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Basic Christian<br />

James Version [KJV 1611] and the New King James Version [NKJV]<br />

were translated into English from the Greek Textus Receptus<br />

[unfortunately the changes and modification in the NKJV are from<br />

Alexandrian texts - only the KJV 1611 is from th Textus Receptus] -<br />

This study will show that all other versions have been corrupted and<br />

should be rejected -- Byzantine New Testament Manuscripts - The<br />

major doctrines of the Bible were severely neglected and distorted<br />

during the Dark Ages (476 AD - 1100 AD), "600 years of degenerate,<br />

godless, inhuman behavior" - These doctrines are available today only<br />

because of the 5,000 Greek [Byzantine] manuscripts that survived<br />

Vulgate: The Roman Catholic Church has preserved more than 8,000 copies of the Bible written in Latin and called<br />

the Vulgate which was originally translated from Greek and Hebrew to Latin by Saint Jerome. ... Jerome obtained<br />

his Alexandrian manuscripts (common in North Africa) from which he translated the New Testament portion of the<br />

Latin Vulgate. The Vulgate shows that Jerome did not use Byzantine manuscripts from the Eastern Church. -- The<br />

printing press had been invented no later that 1456 A.D. -- Textus Receptus: The rush was on to produce printed<br />

copies of the Scriptures for the populace. Printer John Froben of Basle contacted Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam<br />

(1466-1536) to prepare a Greek New Testament manuscript for printing. Erasmus was a Roman Catholic who was<br />

highly critical of his own Church. He wanted to change the Church from within and was in disagreement with the<br />

Reformers over their harsh methods. He was in a struggle between the two and at times at odds with both. Erasmus'<br />

theology was more in agreement with the Eastern Greek Church than either the Roman Catholic Church or the<br />

Reformers such as Martin Luther. ... Erasmus used approximately six copies of the Greek Byzantine manuscripts as<br />

his source for the new Bible, rejecting copies of the Alexandrian text available in the Roman Catholic Church. The<br />

first printing of the new Greek Bible was in February 1516 and contained Greek text parallel to his own Latin<br />

version. The work was a huge success and in great demand even though the hurried work left many typographical<br />

errors. The second edition was printed in 1519 and the third in 1522. This work became known as the Textus<br />

Receptus or Received Text. Erasmus' work came under criticism because of a few small differences not found in a<br />

majority of the Greek Byzantine manuscripts. The verse giving a good description of the Trinity (1 John 5:7 in the<br />

KJV and NKJV) was inserted in his third edition. However, this was not an addition by Erasmus, because the same<br />

text can be found in four of the older Greek manuscripts. Of the Greek manuscripts used by Erasmus only one is<br />

said to have contained the book of Revelation but was missing the last page. He is believed to have translated the<br />

last six verses from the Latin Vulgate into Greek. Even so, these verses translated today from other Greek<br />

manuscripts give the same English rendering. The critics of the Textus Receptus tend to focus on these minor<br />

occurrences in the work in order to divert the reader from the real status of the work. The Textus Receptus is the<br />

Holy Inspired Word of God. -- Egyptian New Testament Manuscripts: Codex Sinaiticus (Sin.) was discovered in the<br />

library at the Monastery of St. Catherine at the foot of Mt. Sinai in 1859 by German theologian and Biblical scholar<br />

Count Konstantin von Tischendorf (1815-1874). Some of the Old Testament is missing; however, the whole 4thcentury<br />

New Testament is preserved, with the Letter of Barnabas and most of the Shepherd of Hermas at the end. It<br />

was taken to St. Petersburg (Leningrad, Russia) and in 1933 sold by the Soviet regime to the British Museum<br />

Library in London for only 100,000 British Pounds Sterling. It is a partial manuscript believed to be dated about 350<br />

A.D. as shown in the table below. Later revisions representing attempts to alter the text to a different standard<br />

probably were made about the 6th or 7th century at Caesarea. - Codex Vaticanus (B) was discovered in the Vatican<br />

Library, where it remains and is believed to have been since before 1475 A.D. It is a partial manuscript believed to<br />

be dated about 300 A.D. as shown in the table below. The New Testament is missing Hebrews from Chapter 9,<br />

verse 14, Philemon, and Revelation. The text type is mostly of the Alexandrian group. - Codex Alexandrinus (A)<br />

was discovered in the patriarchal library at Alexandria in the seventeenth century and taken to the British Museum<br />

Library in London as well. It contains most of the New Testament but with lacunae (gaps) in Matthew, John and II<br />

Corinthians, and also contains the extracanonical books of I and II Clement. In the Gospels the text is of the<br />

Byzantine type, but in the rest of the New Testament it is Alexandrian. It is believed to be dated about 450 A.D. as<br />

shown in the table below. - Beatty Papyri (P) were made available in the period between 1930 and 1960 from two<br />

http://www.basicchristian.org/blog_History_Study_Complete.rss[1/16/2012 7:38:03 AM]

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