Bulletin of the European Association of Coleopterology vol. VIII ...

Bulletin of the European Association of Coleopterology vol. VIII ... Bulletin of the European Association of Coleopterology vol. VIII ...

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<strong>Bulletin</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Association</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Coleopterology</strong><br />

<strong>vol</strong>. <strong>VIII</strong><br />

Boletin de la Asociaci6n Europea de Coleopterologia<br />

<strong>vol</strong>. <strong>VIII</strong><br />

Barcelona 1994

ELYTRON. 1994. Vol 8: 63-72 ISSN: 02 14- 1353<br />




M. G. Volkovitsh<br />

Zoological Institute<br />

Russian Academy <strong>of</strong> Sciences<br />


C. L. Bellamy<br />

Coleoptera Department<br />

Transvaal Museum<br />

PO Box 413<br />



Two New species <strong>of</strong> Microacmaeodera Cobos, 1966 from Thailand (Coleoptera: Ruprestidae).<br />

Mi(./-oc~c~nrucocle~r-u (S~IIUIII~~~I-~U~~III~IC~~~I~~I-~I)<br />

XII/XIIII and M. (Mie~r.ouc.nruco~/c~~c~) tl~uil~~~c/i(~u<br />

spp. n. arc described I'roni Thailand. illuslralcd and contraslcd from thcir congcncrs in both<br />

tabularly and in a kcy.<br />

Key words: Colcoplcra. Uuprcslidac, Acmacodcrinac, Mi[./-otrt~rircrcoclrr-(~, Thailand.<br />


The buprestid genus Mi[*]-oac.n~aeode~-a was originally described by COBOS<br />

( 1966) as a subgenus for Acmaeodel-u (Mic.1-ocic.n~ueode~-a) 1ongic.ol-11i.s Cobos<br />

from eastern Afghanistan. Later <strong>the</strong> status <strong>of</strong> Mic.~-oac.n~ucode~-a was elevated to<br />

<strong>the</strong> generic rank by VOLKOVITSH ( 1986), and two subgenera, Mic.1-oat-n~aeodel-a<br />

(s. .st]-.) and M. (Squarnic.~-oac.n~aeode~-a) were separated.<br />

In terms <strong>of</strong> extant distribution and zoogeography, <strong>the</strong> species <strong>of</strong> Mic.1-oacmacodel-a<br />

arc from <strong>the</strong> Indo-Oriental region: M. (M.) 1ongico1-nis (type species)<br />

and M. (M.) ~7ittn1c.1-i Vol kovitsh are partly geographically sympatric in <strong>the</strong><br />

western Himalayas; M. (S.) helli (Kerremans) (type species) is from India and<br />

M. (S.) a]-ue~~sis ('l'hiry) is from Aru lsland and perhaps Borneo. Recenlly one<br />

more species, M. (S.) rncicg~-ego]-i Bellamy & Volkovitsh ( 1992) was described<br />

from Luzon Is., Philippines.<br />

The discovery <strong>of</strong> two new species, collected by Czech coleopterists in<br />

Thailand during 1991-92, has prompted a return to <strong>the</strong> taxonomy <strong>of</strong> this genus<br />

once again. The locality data is recorded herein as presented on <strong>the</strong> specimen<br />

labels. We are grateful to our colleague Ing. Vitezslav Kuban, Brno, Czech<br />

Republic for rhe loan <strong>of</strong> material for this study; his collection will be<br />

abbreviated VKBC.


Microacmaeodera (Squamicroacmaeodera) kubani sp. n. (Figs. 1, 2, 6)<br />

Diagnosis<br />

Body small, length 3.4 mm, width 1.2 mm, short, broad, robust, weakly<br />

convex, with marked dorsal curvature (Fig. 1); black with coal-like sheen;<br />

covered with thin white hyaline scales.<br />

Description<br />

Head broad, flat above; front weakly depressed in lower part, with sides<br />

nearly straight and diverging slightly to vertex. Vertex without longitudinal<br />

keel, 1.90~ as wide as transverse diameter <strong>of</strong> eye and 1.06~ as wide as front<br />

above antenna1 depressions. Clypeus narrow, with small, shallow, arcuate<br />

median emargination anteriorly. Front with sculpture reticulate, formed by<br />

rounded superficial umbilicate punctures with marked granules and centrally<br />

placed dots; intervals forming fine transverse rugae in lower part; covered with<br />

short, fine decumbent scales. Antennae short (female), 1.41~ as long as height<br />

<strong>of</strong> eye; expanded from antennomere 5; antennomere 2 ovoid, robust; 3 and 4<br />

similar, short, feebly expanded apically; 5 triangular; 6-10 strongly transverse,<br />

almost 2x as wide as long; I I oblong, irregular. Pronotum evenly convex,<br />

without basal cavities and median depression; slightly wider than long, basal<br />

width 1.41~ length, widest in anterior to base; sides feebly arcuately converging<br />

anteriorly; anterior margin projecting angularly, slightly bisinuate; basal margin<br />

straight. Lateral carina narrow, distinct, entire, straight. Sides with reticulaterugose<br />

sculpture, marked concentric rugae and fragments <strong>of</strong> umbilicate punctures<br />

with distinct dots placed between <strong>the</strong>m; disc with simple punctate sculpture <strong>of</strong><br />

dense large punctures in <strong>the</strong> middle; intervals smaller than diameter <strong>of</strong> punctures,<br />

shining. Vestiture consisting <strong>of</strong> short, barely visible, decumbent, fine scales.<br />

Anterior prothoracic margin slightly bisinuate, bordered by a deep groove;<br />

prothoracic sculpture consisting <strong>of</strong> small, elongate, asperate umbilicate punctures;<br />

sculpture <strong>of</strong> meso-, metathorax and metacoxae consisting <strong>of</strong> similar punctures.<br />

Hypomera with reticulate-rugose sculpture <strong>of</strong> marked longitudinal rugae with<br />

shagreened intervals and hardly visible vestiges <strong>of</strong> umbilicate punctures. Elytra<br />

broad, convex; 2.13~ as long as wide at base; sides slightly converging<br />

posterior to humeri, feebly diverging arcuately toward midpoint, and firstly<br />

evenly arcuate, <strong>the</strong>n strongly, almost straightly converging to widely jointly<br />

rounded, nearly truncate apices. Incisure posterior to humeri shallow but<br />

marked, extending into shallow curvature at <strong>the</strong> level <strong>of</strong> hind coxae; denticles<br />

<strong>of</strong> epipleura small, hardly visible only in apical 114. Stria1 punctures fine,<br />

fusing toge<strong>the</strong>r along <strong>the</strong> entire length <strong>of</strong> elytron and forming grooves on<br />

posterior 113; striae distinct along entire length. Intervals flat, nearly similar,<br />

3-4x as wide as striae; 9th not elevated, without serration; covered with large,<br />

superficial, uniseriate punctures on finely rugulose background, especially on<br />

basal 113, and with evenly uniseriate, narrowly lanceolate, hyaline, short scales<br />

approximately 112 interval width; surface shining, without pattern. Legs black;<br />

metacoxae with posterior margin straight, slight emarginate laterally but without<br />

lateral tooth. Tibiae slightly expanded apically, straight. Femora with thin<br />

scales; tibiae with short inconspicuous setae; metatibiae bearing one row <strong>of</strong><br />

white bristle-like setae on external margin. Tarsomeres nearly similar; 5th thin,<br />

expanded apically; tarsal pulvilli present, well developed on 1-4, each larger<br />

toward distal end; basal tarsomeres with markedly longer setae laterally. Claws<br />

short, broad, curved, and with broad, blunt tooth before middle <strong>of</strong> internal


Figs. I ant1 4: Dol.s;~l habitus <strong>of</strong>: Mic~rocrcn~creodcru (Sq~ron~ic~-oac~ni~~codcrc~) Xuhot~i. sp. n. ( I );<br />

Mic.r.onc~niurur1er.a (s. sir..) thoilandica, sp. n. (4).<br />

margin. Abdomen completely black; with reticulate sculpture, 1st and anal<br />

sternites with reticulate-rugose sculpture with marked longitudinal rugae; disc<br />

with partly obliterated reticulate sculpture <strong>of</strong> elongate umbilicate punctures;<br />

covered with fine decumbent scales. Anal sternite <strong>of</strong> female short, broadly<br />

rounded, feebly deflexed apically.<br />

Male. Unknown.<br />

Female<br />

Ovipositor <strong>of</strong> tubular type (Figs. 2, 6), ra<strong>the</strong>r elongate, approximately 3 .5~<br />

as long as enlarged part; ra<strong>the</strong>r deeply emarginate apically; with short parallelsided<br />

styli, separated from each o<strong>the</strong>r by 2x <strong>the</strong>ir length, bearing apical bristles<br />

1.5~ as long as length <strong>of</strong> stylus. Hemisternites thin, slightly curved; apical<br />

sclerotization <strong>of</strong> dorsal ones poorly marked, undifferentiated, without recurved<br />

branches (Fig. 6).


Specimens examined<br />

Holotype, female: Thailand, Thimonghta, 350m, 15.02N, 98.335E, 9- 13.-<br />

IV.1991, Vit. Kuban Igt.; Thailand '91, Thanon Thong Chai, D. Kral et V.<br />

Kuban. Holotype deposited in VKBC.<br />

Comments<br />

Microacmaeoder-a (S.) kuhani comes closest to M. (S.) aruensis, differing<br />

by <strong>the</strong> small body, lateral keel <strong>of</strong> pronotum entire, and sculpture <strong>of</strong> hypomera<br />

and abdomen markedly reticulate-rugose. From this last character it differs<br />

from all o<strong>the</strong>r species <strong>of</strong> M. (Squamicroacmaeodera). The four species <strong>of</strong> this<br />

taxon are contrasted in Table 1.<br />

Etymology<br />

This new species is obviously named for <strong>the</strong> collector <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> unique type<br />

specimen, our friend and colleague Vita Kuban.<br />

Microacmaeodera (Microacmaeodera) thailandica sp. n. (Figs. 3, 4, 5)<br />

Diagnosis<br />

Body small, length 3.2 mm, width 1.0 mm, elongate, relatively broad,<br />

convex, with poorly marked dorsal curvature (Fig. 4); black with coal sheen;<br />

covered with white hyaline decumbent setae.<br />

Figs. 2 and 5: Ovipositor, dorsal aspect: Microacniaeodera (Squamicroacn~aeoder'a) kuhani, sp. n.<br />

(2); Microacmaeodera (s. str.) thailandii~a, sp. n. (5).


Description<br />

Head broad, convex from above, feebly flattened in middle; front weakly<br />

depressed in middle, convex in dorsal portion, sides nearly straight and<br />

strongly converging to vertex; vertex without longitudinal keel, 2. 10x as wide<br />

as transverse diameter <strong>of</strong> eye and 0.95~ as wide as front above antenna1<br />

depressions. Clypeus very narrow. nearly straight, with weak, broad, arcuate<br />

median emargination anteriorly. Front with sculpture punctate, formed by fine,<br />

simple, sparse (particularly on vertex) punctures; intervals smooth, shining,<br />

wider than diameter <strong>of</strong> punctures; covered with short. fine, decumbent setae.<br />

Antennae relatively short (female). 2 .0~ as long as height <strong>of</strong> eye: expanded<br />

from antennomere 5: antennomere 2 ovoid, robust; 3 and 4 similar, short,<br />

feebly expanded apically; 5- 10 triangular, nearly as wide as long, with arcuate<br />

inner margin; 11 elongate with rounded apex. Pronotum evenly convex,<br />

without basal cavities and median depression; slightly wider than long. basal<br />

width 1.25~ length, widest between middle and posterior 113; sides arcuately,<br />

more strongly converging anteriorly than posteriorly; anterior margin feebly<br />

projecting anteriorly, nearly straight; basal margin straight. Lateral carina<br />

narrow. distinct, entire, nearly straight. reaching anterior margin. Sides with<br />

pseudoalveolate culpture; disc with simple punctate sculpture <strong>of</strong> sparse punctures;<br />

intervals larger than diameter <strong>of</strong> punctures. shining. Vestiture consisting <strong>of</strong><br />

short, decumbent. similar, hyaline setae. Anterior prothoracic margin slightly<br />

bisinuate. bordered by a fine groove; prosternum evenly convex with small,<br />

sparse, deep, simple punctures; sculpture <strong>of</strong> meso-, metathorax and metacoxae<br />

consisting <strong>of</strong> similar, but larger punctures. Hypomera with large, deep, simple<br />

punctures on finely shagreened background. Elytra relatively broad, convex;<br />

2.30~ as long as wide at base; sides slightly converging posterior to humeri,<br />

<strong>the</strong>n very feebly diverging to midway between middle and posterior 113. and<br />

weakly arcuate, converging to widely jointly rounded apices. Incisure posterior<br />

to humeri very shallow but marked; denticles <strong>of</strong> epipleura small, serrate.<br />

visible only in apical 114. Stria1 punctures deep, rounded or slightly elongate,<br />

isolated on anterior 112 and parlly fusing posteriorly; forming shallow grooves<br />

on posterior 112; striae distinct along entire length. Intervals subconvex, nearly<br />

similar, narrow, 1.5-2.5x, at most 3x as wide as striae; 9th not elevated,<br />

without serration; covered with fine, marked, mostly uniseriate punctures on<br />

finely rugulose. shining background, and with short, uniseriate, hyaline,<br />

posteriorly-pointing setae, hardly shorter than interval width: surface shining.<br />

without pattern. Legs blackish-brown; metacoxae with posterior margin slightly<br />

emarginate without lateral tooth. Tibiae thin, very feebly expanded apically,<br />

weakly curved. Legs covered with light setae and bristles; metatibiae bearing a<br />

row <strong>of</strong> yellowish bristles on external margin. First tarsomere slightly longer<br />

than 2 and 3 toge<strong>the</strong>r; 5th thin, expanded apically, as long as three proximal<br />

tarsomeres toge<strong>the</strong>r; tarsal pulvilli small, poorly developed, each larger toward<br />

distal end. Claws short, curved, with large, acute, blunt tooth before middle <strong>of</strong><br />

internal margin. Abdomen completely black; with simple punctate sculpture,<br />

sides with more dense and coarse punctures, disc with sparse, fine, slight<br />

asperate punctures; covered with fine decumbent scales. Anal sternite <strong>of</strong><br />

female short, broadly rounded, bordered with fine groove.


Male. Unknown.<br />

Female<br />

Ovipositor <strong>of</strong> tubular type (Figs. 3, 5), relatively short, approximately 2.5~<br />

as long as enlarged part; deeply triangularly emarginate apically; styli separated<br />

from each o<strong>the</strong>r by 2x <strong>the</strong>ir length, bearing apical bristles 1.5~ as long as<br />

length <strong>of</strong> stylus. Hemisternites thin, slightly curved; apical sclerotization <strong>of</strong><br />

dorsal ones well marked, differentiated, with long, bent recurved branches<br />

(Fig. 3).<br />

Specimens examined<br />

Holotype, female: NW Thailand, Mae Hong Son, 7-14.V. 1992, P. Pacholatko<br />

lgt. Holotype deposited in VKBC.<br />

Figs. 3 and 6: Apical portion <strong>of</strong> ovipositor, dorsal aspect: Microacmarodrra (s. str.) thailandica,<br />

sp. n.(3); Micrc~acmaeodrra (Squamicroac~maeodera) kuhani, sp. n.(6).


Comments<br />

Microacmaeodera (s. str.) thailandica differs from all o<strong>the</strong>rs <strong>of</strong> its<br />

congeners from M. (s. str.) by having <strong>the</strong> feebly elongate, ra<strong>the</strong>r broad body<br />

and relatively short antennae. With <strong>the</strong>se characters it bears a superficial<br />

resemblance to species <strong>of</strong> M. (Squamicroacmaeodera); however, it can be<br />

separated into <strong>the</strong> nominate subgenus by virtue <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> punctate sculpture and<br />

setose vestiture. Moreover, <strong>the</strong> female antennae <strong>of</strong> M. (s. str.) thailandica are<br />

significantly longer than those <strong>of</strong> M. (Squamicroacmaeodera) species, which<br />

are characterized by an antenna1 length to eye height index varying from 1.32<br />

(M. kuhani) to 1.57 (M. macgregori); <strong>the</strong> female <strong>of</strong> M. aruensis was not<br />

studied. The three species <strong>of</strong> Microacmaeodera (s. str.) are contrasted in<br />

Table 2.<br />

Etymology<br />

This species is named, obviously, for <strong>the</strong> country <strong>of</strong> origin.<br />


I. Body broad and robust, elytra not longer than 2.3~ basal width (generally less than 2.2);<br />

covered with thin transparent squamae or squamose setae. Antennae normal, no more than<br />

twice as long as height <strong>of</strong> eye in both sexes. Sides <strong>of</strong> pronotum with alveolate, reticulate or<br />

reticulate-rugose sculpture <strong>of</strong> umbilicate punctures; disc with asperate or simple punctate<br />

sculpture. Elytral intervals broad, no less than 2.5~ as wide as striaes ...............................<br />

................................ Subgenus Squamicroacmaeodera Volkovitsh ................................ 2<br />

- Body elongate and narrow, elytra no less than 2.3~ basal width (generally 2.44-2.90);<br />

covered with simple setae. Antennae longer, in female no less than twice as long as height<br />

<strong>of</strong> eye, in male up to half length <strong>of</strong> body. Pronotum completely covered with simple<br />

punctation, occasionally more dense'and pseudoalveolate on <strong>the</strong> sides. Elytral intervals<br />

equal to or not more than twice as wide as striae ..............................................................<br />

....................................... Subgenus Microacmaeodero Cobos ....................................... 5<br />

2. Punctate striae distinct on entire length <strong>of</strong> elytra. Hind coxa without tooth .................... 3<br />

- Punctate striae visible only on posterior ID <strong>of</strong> elytra, anteriorly fused with punctures <strong>of</strong><br />

intervals. Hind coxa with large rectangular lateral tooth. Front parallel-sided, not widening<br />

to vertex. Length 4.2 mm. India ................................................ M. (S.) helli (Kerremans)<br />

3. Front distinctly widening to vertex. Width <strong>of</strong> pronotum at base 1.41-1.46~ length; with<br />

greatest width at middle or posterior to middle; sides <strong>of</strong> pronotum with reticulate or<br />

reticulate-rugose sculpture, disc with simply punctate sculpture. Elytral epipleura with<br />

distinct incisure behind humeri ....................................................................................... 4<br />

- Front parallel-sided, not widening to vertex. Width <strong>of</strong> pronotum at base 1.59-1.64~ length;<br />

with greatest width just anterior to base; pronotal sculpture with sides alveolate, disc<br />

asperate. Elytral epipleura with only feeble incisure posterior to humeri. Median lobe <strong>of</strong> d<br />

genitalia without lamina. 5.4-5.9 mm. Philippines (Luzon Isl.) ..........................................<br />

....................................................................... M. (S.) rnacgregori Bellamy & Volkovitsh<br />

4. Lateral keel <strong>of</strong> pronotum well developed only at posterolateral angles. Hypomera with<br />

round umbilicate punctures. Median lobe <strong>of</strong> d genitalia with lamina divided, consisting <strong>of</strong><br />

2 sclerites. 5.5-5.7 mm. AN Isl., Borneo? ................................... M. (S.) oruensis (Thtry)<br />

- Lateral keel <strong>of</strong> pronotum distinct, entire. Hypomera with reticulate-rugose sculpture <strong>of</strong><br />

longitudinal rugae. d unknown. 3.4 mm. Thailand ........................... M. (S.) kuhani sp. n.

M. (S.) belli M. (S.) aruensis<br />

Front parallel-sided,<br />

with reticulate sculp-<br />

ture <strong>of</strong> umbilicate<br />

punctures with irregu-<br />

lar smaller punctures<br />

on surface.<br />

Pronotum widest at<br />

middle; width at base<br />

1.33~ length; lateral<br />

keel distinct, entire; sides<br />

with reticulaterugose<br />

sculpture, disc<br />

with simply punctures.<br />

Hypomera with large,<br />

elongate, umbilicate<br />

punctures with rugose<br />

surface.<br />

Elytral epipleura with<br />

shallow but distinct in-<br />

cisure posterior to hu-<br />

meri.<br />

Elytral striae visible<br />

only on posterior 112.<br />

Hind coxae with large<br />

rectangular tooth.<br />

Abdomen with simple<br />

or asperate punctures,<br />

except on sternite I<br />

laterally.<br />

Male genitalia unk-<br />

nown.<br />

Body length 4.2 mm.<br />

width 1.4 mm.<br />


Front with sides di-<br />

verging to vertex, with<br />

ocellate sculpture <strong>of</strong><br />

umbilicate punctures<br />

bearing punctures in<br />

middle.<br />

Pronotum widest posterior<br />

to middle; width<br />

at base 1.44 (1.43-<br />

1.46)~ length: lateral<br />

keel not distinct, well<br />

developed only at posterolateral<br />

angles; sides<br />

with reticulate or<br />

reticulate-rugose sculpture;<br />

disc with simple<br />

punctate sculpture.<br />

Hypomera with round<br />

umbilicate punctures<br />

with granulate surface.<br />

Elytral epipleura with<br />

shallow but distinct in-<br />

cisure posterior to hu-<br />

meri.<br />

Elytral striae distinct<br />

along entire length.<br />

Hind coxae without la-<br />

teral tooth.<br />

Abdomen entirely co-<br />

vered with fine reticu-<br />

late sculpture <strong>of</strong> umhi-<br />

licate punctures.<br />

Medium lobe <strong>of</strong> d ge-<br />

nitalia with lamina di-<br />

vided into two scleri-<br />

tes.<br />

Body length 5.6 (5.5-<br />

5.7) mm; width 2.0<br />

(2.0-2.10) mm.<br />

M. (S.) kubani M. (S.) macgregor-i<br />

Front with sides di-<br />

verging to vertex, with<br />

reticulate sculpture <strong>of</strong><br />

umbilicate punctures<br />

bearing punctures in<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir middles.<br />

Pronotum widest at<br />

middle, width at base<br />

1.41 x length; lateral<br />

keel distinct, entire; si-<br />

des with reticulate-<br />

rugose sculpture; disc<br />

with simple punctures.<br />

Hypomera with reticu-<br />

late-rugose sculpture<br />

<strong>of</strong> longitudinal rugae.<br />

Elytral epipleura with<br />

shallow but distinct in-<br />

cisure posterior to hu-<br />

meri.<br />

Elytral striae distinct<br />

along entire length.<br />

Hind coxae without la-<br />

teral tooth.<br />

Abdomen covered with<br />

reticulate and reticula-<br />

te-rugose sculpture <strong>of</strong><br />

umbilicate punctures,<br />

partly obliterated in<br />

middle.<br />

Male genitalia unk-<br />

nown.<br />

Body length 3.4 mm,<br />

width 1.4 mm.<br />

Front nearly parallel-<br />

sided, with ocellate to<br />

reticulate sculpture <strong>of</strong><br />

umbilicate punctures<br />

with irregular smaller<br />

punctures on surface.<br />

Pronotum widest at<br />

posterior 113 or just<br />

anterior to base; width<br />

at base 1.62 (1.59-<br />

1.64)~ length; lateral<br />

keel distinct, entire; sides<br />

with alveolate<br />

sculpture; disc with asperate<br />

sculpture.<br />

Hypomera with round<br />

umbilicate punctures<br />

with granulate.<br />

Elytral epipleura with<br />

very feeble incisure<br />

posterior to humeri.<br />

Elytral striae distinct<br />

along entire length.<br />

Hind coxae without la-<br />

teral tooth.<br />

Abdomen with aspe-<br />

rate punctures except<br />

laterally on sternite 1.<br />

Medium lobe <strong>of</strong> d ge-<br />

nitalia without lamina.<br />

Body length 5.5 (5.4-<br />

5.9) mm; width 2.0<br />

(1.9-2.1) mm.<br />

Table I. Diagnostic differences between four species <strong>of</strong> Microacntaeoderu (Squanticroacn~aeoderu~.


M. (M.) lon~icomis M. (M.) wittrneri M. (M.) thailandica<br />

Black with bluish sheen.<br />

Strongly or moderately elon-<br />

gate, length <strong>of</strong> elytron 2.72<br />

(2.44-2.90) x width at base.<br />

Vertex 1.05 (1.00-1017) x as<br />

wide as front above antennal<br />

depressions; front parallel-sided<br />

or slightly wider to vertex.<br />

Length <strong>of</strong> antenna in d 5.26<br />

(5.18-5.3 1) x, in 9 3.07 (2.88-<br />

3.33) x height <strong>of</strong> eye.<br />

Width <strong>of</strong> pronotum at base 1.25<br />

(1.20- 1.30) x length; sides wit-<br />

hout tubercles laterally; sculp-<br />

ture completely even.<br />

Median lobe <strong>of</strong> d genitalia with<br />

entire lamina displaced to base<br />

<strong>of</strong> apophyses.<br />

Ovipositor greatly elongate. to-<br />

tal length 5 x widest part.<br />

Black with aeneous sheen.<br />

Strongly or moderately elon-<br />

gate, length <strong>of</strong> elytron 2.61<br />

(2.48-2.74) x width at base.<br />

Vertex 0.97 (0.96-0.97) x as<br />

wide as front above antennal<br />

depressions; front slightly na-<br />

rrowed to vertex.<br />

Length <strong>of</strong> antenna in d 3.54 x,<br />

in Q 2.25 x height <strong>of</strong> eye.<br />

Width <strong>of</strong> pronotum at 1.09<br />

(1.07-1.10) x length; sides with<br />

weak lateral tubercles at midd-<br />

le; sculpture completely even.<br />

Median lobe <strong>of</strong> Q genitalia with<br />

lamina displaced to anterior por-<br />

tion, divided, consisting <strong>of</strong> two<br />

sclerites.<br />

Ovipositor relatively short, total<br />

length 3 x widest part.<br />

Black with coal sheen.<br />

Feebly elongate, length <strong>of</strong> ely-<br />

tron 2.30 x width at base.<br />

Vertex 0.95 x as wide as front<br />

above antennal depressions;<br />

front slight narrowed to vertex.<br />

Length <strong>of</strong> antenna in 9 2.00 x<br />

eye height.<br />

Width <strong>of</strong> pronotum at base 1.25<br />

x length; sides without lateral<br />

tubercles; punctation very den-<br />

se laterally, sparse on disc.<br />

Male genitalia unknown.<br />

Ovipositor relatively short, total<br />

length 2.5 x widest part (Figs.<br />

3, 5).<br />

Table 2. Diagnostic differences between three species <strong>of</strong> Microacmaeodcra (s. str.)

................................................ l~ed ]Sap!M 40 q18llal XE URql ~ 38~01 IOU 'lJOqC \(?\llr12~<br />

iol!sod!~o .iq8!3q aka XSZ'Z-OO'Z 6 u! :(u~ouyun o.~!puol!oyr .jq jo p) 1q:laq aia 15 ~ 2 1<br />

ssal 'qi%ual Kpoq jo jleq lou p u! aeuualon jo qiZua7 'xaliaA 01 pamoucu \[1q511. !uo:j ;<br />

jo aseq 01 panelds!p eu!wel aJ!iua q)!~ e!lei!ua% p jo aqol ue!paw .ued ~snp~w JO qifuq<br />

xs qi%ual ~elol 'pale3uola Lliea~% ~ol!sod!no ~q%!aq aka XOS'Z 6 u! :lq%!aq aia kc trrui<br />

ssal IOU 'ql%ual dpoq jleq p u! aeuualuy 'xalian 01 pauaplm K1iq91ls JO pap!s-~allclcd iuoq -<br />

(soqo3) s,,u,lo,,!~uol (.W, .W ......................... SV~E~~W!H uialsaM 'mu Z'P-h'r -5a'iqdodr<br />

qsl,AoyloA lu (.W) .W ............................................................... sedelem!~ u.lalsa.+\<br />

.mm E'S-P'P 'sai!~aln" JO Zu!i~suon 'pap!~!p 'lied Jo!ialue 01 panelds!p eu!mel q11w<br />

e!lei!ua% p JO aqol ue!paw .y3elq Lzuoiq Lpog xana ainldlnns :alpp!m u! salnJaqnl [e~alcl<br />

yeam qi!~ mniouo~d jo sap!g .aseq ie qip!~ XPL'Z-RP'Z eildla jo ql%ual 'aie8uola ilpay~rl~ -9<br />

2.c .uaaqs 1eon ql!~ ynelq Lpog .asieds 3s1p jo 'asuap Kian sap!s jo uo!ielnund :Llle.ta~el<br />

salniaqni inoql!m mnjouo~d jo saps .aseq ie 4 1 ~ x0c.z 1 ~ ei1L1a JO q~%ual 'ale4r1ola Llqaaq -<br />

." .ds a,,!pun,!nyl I.W, 'W .......... """ ........................................................... puel!eqL ~ ~ i u<br />

.sa!3ads Mau OM] aqljo<br />

suo!aJlsnll! snuqeq aqi JOJ 'ou.q '~arew laley 'JW 01 pue !XJ?~L pue suewauay<br />

'~a%~aquaqo JO suo113allo3 aql luoy suawpads JO ueol ayl JOJ 'uopuo~<br />

'lunasnw X~ols!~ IeJnleN aqL 'yade~ UOA -d 'I/V '3 pue fsyed 'al[aJnla~<br />

aJ!ols!H,p leuo!leN mnasnm 'sa!~iuad~e3saa .v .Ja lxlqndax q3az3 'an8a~d<br />

s!yl u! paz!l!ln<br />

Ie!JaIeur jo ueol aql JOJ san8eallo3 ~U!MO~IOJ aql yueqi 01 ayq plno~ aM<br />

'urnasnw IeuoyeN ',X1!8 'S ..IQ pue ouJa 'ueqny .I\ :/(pn~s<br />

.[uo!ielsueil qs!~%ug '09-8p :iv)sg '(~861)9861 MJ!~JY<br />

.IOWOIU~~ 'lue!ssna ul] LEI-9~1 :(I)s~ ".rzoyo ,lowoiug .(aep!isaidng 'e~aidoalo3) soqoa<br />

siapoaemneoin!w snuaz aqi jo saliaaq-p~lsa~dnq aqi jo uo!s!~ai y '9861 '9 'w 'HS~~AO~IOA<br />

'EZE-SO£ :85 '.SU~H 'UiDN 'SnW<br />

.raN-'is!H 'uuv 'ugls!ueqZjy la ua q~!iaddely 'r 'is [a iod sop!%ona~ sop!lsydng '9961 'y 'sogo3<br />

'09-9s :( 1 ) 9 "11ng ~ 'sr(loa1o3 .sau!dd!l!qd aqi WOJJ (aep!lsaidng :c~aidoalo3)<br />

soqo3 eiapoaemneoin!w jo salnads Mau y '~667 '9 'w 'HS~IAO~~O,~ '8 '1 '3 ' ~ ~ ~ 7 7 3 g

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