Lessons In Practical Buddhism - Sirimangalo.Org

Lessons In Practical Buddhism - Sirimangalo.Org

Lessons In Practical Buddhism - Sirimangalo.Org


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ealms would be intense suffering, and that they should be<br />

avoided at all costs. Some people think that rebirth as an<br />

animal would be quite pleasant; a meditator who has seen<br />

clearly the truth of things will not harbor such ideas; they will<br />

rather be horrified at the thought of being born in such a<br />

state of intense ignorance, helplessness, and suffering.<br />

Even rebirth in heaven, however, should not be desired by<br />

one who truly wishes to be free from suffering. There is a<br />

story of a monk who practiced walking meditation all night,<br />

every night, and, because he hadn’t eaten enough food,<br />

there arose some sort of nerve damage, and he died while<br />

doing walking meditation. His concentration was quite<br />

strong, but the body couldn’t handle it. This is why we tell<br />

meditators not to fast. Even though your mind can take it,<br />

the body will collapse without enough food. This happens<br />

sometimes, where a meditator decides to fast and then<br />

reaches a point where they can’t continue in the practice.<br />

Even though their mind is okay, the body can’t handle it. So<br />

this is why we eat at least a little bit every day.<br />

For the monk in this story, however, it was too late. He died<br />

and was born in heaven. He wasn’t enlightened, but the<br />

commentary says that if you die in meditation, you will<br />

certainly be reborn in heaven based on that good karma.<br />

Now of course this can’t mean that simply by walking back<br />

and forth or sitting still one will be born in heaven. A person<br />

may have nasty thoughts during meditation and be born in a<br />

bad place as a result of them, but for one who is honestly<br />

trying to develop their mind, even if they don’t give rise to<br />

insight or tranquility, at least the merit of their good<br />

intention in line with truth, purity, and wisdom, will lead<br />

them to heaven as the commentary says. So, he was born<br />

an angel prince in heaven, with a great host of attendant<br />

female angels, who recognized him as their prince and said,<br />

“Oh, here’s our new lord and master.” They assumed he<br />

would be keen to partake in the pleasures of heaven, so they<br />

enjoined him to “come, dance and sing!” and so on. The<br />

new angel, however, didn’t realize that he had died, and so<br />

he thought he was still a monk and that these women had<br />

come to the monastery. As a result, he didn’t even look at<br />

them, inclining his head downward and trying to focus on his<br />

meditation practice, afraid he might become attracted by<br />


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