal?” The man said, ”Yes, I have been to Oxford, and I have learned much. Yes, we are still cannibals, but now I use a knife and fork. I have learned that at Oxford.” This much change happens – nothing much. Convert a Hindu to Christianity and his Christianity will be just like Hinduism. Convert a Christian to Hinduism; he will remain a Christian deep down, because you cannot change the base. You cannot make him a child again, you cannot make him innocent. That moment is lost. If this earth is ever going to be really religious then we will not teach Christianity, Hinduism, Mohammedanism, Buddhism: that is one of the greatest crimes committed. We will teach prayer, we will teach meditation, but not sects. We will not teach words and beliefs, we will teach a way of life, we will teach happiness, we will teach ecstasy. We will teach how to look at the trees, how to dance with the trees, how to be more sensitive, how to be more alive and how to enjoy the blessings that God has given...but not words, not beliefs, not philosophies, not theologies. No, we will not lead them to a church or to a temple or to a mosque, because these places are the sources of corruption. They have corrupted the mind. We will leave the children to nature; that is the temple, the real church. We will teach children to look at the floating clouds, at the rising sun, at the moon at night. We will teach them how to love, and we will teach them not to create barriers against love, meditation, prayer; we will teach them to be open and vulnerable, we will not close their minds. And we will of course teach words but simultaneously we will teach silence, because once words get into the base, silence becomes difficult. You come to me, your problem is this: at the base there are words and now you are trying to meditate and be silent – and the base is always there. Whenever you are silent the base starts functioning. So you become aware of too much thinking when you meditate – even more than you feel ordinarily. Why? What is happening? When you are silent you go inwards and you become more sensitive to the inner nonsense that goes on and on. When you are not in meditation you are outward-going, The Empty Boat 157 Osho


wants to get out, it is not open for anything that is in<strong>com</strong>ing. It is closed, it is a one-way traffic –<br />

double traffic is not possible.<br />

When you are aggressive through words going out, nothing can penetrate you, neither love, nor<br />

meditation, nor God. And all that is beautiful happens as an ingoing process. When you are silent,<br />

no words knocking within to get out, when you are waiting – in that moment of waiting beauty<br />

happens, love happens, prayer happens, God happens. But if a man is too addicted to words, he<br />

will miss it all. In the end he will have a long collection of words and theories, logic, everything – but<br />

nothing is worthwhile because the content is missing.<br />

You have the net, the trap, but no fish are there. If you had really caught the fish you would have<br />

thrown away the net immediately. Who bothers? If you have really used the ladder, you forget it.<br />

Who thinks about it? You have transcended it, it has been used.<br />

So whenever a man really <strong>com</strong>es to know, knowledge is forgotten. That is what we call wisdom.<br />

A wise man is one who has been able to unlearn the knowledge. He simply drops all that is<br />

nonessential.<br />

Says Chuang Tzu:<br />




He is worth talking to. It may not be so easy to persuade him to talk, but just to be near him, just<br />

to sit by his side will be a <strong>com</strong>munion, will be a <strong>com</strong>munication, the deepest that is possible. Two<br />

hearts will melt into each other.<br />

But why this addiction to words? – because the symbol appears to be the real. And if it is repeated<br />

again and again, through repetition you be<strong>com</strong>e autohypnotized. Repeat anything, and by and by<br />

you will forget that you don’t know. <strong>The</strong> repetition will give you the feeling that you know.<br />

If you go to the temple for the first time, you go in ignorance. It is hypothetical whether this temple<br />

really contains anything, whether God is there or not. But go every day, again and again, and go<br />

on repeating the ritual, the prayers; and whatsoever the priest says, go on doing it day after day,<br />

year after year. You will forget the hypothetical state of mind that was there in the beginning. With<br />

continuous repetitions the thing goes into the mind and you start feeling that this is the temple, God<br />

lives here, this is the abode of God. Now you have moved into the world of appearance.<br />

That is why every religion insists on teaching children as young as possible, because once you miss<br />

childhood it is very difficult to convert people to foolish things, very difficult. Psychologists say that<br />

everybody should be caught before the age of seven. <strong>The</strong> child can be conditioned to be a Hindu, a<br />

Mohammedan, a Christian or anything, a <strong>com</strong>munist, theist or atheist, it doesn’t make any difference<br />

– but grab the child before seven. Up to the age of seven the child learns almost fifty percent of all<br />

he will ever learn in his whole life.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Empty</strong> <strong>Boat</strong> 156 <strong>Osho</strong>

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