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Basic Christian<br />

fought on 14 October 1066 less than three weeks after the Battle of Stamford Bridge but the tapestry does not<br />

provide this context. The English fight on foot behind a shield wall, whilst the Normans are on horses. Two fallen<br />

knights are named as Leofwine and Gyrth, Harold's brothers, but both armies are shown fighting bravely. Bishop<br />

Odo brandishes his baton or mace and rallies the Norman troops in battle. To reassure his knights that he is still<br />

alive and well, William raises his helmet to show his face. The battle becomes very bloody with troops being<br />

slaughtered and dismembered corpses littering the ground. King Harold is killed. This scene can be interpreted in<br />

different ways, as the name "Harold" appears above a number of knights, making it difficult to identify which<br />

character is Harold. The final remaining scene shows unarmoured English troops fleeing the battlefield. The last part<br />

of the tapestry is missing but it is thought that story never continued for very much further.<br />

Wikipedia: Robin Hood - Robin Hood was a heroic outlaw in English<br />

folklore - A highly skilled archer and swordsman, he is known for<br />

"robbing from the rich and giving to the poor" assisted by a group of<br />

fellow outlaws known as his "Merry Men" - The idea of Robin Hood as a<br />

high-minded Saxon fighting Norman lords also originates in the 19th<br />

century - The 20th century grafted still further details on to the original<br />

legends. The 1938 film, The Adventures of Robin Hood, starring Errol<br />

Flynn and Olivia de Havilland, portrayed Robin as a hero on a national<br />

scale, leading the oppressed Saxons in revolt against their Norman<br />

overlords while Richard the Lionheart fought in the Crusades; this<br />

movie established itself so definitively that many studios resorted to<br />

movies about his son (invented for that purpose) rather than compete<br />

with the image of this one<br />

There are a number of theories that attempt to identify a historical Robin Hood. A difficulty with any such historical<br />

search is that "Robert" was in medieval England a very common given name, and "Robin" (or Robyn), especially in<br />

the 13th century, was its very common diminutive. The surname "Hood" (or Hude or Hode etc.), referring ultimately<br />

to the head-covering, was also fairly common. Unsurprisingly, therefore, there are a number of people called<br />

"Robert Hood" or "Robin Hood" to be found in medieval records. Some of them are on record for having fallen<br />

afoul of the law, but this is not necessarily significant to the legend. The early ballads give a number of possible<br />

historical clues: notably, the Gest names the reigning king as "Edward", but the ballads cannot be assumed to be<br />

reliable in such details. For whatever it may be worth, however, King Edward I took the throne in 1272, and an<br />

Edward remained on the throne until the death of Edward III in 1377. On the other hand, what appears to be the first<br />

known example of "Robin Hood" as stock name for an outlaw dates to 1262 in Berkshire, where the surname<br />

"Robehod" was applied to a man after he had been outlawed, and apparently because he had been outlawed. This<br />

could suggest two main possibilities: either that an early form of the Robin Hood legend was already well<br />

established in the mid 13th century; or alternatively that the name "Robin Hood" preceded the outlaw hero that we<br />

know; so that the "Robin Hood" of legend was so called because that was seen as an appropriate name for an<br />

outlaw. It has long been suggested, notably by John Maddicott, that "Robin Hood" was a stock alias used by thieves.<br />

CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA - Crusades: The Crusades were expeditions<br />

undertaken, in fulfilment of a solemn vow, to deliver the Holy Places<br />

from Mohammedan tyranny - The idea of the crusade corresponds to a<br />

political conception which was realized in Christendom only from the<br />

eleventh to the fifteenth century - It has been customary to describe<br />

http://www.basicchristian.org/blog_History_Study_Complete.rss[1/16/2012 7:38:03 AM]

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