Marketing Aquaculture Products — 1

Marketing Aquaculture Products — 1

Marketing Aquaculture Products — 1


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6. Family owned and operated<br />

Weaknesses (Internal):<br />

1. Breakdown of delivery vehicle<br />

2. Day-of-delivery transportation to meet<br />

fresh non-frozen product delivery<br />

deadlines<br />

3. Labor-intensive hand processing on day<br />

of delivery<br />

4. Limited labor if anyone is sick or there is<br />

an emergency<br />

5. Limited production capacity<br />

Th reats (External):<br />

1. Fuel cost impact on product<br />

2. Main high-value customer restaurant-X<br />

decides to discontinue product<br />

3. Cheaper product steals our market<br />

4. Bad public relations about our operation<br />

or our product<br />

Opportunities (External):<br />

1. Large potential local customer base<br />

2. Huge potential regional customer base<br />

3. Regional food fair to meet many new<br />

contacts over several days<br />

4. Local direct-to consumer marketing at<br />

three nearby farmer’s markets<br />

5. New technology to connect with<br />

customers (Twitter®/Facebook®)<br />

In Strengths we see that the product’s reputation<br />

and attributes are what is driving this<br />

company and its product, not the fact that it<br />

is family owned or a good-looking operation.<br />

Although important marketing points; these<br />

considerations tied for last place in the list.<br />

Weaknesses illustrated that our friends need a<br />

new fuel-effi cient way to get their product to<br />

market. Th is is probably something they have<br />

recognized, but chosen to ignore for some time.<br />

Th ey should start shopping for a new or better<br />

used vehicle or consider contracting for their<br />

delivery needs (sometimes a very cost-eff ective<br />

solution; this also would free-up some of the labor<br />

pressures). Small-operation labor issues are<br />

always problematic, but these labor issues could<br />

be solved by looking at the processing practices<br />

and streamlining them to increase operational<br />

effi ciency, or fi nding some good part-time help<br />

who would work for minimum wage.<br />

In Th reats, we again see the need for a new<br />

vehicle or contracted delivery. We also see the<br />

need to have good open communications and<br />

propagate a strong supplier-buyer relationship<br />

with restaurant-X. Th ere is not much you can<br />

do about cheaper product, but your clients are<br />

not going to go that route if they are getting<br />

quality product from you and have a personal<br />

relationship with you and your staff . Bad PR<br />

happens, but not that oft en. Still, you should<br />

have a risk-management plan that hinges on<br />

openness and quality-control practices that<br />

allow you to defend your product or identify<br />

what happened and where.<br />

Opportunities are a bright spot for this business.<br />

Th ey now see that they have a nice fat nut<br />

to crack to move more product (--and to move<br />

more product they need a little labor help and<br />

new truck, etc.). Th ese market revelations are<br />

not immediately actionable items, but the food<br />

fair is, and should be targeted. Th ey may want<br />

to investigate the farmer’s markets (perhaps<br />

their new part-time employee would like to<br />

staff a table) and talk to their local extension<br />

professional or savvy teenager about social<br />

networking sites.<br />

As you construct your written marketing plan,<br />

be sure to specify major goals achievable over<br />

the next year or production season, and quantify<br />

this in terms of sales, market shares, fi nances,<br />

operations etc. And fi nally, do your best to<br />

defi ne strategic action programs: indicate who,<br />

what, where, when, how etc., and set milestones<br />

and prioritize performance targets. Example<br />

outlines and worksheets on how to organize<br />

this is presented in the next section.<br />

Develop or improve your identity and product<br />

communications as needed. Th is probably<br />

means working with a professional to articulate<br />

your message, develop your image and<br />

label, and strategize about your print advertising<br />

needs. Some aquaculture-ventures do this<br />

work themselves with their own staff or family<br />

<strong>Marketing</strong> <strong>Aquaculture</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>—</strong> 51

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