Introduction to Ocular Motility Extraocular Muscles EOM ...

Introduction to Ocular Motility Extraocular Muscles EOM ... Introduction to Ocular Motility Extraocular Muscles EOM ...


Diagnostic Positions of Gaze 2

Ductions and Versions Versions - Movement of both eyes Amplitude, smoothness, palpebral fissure height, pupil size, oscillations. Ductions – Movement of one eye If versions abnormal Improvement on ductions suggests paretic process Normal Versions Normal Versions Herring’s Law of Equal Innervation When an impulse goes to a muscle to contract, an equal impulse goes to it’s contralateral synergist (yoke muscle). Sherrington’s Law of Reciprocal Innervation When an impulse goes to a muscle to contract, an equal and opposite impulse to relax goes to it’s ipsilateral antagonist. CN VI palsy (LR) Limitation of abduction 3

Diagnostic Positions of Gaze<br />


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