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Figure J-5. Sample letter to divorced nonrecipient parent of unmarried POW/MIA soldier 118 AR 638–2 • 22 December 2000

Glossary Section I Abbreviations AAFES Army and Air Force Exchange Service AD active duty ADT active duty for training AGR Active Guard Reserve AMC Air Mobility Command APOD aerial port of debarkation APOE aerial port of embarkation AR Army regulation ARNG U.S. Army National Guard ARPERSCOM U.S. Army Reserve Personnel Command AWOL absent without leave CAC casualty area command CAO casualty assistance officer CDR commander CJMAO Central Joint Mortuary Affairs Office CIL Army Central Identification Laboratory CILHI U.S. Army Central Identification Laboratory, Hawaii CMABO Casualty and Memorial Affairs Board of Officers CMAOC Casualty and Memorial Affairs Operations Center AR 638–2 • 22 December 2000 119

Figure J-5. Sample letter to divorced nonrecipient parent <strong>of</strong> unmarried POW/MIA soldier<br />

118 AR 638–2 • 22 December 2000

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