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<strong>MULTI</strong>-<strong>BEAM</strong> <strong>CYCLOTRON</strong>-<strong>RESONANCE</strong> <strong>MASER</strong> <strong>ARRAY</strong><br />

By<br />

Li Lei<br />



February 2002



<strong>MULTI</strong>-<strong>BEAM</strong> <strong>CYCLOTRON</strong>-<strong>RESONANCE</strong> <strong>MASER</strong> <strong>ARRAY</strong><br />

By<br />

Li Lei<br />



This Research Work was Carried Out at Tel-Aviv University<br />

in The Faculty Of Engineering<br />

Under The Supervision of Prof. Eli Jerby<br />

February 2002<br />


This thesis is dedicated to my parents,<br />

Lei Mao-Fan and Yin Shou-Lan<br />



I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my advisor Prof. Eli Jerby for his help,<br />

guidance, encouragement and support, sharing with me his insights, knowledge and<br />

experience throughout this work.<br />

Particular thanks to Dr. A. Fisher and Dr. D. Hinshelwood from the Naval Research<br />

Laboratory for their help on the cathodes issue.<br />

A helpful and pleasant association with Mr. M. Korol, Mr. A. Shahadi, Mr. A. Kesar,<br />

Mr. M. Bensal and Mr. Y. Reshef at Tel-Aviv University over the years is also gratefully<br />

acknowledged.<br />


Contents<br />

Abstract------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------VII<br />

List of Abbreviations---------------------------------------------------------------------------IX<br />

Chapter 1. Introduction 1<br />

1.1. Cyclotron Resonance Masers---------------------------------------------------1<br />

1.2. The Concept of the Multi-beam CRM-array---------------------------------12<br />

1.3. Electron Emitters----------------------------------------------------------------18<br />

1.4. Thesis Outline--------------------------------------------------------------------24<br />

Chapter 2. 2D CRM-Array Experiment 25<br />

2.1. Experimental Design and Setup-----------------------------------------------25<br />

2.1.1. Electron Beams-----------------------------------------------------------29<br />

2.1.2. Magnetic Fields----------------------------------------------------------32<br />

2.1.3. Pulsed Power Devices---------------------------------------------------34<br />

2.1.4. The Periodic Waveguide------------------------------------------------36<br />

2.1.5. Vacuum System Considerations---------------------------------------40<br />

2.1.6. RF Diagnostics-----------------------------------------------------------40<br />

2.2. Experimental Operation---------------------------------------------------------42<br />

2.3. Experimental Results------------------------------------------------------------44<br />

2.4. Analysis and Discussions-------------------------------------------------------55<br />

2.5. Conclusions-----------------------------------------------------------------------58<br />

Chapter 3. The Carbon-Fiber CRM-Array Experiment 59<br />

3.1. Experimental Design and Setup------------------------------------------------59<br />

3.1.1. Mechanical Design-------------------------------------------------------61<br />

3.1.2. Multi-beam Carbon-Fiber Cathode Arrays---------------------------64<br /> Experimental Configuration---------------------------------64<br /> Cathode Fabrications-----------------------------------------66<br /> Electron Trajectories------------------------------------------67<br />

V Power Supplies -----------------------------------------------69<br /> Electrical Performance---------------------------------------72<br />

3.1.3. Magnetic Fields----------------------------------------------------------79<br />

3.1.4. The Periodic Waveguide------------------------------------------------81<br />

3.2. Experimental Operation---------------------------------------------------------84<br />

3.3. Experimental Results------------------------------------------------------------85<br />

3.4. Discussions-----------------------------------------------------------------------92<br />

Chapter 4. Conclusions 94<br />

4.1. Experimental Results------------------------------------------------------------94<br />

4.2. Suggestions for Future Work---------------------------------------------------95<br />

Appendix A. Computer Programs and Simulations Documentation 96<br />

A1. The EGUN Code Simulation for the 2D CRM-Array Experiment--------96<br />

A2. The Magnetic Fields Calculation for the 2D CRM-Array Experiment---99<br />

A3. The EGUN Code Simulation for the Carbon-Fiber CRM-array<br />

Experiment-----------------------------------------------------------------------101<br />

A4. The Magnetic Field Calculation for the Carbon-Fiber CRM-array<br />

Experiment-----------------------------------------------------------------------105<br />

Appendix B. Circuits of the Pulsed Power Devices 108<br />

B1. Circuit of the Gun-Solenoid Pulser-------------------------------------------108<br />

B2. Circuit of the Kicker Pulser---------------------------------------------------109<br />

B3. Circuit of the Multi-Channel Gun Pulser------------------------------------110<br />

Appendix C. The Modified Marx Generator 111<br />

C1. Model 615 MR Pulserad------------ ------------------------------------------111<br />

C2. The Modified Model 615 Pulserad-------------------------------------------112<br />

References 113<br />


Abstract<br />

The cyclotron-resonance-maser array (CRM-array) proposed by Eli Jerby is a novel<br />

device in which separate electron beams perform, simultaneously, a cyclotron interaction<br />

with a single Bloch wave in an artificial lattice. It consists of CRM elements coupled<br />

together under a common magnetic field. The CRM-array has the capability to generate<br />

high-power microwave with relatively low-voltage electron beams. The low-voltage<br />

operation reduces the system overhead and leads to a relatively compact device. The<br />

CRM-array may radiate directly to free-space as an active phased-array antenna.<br />

Furthermore, the phase of each element output, and therefore the antenna far-field<br />

radiation pattern, can be varied by the electron-beam voltages.<br />

This thesis presents experimental studies of the multi-beam CRM-arrays. In the<br />

present study, our effort focuses mainly on the establishment of the experimental<br />

fundamental frame of the multi-beam CRM-arrays. In addition, a secondary objective of<br />

the research was to explore a multi-beam CRM device with cold cathode arrays and to<br />

develop an efficient, reliable and cost-effective multi-beam electron source for vacuum<br />

electronic devices. This thesis describes the first successful operation of a two-beam<br />

CRM-array experiment. The experimental results verify the feasibility of the CRM-array<br />

concept and promote the efforts toward the realization of large CRM-arrays.<br />

A 2D CRM array was operated with one and two electron beams (~ 10 keV / 0.1 A<br />

each). Microwave output signals are observed in frequencies around 7 GHz in an axial<br />

magnetic field of ~3 kG. Spectral measurements of the CRM outputs reveal frequency<br />

sweeps along the CRM pulses. These are associated with electron energy variations, in<br />

accordance with the theoretical CRM tuning condition. The synchronism of the cyclotronresonance<br />

interaction with a backward spatial harmonic is confirmed.<br />

This thesis presents also a first demonstration of a multi-beam CRM scheme with<br />

cold-cathode arrays. Based on commercial carbon fibers, a multi-beam cold-cathode array<br />


demonstrates ~400 µs pulses of ~0.1 A in each channel with two accelerating stages. By<br />

using this gun, the device operates at low voltages ~5 kV with ~0.4 ms pulse duration.<br />

Clear bursts of RF oscillations were observed around 5 GHz in the experiment. The CRM<br />

tuning results indicate clearly interactions with backward waves. The experimental results<br />

show that it is possible to use cold-cathode arrays instead of thermionic-cathode arrays in<br />

future multi-beam CRM devices.<br />


List of abbreviations<br />

2D - Two Dimensions<br />

3D - Three Dimensions<br />

B.P.F - Bandpass Filter<br />

BWO - Backward Wave Oscillator<br />

CARM - Cyclotron Auto-Resonance Maser<br />

CsI - Cesium Iodide<br />

CRM - Cyclotron Resonance Maser<br />

EEE - Explosive Electron Emission<br />

FEL - Free Electron Laser<br />

Eq. - Equation<br />

H.P.F - High Pass Filter<br />

HPM - High Power Microwave<br />

IF - Intermediate Frequencies<br />

LO - Local Frequencies<br />

MBK - Multiple-Beam Klystron<br />

OBK - One-Beam Klystron<br />

PC - Personal Computer<br />

PWC - Periodic Waveguide Cyclotron Resonance Maser<br />

RF - Radio Frequencies<br />

SCR - Silicon Controlled Rectifier<br />

SF6 - Sulfur Hexafluoride<br />

TWT - Travelling Wave Tube<br />


Chapter 1<br />

Introduction<br />

Driving by the emerged new technologies and the potential applications, the<br />

innovative high-power microwaves sources have been developed rapidly in recent years.<br />

This chapter describes the motivation for the present work on multi-beam cyclotron<br />

resonance maser arrays, and provides a brief review of relative fields. An outline of the<br />

thesis is presented in Section 1.4.<br />

1.1. Cyclotron Resonance Masers<br />

The cyclotron resonance masers (CRMs) [1] are the high power microwave sources,<br />

which are based on the induced cyclotron instability of a transiting electron beam. A<br />

simplified CRM scheme is shown in Fig. 1.1a. The electron beam is guided by a uniform<br />

axial magnetic field B0. Initially, the electrons undergo a cyclotron motion, and they are<br />

uniformly arranged in rotational phase on a circle (see Fig. 1.1b). Their Larmor radius is<br />

r0L=v0⊥/ωc, where v0⊥ is the electron initial perpendicular velocity, and ωc = eB0/γ0m0 is<br />

the cyclotron frequency. Here γ0=(1-v0 2 /c 2 ) -1/2 is the relativistic factor and m0 is the rest<br />

mass of the electron. After the interaction with the electromagnetic (em) field, some of the<br />

electrons are decelerated in the electric field, rotate faster, and hence accumulate phase<br />

lead while others are accelerated, rotate slower and accumulate phase lag. Then, a phase<br />

bunching occurs and the electrons radiate coherently. As the electrons gain or lose energy<br />

from the transverse electric field, the change in the relativistic factor γ0 produces a<br />

corresponding change in the cyclotron frequency. Simultaneously, another phase<br />

bunching process occurs due to the Weibel mechanism that is the result of the axial<br />

Lorentz force. The two processes are always operating against each other. The cyclotron<br />

resonance satisfies the condition:<br />

ω = n ω + k v<br />

(1.1)<br />

c<br />

1<br />

z<br />


E⊥<br />

ω, kz<br />

B0<br />

B⊥<br />

(a)<br />

E⊥<br />

(b)<br />

Fig. 1.1. The CRM interaction, (a) a schematic diagram, and (b) the process of the phase<br />

bunching (the white dots represent the electrons’ position at the time, t, and the red dots<br />

represent the electrons’ position at the time, t+∆t).<br />

2<br />


where ω and kz are the em wave frequency and its wavenumber, respectively, ωc and vz<br />

are the electron cyclotron frequency and axial velocity, respectively, and n is the<br />

cyclotron harmonic order.<br />

In fast-wave devices, the phase velocity is higher than the speed of light in vacuum,<br />

vph>c, and the basic mechanism of radiation is the electron bunching under the influence<br />

of the transverse electric field component. The dominant effect in the fast-wave devices is<br />

the relativistic azimuthal bunching caused by the v⊥•E⊥ product, where v⊥ is the electron<br />

transverse velocity, E⊥ is the transverse electric component. In the slow-wave devices, the<br />

phase velocity is slower than the speed of light in vacuum, vph

CRMs have been developed and studied mainly in single electron-beam schemes [8].<br />

Fast-wave devices such as gyrotrons, cyclotron autoresonance masers (CARMs), and<br />

slow-wave devices such as dielectric-loaded CRMs have been studied intensively.<br />

Dispersion diagrams for gyrotrons, CARMs and dielectric-loaded CRMs are illustrated in<br />

Fig. 1.2. The uncoupled waveguide mode in Fig. 1.2a, b is represented by<br />

2 2 2 2<br />

ω = ω c 0 + k z c<br />

(1.3)<br />

where ω c0<br />

is the cutoff frequency of the operating mode. The cyclotron wave in the<br />

electron beam obeys Eq.1.1.<br />

Both gyrotrons and CARMs operate through a fast cyclotron wave interaction. For<br />

gyrotrons, the interaction takes place near the electron cyclotron frequency ωc (Fig. 1.2a)<br />

where the CARMs interaction takes places with a phase velocity closed to the speed of<br />

light, as shown in Fig. 1.2b. In Fig. 1.2c, the dispersion function of the uncoupled<br />

waveguide mode is determined by the geometry of the waveguide, its dielectric<br />

properties, the frequency ω, and the wavenumber k. The Weibel interaction takes place<br />

slightly below the speed of light line and the synchronism occurs over a wide bandwidth.<br />

Various CRMs are based on the normal Doppler effect. The resonance occurs when<br />

the operating frequency ω is larger than the Doppler term kzvz, which means that the<br />

phase velocity, vph= ω/kz , is larger than the electron axial velocity vz. This corresponds to<br />

positive cyclotron harmonics (n>0, see Eq. 1.1). The radiating electrons lose both orbital<br />

and axial momentum components. The anomalous Doppler effect occurs when the<br />

operating frequency ω is smaller than the Doppler term kzvz, i.e. vph

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

Gyrotron interaction<br />

Waveguide mode<br />

Waveguide mode<br />

ωc<br />

ωc0<br />

ωc<br />

ωc<br />

Fig. 1.2. Dispersion diagrams for (a) gyrotrons, (b) CARMs, and (c) slow-wave CRMs.<br />

5<br />

ω<br />

ω<br />

Waveguide mode<br />

c<br />

c<br />

Fast cyclotron mode<br />

beam line<br />

CARM interaction<br />

Fast cyclotron mode<br />

beam line<br />

kz<br />

kz<br />

ω<br />

Slow wave CRM interaction<br />

Slow wave CRM interaction<br />

c<br />

Slow cyclotron mode<br />

beam line<br />


A gyrotron system usually consists of several distinct elements: a magnetron injection<br />

gun, an interaction region, a collector region and a strong externally applied magnetic<br />

field [14]. The electron beam is emitted from the electron gun, propagates along the<br />

interaction region, interacts with the em wave, and is deposited finally in the collector.<br />

In the gyrotron device, the transverse velocity of electrons in a helical beam via<br />

relativistic instability generates the high power RF. The change of the electron cyclotron<br />

frequency due to the relativistic electron mass variation causes phase bunching in the<br />

electron beam and, consequently, electromagnetic cyclotron instabilities [15].<br />

Scientists at Gorky State University (former USSR) developed the gyrotron concept<br />

into a practical radiation source during the 60’s and 70’s. In 1975, they developed a 22<br />

kW CW oscillator that produced 2mm radiation with 22% efficiency [15]. In the 70’s<br />

there were also major advances in the United States at the Naval Research Laboratory<br />

(NRL) as well as at MIT, Yale University, Varian and Hughes.<br />

Gyro-devices, like linear-beam devices, have many variants. A full description of<br />

these devices is outside the scope of this work, but a list of the major types and schematic<br />

drawings of most important conventional linear-beam devices and their equivalent gyrodevices<br />

are presented in Table 1.1. For more detail see, for example Ref. [16].<br />

Existing or potential applications of gyro-devices include plasma heating and current<br />

drive for nuclear fusions, RF acceleration in high-energy linear colliders, enhanced radar<br />

systems, and processing of material [17]. In past several decades, common experimental<br />

features of gyro-devices are focused on high average-power gyrotrons and high peakpower<br />

pulsed gyrotrons.<br />

High average-power sources of 100-500 GHz radiations are necessary for electron<br />

cyclotron heating of fusion plasmas. The configurations of electron cyclotron masers with<br />

open quasi-optical resonators, such as the quasi-optical gyrotrons, show considerable<br />

promise for operation in this wavelength regime with high power RF.<br />


Cathode<br />

(a)<br />

Solenoid<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

Electric field<br />

for TE01 mode<br />

Circular waveguide<br />

Fig. 1.3. Schematic diagrams of a gyrotron (a), the magnetic field<br />

profile (b) and the beam-cavity cross section in the interaction<br />

region for a circular TE01 operating mode (c) [Ref. 14].<br />

7<br />

B0z<br />

Collector<br />

Cavity<br />

Electron beam<br />

cross section<br />

z<br />

Typical electron<br />

cyclotron orbits<br />

RF output

In these configurations, the resonator mirrors are far from the beam-wave interaction<br />

region, which will allow a large volume for the interaction and low-ohmic heating<br />

densities on the mirrors. In addition, there is an effective control of transverse modes in<br />

the resonator, and separated electron-beam collection and RF output simplifies the<br />

development of depressed collectors. Table 1.2 presents a summary of the recent status of<br />

high frequency gyrotron oscillators for electron cyclotron resonance heating and current<br />

drive in nuclear fusion [18].<br />

Using a pulse-line accelerator, an early 1 GW super-radiant oscillator experiment was<br />

reported by Granatstein et al. at 8 GHz [19]. Since the late 1970’s, a number of significant<br />

experimental results were reported for relativistic gyrotrons in USSR. These experiments<br />

have yielded tens of megawatts peak power at centimeter and millimeter wavelengths<br />

regime. Recently, the whispering-gallery gyrotrons have produced several hundred<br />

megawatts peak power of microwaves near 35 GHz in the Naval Research Laboratory<br />

(NRL) [20].<br />

According to theoretical studies, gyrotrons may also have a high efficiency at high<br />

harmonics of the gyrofrequency. Thus interaction at high cyclotron harmonics becomes<br />

especially advantageous when large magnetic fields should be avoided [21]. At Fukui<br />

University, Japan and University of Sydney, Australia, the gyrotron have been operated<br />

successfully in single mode at the second and third harmonic of the electron cyclotron<br />

frequency [22-28]. The medium power and submillimeter gyrotron has achieved<br />

frequency tunability in a wide range, from 38 GHz to 850 GHz.<br />

Since the CARM was first suggested by Petelin [29] in 1974, several CARM<br />

experiments have been conducted at the Institute of Applied Physics in USSR [30-33],<br />

and at MIT [34, 35]. Recently, a CARM experiment with 26% high-efficiency at 7.9 mm<br />

wavelength was reported by Bratman et al. [36, 37]. Unlike the gyrotron, the CARM uses<br />

a large Doppler up-shift of the cyclotron frequency in order to reach high output<br />

frequencies [38, 39], and operates with vph~c.<br />


Table 1.1. Schematics of linear beam devices and corresponding gyro-devices [15].<br />

Linear<br />

beam<br />

devices<br />

Gyrodevices<br />

Monotron Klystron TWT BWO Twystron<br />

Gyro-<br />

Monotron<br />

Gyro-<br />

Klystron<br />

Table 1.2. Present development status of high frequency gyrotron oscillators [18].<br />

Frequency Power Period Efficiency<br />

Institution/State (GHz) (MW) (s) (%)<br />

CPI/US 110 0.68/0.53/0.35 0.5/2/10 31/30/27<br />

JAERI+Toshiba/Japan 110 0.35 5 30<br />

GYCOM/Russia 110 0.70/0.32 2/5 37/30<br />

Euratom Team/Europe 118 0.5/0.45 1/5 28/25<br />

GYCOM/Russia 140 1/0.65 1/2 >40<br />

GYCOM/Russia 140 0.8 1 50<br />

GYCOM/Russia 160 0.5 0.7 30<br />

JAERI+Toshiba/Japan 170 0.52/0.23 0.6/2.2 32<br />

9<br />

Gyro-<br />

TWT<br />

Gyro-<br />

BWO<br />

Gyro-<br />


The CARM interaction is based on the same instability mechanism as that of the gyrotron,<br />

but it is operated much above cutoff frequency. The large Doppler frequency upshift<br />

permits a considerably reduced magnetic field B0. Therefore the CARM can provide<br />

millimeter and submillimeter radiation in the first electron-cyclotron harmonic using<br />

currently available magnet technology. In contrast to the gyrotron, which requires an<br />

electron beam with a large momentum pitch angle (typically α=v⊥/vz>1), the CARM has<br />

an electron beam with low to moderate pitch angle (α

unified description of CRM dynamics. This theory was further extended to the nonlinear<br />

range by Sprangle and co-workers [52, 53]. In 1980, Chu et al. applied kinetic theory to<br />

TE modes in cylindrical waveguides [54]. This method was extended later by Lau [55]<br />

and Fliflet [56] to TE and TM waveguide modes. The present status of the theory of<br />

cyclotron masers with relativistic electron beams is reviewed in [57].<br />

Azimuthal bunching<br />

V⊥•E⊥<br />

CRM devices<br />

Fast-wave devices Slow-wave devices<br />

CARM Gyrotron<br />

PWC Dielectric-loaded CRM<br />

Normal Doppler<br />

Vph>Vez<br />

Fig. 1.4. CRM effects and devices.<br />

11<br />

Axial bunching<br />

V⊥×B⊥<br />

Vph~c Vph>c Vph

1.2. The Concept of the Multi-beam CRM-array<br />

CRM devices have a number of potential scientific, industrial and military<br />

applications. In particular, they are expected to be widely used as major sources of HPMs<br />

in future applications, such as material processing, nuclear reactors, radars, accelerators,<br />

and others. CRM’s and gyrotrons have been developed so far as single electron-beam<br />

tubes. In order to obtain high output power, the sole electron-beam should possess<br />

sufficiently large kinetic energy and current. Consequently, a major part of the overhead<br />

in a typical CRM system is devoted to peripheral accessories needed to maintain the<br />

powerful electron-beam itself, both in acceleration and collector sections. In fact, most of<br />

the total length of a typical gyro-device is devoted to the consequent overhead (including<br />

the high-voltage electron gun and electron-optics, the tube shielding, a long collector, and<br />

the output window). Those contribute to weight and high cost. Therefore, the search for<br />

novel high-power microwave sources, which have low costs and compact sizes, is an<br />

attractive topic in this field.<br />

The concept of multi-beam CRM-arrays was proposed by Jerby et al. [58-60] as a<br />

compact version of the single-beam CRM schemes. The idea is based on employing the<br />

transverse dimension to reduce the requirements of high voltage supplies and cooling<br />

systems. In the CRM-array, separate electron beams perform, simultaneously, a cyclotron<br />

interaction with a single Bloch wave in an artificial lattice. The CRM-array has the<br />

capability to generate high-power microwaves with relatively low operating voltages.<br />

A theoretical analysis of the CRM-array [61, 62] predicts a considerable gain in a<br />

single mode. In this physical model, Maxwell’s equations and Vlasov equation are used<br />

to analyze the mechanism of the multi-beam CRM in the linear region. The multi-beam<br />

CRM-array gain-dispersion relation in Laplace s plane is given by the following matrix<br />

equation [61]<br />

2<br />

−1<br />

~ ^ ^ ^ ^<br />

^ ^ ^ 2<br />

1<br />

^ ^<br />

⎛ ⎞ ⎡ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ⎤ ⎛<br />

A⎜ s⎟<br />

= ⎢s⎜<br />

sU<br />

− Θ ⎟ − Qk<br />

⎜ s⎟C<br />

k ⎜ s⎟Θ<br />

pk ⎥ ⎜ sU<br />

− Θ k<br />

⎝<br />

⎠<br />

⎢⎣<br />

⎝<br />

⎞<br />

k ⎟<br />

⎠ 2 ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎥⎦<br />

⎝ ⎠<br />

12<br />

2<br />

A<br />

0<br />


^<br />

where the subscript k denotes the harmonic order, s= jsL(L<br />

is the interaction length) is<br />

the normalized Laplace wavenumber, and U is a unit matrix, respectively. The space-<br />

charge matrix Θ ^<br />

represents the effect of the electron current density on the CRM<br />

pk<br />

^<br />

coupling. The power-flow-matrix C<br />

⎛⎜<br />

k ⎝<br />

s<br />

⎞ ⎠ ⎟ describes the distribution of the em wave power<br />

among the different modes and their spatial harmonics. The diagonal tuning matrix is<br />

^<br />

Θ k<br />

^<br />

=θ nk<br />

^<br />

, where θnk − L<br />

=<br />

⎛⎜<br />

ω−ωc −βnk<br />

V<br />

⎞<br />

0z<br />

⎟<br />

⎝<br />

⎠<br />

V<br />

. The subscript n denotes the mode<br />

13<br />

−<br />

0z<br />

^<br />

order. Q<br />

⎛⎜<br />

k ⎝<br />

s<br />

⎞ ⎠ ⎟ is the diagonal coupling matrix and is defined as<br />

^ − ^ ^ ⎛ ^ −<br />

−<br />

⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞<br />

⎞ 1<br />

^ ^ ^ ^<br />

2 ⎛<br />

⎞<br />

Q ⎜ ⎟ = ⎜ − Θ ⎟ ⎜ −<br />

⎟<br />

k s β ez sU<br />

k Z k β ez U + β e⊥<br />

⎜k<br />

0 Z k − sU<br />

− β k ⎟ (1.5)<br />

⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠⎝<br />

⎠ 2 ⎝<br />

⎠<br />

^<br />

where k0 = kL is the normalized wavenumber, β ^<br />

k and Z ^<br />

k<br />

harmonic wavenumber and impedance, respectively, and β −<br />

are diagonal matrices of the<br />

ez<br />

and β−<br />

average normalized axial and perpendicular velocity components, respectively.<br />

e ⊥<br />

are the electron<br />

This linear analysis shows the possible mode selectivity and spectral purity of the 2D<br />

CRM-array. These stem from the spatial filtering in the periodic structure. In addition, the<br />

CRM-array may have unique features of an active phased array antenna [63]. The<br />

immediate integration proposed, of a microwave generator combined with an antenna,<br />

may simplify the overall radiative system in many applications.<br />

Other types of microwave generators with more than one electron-beam have been<br />

proposed and studied by other workers [64-76]. These include the multiple-beam klystron<br />

(MBK), the multi-beam stagger-tuned gyroklystron, and the double-stream cyclotron<br />

maser. Most of them are in the stage of theoretical study except MBK. Several<br />

experimental schemes are under construction.

The concept of the MBK appeared in France in the 40’s [64], and this kind of MBKs<br />

has really exploited in USSR. In recent years, MBKs are under consideration in other<br />

countries such as US and China. They have shown that the use of multiple-beam designs<br />

provides a powerful means for improving the parameters of microwave tubes. The MBKs<br />

provide low operating voltages, high power, low noise, and the possibility of wider<br />

operating bandwidth by the increase in total perveance. Many models of MBKs are<br />

produced in Russia and most of them for radar and communication applications.<br />

However, only a small number of them are widely known and few details were appeared<br />

in open publications [65]. According to Russian’s work, as the beam number grows, the<br />

decreases of the characteristic impedance of the resonator are slower than the increases of<br />

the overall conductance of the multiple-beam due to the smaller contribution of the side<br />

capacitance. Therefore, for a MBK and an OBK (one beam klystron), in the case of<br />

equality of beam powers, beam perveances, and normalized radii of the channels, the<br />

MBK bandwidth is 2-2.5 times more than that of the OBK [66]. Two 6 cavity, 36 beams<br />

MBKs produce a total RF output peak power of 500-1000 kW with 60A beam current and<br />

a 28-34 kV beam voltage at the State Research and Production Corporation “ISTOK” in<br />

Russia [67]. The MBKs at 0.425, 0.85, 1.3, and 2.8GHz are also under development at<br />

Thomson Tubes Electroniques [68, 69]. The 1.3 GHz prototype operates with seven 133<br />

A beams and a 115 kV beam voltage. It produces a total RF output peak power of 10 MW<br />

with 65% efficiency. Meanwhile, researchers in the Institute of Electronics, Chinese<br />

Academy of Sciences (IECAS) focus on S-band and C-band MBKs [70]. In US, under the<br />

MURI program, several progresses are carried out at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center<br />

and University of California, Davis. In a W-band micro-fabricated modular klystrons<br />

scheme, the semiconductor’s deep-etch lithography technique is used. A klystron array is<br />

fabricated on single substrate. Several such modules can be stacked together to form a<br />

klystron “brick” and operated in parallel in order to produce high power RF by relatively<br />

low voltage. The “brick” can be driven by a single output, or by individual, spatially<br />

combined radiators [71].<br />

Replacing the solid electron beams by hollow electron beams, a multi-beam<br />

gyroklystron was proposed by Nusinovich et al. A theoretical model of multi-beam<br />


stagger-tuned gyroklystrons was developed. Two-stage, two-, three- and four-beam<br />

gyroklystrons operating in a small-signal regime were considered in detail. The analysis<br />

shows that when a number of beamlets is greater than or equal to four, it is preferable to<br />

stagger tune eigenfrequencies of individual input cavities around the eigenfrequency of<br />

the common output cavity. The simulation results demonstrate that the gain-bandwidth<br />

product in multi-beam gyroklystrons can be increased due to the stagger tuning much<br />

more stronger than in their single-beam counterparts [72].<br />

The double-stream cyclotron maser was proposed by Bekefi at MIT [73]. In this<br />

scheme, two well-intermingled electron beams of different axial velocities are spun up<br />

and allowed to gyrate in a uniform axial magnetic field. The spun-up beams interact in a<br />

cylindrical waveguide. Bekefi’s formulae show that the resonant frequency of the<br />

cyclotron double-stream interaction is proportional to the cyclotron frequency and is<br />

inversely proportional to the difference in the axial velocities of the beams. He predicts<br />

that the double-stream cyclotron maser can operate at high frequencies without the need<br />

of either high-beam voltage or high magnetic field. Later, a linear instability analysis of<br />

this maser was developed by Bekefi and his co-workers and the result of computer<br />

simulations shows that the cyclotron two-stream instability is primarily electrostatic [74].<br />

A two-stream relativistic klystron amplifier and a high-power X-band relativistic twostream<br />

amplifier were proposed in a similar idea [75, 76]. The operating principle of these<br />

schemes is also based on the unstable interaction of the fast cyclotron space-charge wave<br />

on one electron beam and the slow cyclotron space-charge wave on other electron beam.<br />

The CRM-array was proposed by Jerby as an extension of the periodic-waveguide<br />

CRM scheme shown in Fig. 1.5a. In this device, referred here as a 1D CRM-array, the<br />

waveguide consists of metal posts in two columns, where the electron-beam flows in<br />

between them. Amplifier [46] and oscillator experiments [47] were conducted at X-band<br />

frequencies (8-12 GHz) with electron-beams of ~10 keV. The 1D-CRM oscillator yielded<br />

a coherent output of 0.4 kW power at >25% efficiency. Theoretical studies of 1D-CRM<br />

interactions with slow and fast waves are presented in [48]. A direct scale-up of this 1D<br />

scheme to high power levels might have required a system overhead comparable to that of<br />


similar single-beam gyrotrons. The preferred alternative was to increase the device<br />

dimensionality.<br />

Conceptual schemes of 2D and 3D CRM-arrays are illustrated in Figs. 1.5b and 1.5c,<br />

respectively. The CRM-array consists of many 1D CRM channels; each operates with a<br />

low-voltage, low-perveance electron beam. The different channels may be strongly<br />

coupled together through the waveguide lattice. Synergistic effects between these<br />

channels may increase the output power further. In order to compensate for any transverse<br />

non-uniformity in the magnetic field profile, each electron beam can be tuned to a slightly<br />

different accelerating voltage.<br />

The ultimate 3D CRM-array may consists of tens, and even hundreds electron beams.<br />

Advanced cathode arrays, made of carbon fibers, silicon tips, or ferroelectric ceramics,<br />

could be applicable in this device. The radiation output can be emitted from the exit plane<br />

of the CRM-array, directly to free-space. In more sophisticated schemes, the CRM-array<br />

may have features of an active phased-array antenna [63]. Focusing, steering, and<br />

splitting of the radiation lobe could be manipulated by varying the voltage profile across<br />

the cathode array.<br />

The major advantages expected for the CRM-array concept are:<br />

(a) Reduced power-supply size and weight.<br />

(b) Reduced X-ray radiation level due to the low-voltage operation.<br />

(c) Miniaturization due to the integrated magnet.<br />

(d) Reduced space-charge effects due to the separated low-current electron beams.<br />

(e) Spectral purity and mode selectivity determined by the lattice dispersion.<br />

(f) Direct radiation to free-space.<br />

(g) Direct energy radiation as a phased-array antenna, incorporated in the multi-beam<br />

CRM-array itself.<br />

The comparison of the single-beam high-power microwave source and the multi-beam<br />

CRM-array is summarized in Fig. 1.6.<br />


(a)<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

B0<br />

B0<br />

B0<br />

metallic tube<br />

electron beam<br />

17<br />

electron beams<br />

metallic tube<br />

electron beams<br />

metal posts<br />

metal posts<br />

metallic tube<br />

metal posts<br />

Fig. 1.5. The evolution of the CRM-array concept: 1D, 2D, and 3D<br />

CRM-array schemes (a, b and c, respectively).

1.3. Electron Emitters<br />

There are several kinds of cathodes used in high power microwave devices. The most<br />

common cathodes are thermionic cathodes. Cold cathodes are also used. In this work we<br />

utilize both thermionic cathodes and cold cathodes.<br />

Thermionic Cathodes<br />

HPM Generation<br />

Single high energy e-beam Multi-beam CRM-array<br />

High voltage<br />

Large system overhead<br />

Need X-ray shielding<br />

High current<br />

Space charge effects<br />

Increase the spatial dimension<br />

Fig. 1.6. Single-beam vs. multi-beam HPM generation.<br />

Thermionic cathodes are based on thermionic emission mechanisms. Thermionic<br />

emission results from the heating of the cathode to provide the electrons with a sufficient<br />

kinetic energy to overcome the potential barrier (work function) at the surface and escape<br />

18<br />

Array of low-voltage<br />

Compact size, less X-ray<br />

Separated electron beams<br />

Less space charge effects<br />

Lattice dispersion<br />

Mode selectivity<br />

Beam steering<br />

“Active” phased array

into vacuum. The current density J is given by the Richardson-Dushman equation as<br />

follows [77]:<br />

2 ⎛ eφ<br />

⎞<br />

J = A0<br />

T exp⎜−<br />

⎟ A/cm<br />

⎝ kT ⎠<br />

2 (1.6)<br />

where k is the Boltzmann constant, φ is the work function, T is the absolute temperature<br />

in degrees Kelvin ( o K), and A0 = 1.20×10 6 A/cm 2 o K 2 .<br />

However, in the case of space charge limitation, the current density J is given by the<br />

Langmuir-Child equation [78, 79]<br />

−6<br />

3 / 2<br />

J = 2. 3×<br />

10 GV A/cm 2 (1.7)<br />

where V is the acceleration voltage in volts, and G is a quantity, given in cm -2 , which<br />

depends on the geometric configuration of the electrodes. In the simplest case of parallelsided<br />

electrodes, G=1/d 2 , d is the cathode-anode distance. From Eq. 1.6, it is clear that in<br />

order to obtain a strong emission, the work function φ must be low and the temperature<br />

Τ must be high. Because Barium has a low work function (1.8 eV) and a moderate<br />

melting temperature (850 0 C), Barium impregnated tungsten cathodes have been widely<br />

studied since their introduction in the early 50’s. The Philips B-type cathode developed<br />

by Levi [80, 81] in 1953 is still the most widely used cathode in the microwave tube<br />

industry. An improved version of the familiar impregnated cathode is the M-cathode [82],<br />

which employs a coating of an ally of platinum group metals on the emissive surface to<br />

lower the work function of the activated cathode. Then this emitter may be operated at<br />

lower temperatures than the standard dispenser cathode for the same current density and<br />

has significantly longer operating lifetime. More recently, new types of cathodes have<br />

been investigated, for instance, a variety of versions of the impregnated dispenser cathode<br />

is distinguished by the composition of the impregnation or by the substrate type [83].<br />

Cold Cathodes<br />

The current density of conventional thermionic cathodes is limited to the order of 10<br />

A/cm 2 [84]. For ultra high power microwave generation, a larger current density is<br />

required. In addition, direct modulation of the emitted beam can improve the efficiency<br />


and reduce the size of the microwave source. Thus various cold cathodes have been<br />

developed over the years to meet those desires.<br />

Cold cathodes do not rely on the heating of a material to emit electrons over the<br />

potential barrier. One of the most common types of cold cathodes is the field emitter,<br />

which is based on field emission. Field emission is the process whereby electrons tunnel<br />

through a barrier in the presence of a high electric field. Fowler and Nordheim developed<br />

a model describing the emission of electrons from a metal-vacuum interface in the<br />

presence of an electric field normal to the surface [85]. Their theory predicted that the<br />

current density of the field emission can be expressed as<br />

C<br />

J = 2<br />

φt<br />

( y)<br />

E<br />

2<br />

3 ⎛<br />

⎜ 2 Bφ<br />

v<br />

exp⎜<br />

−<br />

⎜ E<br />

⎝<br />

20<br />

( y)<br />

⎞<br />

⎟<br />

⎟<br />

⎟<br />

⎠<br />

A/cm 2 (1.8)<br />

where E is the applied electric field, φ is the work function, C and B are constants,<br />

3 2<br />

y = e E φ , and v(y) and t(y) are tabulated functions which arise due the inclusion of<br />

image charge effects.<br />

Dyke and Dolan have recognized the advantages of field emission as a highbrightness<br />

electron source in the 50’s. They discovered that to ensure stable emission and<br />

long life on tungsten field emitters, the ultra-high vacuum is required [86]. Later, the<br />

group at Stanford Research Institute (SRI), lead by Spindt, has developed the gated field<br />

emitter arrays (FEAs) successfully using micro-fabrication technology [87]. The Spindttype<br />

FEAs become one of the most common structures for field emission cathodes. The<br />

“Spindt cathode” is illustrated in Fig. 1.6. In the Spindt structure, the electrons are<br />

generated from very sharp molybdenum tips and an electron gate electrode is used to low<br />

the necessary operating voltage in order to produce a large electric field at the tips.<br />

Despite the variety of techniques and material, this kind of FEAs has been developed<br />

successfully as commercial flat panel displays, field emission displays (FEDs). Since<br />

FEDs have almost 180 degrees viewing angle, excellent color reproduction, flatness and<br />

low power consumption, it looks very promising.

There are many other types of cold cathodes, such as photocathodes, ferroelectric<br />

ceramic cathodes and explosive electron emission cathodes. We will describe more in<br />

detail the latter one in the following sections since this work has used carbon-fiber<br />

cathodes. For more details on other cathodes see, for example, the review article by<br />

Nation et al. [88].<br />

Vanode<br />

Vgate<br />

Fig. 1.6. Schematic of Spindt-type field emitter array.<br />

Compared with field emitters, when the electric field is high enough, ohmic heating of<br />

the discrete electron emission sites will explode the cathode to vaporize and subsequent<br />

plasma formation by electron neutral collisions. There is also plasma formation on the<br />

anode, and diode gap closure occurs as the two plasma fronts expand. This process is<br />

known as explosive electron emission [88].<br />

In USSR, Mesyats’ group has made since the mid 1960’s an extensive research on the<br />

processes of plasma formation and intense electron beams involved microscopic point<br />

emitters at high current densities emission. According their report, the work behavior of<br />

the explosive single emitter has four stages [89, 90]. Initially, followed a rapid rise in<br />

current a field emission current is observed after some delay by an explosive destruction<br />

21<br />

Anode<br />

micro tip<br />

gate electrode<br />


of the emitter. Simultaneous with the beginning of the current rise, a cathode flare appears<br />

on the cathode. Then, the current rises slowly, which is attributed to a decrease in the<br />

impedance due to plasma expansion. Later, an anode flare appears and the diode<br />

impedance collapses, simultaneous with a rapid current increase. The breakdown time,<br />

τδ , is related to the plateau current, j, by j 2 τδ=constant. Here j strongly depends on the<br />

electric field, so does τδ . If the explosion is initiated by field-emission current, the<br />

Fowler-Nordheim equation gives a good agreement with these single emitter experiments.<br />

Focused on broad area cathodes, Parker and coworkers at the Air Force Weapons<br />

Laboratory studied in the 70’s the electrical behavior of graphite cathodes. They<br />

considered that the observed diode perveance can be explained in terms of the expansion<br />

of the plasma cathode formed by the merger of many cathode flares [91]. The exact<br />

mechanism for broad area cathodes is not yet known; none of the theories so far proposed<br />

can explain all of the experimental results. However, the pre-breakdown and breakdown<br />

currents in a broad area cathode are observed to occur at electric fields about 10-1000<br />

times lower than those in a single needle emitter [92]. The effect of gap closure may limit<br />

the performance of devices operating with cold-cathodes, since it limits the duration of<br />

the electron-beam pulse, and precludes operation at desired repetition rates [93].<br />

Impedance collapse characterized by the speed of the gap closure is roughly constant over<br />

a wide range of conditions at values of about 10 6 cm/s. Because of the gap closure, most<br />

of the cathodes used limit the pulsed duration to about 100’s ns. In order to prevent the<br />

breakdown, most studies in the cold cathodes use short pulse. It is useful, therefore, to<br />

develop new kinds of cold cathodes or processes, which the pulse lengths can be<br />

extended.<br />

Recently, the researchers at NEC Corporation in Japan have demonstrated a<br />

miniaturized traveling waveguide tube (TWT) results of 27.5 W at 10.5 GHz, 19.5 dB<br />

gain, and a bandwidth wider than 3 GHz using a lateral-resistor-stabilized Spindt-type<br />

FEAs [94]. Another TWT design by NEC, using a new arc-resistant vertical current<br />

limiter Spindt-type FEAs resulted an 8 W output power, 22 dB gain at 11.5 GHz and was<br />

stably operated for 5000 hours [95, 96]. The arc-resistant FEA appears to dramatically<br />


enhance the lifetime of the FEA cathodes in the vacuum environment and re-energize the<br />

efforts of researchers to develop high-power vacuum electronic devices based on cold<br />

cathodes.<br />

Carbon fibers are known for a long time as field emission sources [97-99]. In these<br />

early works, carbon fibers have been studied as pure field emitters, having been used<br />

singly and in clusters to provide DC emission without plasma formation. The<br />

experimental results have a good agreement with the Fowler-Nordheim equation. The<br />

emission characteristics and stability of these cathodes are, to a large degree, determined<br />

by the type of the carbon fiber microstructure, by the features of the manufacturing<br />

process, and by the initial treatment of the emitters.<br />

Further developments of carbon-fiber emitters with plasma formation in western<br />

countries were reported in the 80’s by Prohaska and Fisher. Using carbon yarn, emission<br />

starts at 5-15kV/cm and 10-30kV/cm, current densities up to 10A/cm 2 have been obtained<br />

over 100 cm 2 [100]. Researchers in New Mexico demonstrated that cloth fiber (75%<br />

rayon, 25% silk) cathodes might have superior properties as cold cathode emitters [101].<br />

However for the broad area carbon-fiber emitters, the experimental results do not agree<br />

with the Fowler-Nordheim equation. Even with extremely careful diode design, the<br />

available pulse duration for any of the carbon felt, velvet, and high-grade graphite<br />

cathodes is usually limited by gap closure. The gap closure velocity depends most<br />

critically on the electrical field strength at the cathode surface, the cathode emissive<br />

material, and magnetic field [102]. Most recently, experiments on carbon-fiber emitters<br />

have tested the effect of CsI (Cesium Iodide) coated carbon-fiber cathodes [103, 104].<br />

They have found that carbon-fiber cathodes coated with CsI did reduce the speed of the<br />

gap closure. In our laboratory, the single beam carbon-fiber cathode was demonstrated for<br />

1.2 ms current pulses [105], and was operated for a CRM experiment [106].<br />

The carbon-fiber cathode is rarely used in microwave-tube experiments [107]. Since<br />

carbon has a high sublimation temperature (4×10 3 0 K), it has a long lifetime at current<br />

densities of >10 3 A/cm 2 [103]. In addition, such kind of material can easily be configured<br />


to provide multi electron beams in arbitrarily large diameter configurations. Therefore, in<br />

this study we use carbon-fiber cathodes to explore the operation of multi-beam coldcathode<br />

arrays for the CRM devices.<br />

1.4. Thesis Outline<br />

The thesis describes the experimental studies of the multi-beam CRM-arrays. At<br />

present, our studies focus mainly on the establishment of the experimental fundamental<br />

frame of the multi-beam CRM-array. A secondary objective is to explore multi-beam<br />

CRM devices based on the cold-cathode arrays, carbon-fiber cathode arrays, and to<br />

develop an efficient, reliable and cost-effective multi electron-beam source.<br />

In this thesis, Chapter 2 presents the first successful operation of a two-beam CRMarray.<br />

The spectral measurements were carried out with one and two-electron beam CRM<br />

devices. The chapter includes a detail description of the experimental setup, experimental<br />

operation, experimental results, and an analysis of the possible mechanism for the<br />

resonant microwave radiation observed. The first carbon-fiber CRM-array experiment is<br />

presented in Chapter 3. The multi-beam CRM scheme with cold-cathode arrays is<br />

demonstrated. This experiment illustrates the use of carbon-fiber emitters as electron<br />

sources in multi-beam CRM devices. Meanwhile, the study of the multi-beam carbonfiber<br />

cathode array is described intensively in this chapter. The conclusions of this thesis<br />

are summarized in Chapter 4.<br />


Chapter 2<br />

2D CRM-Array Experiment<br />

This chapter presents the first experimental study of a 2D CRM-array. The CRMarray<br />

operates with one or two electron beams. The next section describes the<br />

experimental design and setup. The operation of the experiment is described in Section<br />

2.2. The highlights of the experimental results in each case are presented in Section 2.3.<br />

Both, fast- and slow-wave CRM interactions are observed in the experiment. The spectral<br />

measurements show clearly the CRM interaction with backward spatial harmonics. The<br />

experimental results are analyzed and compared to the theory in Section 2.4. The<br />

conclusions are presented in Section 2.5.<br />

2.1. Experimental Design and Setup<br />

A photograph of the experimental setup of the 2D CRM-array is shown in Fig. 2.1.<br />

The oscillator tube consists of a planar multi-beam electron gun, a 2D periodic<br />

waveguide, a collector, a solenoid, and a kicker coil, which imparts initial transverse<br />

velocity to the electrons. The total length of the system is about one meter.<br />

A block diagram of the experimental setup is shown in Fig. 2.2. The CRM device is<br />

immersed in a uniform axial magnetic field (2-4 kG) and activated by pulsed power<br />

supplies. The electron beams are emitted from dispenser thermionic cathodes (Spectra-<br />

Mat, STD200, 5 mm diameter), spun up by the small kicker coil, and propagate in<br />

cyclotron motions along the periodic waveguide channels. The waveguide consists of a<br />

metal-post array with 4x24 elements and is terminated by half-period reflecting sections<br />

in both ends. The first row of metal posts acts as an anode. A waveguide taper at the end<br />

is used as a mode converter and also as a collector for the electron beams. In another<br />

scheme (not presented here) the collector is divided to each electron beam. The beam<br />

currents are measured by means of 10 Ω resistors. A small portion of the RF power is<br />

sampled by a 20 dB cross-coupler, and by three sampling probes mounted inside the<br />


waveguide. The output coupled RF signal is attenuated and divided into two arms. In one<br />

arm, the signal is detected by a high-sensitivity crystal detector and recorded by a digital<br />

oscilloscope (Tektronix TDS 540). In the other arm, the signal is fed into a mixer (HP<br />

5364A) and mixed with a local-oscillator wave generated by a synthesizer (HP 83752A).<br />

The heterodyne signal is analyzed by a frequency and time-interval analyzer (HP 5372A),<br />

which enables intra-pulse frequency variation measurements. The parameters of the 2D<br />

CRM-array experiment are listed in Table 2.1. The more detail design is given in the<br />

following sections.<br />

Fig. 2.1. Photograph of the experimental setup.<br />


electron<br />

gun<br />

vacuum pump<br />

pulsers RF diagnostics<br />

kicker<br />

solenoid<br />

Fig. 2.2. Schematic of the 2D CRM-array experimental setup.<br />

27<br />

Frequency-time<br />

analyzer<br />

synthesizer<br />

RF probes<br />

cathodes waveguide solenoid<br />

mixer<br />

attenuators<br />

oscilloscope<br />

detector<br />

10Ω<br />

RF coupling<br />

Collector<br />

and RF-load

Table 2.1. 2D CRM-array Experimental parameters.<br />

Electron beams:<br />

energy 4.0 - 10.5 keV<br />

beam current ~ 0.1 A<br />

pulse duration 0.2 ms<br />

beams 1 or 2<br />

Magnetic fields:<br />

solenoid 2.5 - 3.9 kG<br />

kicker ~ 0.7 kA turns<br />

Periodic waveguide:<br />

rectangular tube 48 × 22 mm 2<br />

length 48 cm<br />

post diameter 1.5 mm<br />

array size 4 × 24<br />

periodicity 20 mm<br />


2.1.1. Electron Beams<br />

A planar electron gun was used in this experiment. A sketch of the electron gun is<br />

shown in Fig. 2.3. In the two-beam CRM experiment, the two side cathodes shown in red<br />

color in Fig. 2.3 were used to generate electron beams; whereas, in the one-beam CRM<br />

experiments, all of them were used separately to generate an electron beam in individual<br />

experiment. The gap between anode and cathode is 6 mm. A 2 mm thick stainless steel<br />

was used to fabricate the anode. The anode has three 6 mm diameter holes in order to<br />

apply the multi-beam operation. The distance between two adjacent cathodes is 9.5 mm.<br />

The cathodes are STD200 dispenser thermionic cathodes (5 mm diameter) made by<br />

Spectra-Mat Ltd. In a later experiment, for the vacuum consideration, we removed this<br />

anode and used the first row of metal posts in the periodic waveguide as an anode. For a<br />

new cathode, the optimal filament voltage is approximately 8V and the heating power is<br />

around 40 W.<br />

cathodes<br />

Fig. 2.3. Sketch of the electron gun used in the 2D CRM-array experiment.<br />

The electron gun design was performed with the EGUN code [108] with a few<br />

assumptions. This code is designed to compute trajectories of charged particles in a 2D<br />

symmetry of electrostatic and magnetostatic fields, including the effects of space charges<br />

and self-magnetic fields. Starting options include Child’s Law conditions on cathodes of<br />

various shapes, as well as user specified initial conditions. In the 2D CRM-array<br />

experiment, we assumed: (1) each beam has a perfect local symmetry around its own<br />

axis, (2) each beam has the same electron flow, (3) the gap between cathode and anode is<br />

smaller than the distance between two holes in the anode.<br />

29<br />

anode<br />

cathode holder

R (mm)<br />

Current Density (0.0246 A/mm 2 )<br />

Fig. 2.4. The EGUN code output for a 5mm cathode and 6mm gap with a tapered magnetic<br />

field: (a) the beam trajectory [radius (R) vs. axial length (Z)], (b) electron density vs.<br />

radius (R).<br />

30<br />

Z (mm)<br />

R (mm)

Fig. 2.4. (Cont.) The EGUN code output for a 5mm cathode and 6mm gap with a tapered<br />

magnetic field: (c) the angle of the electron motion measured from the z axis.<br />

Thus we simulated the center electron flow and simplified the boundary. The code output<br />

for a 5 mm cathode with 6 mm gap is shown in Fig. 2.4. Fig. 2.4a shows electron gun<br />

geometry and beam trajectory. It includes two regions: a cathode-anode region and a<br />

beam tunnel. Figs. 2.4 b, c presents electron density versus radius, and the angle of the<br />

electron motion measured from the z-axis.<br />

31<br />

R (mm)

2.1.2. Magnetic Fields<br />

In this experiment, we used a solenoid to provide an axial magnetic field for<br />

cyclotron motions. It was made out of a 2 mm diameter copper wire with 15 turns/cm.<br />

Similarly, a kicker was made out of a 1 mm diameter copper wire with 52 turns/cm. The<br />

cross section view of a round, finite, air core solenoid is shown in Fig. 2.5.<br />

by<br />

B<br />

z<br />

The magnetic field at any point on the axis of a finite solenoid is approximated [109]<br />

⎧<br />

⎪<br />

µ NI<br />

r +<br />

⎪⎛<br />

⎞<br />

=<br />

0<br />

l 2<br />

( z)<br />

k<br />

⎨⎜<br />

z + ⎟ ln<br />

2(<br />

r − r ) l ⎪⎝<br />

2<br />

2 1<br />

⎠<br />

⎪ r +<br />

⎪<br />

1<br />

⎩<br />

2<br />

2 ⎛ l ⎞<br />

r + ⎜ z + ⎟<br />

r +<br />

2 ⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎛ l ⎞ 2<br />

− ⎜ z − ⎟ ln<br />

2 ⎝ 2 ⎠<br />

2 ⎛ l ⎞<br />

r + ⎜ z + ⎟<br />

r +<br />

1 ⎝ 2 ⎠<br />

1<br />

where Bz is the magnetic field, in Tesla, µ0 is the permeability constant (1.26×10 -6 H/m,<br />

for coils measured in meters). Ik is the current in Amperes. l, r1, r2, and N are the<br />

solenoid length, inner and outer radii, and the number of turns, respectively, The<br />

experimental parameters are shown in Table 2.2. In Fig. 2.6, the solid curve shows the<br />

magnetic field of the solenoid and the dashed curve shows the magnetic field of the<br />

kicker. The star sign indicates the front-end position of the cathodes.<br />

r2 r1<br />

Fig. 2.5. Solenoid in cross section.<br />

l<br />

32<br />

2 ⎫<br />

2 ⎛ l ⎞<br />

r + ⎜ z − ⎪<br />

2<br />

⎟<br />

⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎪<br />

⎬<br />

2<br />

2 ⎛ l ⎞ ⎪<br />

r + ⎜ z −<br />

1<br />

⎟ ⎪<br />

⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎪⎭<br />

z B<br />


Table 2.2. The parameters of the solenoid and the kicker.<br />

Parameter Solenoid Kicker<br />

Turns 900 120<br />

Current [A] 100-200 20-140<br />

Inner radius r1 [cm] 5.15 5.5<br />

Outer radius r2 [cm] 6.3 6.5<br />

Length l [cm] 60 2.3<br />

*<br />

Fig. 2.6. The magnetic fields of solenoid (solid curve) and kicker (dashed curve).<br />

The star sign represents the start point of the electron beam.<br />


2.1.3. Pulsed Power Devices<br />

Three high-voltage pulsers were designed and built in order to run the CRM<br />

experiment. The three incorporate pulsers are used for the electron gun, solenoid, and<br />

kicker. Their electric circuits are shown in Appendices B1 and B2. An overview of the<br />

pulsers is shown in Fig. 2.7. Each of the pulsers consists of a low-voltage capacitor bank<br />

(C), an SCR control circuit which is used as a gate, a diode Dc which prevents a reverse<br />

recharging of the capacitor, and a transformer (car ignition coil). Fig. 2.8 shows<br />

schematically a principle configuration of a high voltage electron gun pulser [110]. In<br />

this scheme an electron gun serves as a load. The high-voltage secondary winding of the<br />

transformer is connected directly to the electron gun. The pulse length, the voltage, the<br />

maximum currents, and the load’s parameters determine the parameters of each pulser.<br />

Fig. 2.9 shows schematically a principle configuration of a high voltage solenoid pulser.<br />

Here high voltage comes out from charged capacitors directly. The homemade solenoid<br />

pulser generates a 650 V, 40 ms pulse that corresponds to a peak magnetic field of 3 kG.<br />

The electron gun pulse reaches 12 kV and its pulse width is around 0.4 ms. The kicker<br />

coil can produce 7 kG maximum magnetic field on axis. All three pulsers are triggered<br />

with an adjustable delay between them. The kicker and electron gun pulsers are triggered<br />

near the peak of the solenoid pulse as shown in the timing diagram in Fig. 2.10. The<br />

solenoid pulse has 40 ms duration. Comparing to the 0.4 ms duration of the electron gun<br />

pulse, the CRM operates in a closely constant magnetic field. The electron gun voltage is<br />

measured by a high voltage probe (Tektronix P6015A). The currents of the solenoid and<br />

the kicker are measured with a series 0.05 Ω resistors.<br />

Fig. 2.7. Overview of the homemade pulsers.<br />


control<br />

control<br />

Voltage [a.u]<br />

8<br />

7<br />

6<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

0<br />

SCR<br />

C<br />

Dc<br />

Fig. 2.8. Schematic of the electron gun pulser.<br />

SCR<br />

Dc<br />

Fig. 2.9. Schematic of the solenoid pulser.<br />

Gun<br />

-10 -5 0 5<br />

Time [ms]<br />

10 15 20<br />

35<br />

Kicker<br />

Solenoid<br />

Fig. 2.10. A timing diagram of the solenoid, kicker and electron<br />

gun pulsers.<br />

cathode<br />

electron gun<br />

solenoid<br />


2.1.4. The Periodic Waveguide<br />

The periodic waveguide used in this experiment is illustrated in Fig. 2.11. The main<br />

part is a 60 cm long WR 187 waveguide welded with a 4×24 metal-post array. It is<br />

terminated by half-period reflecting sections in both ends. The first row of metal posts<br />

acts as an anode.<br />

It is well known that any periodic slow wave structure of N periods, when shorted<br />

appropriately at both ends, will exhibit (N+1) discrete resonant frequencies with phase<br />

shifts per period equally spaced between 0 and π. Generally speaking, these specific<br />

resonant modes can be determined experimentally and then used to fit a curve to give the<br />

complete dispersion function. Using the method described in Refs. [111, 112], the<br />

minima in the reflection trace present the resonance frequencies of the finite periodic<br />

waveguide, and satisfy the resonance condition<br />

φs = βsL=sπ, s=1,2 ... 24 (2.2)<br />

where φs is the phase shift, βs is the discrete wavenumber, and L is the waveguide length.<br />

The dispersion curve is constructed by the measured frequencies of the reflection minima<br />

and the discrete wavenumbers.<br />

The cavity resonances were measured with the reflection coefficient of the slow wave<br />

structure over the appropriate frequency range. The measured results at the first and<br />

second passbands are presented in Fig. 2.12 and Fig. 2.13, respectively. The curves show<br />

the measured resonant absorption peaks corresponding to 23 axial modes of the cavity.<br />

This was achieved by a scalar network analyzer (HP 8757A). The testing system setup is<br />

shown in Fig. 2.14. The waveguide dispersion (without electron beams) is shown as a<br />

Brillouin diagram in Fig. 2.15, as results from measurements of the waveguide reflection<br />

and transmission coefficients. The dots indicate the measurement points of the 2D<br />

periodic-waveguide. The dashed curve indicates the fundamental mode of the rectangular<br />

tube.<br />


(a)<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

40 mm<br />

4×24 metal posts<br />

2×11.14 mm<br />

3×9.51 mm<br />

30 mm<br />

WR 187 choke flange<br />

φ 38 mm<br />

10 mm<br />

2 ¾ ″ flange<br />

welding<br />

20 mm<br />

600 mm<br />

Fig. 2.11. The periodic waveguide construction, (a) an overview,<br />

(b) a cross section view, and (c) a side view.<br />

37<br />

probes<br />

WR 187 waveguide<br />

WR 187<br />

choke flange

Fig. 2.12. The measured reflection curve at the first passband.<br />

Fig. 2.13. The measured reflection curve at the second passband.<br />


Frequency [GHz]<br />

14<br />

12<br />

10<br />

8<br />

6<br />

4<br />

2<br />

sweeper<br />

directional bridge<br />

Periodic waveguide<br />

Fig. 2.14. A block diagram of the testing system used for the<br />

measurement of the dispersion relation.<br />

-160 -80 0 80 160<br />

Wave number [1/m]<br />

Fig. 2.15. The measured Brillouin-diagram of the 2D periodic-waveguide (the dots<br />

indicate measurement points). The dashed curve indicates the fundamental<br />

mode of the rectangular tube.<br />

39<br />

HP 8757 A<br />

scalar network analyzer<br />


2.1.5. Vacuum System Considerations<br />

In general, metals, ceramics, and some plastics, such as Teflon are satisfactory in<br />

systems having ultimate vacuums down to 5×10 -7 Torr. In this experiment, the main<br />

vacuum chamber is the periodic waveguide shown in Fig. 2.11. It connects with pump<br />

system through a 2 3 /4″ flange. The parts of feedthroughs and window are connected by<br />

O-ring type connectors. Generally, the tube is pumped down to a pressure less than 10 -6<br />

Torr by a Varian 20/l triode pump (model 911-5030). A Varian Turbo-V250 pump<br />

(model 969-9008) is used for rough pumping. Most of the time, the system will need to<br />

be baked to 100 0 C (since we have O-ring, this temperature can not be too higher).<br />

2.1.6. RF Diagnostics<br />

The details of the experimental diagnostic setup are shown in Fig. 2.16. The RF<br />

diagnostics can be classified into two aspects, power measurement and frequency<br />

diagnostic. For power measurements, a Schottky barrier diode is used to rectify and<br />

detect the envelope of a RF pulse, generating a nonlinear DC output in the instantaneous<br />

electric field. Then this DC output is recorded by a digital oscilloscope (Tektronix TDS<br />

540). A key factor to protect the detectors is the accurate attenuation of RF signals. Two<br />

methods of the frequency diagnostic are used, one based on the measurement by<br />

bandpass filters and the other based on the measurement by a frequency and time-interval<br />

analyzer (HP 5372A). A waveguide (WR 187) which has a cutoff frequency of 3.28 GHz<br />

is used. Afterward, two filters are used for a coarse survey of the frequency. Their<br />

bandpass are 5.68-7.45 GHz and 8.13-10.00 GHz, respectively. According to the coarse<br />

measurement of the frequency, a local signal (LO) from a synthesizer (HP 83752A) is<br />

selected. The LO signal is mixed with the RF output signal. Then the heterodyne IF<br />

signal is sent to the frequency and time-interval analyzer (HP 5372A) for the accurate<br />

frequency measurement. A power limiter is used to protect the frequency and timeinterval<br />

analyzer. All data are recorded and processed on-line with the aid of a PC. The<br />

communications are through GPIB interface cables and a HP VEE 3.0 software is used to<br />

collect data.<br />


cyclotron oscillator<br />

WR 187 waveguide<br />

DC block<br />

computer<br />

GPIB interface cable<br />

attenuator<br />

Tektronix TDS 540 oscilloscope<br />

RF out<br />

RF detector 1<br />

bandpass<br />

filter<br />

divider<br />

divider<br />

HP 5372A frequency and<br />

time-interval analyzer<br />

Fig. 2.16. The experimental diagnostic setup. It includes power<br />

measurement and frequency diagnostic.<br />

41<br />

power limiter<br />

RF detector2<br />

GPIB interface cable<br />

HP 5364A microwave<br />

mixer/detector<br />

RF<br />

IF<br />

L.O.<br />

HP 83752A<br />

synthesized sweeper

2.2. Experimental Operation<br />

Each experiment began with a warm-up period, typically a few hours, to activate the<br />

cathodes. Initially, the filaments were operated at a potential, of ~6 V. Then the potential<br />

was gradually increased to ~8 V in order to obtain the desired currents. For used<br />

cathodes, this potential has to be increased to 11 V. In the two-beam CRM experiment,<br />

we used two individual AC power supplies to heat the cathodes separately in order to get<br />

a uniform current in each beam. The AC supplies must isolate the electron gun voltage<br />

from the ground potential. The electron gun was adjusted to provide a 0.2 ms pulse at the<br />

desired current level (0.1-0.5 A). Typical voltage pulse of the electron gun and the beam<br />

current trace are illustrated in Fig. 2.17. The beam current was measured by a<br />

10Ω resistor placed between collector and ground. In the experiment, the periodic<br />

waveguide is connected to a ground potential, and the collector has to be isolated from<br />

the ground.<br />

The adjustment of the solenoid position, the calibrations of the diagnostic system, and<br />

cold measurements were conducted prior to each experiment. The desired uniform axial<br />

magnetic field was obtained by adjusting the solenoid position properly (the current trace<br />

in the collector should be clear), and by adjusting the peak level of the current pulse in<br />

the solenoid. Any directional change of the electron beams requires the re-alignment of<br />

the solenoid.<br />

The experiment was initiated by the main pulser, solenoid pulser; sequentially<br />

following by the kicker current pulser, the electron gun voltage pulser, and the data<br />

acquisition system. Except the RF signal diagnostic, the results to be recorded include the<br />

collector current, the solenoid current pulse, the kicker current pulse, and the electrongun<br />

voltage pulse during the experiment. When we seek the RF signal, we scanned the<br />

axial magnetic field in the design region, accompanied by a scan of the kicker current.<br />

The electron energy distribution was determined with the timing relationship between the<br />

electron gun pulse, axial magnetic field and kicker current. Attenuators were used at each<br />

experiment in order to protect the detectors.<br />


E-gun Voltage [kV]<br />

Current [A]<br />

15<br />

10<br />

5<br />

0<br />

1<br />

0.8<br />

0.6<br />

0.4<br />

0.2<br />

0<br />

(a)<br />

-20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160<br />

Time [us]<br />

(b)<br />

-20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160<br />

Time [us]<br />

Fig. 2.17. An electron gun voltage trace (a) and a single beam current trace (b).<br />


2.3. Experimental Results<br />

The 2D CRM-array experiment has been operated with one and two electron beams,<br />

as illustrated in Fig. 1.5b by dashed and solid curves, respectively. A single electronbeam<br />

in the center channel yielded the results shown in Figs. 2.18 and 2.19. The detector<br />

output trace is presented in Fig. 2.18a, together with the electron-beam energy trace. The<br />

frequency characteristic of the RF output signal is shown in Fig. 2.18b as measured<br />

during the pulse (the dots present the points of the measurement). The axial magnetic<br />

field in this run is 2.9 kG, which corresponds to a cyclotron frequency of 8.0 GHz. The<br />

current measured in the collector is ~0.1A. The average radiation frequency is 7.5 GHz,<br />

hence the device operates with a backward wave. This effect is clearly observed in Figs.<br />

2.18a,b by the curvatures of the voltage and frequency traces (note that in a backward<br />

wave interaction, the frequency decreases as the electron energy increases). A slightly<br />

higher electron energy results in a rabbit-ears shape of the detector output, as shown in<br />

Fig. 2.19. The optimal resonance in this tuning condition is satisfied below the maximum<br />

voltage.<br />

Single-beam measurements have been made in a wide range of axial magnetic fields<br />

and electron gun voltages. Oscillations were observed in different frequencies as shown<br />

in Figs. 2.20a-d. In all cases, the RF frequency tends to decrease as the electron energy<br />

increases. For axial magnetic fields in the range 2.6-2.9 kG (Figs. 2.20a-c), the<br />

corresponding wave frequency varies within 6.87-7.52 GHz, respectively, in the first<br />

passband of the periodic waveguide. For an axial magnetic field of 3.7 kG, interactions<br />

were observed in the second passband (9.75 GHz), as shown in Fig. 2.20d. In the second<br />

passband, the coupling is much smaller since the interaction occurs mostly with the<br />

second transverse mode, which has a null in the center. The emission in this case may<br />

result from the finite width of the electron beam, or from its slightly off-axis propagation.<br />

The CRM-array was operated also with a single electron-beam in the side channel. A<br />

typical result for a 2.7 kG magnetic field is presented in Fig. 2.21. The extracted power of<br />

the RF sample by the various couplers in all the single beam measurements was in the<br />

range of 5-25 W. This power level is sufficient for spectral measurements.<br />


Frequency [MHz]<br />

Detector output [mv]<br />

45<br />

30<br />

15<br />

0<br />

7,540<br />

7,520<br />

7,500<br />

7,480<br />

(a)<br />

60 90 120<br />

0<br />

150<br />

Time [us]<br />

(b)<br />

60 90 120 150<br />

Time [us]<br />

Fig. 2.18. Experimental results of the one-beam CRM oscillator at 2.9 kG:<br />

(a) the electron gun voltage (upper curve) and the detector RF<br />

output (lower curve), (b) the frequency variation during the pulse.<br />

45<br />

9<br />

6<br />

3<br />

E gun voltage [kV]

Detector output [mv]<br />

Frequency [MHz]<br />

45<br />

30<br />

15<br />

0<br />

6,930<br />

6,900<br />

6,870<br />

6,840<br />

(a)<br />

40 80 120 160<br />

Time [us]<br />

(b)<br />

40 80 120 160<br />

Time [us]<br />

Fig. 2.19. An off-tuned operation at 2.7 kG: (a) the electron gun voltage<br />

(upper curve) and the detector RF output (lower curve), (b) the<br />

frequency variation during the pulse.<br />

46<br />

9<br />

6<br />

3<br />

0<br />

E gun voltage<br />


Frequency [MHz]<br />

Frequency [MHz]<br />

6,890<br />

6,885<br />

6,880<br />

6,875<br />

7,100<br />

7,095<br />

7,090<br />

7,085<br />

(a)<br />

5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5<br />

Electron energy [keV]<br />

(b)<br />

5.5 5.7 5.9 6.1 6.3 6.5<br />

Electron energy [keV]<br />

Fig. 2.20. Tuning characteristics of a one-beam CRM, at (a) 2.6 kG, (b) 2.7 kG.<br />


Frequency [MHz]<br />

Frequency [MHz]<br />

7,525<br />

7,520<br />

7,515<br />

7,510<br />

9,754<br />

9,753<br />

9,752<br />

(c)<br />

5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5<br />

Electron energy [keV]<br />

(d)<br />

3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5<br />

Electron energy [keV]<br />

Fig. 2.20. (Cont.) Tuning characteristics of a one-beam CRM, at (c) 2.9 kG, (d) 3.7 kG.<br />


Detector output [mv]<br />

Frequency [MHz]<br />

450<br />

300<br />

150<br />

0<br />

6,930<br />

6,900<br />

6,870<br />

6,840<br />

(a)<br />

0 25 50 75<br />

Time [us]<br />

(b)<br />

0 25 50 75<br />

Time [us]<br />

Fig. 2.21. A 2D CRM-array operation with a single beam in an off-axis side<br />

channel at 2.7 kG: (a) the electron gun voltage (upper curve) and<br />

the detector RF output (lower curve), (b) the frequency variation<br />

during the pulse.<br />

49<br />

9<br />

6<br />

3<br />

0<br />

E gun voltage [kV]

The 2D CRM-array was operated with two electron beams as shown in Fig. 1.5b.<br />

Typical curves of the detector output and the electron gun voltage pulse are shown in Fig.<br />

2.22a. A frequency variation of the RF output signal is shown in Fig. 2.22b. The axial<br />

magnetic field in this run is 2.7 kG, which corresponds to a cyclotron frequency of 7.56<br />

GHz. The average radiation frequency is 6.9 GHz, hence the device operates again in the<br />

backward-wave regime. In a CRM operation with an electron-energy slightly higher than<br />

the optimal value, the synchronism condition takes place in the leading and trailing edges<br />

of the voltage pulse, as shown in Fig. 2.23.<br />

By increasing the axial magnetic field, the two-beam CRM oscillates also at 3.8 kG.<br />

Figs. 2.24a,b show the electron gun voltage, the detector output and the intra-pulse<br />

frequency variation in this case. The corresponding cyclotron frequency is 10.64 GHz<br />

and the radiation frequency is 6.7 GHz. This result was obtained without a kicker field.<br />

Comparing to the one-beam CRM experiments, in the two-beam CRM experiment, the<br />

cathodes have off-axis positions. Then the transverse magnetic field exists for both<br />

cathodes. The transverse velocity of the electrons for the CRM interaction in this case<br />

may result from the nature kicking of the solenoid magnetic field.<br />

A series of measurements were made in different electron gun voltages in axial<br />

magnetic fields of 2.7 kG and 3.8 kG (7.56 GHz and 10.64 GHz cyclotron frequencies,<br />

respectively). For 2.7 kG, the corresponding wave frequency is around 6.9 GHz, and the<br />

sampled output power by the probe is ~20 W. For an axial magnetic field of 3.8 kG, the<br />

interaction occurs around 6.7 GHz without a kicker, and the sampled output power is<br />

~6 W. Maps of RF-frequency vs. electron-energy accumulated in many runs are shown in<br />

Figs. 2.25a and b for 2.7 kG and 3.8 kG, respectively (note that each dot presents average<br />

values of the corresponding run). The electron energy acceptance for 2.7 kG is much<br />

larger than for 3.8 kG, presumably because of the smaller Doppler shift.<br />


Frequency [MHz]<br />

Detector output [mv]<br />

90<br />

60<br />

30<br />

0<br />

6,865<br />

6,860<br />

6,855<br />

6,850<br />

(a)<br />

55 60 65 70<br />

Time [us]<br />

(b)<br />

55 60 65 70<br />

Time [us]<br />

Fig. 2.22. A two-beam CRM oscillator output at 2.7 kG: (a) the detector<br />

output (sharp curve) and the electron gun voltage (flat curve),<br />

(b) the frequency variation during the pulse.<br />

51<br />

9<br />

6<br />

3<br />

0<br />

E gun voltage [kV]

Detector output [mv]<br />

Frequency [MHz]<br />

450<br />

300<br />

150<br />

0<br />

6,910<br />

6,880<br />

6,850<br />

6,820<br />

(a)<br />

0 30 60 90<br />

Time [us]<br />

(b)<br />

0 30 60 90<br />

Time [us]<br />

Fig. 2.23. An off-tuned operation of two-beam CRM oscillator: (a) the<br />

electron gun voltage (upper curve) and the detector output<br />

(lower curve), (b) the frequency variation during the pulse.<br />

52<br />

9<br />

6<br />

3<br />

0<br />

E gun voltage [kV]

Detector output [mv]<br />

Frequency [MHz]<br />

180<br />

120<br />

60<br />

0<br />

6,900<br />

6,800<br />

6,700<br />

6,600<br />

(a)<br />

20 50 80 110<br />

Time [us]<br />

(b)<br />

20 50 80 110<br />

Time [us]<br />

Fig. 2.24. A two-beam CRM operation at high magnetic field, 3.8 kG:<br />

(a) the electron gun voltage (upper curve) and the detected<br />

RF output (lower curve), (b) the frequency variation.<br />

53<br />

12<br />

8<br />

4<br />

0<br />

E gun voltage [kV]

Frequency [MHz]<br />

Frequency [MHz]<br />

7,500<br />

7,000<br />

6,500<br />

6,000<br />

7,500<br />

7,000<br />

6,500<br />

6,000<br />

(a)<br />

0 4 8 12<br />

Electron energy [keV]<br />

(b)<br />

54<br />

B0=2.7 kG<br />

B0=3.8 kG<br />

0 4 8 12<br />

Electron energy [keV]<br />

Fig. 2.25. Maps of frequency vs. electron-energy accumulated in many runs<br />

around (a) 2.7 kG and (b) 3.8 kG magnetic fields (each dot<br />

represents the average of a single run).

2.4. Analysis and Discussions<br />

For the one-beam 2D CRM-array experiment, the agreement between the<br />

experimental results (Figs. 2.20a-d) and the theoretical tuning relation (Eq. 1.1 and Fig.<br />

2.15) can be evaluated by a mismatch parameter proposed as follows<br />

2<br />

⎡ β 0 ( ω)<br />

v0<br />

⎤<br />

∆ = ⎢ ⎥ −1<br />

. (2.3)<br />

⎣ ω c − ω ⎦<br />

This parameter is computed using the measured experimental data (i.e., the<br />

wavenumber ( )<br />

β 0 ω , the total electron velocity 0<br />

55<br />

v , and the cyclotron frequency ω c are<br />

computed by the instantaneous em frequency, electron gun voltage and solenoid current,<br />

respectively). Eq. 1.1 and Eq. 2.3 teach that<br />

2<br />

( z ) v v ∆ ≅ ⊥ , where ⊥<br />

v is the initial electron<br />

transverse velocity. Hence, the expected value for ∆ is in the order of one due to the<br />

actual v ⊥ induced by the kicker (note that v ⊥ is not measured in this experiment). Fig.<br />

2.26 shows the results of ∆ computed by Eq. 2.3 for the experimental runs presented in<br />

Figs. 2.20a-d, respectively. Negative values of ∆ in Fig. 2.26 can be attributed to the<br />

error range of the solenoid field measurement (~2 %), and to the high sensitivity of Eq.<br />

2.3 to the cyclotron frequency (note that ω ~ ω ). Nevertheless, a result of<br />

− 07 . < ∆ < 19 . indicates a reasonable agreement between experiment and theory.<br />

Delta<br />

2.5<br />

2<br />

1.5<br />

1<br />

0.5<br />

0<br />

-0.5<br />

-1<br />

(d)<br />

(b)<br />

3 4 5 6 7 8 9<br />

Electron energy [keV]<br />

Fig. 2.26. The mismatch parameter ∆ (Eq. 2.3). The curves denoted a-d<br />

correspond to the results in Figs. 2.20a-d, respectively.<br />

c<br />

(c)<br />


The theoretical tuning condition of the CRM interaction (Eq. 1.1) and the Brillouin<br />

dispersion diagram of Fig. 2.15 are applied to analyze possible mechanisms for the<br />

resonant microwave radiation observed in the one- and two-beam 2D CRM-array<br />

experiments. The CRM tuning conditions observed in the one-beam 2D CRM-array<br />

experiment are illustrated in Fig. 2.27. The Brillouin diagram based on measurements<br />

shows the periodic-waveguide dispersion in the first and second passbands. The electronbeam<br />

lines are computed by Eq. 1.1 according to the experimental parameters for<br />

B 0 = 2.7 kG and 3.8 kG. The intersection points between the electron-beam lines and the<br />

waveguide dispersion curves indicate the em resonance frequencies. The results for the<br />

backward-wave interaction agree with the experimental results.<br />

The synchronism conditions observed in the two-beam 2D CRM-array experiment<br />

are illustrated in Fig. 2.28. Again, the Brillouin diagram (based on measurements) shows<br />

the periodic-waveguide dispersion. The electron-beam lines are computed by Eq. 1.1 for<br />

2.7 kG and 3.8 kG, and for electron energies of 6.5 keV and 10.2 keV, respectively. The<br />

intersection points between the electron-beam lines and the waveguide dispersion curves<br />

indicate the CRM resonance frequencies. One intersection point (at 2.7 kG) is in the fastwave<br />

region, whereas the other (at 3.8 kG) is in the slow-wave region. Both interactions<br />

occur with backward waves. In the first 2D CRM experiment with the two electrom<br />

beams, the CRM tuning results indicate clearly interactions with backward waves, and<br />

with fast and slow spatial harmonics of the periodic structure. The two-beam CRM<br />

interactions occur near the cutoff frequency of the first passband. The tuning condition<br />

for the fundamental harmonic interaction leads to a wide electron energy acceptance, as<br />

observed in this experiment (note the ~6 keV spread in Fig. 2.25a).<br />

These experiments provide some information on the multi-beam CRM spectral<br />

character. However, the multi-beam CRMs, which consisted of multi-beam electron<br />

guns, resonator systems, focusing magnets and collectors, are highly sophisticated<br />

systems due to the non-uniformity of the RF distribution in the cavity and the transverse<br />

contribution of the focusing magnetic field. One of the most difficult tasks is to develop<br />

an electron gun, which produces the multi-beam streams.<br />


Frequency [GHz]<br />

14<br />

12<br />

10<br />

8<br />

6<br />

4<br />

d<br />

b<br />

2<br />

-160 -80 0 80 160<br />

c<br />

a<br />

Wave number [1/m]<br />

Fig. 2.27. The one-beam CRM tuning diagram. The upper two curves show the periodic-waveguide<br />

dispersion in the first and second passbands. The lines present the electron-beam lines as the<br />

results from Eq. 1.1. The dashed curve indicates the fundamental mode of the rectangular tube.<br />

Slow<br />

Frequency<br />

[GHz]<br />

10.6<br />

10.2 keV<br />

9 6.5 keV<br />

Fast<br />

12<br />

7.5<br />

6<br />

-500 -300 -100 100 300 500<br />

Wave number [ 1/m]<br />

Fig. 2.28. A tuning-diagram presentation of Eq. 1.1 with the waveguide dispersion (Fig. 2.15), for the<br />

results of the two-beam CRM-array. The electron-beam lines, for 6.5 keV / 2.7 kG and 10.2<br />

keV / 3.8 kG, show CRM interactions with fast and slow backward waves, respectively.<br />

57<br />

3.8 kG<br />

2.7 kG

At present, we use the 2D simulation code, EGUN, commonly used in vacuum<br />

electronics, to design the multi-beam electron gun. However, these simulations do not<br />

obtain complete convergent results in the real systems, which lack 2D symmetry<br />

structures. The structure in the multi-beam electron gun is not the optimal focusing<br />

electrode, which arranges the uniform distribution of the current density in the multibeam<br />

device. Some improvement in the design of the multi-beam electron gun is<br />

necessary in the future since it will affect average power. To achieve this goal, it is<br />

necessary to use advanced 3D modeling codes to design the components in multi-beam<br />

CRM devices.<br />

2.5. Conclusions<br />

The spectral measurements show clearly the CRM interaction with backward spatial<br />

harmonics. Both, fast- and slow-wave CRM interactions are observed in the two-beam<br />

CRM experiment. The results of the two-beam CRM experiment show the feasibility of<br />

splitting the electron current to separate beams in the array. The same approach leads to<br />

the construction of advanced CRM-array experiments in our laboratory (2D and 3D<br />

arrays of five (carbon-fiber) and nine (thermionic) cathodes, respectively). The next<br />

challenge is probably to improve the RF output power of the multi-beam CRM devices.<br />

The complexity of the multi-beam design requires the development of advanced software<br />

and equipment, such as power supplies. However, those problems can be remedied.<br />

Specially, when 3D modeling codes become mature, they certainly will accelerate the<br />

development of the devices that lack 2D symmetry and alleviate the design difficulties<br />

for multi-beam CRMs. The optimism in multi-beam CRMs is based on current<br />

developments on 3D modeling codes and the spectral measurements in this work.<br />

Further studies proposed for the development of the multi-beam CRM-array concept<br />

[60] include (a) a radiation power extraction and efficiency measurements, (b) an<br />

investigation of coupling effects between several electron beams in a 2D array, (c)<br />

development of large 3D CRM-arrays, (d) studies of direct radiation from CRM arrays,<br />

and (e) active phased-array antenna features and radiation steering.<br />


Chapter 3<br />

The Carbon-Fiber CRM-Array Experiment<br />

This chapter presents the first experimental study of a carbon-fiber CRM-array. The<br />

CRM-array is operated here with the multi-beam cold-cathode array, made of a carbonfiber<br />

cathode array. According to our knowledge this is the first exploration of the multibeam<br />

cold-cathode array and its application in vacuum electronics.<br />

The next section, Section 3.1, describes the experimental design and setup of the<br />

carbon-fiber CRM-array. It includes the mechanical design of the device, a study of the<br />

multi-beam carbon-fiber cathode array, the design of the periodic waveguide and magnetic<br />

fields. In this part, the study of the multi-beam carbon-fiber cathode array is described<br />

intensively in the subsection 3.1.2. The fabrication of the carbon-fiber cathode is described<br />

first. Then, the experimental design and setup of the multi-beam carbon-fiber cathode<br />

array is presented. It includes the design of an electron-optic system of the multi-beam<br />

electron gun, a multi-channel pulsed power device, and an accelerating DC high voltage<br />

supply. The experimental results from the large area field emission “arrays” are given, and<br />

the general nature of voltage and current traces is presented. The effect of beam<br />

multiplication is discussed.<br />

The operation of the carbon-fiber CRM experiment is described in Section 3.2. The<br />

experimental results and discussions are presented in Sections 3.3 and 3.4, respectively.<br />

3.1. Experimental Design and Setup<br />

A photograph of the carbon-fiber CRM-array experimental device is shown in Fig.<br />

3.1. The oscillator tube consists of the electron gun with multi-beam carbon-fiber cathode<br />

array, a 2D periodic waveguide, a collector, a solenoid, and a kicker coil, which imparts<br />

initial transverse velocity to the electrons. The total length of the device is about 1.2<br />

meter.<br />


Fig. 3.1. Photograph of the carbon-fiber CRM-array experimental setup.<br />


A schematic diagram of the carbon-fiber CRM-array experiment is shown in Fig. 3.2.<br />

The electron beams are emitted from the multi-beam carbon-fiber cathode array, which is<br />

driven by a multi-beam electron gun pulser. Then, the multiple electron beams, in<br />

energies of less than 10 keV, are spun up by the kicker, injected into the corresponding<br />

channels in the 2D periodic waveguide, and interact with the em wave. The ignition of<br />

each cathode causes an abrupt fall in its voltage, down to around 1 kV during emission.<br />

The solenoid field is compensated by Helmholtz coils and five blaster resistors act as<br />

current limiters. The accelerating voltage between the grid and the anode is provided by<br />

the DC high-voltage source. The beam currents are monitored by Rogowsky coils. The<br />

periodic waveguide is terminated by half-period reflecting sections at both ends.<br />

The output signal is radiated from the exit plane of the waveguide to free-space, and is<br />

detected in the near-field by a horn antenna. The signal is attenuated and divided into two<br />

arms. In one arm, the signal is detected by a crystal detector (HP 424A) and recorded by a<br />

digital oscilloscope (Tektronix TDS 540). In the other arm, the signal passes a 4.7-<br />

5.3GHz bandpass filter (B.P.F.) in order to identify the frequency range of the RF signal.<br />

All data are collected by a computer using a HP VEE 3.0 (or Tektronix Wavestar)<br />

software. The experimental parameters are listed in Table 3.1.<br />

Although the carbon-fiber cathode can work at pressure above 10 -6 Torr, a better<br />

vacuum improves its operation. In this experiment, the tube is pumped down to a pressure<br />

around 10 -6 Torr.<br />

3.1.1. Mechanical Design<br />

An overview of the apparatus of the carbon-fiber CRM-array experiment is shown in<br />

Fig. 3.3. A 1.4 m high frame is used to assemble the apparatus in vertical orientation. The<br />

main vacuum chamber consists of a stainless steel vessel and a glass tube. The vessel has<br />

a 6 inch diameter, one 4 inch hole at the top and two 4 inch flanges on the side. The side<br />

sections are attached to a Varian 20 litre/s triode pump (model 911-5030) and a Varian<br />

Turbo-V250 pump. The top hole is attached to the glass tube, which has 10 cm diameter<br />

and 1 m length. An O-ring is used between the two parts in order to protect the vacuum.<br />


laster resistors<br />

multi-beam<br />

electron gun<br />

pulser<br />

carbon-fiber<br />

cathodes<br />

kicker<br />

grid<br />

anode<br />

periodic<br />

waveguide<br />

oscilloscope<br />

Fig. 3.2. Schematic of the carbon-fiber CRM-array experiment.<br />

Table 3.1. Experimental parameters.<br />

Electron beams:<br />

energy ~5 keV<br />

current per beam ~ 0.1 A<br />

pulse duration 0.4 ms<br />

number of beams<br />

Magnetic field:<br />

3 or 5<br />

solenoid ~2.4 kG<br />

kicker ~ 0.7 kA turns<br />

Periodic waveguide:<br />

rectangular tube 69 × 22 mm 2<br />

length 64 cm<br />

post diameter 2 mm<br />

post array 6× 20<br />

transverse periodicity 11.5 mm<br />

axial periodicity 30 mm<br />

62<br />

DC high<br />

voltage<br />

vacuum<br />

glass tube<br />

detector<br />

detector<br />

solenoid<br />

collector<br />

H.P.F<br />

attenuator<br />

splitter<br />

B.P.F<br />


vacuum<br />

glass tube<br />

solenoid<br />

periodic<br />

waveguide<br />

anode<br />

grid<br />

kicker<br />

carbon-fiber<br />

cathodes<br />

10 mm<br />

8 mm<br />

φ 100 mm<br />

Fig. 3.3. Apparatus of the carbon-fiber CRM-array experiment.<br />

63<br />

collector<br />

10.8 mm<br />

50 mm 120 mm<br />

50 mm<br />

630 mm<br />

220 mm<br />

4 inch flange<br />

6 inch flange<br />

Magnetic components<br />

Bronze copper<br />

Copper<br />

Stainless steel<br />

Glass<br />

Tungsten<br />

Ceramic<br />


The periodic waveguide is assembled inside the glass. A horn antenna outside the glass is<br />

coupled to the interaction region inside (note that unless the glass is λ/2 thick, or its<br />

mismatch can be matched at both surfaces, the near field antenna may distort the radiation<br />

pattern or lead to frequency sensitivity due to multiple internal reflections [113]). The stalk,<br />

supported the electron gun and the periodic waveguide, has a length of about 28 cm. It<br />

consists of several stainless steel posts and disks. Ceramic pieces are used for insulation.<br />

Eight Tungsten feedthroughs are hermetically sealed into the glass. The high voltages are<br />

connected through these feedthroughs. High voltage probes, Rogowsky coils, and pulsed<br />

power supplies are installed in an adjacent rack mount.<br />

3.1.2. Multi-beam Carbon-fiber Cathode Arrays<br />

Explosive electron emission cathodes for microwave applications offer the potential to<br />

provide high efficiency electron guns due to larger current densities and direct<br />

modulations of emitted beams. This research is motivated by the desire to develop<br />

efficient, reliable and cost-effective multi-beam cathode arrays for multi-beam vacuum<br />

electronic devices, such as multi-beam CRM-arrays and low voltage, long wavelength<br />

multi-beam FEL arrays. The primary objective for this stage is to make an effective fivebeam<br />

carbon-fiber cathode array and explore the operation of multi-beam cold-cathode<br />

arrays in vacuum electronic devices.<br /> Experimental Configuration<br />

A schematic diagram of the multi-beam carbon-fiber cathode array experimental setup<br />

is shown in Fig. 3.4. The system consists of a multi-beam electron gun and a solenoid.<br />

The gun consists of two gaps. One gap is from five cathodes to a grid. This gap provides<br />

the electric field for the cathodes’ emission. The other gap is from the grid to an anode.<br />

This gap provides an acceleration of the electrons in order to increase the energy of the<br />

electrons for CRM interaction. The construction of the first section is similar to the<br />

electron gun construction described in Section 2.1.1. The accelerating gap, which avoids<br />

the need for a high electric field in the first section, and delays the breakdown of the<br />

system, is powered with a DC high voltage supply. The five cathodes are made of<br />

bundles of carbon fibers. Each bundle contains hundreds of fibers in a copper pipe (~2<br />


mm inner diameter). The diameter of each carbon fiber is less than 10 µm. The distance<br />

between two adjacent cathodes is 11.5 mm. The electrodes are placed inside a glass tube<br />

and are connected to the multi-channel electron gun pulser through the glass tube. The<br />

grid is located 8 mm ahead of the cathodes, and the distance between the grid and the<br />

anode is 10 mm. Both the grid and the anode are connected to Tungsten feedthroughs,<br />

which are hermetically sealed into the glass. The grid is connected to a ground potential<br />

outside and the anode is connected to a DC high voltage supply, which can provide up to<br />

20 kV DC voltage.<br />

The electron beams are emitted from the carbon-fiber cathodes, propagate in the two<br />

sections, and are collected by a metal plate. The collected current is measured by means of<br />

a 10 Ω resistor. The device is activated by a multi-channel electron gun pulser, a high<br />

voltage DC power supply, and a solenoid pulser. A Rogowsky coil (1:10 V/A) is used to<br />

monitor the output current from the electron gun pulser. Five blaster resistors, ~10 kΩ<br />

CuSO4 water resistors, are connected to the five cathodes in series separately and act as<br />

current limiters. High resistivity enables more tips to emit, and the magnitude of the<br />

emission from each cathode is more uniform. The emitter voltage, which is the potential<br />

between the cathodes and the grid, and the DC high voltage are monitored by two high<br />

voltage probes (Tektronix P6015A, 1:1000). All data are recorded by several digital<br />

oscilloscopes (Tektronix TDS 210), and collected in a computer by a Tektronix Wavestar<br />

software through GPIB cables. All cathodes testing are carried out with a base pressure<br />

around 10 -6 Torr, with and without an external magnetic field.<br />

high voltage<br />

probe<br />

multi-beam<br />

electron<br />

gun pulser<br />

blaster resistors<br />

carbon-fiber<br />

cathodes<br />

grid<br />

anode<br />

Fig. 3.4. Schematic of the multi-beam carbon-fiber cathode array experiment.<br />

65<br />

DC high voltage<br />

solenoid<br />

10 Ω<br />

collector<br />

vacuum<br />

glass tube<br />

oscilloscope Cathode Fabrications<br />

The schematic of the carbon-fiber cathode is shown in Fig. 3.5. In Fig. 3.5a, the<br />

cathode consists of 10 µm bunches of fibers and a copper tube. During fabrication, a<br />

bundle of carbon fibers, contained hundreds of fibers, was trimmed (but not etched) and<br />

inserted by hands in the copper tube. The tube was mechanically pressed at the end in<br />

order to tighten the fiber bundle and to provide a proper electrical contact. An advanced<br />

scheme is shown in Fig. 3.5b. Comparing to the scheme in Fig. 3.5a, the cathode adds an<br />

electrical field shield around the tips of the carbon fibers. It improves the electrical field<br />

distribution for the cathodes’ emission. When a voltage is applied to the tube, the electric<br />

field created at the tips is magnified due to the extreme sharpness of the tips, which causes<br />

electron emissions. In many cases an electric field as low as 3 kV/cm is sufficient to<br />

produce plasma formation for electron emissions. A photograph of the cathodes is shown<br />

in Fig. 3.6.<br />

2 mm<br />

3 mm 3 mm<br />

(a) (b)<br />

Fig. 3.5. Schematic of a bunched carbon-fiber cathode (a) and<br />

an advanced scheme (b).<br />

Fig. 3.6. Examples of the end brush cathodes.<br />

66<br />

2 mm Electron Trajectories<br />

The electron optics design of the multi-beam electron gun is performed with the<br />

EGUN code with a few assumptions. As in Section 2.1.1, we assumed that each beam has<br />

a perfect local symmetry around its own axis and the gap between cathode and grid (or<br />

grid and anode) is much smaller than the distance between two holes of the grid plate (or<br />

the anode plate). So simulating the center electron flow and simplifying the boundary, the<br />

code output for a 3mm carbon-fiber cathode with 8 mm cathode-grid gap and 10 mm<br />

accelerating section is shown in Fig. 3.7. Fig. 3.7a shows electron gun geometry and beam<br />

trajectory. It includes three regions: a cathode-grid region, a grid-anode region, and a<br />

beam tunnel. Fig. 3.7b and Fig. 3.7c present electron density versus radius and the angle<br />

of the electron motion measured from the z-axis, respectively. A magnetic field is used for<br />

the beam focusing.<br />

R (mm)<br />

Fig. 3.7. The EGUN code output for a 3mm carbon-fiber cathode,<br />

(a) the beam trajectory (radius (R) vs. axial length (Z)).<br />

67<br />

Z<br />

( mm)

Current density (0.119 A/mm 2 )<br />

Fig. 3.7. (Cont.) The EGUN code output for a 3mm carbon-fiber cathode, (b) electron density vs.<br />

radius, (c) the angle of the electron motion measured from the z axis.<br />

68<br />

R<br />

( mm)<br />

R ( mm) Power Supplies<br />

Three incorporating high voltage supplies for the multi-beam electron gun,<br />

accelerating section, and solenoid were used in the experiment of the carbon-fiber cathode<br />

array. The solenoid pulser is the same as described in Section 2.1.3. However, the multi<br />

channel electron gun pulser was redesigned in order to ensure the uniform current density<br />

of the multi-cathode array. Meanwhile, the DC high voltage was used for the accelerating<br />

gap. The design details are described in the section below.<br />

The multi-channel pulsed power system produces five separating pulses with fairly<br />

high voltages and output currents. The circuit is shown in Appendix B3. The pulser is fed<br />

by 220 V AC through a variable voltage transformer and a 10 A fuse. Then, this AC<br />

voltage is connected to a 220/460 V up-shift transformer. The output of the transformer is<br />

fed to five-channel charging circuits. Each channel consists of a low-voltage capacitor<br />

bank (C), a diode IN5408 that prevents a reverse recharging of the capacitor, and a<br />

transformer (car ignition coil). The charging voltage is monitored by a TY-43 digital panel<br />

meter. An SCR control circuit is used as a common gate. The five capacitors, about 10uF<br />

each, are charged with a rectified main voltage (600V), and then are discharged in an<br />

instant through the SCR and the ignition coils. The SCR is triggered by a function<br />

generator.<br />

The DC high voltage supply for the acceleration section was done in two schemes.<br />

Both of them used a modified Model 615 Pulserad power supply. The original Model 615<br />

Pulserad and our modifications are described in Appendix C. The circuits for both<br />

schemes are shown in Fig. 3.8 and Fig. 3.9, respectively. In Scheme 1, a long pulse is<br />

used to supply the accelerating stage. Compared to the electron gun voltage pulse, the<br />

duration of the pulse is much longer and it acts as a DC high voltage. A timing diagram in<br />

scheme 1 is shown in Fig. 3.10. In Scheme 2, the DC high voltage is coming directly from<br />

a charged capacitor bank in the modified Model 615 Pulserad. For safety, the capacitors<br />

are discharged after the shot of the electron gun. A corresponding timing diagram is<br />

shown in Fig. 3.11.<br />


CRM<br />

system<br />

1 kΩ<br />

1 kΩ<br />

Fig. 3.8. Circuit of a accelerating voltage source.<br />

Spark gap<br />

Spark gap<br />

50 kV pulse<br />

50 kV pulse<br />

20 kV<br />

1.5 kΩ<br />

1 µF<br />

20 kV<br />

1.5 kΩ<br />

1 µF<br />

Fig. 3.9. Circuit of a DC high voltage source.<br />

70<br />

PT-55<br />

Trigger amplifier<br />

High DC<br />

voltage supply<br />

PT-55<br />

Trigger amplifier<br />

High DC<br />

voltage supply<br />

Control<br />

function<br />

panel<br />

CRM<br />

system<br />

Control<br />

function<br />


Emitter voltage [kV]<br />

Emitter voltage [kV]<br />

10<br />

5<br />

0<br />

-5<br />

-10<br />

5<br />

0<br />

-5<br />

-10<br />

0 100 200 300 400<br />

Time [us]<br />

Fig. 3.10. A timing diagram in Scheme 1.<br />

0 200 400 600 800<br />

Time [us]<br />

Fig. 3.11. A timing diagram in Scheme 2.<br />

71<br />

20<br />

15<br />

10<br />

5<br />

0<br />

20<br />

15<br />

10<br />

5<br />

Accelerating voltage [kV]<br />

Accelerating voltage [kV] Electrical Performance<br />

The electron gun, which has one carbon-fiber cathode, was tested initially at a diode<br />

voltage of more than 4 kV (without accelerating voltage) with an 8 mm gap between the<br />

cathode and the grid. A ~100 mA diode current was observed. Then, increasing the<br />

number of the cathodes to three and five, the electron gun was tested in the same<br />

condition. Typical emitter voltage (or diode voltage) and current traces for a shot with the<br />

electron gun, which has five carbon-fiber cathodes, are illustrated in Fig. 3.12 (without an<br />

additional accelerating voltage). In this shot, the multi-channel gun pulser was adjusted to<br />

provide a more than 3 kV/cm electric field for each cathode. In Fig. 3.12, the emitter<br />

voltage rises rapidly (~2kV) during the first few microseconds. Then, the voltage drops<br />

sharply to ~500 V due to the impedance changing as the current turns on. After about<br />

450 µs there is a breakdown between the cathodes and the grid. This attributes to the<br />

property of explosive field-emission cathodes. Then the closure speed is about 1.8 cm/ms.<br />

The collector current was measured by a 10 Ω resistor placed between the collector and<br />

ground. A ~0.5 A current (total) was measured at the collector, that is about 0.1 A for<br />

each channel. The current density is around 1.4 A/cm 2 (7 A/cm 2 in the cathode-grid gap<br />

since we monitored the ~0.5 A input current for each cathode). Therefore, a long duration<br />

pulse dictates a low current density. The relative long rise time of the high voltage pulse<br />

caused the carbon fibers flare on a critical voltage. This may explain the long duration<br />

pulse with a low current density, relative to other one-beam cold-cathode researches.<br />

Adding an accelerating voltage, typical emitter voltage and current traces for a shot with<br />

five carbon-fiber cathodes are illustrated in Fig. 3.13. The pulse duration of the emitter<br />

voltage for a one channel is not significantly changed. So it seems that the accelerating<br />

voltage did not change the closure speed in the cathode-grid gap.<br />

Several shots were made with the modified Marx generator. In these experiments, the<br />

modified Marx generator connected directly with the five carbon-fiber cathodes.<br />

However, the emission was ceased in a very short time. Besides this limitation, the five<br />

cathodes could not be fired at the same time using the modified Marx generator, due to<br />

the non-uniformity of the cathode array. Therefore a special multi-beam pulse generator<br />

was built for the multi-beam carbon-fiber CRM array.<br />


Emitter voltage [kV]<br />

5<br />

3<br />

1<br />

-1<br />

-3<br />

-5<br />

0 200 400 600<br />

0<br />

800<br />

Time [us]<br />

Fig. 3.12. A typical cathode voltage and current traces without an accelerating voltage.<br />

Emitter voltage [kV] and<br />

accelerating voltage [kV]<br />

5<br />

3<br />

1<br />

-1<br />

-3<br />

-5<br />

Accelerating voltage<br />

Emitter Voltage<br />

0 200 400 600<br />

0<br />

800<br />

Time [us]<br />

Fig. 3.13. A typical cathode voltage and current traces with an accelerating voltage.<br />

73<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

Collector current [A]<br />

Collector current [A]

A series of measurements were made with the different number of the cathodes in<br />

similar condition. The influence of the number of beams on the breakdown of the system<br />

was checked. A typical experimental result of the electron gun with a single cathode is<br />

shown in Fig. 3.14. Figs. 3.14 a, b, c, and d represent the emitter voltage for a one<br />

channel, the accelerating voltage, the current at the collector, and the current at the<br />

accelerating gap, respectively. The corresponding experimental measurement of the<br />

electron gun with the five-beam cathode array is shown in Fig. 3.15. In this case, the<br />

appearance of a breakdown at the accelerating stage depends on the array density. The<br />

diode voltage for each channel in the experiment of the five-beam cathode array is similar<br />

to the voltage in the experiment of the one-beam cathode array. In a similar diode voltage<br />

for each cathode, when the number of cathodes increases, the effective accelerating<br />

voltage, which does not cause the breakdown of the system, becomes lower (~7 kV in<br />

Fig. 3.14b and ~3 kV in Fig. 3.15b, i.e. ~4 kV difference). Decreasing the input energy for<br />

each cathode, Fig. 3.16 and Fig. 3.17 show the observed results for the electron gun with<br />

one-beam and three-beam cathode array, respectively. Again, when the number of<br />

cathodes increases, the effective accelerating voltage becomes lower (~11 kV in Fig.<br />

3.16b and Fig. 3.17b without and with breakdown, respectively). But here the difference<br />

is much smaller, perhaps because the distance between two cathodes in the three-beam<br />

array is two times wider than the distance in the five-beam array. Comparing Fig. 3.14<br />

and Fig. 3.16, we also found that the effective accelerating voltage decreases when the<br />

diode-input energy increases in the same number of beams (7 kV in Fig. 3.14b and 11 kV<br />

in Fig. 3.16b). Therefore, the effective accelerating voltage is inversely proportional to the<br />

current density. In our configuration, the effective accelerating voltage for the electron<br />

gun with the three-cathode array is more than 7 kV; whereas, for the electron gun with the<br />

five-cathode array, the effective accelerating voltage is much smaller, around 3 kV.<br />

These tests are important because this is the first exploration of electron guns with multi-<br />

beam cold cathodes. It demonstrates that the ~400 µs multi-pulse with ~0.1 A for each<br />

channel can be produced with this configuration. We found that in similar diode voltage<br />

for each cathode, when the number of cathodes is increased, a lower effective accelerating<br />

voltage can be achieved, and the achieved effective accelerating voltage is decreased<br />

when the diode-input energy is increased in the same number of the beams.<br />


Emitter voltage<br />

[kV]<br />

Accelerating<br />

voltage [kV]<br />

Collector current [A]<br />

Current at accelerating<br />

gap [A]<br />

4<br />

2<br />

0<br />

10<br />

5<br />

0<br />

2<br />

1<br />

0<br />

15<br />

10<br />

5<br />

0<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

(d)<br />

0 200 400 600 800<br />

Time [us]<br />

Fig. 3.14. An experimental measurements for a single cathode gun:<br />

(a) the emitter voltage, (b) the accelerating voltage,<br />

(c) the collector current, and (d) the current at the accelerating stage.<br />


Emitter voltage<br />

[kV]<br />

Accelerating<br />

voltage [kV]<br />

Collector current<br />

[A]<br />

Current at<br />

accelerating gap [A]<br />

4<br />

2<br />

0<br />

6<br />

4<br />

2<br />

0<br />

2<br />

1<br />

0<br />

2<br />

1<br />

0<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

(d)<br />

0 200 400<br />

Time [us]<br />

600 800<br />

Fig. 3.15. An experimental measurements for a five-cathode gun:<br />

(b) the emitter voltage, (b) the accelerating voltage,<br />

(c) the collector current, and (d) the current at the accelerating stage.<br />


Emitter voltage [kV]<br />

Accelerating<br />

voltage [kV]<br />

Collector current [A]<br />

Current at accelerating<br />

gap [A]<br />

4<br />

2<br />

0<br />

15<br />

10<br />

5<br />

0<br />

2<br />

1<br />

0<br />

1<br />

0.5<br />

0<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

(d)<br />

0 200 400<br />

Time [us]<br />

600 800<br />

Fig. 3.16. An experimental measurements for a single cathode gun with a<br />

decreased input voltage:<br />

(d) the emitter voltage, (b) the accelerating voltage,<br />

(c) the collector current, and (d) the current at the accelerating stage.<br />


Emitter voltage<br />

[kV]<br />

Accelerating<br />

voltage [kV]<br />

Collector current [A]<br />

Current at accelerating<br />

gap [A]<br />

4<br />

2<br />

0<br />

15<br />

10<br />

5<br />

0<br />

2<br />

1<br />

0<br />

2<br />

1<br />

0<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

(d)<br />

0 200 400 600 800<br />

Time [us]<br />

Fig. 3.17. An experimental measurements for a three-cathode gun:<br />

(c) the emitter voltage, (b) the accelerating voltage,<br />

(c) the collector current, and (d) the current at the accelerating stage.<br />


3.1.3. Magnetic Fields<br />

One of the major concerns about the multi-beam carbon-fiber CRM-array is the nonuniformity<br />

of the transverse contributions of the focusing magnetic field. A careful design<br />

of the solenoid was made to incorporate one main coil and two side coils. In this solenoid,<br />

the side coils were used to improve the uniformity near the edge of the magnetic field.<br />

Fig. 3.18 shows the cross section of the solenoid. The main coil was made out of a 2 mm<br />

diameter copper wire with 9.8 turns/cm. The two side coils were made out of a 2 mm<br />

diameter copper wire with 5 turns/cm. A large diameter kicker was designed in order to<br />

spin up the electrons. It was made out of a 1 mm diameter copper wire with 32 loops/cm.<br />

The final design of the kicker can be made in two ways. One method is to insert an array<br />

of thin, trim coils in the vacuum chamber, in order to produce the uniformity of transverse<br />

fields for each beam. The second method concerns the electrostatic effect. That means<br />

using the electrode structure to change the electrostatic field around cathodes. In the final<br />

off-axis design it may have a small difference in the electric field on the two sides of the<br />

electron beams. This could be designed by purposely inserting an asymmetric metal piece.<br />

The axial magnetic field at any point of the solenoid is calculated by Eq. 2.1. The<br />

result of the computer simulation is given in Fig. 3.19. In Fig. 3.19, the magnetic field of<br />

the main coil is shown by the dash-dot curve, the magnetic fields of the side coils are<br />

shown by the two small dashed curves, and the magnetic field of the solenoid is shown by<br />

the solid curve. The star sign represents the front position of the cathodes. In principle, the<br />

off-axis magnetic field of the solenoid can be calculated using the formulas or special<br />

software. In the experiment, a Gauss meter was used to check the magnetic field<br />

uniformity near the edge of the solenoid [114]. The parameters of the solenoid and the<br />

kicker are shown in Table 3.2.<br />

Fig. 3.18. Solenoid in cross section.<br />

79<br />

z<br />


Fig. 3.19. The magnetic field of the solenoid.<br />

Table 3.2. The parameters of the solenoid and the kicker.<br />

Parameter Main coil Side coil Kicker<br />

Turns 780 15 98<br />

Current [A] 100-200 100-200 20-140<br />

Inner radius [cm] 5.7 6.1 7<br />

Outer radius [cm] 6.1 6.3 7.4<br />

Length [cm] 80 3 3.5<br />


3.1.4. The Periodic Waveguide<br />

A photograph of the periodic waveguide is shown in Fig. 3.20. The waveguide<br />

consists of a metal-post array with 6x20 elements and is terminated by half-period<br />

reflecting sections in both ends. Figs. 3.21a and b show the measured resonant absorption<br />

and transmission peaks corresponding to the axial modes of the cavity at the first and<br />

second passbands, respectively. The resonances were measured by looking at the<br />

reflection coefficient (upper traces in Fig. 3.21 a, b) of the slow wave structure over the<br />

appropriate frequency range, as described in Section 2.1.4. The waveguide dispersion is<br />

shown in a Brillouin diagram in Fig. 3.22, as results from the measurements of the<br />

waveguide reflection and transmission coefficients. These intersections are shown by the<br />

dots in Fig. 3.22. The electron beam line is added to Fig. 3.22 in order to demonstrate<br />

CRM interaction in the first passband. The point a, which is the intersection of the<br />

electron beam line and the waveguide dispersion curves, indicates a possible CRM<br />

interaction with backward wave. Forward and backward wave interactions (β > 0 and<br />

n<br />

β n < 0 , respectively) differ by the tendency of the latter to act as absolute instabilities,<br />

and to oscillate (as observed in this experiment). The backward wave interaction could be<br />

the desired mode for a CRM-array oscillator. In amplifier schemes, however, parasite<br />

backward-wave interactions can be eliminated by a proper tuning to a tangential (grazing)<br />

point in Fig. 3.22.<br />

Fig. 3.20. Photograph of the periodic waveguide.<br />


(a)<br />

Fig. 3.21. The measured reflection and transmission curves at the<br />

first passband (a) and the second passband (b).<br />

82<br />


Frequency [GHz]<br />

10<br />

8<br />

6<br />

4<br />

2<br />

a<br />

-105 -64 -23 23 64 105<br />

Wave number [1/m]<br />

Fig. 3.22. The measured Brillouin diagram of the 2D periodic<br />

waveguide. The dashed line represents Eq. 1.1 in a<br />

cyclotron frequency at 6 GHz.<br />


3.2. Experimental Operation<br />

Each experiment began with a pre-running period to activate the cathodes. We found<br />

the following break-in procedure is useful. First, the cathode is under vacuum for several<br />

hours before firing them. Then, the operation is begun at the minimum voltage required to<br />

initiate the emission. After few tens of shots, the change of the gas pressure coursed by<br />

the cathode emissions should be reduced, compared with the first shots. Meanwhile, the<br />

accelerating voltage is increased in gradual until the desired voltage is achieved. In order<br />

to reduce the surface contamination, to stabilize the pressure and field emission currents,<br />

it is necessary to wait enough time between two shots.<br />

A control trigger system was used with function generators. The system connection is<br />

shown in Fig. 3.23. The main trigger comes from the solenoid pulser. Then it is sent to<br />

three function generators. After some delay, three trigger signals come out from the<br />

function generators and are sent to the gun pulser, kicker pulser and the 615 MR Pulserad<br />

control panel.<br />

Solenoid Pulser<br />

Trig.<br />

Gun Pulser<br />

Trig. Trig. TTL output<br />

Kicker Pulser<br />

Trig. Trig. TTL output<br />

Control panel of<br />

Function generator<br />

615 MR Pulserad<br />

EXT. Trig. Trig. TTL output<br />

Fig. 3.23. The trigger system.<br />

84<br />

Function generator<br />

Function generator

3.3. Experimental Results<br />

A typical experimental result of the three-beam carbon-fiber CRM-array is shown in<br />

Fig. 3.24. The emitter voltage of the center carbon-fiber cathode is shown in Fig. 3.24a.<br />

The accelerating voltage is shown in Fig. 3.24b. The cathode input current, measured by a<br />

Rogowsky coil, is shown in Fig. 3.24c. The microwave radiation output, detected through<br />

a 4.7-5.3 GHz bandpass filter, is shown in Fig. 3.24d. The axial magnetic field in this run<br />

is 2.4 kG, which corresponds to a cyclotron frequency of 6.8 GHz, hence the device<br />

operates in the backward-wave regime.<br />

Another radiation burst, observed with a similar magnetic field in the three-beam<br />

carbon-fiber CRM-array, is shown in Fig. 3.25. The emitter voltage of the center channel<br />

carbon-fiber cathode is shown in Fig. 3.25a. The accelerating voltage and the detector<br />

output are shown in Fig. 3.25b and Fig. 3.25c, respectively. A slightly higher electron<br />

energy (~8kV accelerating voltage) results in a three-peak shape of the detector output, as<br />

shown in Fig. 3.26c.The burst in center did not pass a 4.7-5.3 GHz bandpass filter and it<br />

may be caused by noises. However, the two side peaks of the signal passed through the<br />

4.7-5.3 GHz bandpass filter.<br />

Fig. 3.27 shows a typical case observed in the experiment. After the radiation burst is<br />

detected, a breakdown occurs at the accelerating stage. Fig. 3.27d shows the breakdown<br />

current. A series of measurements were made in similar conditions with three electron<br />

beams. The output power in the receiving antenna attains ~5 W.<br />

The multi-beam cold-cathode CRM-array was also operated with five carbon-fiber<br />

cathodes. Bursts were observed as shown in Fig. 3.28 and Fig 3.29. However, these bursts<br />

could not pass the 4.7-5.3 GHz band pass filter. Meanwhile, we observed the breakdown<br />

current, which started at the same time with the bursts at the accelerating stage. Therefore,<br />

these bursts may be caused by the breakdown and they are not the same as those in Fig.<br />

3.27.<br />


Accelerating<br />

voltage [kV]<br />

Current [A]<br />

RF detector<br />

output [V]<br />

Cathode voltage [kV]<br />

10<br />

10<br />

8<br />

6<br />

4<br />

2<br />

0<br />

0.1<br />

0.08<br />

0.06<br />

0.04<br />

0.02<br />

0<br />

0.5<br />

0.4<br />

0.3<br />

0.2<br />

0.1<br />

0<br />

8<br />

6<br />

4<br />

2<br />

0<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

(d)<br />

0 100 200 300 400 500 600<br />

Time [us]<br />

Fig. 3.24. Typical experimental measurements for a three-beam CRM at 2.4 kG:<br />

(a) the carbon-fiber cathode voltage, (b) the accelerating voltage,<br />

(c) the cathode input current, (d) the RF detector output.<br />


Detector voltage [mV]<br />

Cathode voltage [kV]<br />

Accelerating voltage [kV]<br />

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

40<br />

20<br />

8<br />

6<br />

4<br />

2<br />

(a)<br />

0<br />

120 160 200 240 280 320 360<br />

Time [us]<br />

8<br />

6<br />

4<br />

2<br />

(b)<br />

0<br />

120 160 200 240 280 320 360<br />

Time [us]<br />

(c)<br />

0<br />

120 160 200 240 280 320 360<br />

Time [us]<br />

Fig. 3.25. An experimental measurements for a three-beam CRM:<br />

(a) the carbon-fiber cathode voltage, (b) the accelerating voltage,<br />

(c) the RF detector output.<br />

87<br />

400<br />

400<br />

400<br />


Cathode voltage [kV]<br />

Accelerative voltage<br />

[kV]<br />

Detector output [V]<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

0<br />

12<br />

10<br />

8<br />

6<br />

4<br />

2<br />

0<br />

1<br />

0.8<br />

0.6<br />

0.4<br />

0.2<br />

0<br />

(a)<br />

190 230 270 310 350 390<br />

Time [us]<br />

(b)<br />

190 230 270 310 350 390<br />

Time [us]<br />

(c)<br />

190 230 270 310 350 390<br />

Time [us]<br />

Fig. 3.26. An experimental measurements for a three-beam CRM:<br />

(a) the carbon-fiber cathode voltage, (b) the accelerating voltage,<br />

(c) the RF detector output.<br />


Accelerating voltage<br />

[kV]<br />

Detector output [V]<br />

Cathode voltage [kV]<br />

Current at accelerating<br />

stage [A]<br />

8<br />

6<br />

4<br />

2<br />

0<br />

0.50<br />

0.40<br />

0.30<br />

0.20<br />

0.10<br />

0.00<br />

8<br />

6<br />

4<br />

2<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

0<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

(d)<br />

0<br />

100 200 300 400<br />

Time [us]<br />

Fig. 3.27. An experimental measurements for a three-beam CRM:<br />

(a) the carbon-fiber cathode voltage, (b) the accelerating voltage,<br />

(c) the RF detector output, (d) the current breakdown at accelerating stage.<br />


Detector output [V]<br />

Cathode voltage [kV]<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

0<br />

Accelerating voltage<br />

[kV]<br />

0.6<br />

0.4<br />

0.2<br />

0.0<br />

6<br />

4<br />

2<br />

0<br />

(a)<br />

80 120 160 200<br />

Time [us]<br />

(b)<br />

80 120 160 200<br />

(c)<br />

Time [us]<br />

80 120 160 200<br />

Time [us]<br />

Fig. 3.28. An experimental measurements for a five-beam CRM at 2.1 kG:<br />

(a) the carbon-fiber cathode voltage, (b) the accelerating voltage,<br />

(c) the RF detector output.<br />


Detector output [V]<br />

Cathode voltage [kV]<br />

Accelerating voltage [kV]<br />

4<br />

2<br />

0<br />

4<br />

2<br />

0<br />

0.80<br />

0.60<br />

0.40<br />

0.20<br />

0.00<br />

(a)<br />

80 120 160 200<br />

Time [us]<br />

(b)<br />

80 120 160 200<br />

Time [us]<br />

(c)<br />

80 120 160 200<br />

Time [us]<br />

Fig. 3.29. An experimental measurements for a five-beam CRM at 2.1 kG:<br />

(a) the carbon-fiber cathode voltage, (b) the accelerating voltage,<br />

(c) the RF detector output.<br />


3.4. Discussions<br />

Considerable progress has been made during this experiment. However, there were<br />

some difficulties with the multi-beam cold-cathode CRM-array. Beside the similar<br />

difficulties with the thermionic cathode CRM arrays we discussed in Chapter 2, the<br />

uniformity of the emission current was a major issue to deal with in the experiments.<br />

Since the field-emitted current is extremely sensitive to the value of the field at the emitter<br />

tip, and small changes in the anode-cathode separation could lead to large difference in<br />

emitted current for each cathode. In the beginning, we used single channel pulse generator<br />

to drive the multi-beam carbon-fiber cathode array. Although we tried to maintain<br />

parallelism between the anode and the separate cathodes, it was hard to get a uniform<br />

emission current since poor accuracy by this manufacture method. No matter how many<br />

times we changed the grid voltage, anode voltage, and adjusted the high resistive blaster<br />

resistor for each channel, we could not get five emission electron beams simultaneously<br />

for the most of shoots. Finally we built a five-channel pulse generator which has five<br />

separate output high voltage channels but with the same trigger system. By using this<br />

generator the uniformity was improved successfully.<br />

Another issue was the vacuum breakdown. As described in Section, the relative<br />

long rise time of the high voltage pulse caused the carbon fibers flare on a critical voltage.<br />

Since the high voltage (> 3kV) is necessary for CRM interactions, we need a high<br />

accelerating voltage between the grid and the anode. However, there was always<br />

breakdown when we add a large accelerating voltage at the beginning. During these CRM<br />

experiments, we used the break-in operating process for the multi-beam cold-cathode<br />

array. The process of operation consists of the following steps. First the accelerating<br />

voltage should be increased in gradual, then waiting enough time at each shot in order to<br />

reduce the surface contamination, to stabilize the pressure and field emission currents.<br />

This time is longer when the number of beams is increased in these experiments.<br />

Complying with this process, we have reached 7 kV accelerating voltage in the threebeam<br />

carbon-fiber CRM experiment.<br />


The theoretical tuning condition of the CRM interaction (Eq. 1.1) and the Brillouin<br />

dispersion diagram of Fig. 3.22 were applied to analyze the three-beam carbon-fiber CRM<br />

experimental results. The CRM tuning condition indicates clearly that these interactions<br />

occurred with backward waves.<br />

Although we have successfully explored the multi-beam cold-cathode array in the<br />

experiment, some improvements need to be done in future. First, the cathodes for this<br />

research are fabricated in a very simply way. It will improve the performance if a Spindt<br />

type cathode would be used (a possible vendor offering this semiconductor process<br />

technology is NEC Corporation in Japan or MCNC in US [115]). Second, it is necessary<br />

to use relatively short pulse generators in order to prevent the breakdown, improve the<br />

flatness of the emitted current and increase the repetition rate. Third, some improvement<br />

in material, such as coating with Cesium iodide (CsI), may also helpful [103,104].<br />

The experiments of the carbon-fiber CRM arrays have clearly demonstrated the<br />

principle of the multi-beam CRM scheme with the cold-cathode array, and explored the<br />

use of a multi-beam cold-cathode array in vacuum electronic devices. The multi-beam<br />

cold-cathode array which is based on commercial carbon fibers was used as an electron<br />

source and produced a multi-channel ~400 µs long pulse. In the carbon-fiber CRM-array<br />

experiments, the three-beam CRM-array operated at low voltages, around 5kV, with a<br />

~0.4 ms pulse duration. Clear bursts of RF oscillations were observed around 5 GHz in<br />

this experiment. These experimental results show that it could be possible to use coldcathode<br />

arrays in multi-beam CRM devices in the near future.<br />


Chapter 4<br />

Conclusions<br />

The major objective of this study was to demonstrate, for the first time, a multi-beam<br />

CRM-array operation, and to study its features experimentally. The significance of the<br />

research is the experimental verification of the CRM-array conceptual feasibility, as a<br />

stage toward larger multi-beam CRM arrays. In addition, a secondary objective of this<br />

research was to explore the multi-beam CRM device using cold-cathode arrays and to<br />

develop an efficient, reliable and cost-effective multi-beam electron source.<br />

4.1. Experimental Results<br />

In the experimental study with thermionic cathodes, CRM oscillators were operated in<br />

a 2D scheme with one and two low-energy electron-beams (

Clear bursts of RF oscillations are observed around 5 GHz in the experiment. The<br />

experimental results show that it is might possible to use cold-cathode arrays in multibeam<br />

CRM devices in the near future.<br />

4.2 Suggestions for Future Work<br />

These experiments provided a preliminary investigation of the multi-beam CRM-array,<br />

and a good starting point for future experimental studies of large-scale multi-beam CRM<br />

arrays, and multi-beam cold-cathode arrays. The next challenge is probably to improve the<br />

RF output power of the multi-beam CRM devices. The implementation of this goal<br />

requires a careful design of the electron guns, and of the microwave components<br />

(preferably by advanced 3D codes). A full numerical simulation of the CRM array is<br />

essential, not only for a proper design but also for the analysis and optimization of the<br />

experimental results.<br />

Further experiments on larger arrays with a repetitive pulsed operation would be<br />

useful. The immediate repetitive operation for 2D CRM-array with thermionic cathodes<br />

can be designed and constructed. However, future improvement of RF power and<br />

operation with carbon-fiber CRM arrays will need relatively short pulse generators in<br />

order to prevent the breakdown, improve the flatness of emission current and increase<br />

repetitive rate. A potential limitation on the repetition rate with a carbon-fiber cathode<br />

array is the time required for the plasma to clear out of the gap. This time seems to be<br />

longer in these experiments when the number of beams is increased. It will improve the<br />

performance if Spindt type cathodes were used. A good processing for the carbon fibers<br />

will be also helpful since the material coating can reduce the closure speed. In order to<br />

decrease the closure speed, some improvement in material, such as coating with Cesium<br />

iodide (CsI), may be helpful.<br />

A consequent 3D CRM-array experiment that employs a 3×3 thermionic cathode array<br />

is under construction and operation in our research group by other researchers, and studies<br />

of direct radiation from CRM arrays, active phased-array antenna features, and radiation<br />

steering will be carried out in foreseeable future.<br />


Appendix A<br />

Computer Programs and Simulations Documentation<br />

A1. The EGUN Code Simulation for the 2D CRM-array Experiment<br />

The electron gun design was performed with the EGUN code [108] in the 2D CRMarray<br />

experiment. The boundary used to model the electron gun which has a 5mm<br />

diameter cathode and 6 mm gap is shown in Table A1 and Fig. A1. The potential 1<br />

represents the cathode and the potential 2 represents the anode.<br />

Table A1. The data of the geometry.<br />

Potential 1 1 0 0 3 3 0 0 2 2 2 2 0 1<br />

X 0 2.5 2.5 25 25 25 25 25 25 3 3 0 0 0<br />

Y 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 6 6 6 40 40 40 0<br />

Potential 3<br />

Potential 1<br />

2.5 mm<br />

X<br />

6 mm<br />

Potential 2<br />

40 mm<br />

Fig. A1. The geometry used to model the e-gun in the 2D CRM-array<br />

experiment with a 5mm diameter cathode.<br />

96<br />

25 mm<br />

3 mm<br />


The Data of File<br />

The EGUN code output for a 5mm cathode and 6mm gap (B~2.2 kG) in Fig. 2.4.<br />

&INPUT1 RLIM = 25, ZLIM = 40, NBND = 320, POTN = 3,<br />

POT( 1) = 1.0000E-01,<br />

POT( 2) = 7.0000E+03,<br />

POT( 3) = 1.0000E-01,<br />

MAGSEG = 0, IAX = 0, AQUAD = 0.0, CSYS = 1,<br />

MI = 3, SX = 7.50, SY = 4.69, SCALE =' ',<br />

PASS = 2, XR =0.9950, ERROR =0.1000E-02, TYME= 300.0,<br />

LSTPOT = 3, LSTMAG = 1, LSTBND = 1, INTPA = 0, POIS = 0, &END<br />

1 0 1 0.0000000 -0.9990000<br />

1 1 1 2.0000000 -0.9990000<br />

1 2 1 2.0000000 -0.9990000<br />

1 3 0 -0.4980896 0.0000000<br />

0 4 0 2.0000000 0.0000000<br />

0 22 0 2.0000000 0.0000000<br />

0 23 0 2.0000000 0.0000000<br />

3 24 0 0.9990000 0.0000000<br />

3 24 1 0.9990000 2.0000000<br />

3 24 2 0.0000000 -0.9990000<br />

0 24 3 0.0000000 2.0000000<br />

0 24 4 0.0000000 2.0000000<br />

0 24 5 0.0000000 2.0000000<br />

2 24 6 0.0000000 0.0010000<br />

2 23 6 2.0000000 0.0010000<br />

2 5 6 2.0000000 0.0010000<br />

2 4 6 2.0000000 0.0010000<br />

2 3 7 0.0010000 2.0000000<br />

2 3 38 0.0010000 2.0000000<br />

2 3 39 0.0010000 2.0000000<br />


2 3 40 0.0010000 0.0052147<br />

2 2 40 2.0000000 0.0052490<br />

2 1 40 2.0000000 0.0052795<br />

2 0 40 0.0000000 0.0053139<br />

0 0 39 0.0000000 2.0000000<br />

0 0 4 0.0000000 2.0000000<br />

0 0 3 0.0000000 2.0000000<br />

0 0 2 0.0000000 2.0000000<br />

888<br />

&INPUT5 START ='SPHERE', RMAX = 2.500, RAD = 0.2500E+05, MAXRAY =<br />

20,<br />

LSTRH = 1,UNIT =0.1000E-02<br />

NMAG=20,<br />

CR=35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,<br />

CZ=0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,110,120,130,140,150,160,170,180,190,<br />

CM=3000,3000,3000,3000,3000,3000,3000,3000,3000,3000,3000,3000,3000,3000,30<br />

00,3000,3000,3000,3000,3000,<br />

&END<br />


A2. The Magnetic Fields Calculation for the 2D CRM-array Experiment<br />

The magnetic field at the 2D CRM-array experiment is caculated by Eq.2.1 [109].<br />

The Matlab program follows:<br />

% Fig2-6mag.m<br />

% Magnetic field calculation for solenoid and kicker in the 2D multi-beam array<br />

experiment<br />

z=-0.2:5e-5:.8; %step<br />

u=4*pi*1e-7; %constant<br />

N1=120;N2=225*4; %turns<br />

Ik1=20*3.2;Ik2=20*7.16; %current<br />

r2=.065;r4=0.103/2; %Solenoid & Kicker parameters (inner diameter)<br />

r1=.055;r3=0.126/2; %Solenoid & Kicker parameters (outner diameter)<br />

l1=0.023;l2=.6; %length<br />

z2=-0.07/2+0.01-0.3; %shift<br />

z1=-0.09;<br />

%MAGNETIC FIELD (Kicker)<br />

Bk1=u*N1*Ik1/2/(r2-r1)/l1*((z+z1+l1/2).*log((r2+sqrt(r2^2+(z+z1+l1/2).^2))./ .....<br />

(r1+sqrt(r1^2+(z+z1+l1/2).^2)))-(z+z1-l1/2).*log((r2+sqrt(r2^2+(z+z1-l1/2).^2))./ ....<br />

(r1+sqrt(r1^2+(z+z1-l1/2).^2))));<br />

%MAGNETIC FIELD (Solenoid)<br />

Bs=u*N2*Ik2/2/(r4-r3)/l2*(((z+z2)+l2/2).*log ......<br />

((r4+sqrt(r4^2+((z+z2)+l2/2).^2))./ .....<br />

(r3+sqrt(r3^2+((z+z2)+l2/2).^2)))-((z+z2)-l2/2).*log .....<br />

((r4+sqrt(r4^2+((z+z2)-l2/2).^2))./ ....<br />

(r3+sqrt(r3^2+((z+z2)-l2/2).^2))));<br />


hold on<br />

plot(z,Bs,'b')<br />

hold on<br />

plot(z,Bk1,'r--')<br />

hold on<br />

title('Magnetic field=f(z)')<br />

xlabel('z (m)'),ylabel('B (tesla)')<br />

grid<br />


A3. The EGUN Code Simulation for the Carbon-fiber CRM-array<br />

Experiment<br />

The electron gun design was performed with the EGUN code [108] in the carbon-fiber<br />

CRM-array experiment. The boundary used to model the electron gun which has a 3mm<br />

diameter is shown in Table A2 and Fig. A2. The potential 1 represents the cathode, the<br />

potential 2 represents the grid, and the potential 4 represents the anode.<br />

Table A2. The Data of the Geometry.<br />

Potential 1 1 0 0 3 3 0 0 2 2 2 2 0 0 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 1<br />

X 0 1.5 1.5 25 25 25 25 25 25 3 3 25 25 25 25 3 3 25 25 0 0 0<br />

Y 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 8 8 8 9 9 9 19 19 19 21 21 40 40 40 0<br />

Potential 3<br />

Potential 2<br />

Potential 1<br />

1.5 mm<br />

X<br />

8 mm<br />

10 mm<br />

40 mm<br />

Fig. A2. The geometry used to model the e-gun in the carbon-fiber<br />

CRM-array experiment with a 3mm diameter cathode.<br />

101<br />

Potential 4<br />

25 mm<br />

3 mm<br />


The Data of File<br />

The Hermannsfedt code output for a 3 mm carbon-fiber cathode in Fig. 3.7.<br />

&INPUT1 RLIM = 25, ZLIM = 40, NBND = 320, POTN = 4,<br />

POT( 1) = 1.0000E-01,<br />

POT( 2) = 4.0000E+03,<br />

POT( 3) = 1.0000E-01,<br />

POT( 4) = 12.0000E+03,<br />

MAGSEG = 0, IAX = 0, AQUAD = 0.0, CSYS = 1,<br />

MI = 3, SX = 7.50, SY = 4.69, SCALE =' ',<br />

PASS = 2, XR =0.9950, ERROR =0.1000E-02, TYME= 300.0,<br />

LSTPOT = 3, LSTMAG = 1, LSTBND = 1, INTPA = 0, POIS = 0, &END<br />

1 0 1 0.0000000 -0.9990000<br />

1 1 1 2.0000000 -0.9990000<br />

1 2 1 2.0000000 -0.9990000<br />

1 3 0 -0.9990000 0.0000000<br />

0 4 0 2.0000000 0.0000000<br />

0 22 0 2.0000000 0.0000000<br />

0 23 0 2.0000000 0.0000000<br />

3 24 0 0.9990000 0.0000000<br />

3 24 1 0.9990000 2.0000000<br />

3 24 2 0.0000000 -0.9990000<br />

0 24 3 0.0000000 2.0000000<br />

0 24 6 0.0000000 2.0000000<br />

0 24 7 0.0000000 2.0000000<br />

2 24 8 0.0000000 0.0010529<br />

2 23 8 2.0000000 0.0010529<br />

2 5 8 2.0000000 0.0010529<br />

2 4 8 2.0000000 0.0010529<br />

2 3 9 0.0010000 2.0000000<br />

2 4 10 2.0000000 -0.9990000<br />


2 22 10 2.0000000 -0.9990000<br />

2 23 10 2.0000000 -0.9990000<br />

2 24 10 0.0000000 -0.9990000<br />

0 24 11 0.0000000 2.0000000<br />

0 24 17 0.0000000 2.0000000<br />

0 24 18 0.0000000 2.0000000<br />

4 24 19 0.0000000 0.0024853<br />

4 23 19 2.0000000 0.0024853<br />

4 5 19 2.0000000 0.0024853<br />

4 4 19 2.0000000 0.0024853<br />

4 3 20 0.0010000 2.0000000<br />

4 3 21 0.0010000 2.0000000<br />

4 4 22 2.0000000 -0.9990000<br />

4 22 22 2.0000000 -0.9990000<br />

4 23 22 2.0000000 -0.9990000<br />

4 24 22 0.9990000 -0.9990000<br />

4 24 23 0.9990000 2.0000000<br />

4 24 38 0.9990000 2.0000000<br />

4 24 39 0.9990000 2.0000000<br />

4 24 40 0.9990000 0.0052185<br />

4 23 40 2.0000000 0.0052223<br />

4 22 40 2.0000000 0.0052261<br />

4 21 40 2.0000000 0.0052299<br />

4 20 40 2.0000000 0.0052338<br />

4 19 40 2.0000000 0.0052376<br />

4 18 40 2.0000000 0.0052414<br />

4 17 40 2.0000000 0.0052452<br />

4 16 40 2.0000000 0.0052490<br />

4 15 40 2.0000000 0.0052528<br />

4 14 40 2.0000000 0.0052567<br />

4 13 40 2.0000000 0.0052605<br />


4 12 40 2.0000000 0.0052681<br />

4 11 40 2.0000000 0.0052719<br />

4 10 40 2.0000000 0.0052757<br />

4 9 40 2.0000000 0.0052795<br />

4 8 40 2.0000000 0.0052834<br />

4 7 40 2.0000000 0.0052872<br />

4 6 40 2.0000000 0.0052910<br />

4 5 40 2.0000000 0.0052948<br />

4 4 40 2.0000000 0.0052986<br />

4 3 40 2.0000000 0.0053024<br />

4 2 40 2.0000000 0.0053062<br />

4 1 40 2.0000000 0.0053101<br />

4 0 40 0.0000000 0.0053139<br />

0 0 39 0.0000000 2.0000000<br />

0 0 4 0.0000000 2.0000000<br />

0 0 3 0.0000000 2.0000000<br />

0 0 2 0.0000000 2.0000000<br />

888<br />

&INPUT5 START ='SPHERE', RMAX = 2.000, RAD = 0.2000E+05, MAXRAY =<br />

-20,<br />

LSTRH = 1,UNIT =0.1000E-02<br />

NMAG=20,<br />

CR=50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,<br />

CZ=-20,-10,0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,110,120,130,140,150,160,170,<br />

CM=1500,1500,1500,1500,1500,1500,1500,1500,1500,1500,1500,1500,1500,1500,15<br />

00,1500,1500,1500,1500,1500,<br />

&END<br />


A4. The Magnetic Fields Calculation for the Carbon-fiber CRM-array<br />

Experiment<br />

The magnetic field at the Carbon-fiber CRM-array experiment is caculated by Eq.2.1<br />

[109]. It is a little different with Section A2, since the solenoid consists of three coils. The<br />

Matlab program is as follows:<br />

whitebg<br />

clc<br />

clear<br />

hold off<br />

% Magnetic field of 5-beam CRM-array<br />

z=-0.1:5e-5:.9;<br />

u=4*pi*1e-7; %air permability<br />

%Solenoid & Kicker parameters<br />

N1=15;N2=390*2;N3=15; %turns<br />

Ik1=20*8.24;Ik2=20*8.24;Ik3=20*8.24; %currents<br />

r2=.1265/2;r4=0.1225/2;r6=0.1265/2; %external radius<br />

r1=.1225/2;r3=0.1143/2;r5=0.1225/2; %inner radius<br />

l1=0.03;l2=.8;l3=0.03; %length<br />

z1=-(0.028+0.015); %center of sidecoil1<br />

z2=-0.4; %center of solenoid<br />

z3=-(0.8-0.028-0.015); %center of sidecoil2<br />

%MAGNETIC FIELD (side coil1)<br />

Bk1=u*N1*Ik1/2/(r2-r1)/l1*((z+z1+l1/2).*log((r2+sqrt(r2^2+(z+z1+l1/2).^2))./ .....<br />

(r1+sqrt(r1^2+(z+z1+l1/2).^2)))-(z+z1-l1/2).*log((r2+sqrt(r2^2+(z+z1-l1/2).^2))./ ....<br />

(r1+sqrt(r1^2+(z+z1-l1/2).^2))));<br />

%MAGNETIC FIELD (side coil2)<br />

Bk3=u*N3*Ik3/2/(r6-r5)/l3*((z+z3+l3/2).*log((r6+sqrt(r6^2+(z+z3+l3/2).^2))./ .....<br />

(r5+sqrt(r5^2+(z+z3+l3/2).^2)))-(z+z3-l3/2).*log((r6+sqrt(r6^2+(z+z3-l3/2).^2))./ ....<br />

(r5+sqrt(r5^2+(z+z3-l3/2).^2))));<br />


%MAGNETIC FIELD (Solenoid)<br />

Bs=u*N2*Ik2/2/(r4-r3)/l2*(((z+z2)+l2/2).*log((r4+sqrt(r4^2+((z+z2)+l2/2).^2))./ .....<br />

(r3+sqrt(r3^2+((z+z2)+l2/2).^2)))-((z+z2)-l2/2).*log((r4+sqrt(r4^2+((z+z2)l2/2).^2))./<br />

....<br />

(r3+sqrt(r3^2+((z+z2)-l2/2).^2))));<br />

B=Bk1+Bs+Bk3;<br />

plot(z,B,'k')<br />

hold on<br />

plot(z,Bs,'k-.')<br />

hold on<br />

plot(z,Bk1,'k--')<br />

hold on<br />

plot(z,Bk3,'k--')<br />

hold on<br />

title('Mag.field=f(z)')<br />

xlabel('z (m)'),ylabel('B (tesla)')<br />

grid<br />

z=0.04;<br />

%MAGNETIC FIELD (side coil1)<br />

Bk1=u*N1*Ik1/2/(r2-r1)/l1*((z+z1+l1/2).*log((r2+sqrt(r2^2+(z+z1+l1/2).^2))./ .....<br />

(r1+sqrt(r1^2+(z+z1+l1/2).^2)))-(z+z1-l1/2).*log((r2+sqrt(r2^2+(z+z1-l1/2).^2))./ ....<br />

(r1+sqrt(r1^2+(z+z1-l1/2).^2))));<br />

%MAGNETIC FIELD (side coil2)<br />

Bk3=u*N3*Ik3/2/(r6-r5)/l3*((z+z3+l3/2).*log((r6+sqrt(r6^2+(z+z3+l3/2).^2))./ .....<br />

(r5+sqrt(r5^2+(z+z3+l3/2).^2)))-(z+z3-l3/2).*log((r6+sqrt(r6^2+(z+z3-l3/2).^2))./ ....<br />

(r5+sqrt(r5^2+(z+z3-l3/2).^2))));<br />

%MAGNETIC FIELD (Solenoid) `shifted .25`<br />

Bs=u*N2*Ik2/2/(r4-r3)/l2*(((z+z2)+l2/2).*log ......<br />

((r4+sqrt(r4^2+((z+z2)+l2/2).^2))./ .....<br />


(r3+sqrt(r3^2+((z+z2)+l2/2).^2)))-((z+z2)-l2/2).*log .....<br />

((r4+sqrt(r4^2+((z+z2)-l2/2).^2))./ ....<br />

(r3+sqrt(r3^2+((z+z2)-l2/2).^2))));<br />

bb=Bk1+Bs+Bk3 ;<br />

plot(z,bb,'r*') %<br />

set(gca,'XLim',[-0.1 0.9])%<br />

set(gca,'yLim',[0 0.25])%<br />


Appendix B<br />

Circuits of the Pulsed Power Devices<br />

Fig. B1. Circuit of the gun-solenoid pulser.<br />


Fig. B2. Circuit of the kicker pulser.<br />


Fig. B3. Circuit of the multi-channel gun pulser.<br />


C1. Model 615 MR Pulserad<br />

Appendix C<br />

The Modified Marx Generator<br />

The Model 615 MR Pulserad is an electron-accelerator system designed specifically<br />

for high-power magnetron experiments by Physics International Company. It consists of<br />

five subassemblies: (1) a DC power supply and controls, (2) trigger amplifiers, (3) a Marx<br />

generator, (4) a pulse clipping switch (crowbar), and (5) a high-voltage vacuum bushing<br />

(diode) [116].<br />

Two trigger amplifiers mounted outside the pulser tank provide the high-level signals<br />

required to trigger the Marx generator and the crowbar switch. The trigger systems are<br />

comprised of a PT-70 control panel and a PT-55 trigger amplifier.<br />

Two inputs are required for these trigger operations: (1) a 7 kV DC bias and (2) a<br />

positive 300 V trigger. These inputs are supplied at the control console. The output of the<br />

trigger amplifier is a positive 50 kV pulse with a risetime of ≤ 10 ns and a duration of<br />

about 50 ns.<br />

External synchronization can be applied to the control function panel but must meet<br />

the following requirements: (1) ≥ +10 V, (2) ≤ 10 ns risetime, and (3) a pulse width of 50<br />

to 100 ns.<br />

The Pulserad 615 MR Marx generator consists of 6 energy storage "stages". In<br />

addition to a 0.5 µF high voltage capacitor, each stage also consists of some resistors and<br />

a spark gap which is pressurized with SF6. All the capacitors in the circuit are charged in<br />

parallel by the high voltage DC power supply. When the capacitors have been charged to<br />

the desired voltage level, the first stage is triggered by PT-55 trigger amplifier. This<br />

trigger pulse, which must exceed the breakdown strength (as low as 3 kV/mm) of the<br />


Marx gas in use (typically Nitrogen), causes the dielectric gas in the first stage to<br />

breakdown and become ionized (and thereby conducting). This effect causes the potential<br />

across the second stage gap to be twice the charging voltage. When all the spark gaps<br />

breakdown, the capacitors become connected in series across the load. Each capacitor is<br />

shunted by isolation resistors. Ignoring the losses in the isolation resistors and series<br />

resistive drops, the output voltage of the generator is six times of the DC charging<br />

voltage. A 12.5 Ω series-damping resistor is placed between the Marx and the diode to<br />

minimize reversal when the crowbar switch is fired.<br />

C2. The Modified Model 615 Pulserad<br />

The modified Pulserad 615 MR Marx generator is composed of capacitors, spark<br />

gaps, and resistors electrically arranged as shown in Fig. C1. Since we need a moderate<br />

voltage (< 20 kV) and long duration pulse in the experiment, we use the capacitor bank to<br />

supply the high voltage without the energy storage "stages". A spark gap is used as a fast<br />

speed switch. A 1 kΩ series resistor is placed between the spark gap and output in order<br />

to protect the capacitors.<br />

CRM<br />

system<br />

1 kΩ<br />

1 µF<br />

50 kV pulse<br />

1.5 kΩ<br />

20 kV High DC<br />

voltage supply<br />

112<br />

PT-55<br />

Trigger amplifier<br />

Fig. C1. The modified circuit in Model 615 MR Pulserad.<br />

Control<br />

function<br />


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