Care and Disposition of Remains - Army Publishing Directorate ...

Care and Disposition of Remains - Army Publishing Directorate ... Care and Disposition of Remains - Army Publishing Directorate ...


RESERVED x AR 638–2 22 December 2000

Part One Care and Disposition of Remains of Deceased Personnel for Whom the U.S. Army is Responsible Chapter 1 Introduction Section I Overview of Mortuary, Current Death, Remains, and Personal Effects Programs 1–1. Purpose This regulation— a. Describes the Army Mortuary Affairs Program. b. Sets policies and responsibilities for operating the Army Current Death Program worldwide. c. Covers search for, recovery, identification, preparation, and disposition of remains of persons for whom the Army is responsible by statutes and Executive orders. d. Sets policies and responsibilities for the disposition of personal effects (PE). 1–2. References Required and related publications and prescribed and referenced forms are listed in appendix A. 1–3. Explanation of abbreviations and terms Abbreviations and special terms used in this regulation are explained in the glossary. 1–4. Responsibilities a. Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel (DCSPER). The DCSPER will— (1) Be the single spokesperson for the Army on mortuary affairs issues. (2) Establish policy and procedures for the Current Death Program, the current death portion of the Concurrent Return Program, and the identification of remains. (3) Establish policy and procedures for the disposition of personal effects. b. Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics (DCSLOG). The DCSLOG will— (1) Establish policy and procedures for the Graves Registration Program and the Graves Registration portion of the Concurrent Return Program, coordinating with DCSPER to ensure interdependence of policies. (2) Direct search and recovery support of major military operations. c. Chief, National Guard Bureau. The Chief, National Guard Bureau (CNGB) will— (1) Determine whether deceased National Guard Bureau personnel are eligible for mortuary services. (2) Reimburse the Active Army for funds expended on the care and disposition of remains of National Guard personnel handled by the Army. d. Commander, U.S. Total Army Personnel Command. The Commander, U.S. Total Army Personnel Command (CDR, PERSCOM) (TAPC–PEZ), will— (1) Exercise staff supervision and administer phases of the Army Mortuary Affairs Program. (2) Develop policies, procedures, and standards for the Current Death Program and the current death portion of the Concurrent Return Program. (3) Develop policies, standards, and procedures for the disposition of personal effects of deceased and missing persons. These responsibilities include direct communication with commanders and summary courts-martial. (4) Develop policies and standards for mortuary services contracts and supplies. (5) Review all forms and reports pertaining to preparation of remains and disposition of personal effects. (6) Maintain liaison with the Congress and the mortuary profession. (7) Make periodic visits to all major Army commands, ports mortuaries, and installations or activities charged with mortuary affairs responsibilities to accomplish the following: (a) Ensure compliance with established policies and procedures. (b) Recommend corrective actions if needed. (c) Provide technical assistance. (d) Assist in the identification, preparation, and disposition of remains and related mortuary affairs matters. (8) Approve recommended identifications of remains submitted by Army identification laboratories or other competent authority. (9) Conduct biennial reviews, together with the Departments of the Navy and the Air Force, and periodic internal reviews to determine adequacy of interment allowances. AR 638–2 22 December 2000 1


x AR 638–2 22 December 2000

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